#!/usr/bin/env python3 import asyncio import json import logging import sys from pathlib import Path from platform import system from shutil import rmtree, which from subprocess import CalledProcessError from sys import version_info from typing import Any, Dict, NamedTuple, Optional, Sequence, Tuple from urllib.parse import urlparse import click WINDOWS = system() == "Windows" BLACK_BINARY = "black.exe" if WINDOWS else "black" GIT_BIANRY = "git.exe" if WINDOWS else "git" LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Windows needs a ProactorEventLoop if you want to exec subprocesses # Starting with 3.8 this is the default - can remove when Black >= 3.8 # mypy only respects sys.platform if directly in the evaluation # https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/common_issues.html#python-version-and-system-platform-checks # noqa: B950 if sys.platform == "win32": asyncio.set_event_loop(asyncio.ProactorEventLoop()) class Results(NamedTuple): stats: Dict[str, int] = {} failed_projects: Dict[str, CalledProcessError] = {} async def _gen_check_output( cmd: Sequence[str], timeout: float = 30, env: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, cwd: Optional[Path] = None, ) -> Tuple[bytes, bytes]: process = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec( *cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.STDOUT, env=env, cwd=cwd, ) try: (stdout, stderr) = await asyncio.wait_for(process.communicate(), timeout) except asyncio.TimeoutError: process.kill() await process.wait() raise if process.returncode != 0: cmd_str = " ".join(cmd) raise CalledProcessError( process.returncode, cmd_str, output=stdout, stderr=stderr ) return (stdout, stderr) def analyze_results(project_count: int, results: Results) -> int: failed_pct = round(((results.stats["failed"] / project_count) * 100), 2) success_pct = round(((results.stats["success"] / project_count) * 100), 2) click.secho("-- primer results 📊 --\n", bold=True) click.secho( f"{results.stats['success']} / {project_count} succeeded ({success_pct}%) ✅", bold=True, fg="green", ) click.secho( f"{results.stats['failed']} / {project_count} FAILED ({failed_pct}%) 💩", bold=bool(results.stats["failed"]), fg="red", ) s = "" if results.stats["disabled"] == 1 else "s" click.echo(f" - {results.stats['disabled']} project{s} disabled by config") s = "" if results.stats["wrong_py_ver"] == 1 else "s" click.echo( f" - {results.stats['wrong_py_ver']} project{s} skipped due to Python version" ) click.echo( f" - {results.stats['skipped_long_checkout']} skipped due to long checkout" ) if results.failed_projects: click.secho("\nFailed projects:\n", bold=True) for project_name, project_cpe in results.failed_projects.items(): print(f"## {project_name}:") print(f" - Returned {project_cpe.returncode}") if project_cpe.stderr: print(f" - stderr:\n{project_cpe.stderr.decode('utf8')}") if project_cpe.stdout: print(f" - stdout:\n{project_cpe.stdout.decode('utf8')}") print("") return results.stats["failed"] async def black_run( repo_path: Path, project_config: Dict[str, Any], results: Results ) -> None: """Run Black and record failures""" cmd = [str(which(BLACK_BINARY))] if "cli_arguments" in project_config and project_config["cli_arguments"]: cmd.extend(*project_config["cli_arguments"]) cmd.extend(["--check", "--diff", "."]) try: _stdout, _stderr = await _gen_check_output(cmd, cwd=repo_path) except asyncio.TimeoutError: results.stats["failed"] += 1 LOG.error(f"Running black for {repo_path} timed out ({cmd})") except CalledProcessError as cpe: # TODO: Tune for smarter for higher signal # If any other reutrn value than 1 we raise - can disable project in config if cpe.returncode == 1: if not project_config["expect_formatting_changes"]: results.stats["failed"] += 1 results.failed_projects[repo_path.name] = cpe else: results.stats["success"] += 1 return LOG.error(f"Unkown error with {repo_path}") raise # If we get here and expect formatting changes something is up if project_config["expect_formatting_changes"]: results.stats["failed"] += 1 