f"f-string without formatted values is just a string" f"{{NOT a formatted value}}" f"{{NOT 'a' \"formatted\" \"value\"}}" f"some f-string with {a} {few():.2f} {formatted.values!r}" f'some f-string with {a} {few(""):.2f} {formatted.values!r}' f"{f'''{'nested'} inner'''} outer" f"\"{f'{nested} inner'}\" outer" f"space between opening braces: { {a for a in (1, 2, 3)}}" f'Hello \'{tricky + "example"}\'' f"Tried directories {str(rootdirs)} \ but none started with prefix {parentdir_prefix}" # output f"f-string without formatted values is just a string" f"{{NOT a formatted value}}" f'{{NOT \'a\' "formatted" "value"}}' f"some f-string with {a} {few():.2f} {formatted.values!r}" f'some f-string with {a} {few(""):.2f} {formatted.values!r}' f"{f'''{'nested'} inner'''} outer" f"\"{f'{nested} inner'}\" outer" f"space between opening braces: { {a for a in (1, 2, 3)}}" f'Hello \'{tricky + "example"}\'' f"Tried directories {str(rootdirs)} \ but none started with prefix {parentdir_prefix}"