results.failed_projects[repo_path.name] = CalledProcessError( 0, cmd, b"Expected formatting changes but didn't get any!", b"" ) return results.stats["success"] += 1 async def git_checkout_or_rebase( work_path: Path, project_config: Dict[str, Any], rebase: bool = False, *, depth: int = 1, ) -> Optional[Path]: """git Clone project or rebase""" git_bin = str(which(GIT_BIANRY)) if not git_bin: LOG.error("No git binary found") return None repo_url_parts = urlparse(project_config["git_clone_url"]) path_parts = repo_url_parts.path[1:].split("/", maxsplit=1) repo_path: Path = work_path / path_parts[1].replace(".git", "") cmd = [git_bin, "clone", "--depth", str(depth), project_config["git_clone_url"]] cwd = work_path if repo_path.exists() and rebase: cmd = [git_bin, "pull", "--rebase"] cwd = repo_path elif repo_path.exists(): return repo_path try: _stdout, _stderr = await _gen_check_output(cmd, cwd=cwd) except (asyncio.TimeoutError, CalledProcessError) as e: LOG.error(f"Unable to git clone / pull {project_config['git_clone_url']}: {e}") return None return repo_path async def load_projects_queue( config_path: Path, ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], asyncio.Queue]: """Load project config and fill queue with all the project names""" with config_path.open("r") as cfp: config = json.load(cfp) # TODO: Offer more options here # e.g. Run on X random packages or specific sub list etc. project_names = sorted(config["projects"].keys()) queue: asyncio.Queue = asyncio.Queue(maxsize=len(project_names)) for project in project_names: await queue.put(project) return config, queue async def project_runner( idx: int, config: Dict[str, Any], queue: asyncio.Queue, work_path: Path, results: Results, long_checkouts: bool = False, rebase: bool = False, keep: bool = False, ) -> None: """Check out project and run Black on it + record result""" loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() py_version = f"{version_info[0]}.{version_info[1]}" while True: try: project_name = queue.get_nowait() except asyncio.QueueEmpty: LOG.debug(f"project_runner {idx} exiting") return project_config = config["projects"][project_name] # Check if disabled by config if "disabled" in project_config and project_config["disabled"]: results.stats["disabled"] += 1 LOG.info(f"Skipping {project_name} as it's disabled via config") continue # Check if we should run on this version of Python if ( "all" not in project_config["py_versions"] and py_version not in project_config["py_versions"] ): results.stats["wrong_py_ver"] += 1 LOG.debug(f"Skipping {project_name} as it's not enabled for {py_version}") continue # Check if we're doing big projects / long checkouts if not long_checkouts and project_config["long_checkout"]: results.stats["skipped_long_checkout"] += 1 LOG.debug(f"Skipping {project_name} as it's configured as a long checkout") continue repo_path = await git_checkout_or_rebase(work_path, project_config, rebase) if not repo_path: continue await black_run(repo_path, project_config, results) if not keep: LOG.debug(f"Removing {repo_path}") await loop.run_in_executor(None, rmtree, repo_path) async def process_queue( config_file: str, work_path: Path, workers: int, keep: bool = False, long_checkouts: bool = False, rebase: bool = False, ) -> int: """ Process the queue with X workers and evaluate results - Success is guaged via the config "expect_formatting_changes" Integer return equals the number of failed projects """ results = Results() results.stats["disabled"] = 0 results.stats["failed"] = 0 results.stats["skipped_long_checkout"] = 0 results.stats["success"] = 0 results.stats["wrong_py_ver"] = 0 config, queue = await load_projects_queue(Path(config_file)) project_count = queue.qsize() s = "" if project_count == 1 else "s" LOG.info(f"{project_count} project{s} to run Black over") if project_count < 1: return -1 s = "" if workers == 1 else "s" LOG.debug(f"Using {workers} parallel worker{s} to run Black") # Wait until we finish running all the projects before analyzing await asyncio.gather( *[ project_runner( i, config, queue, work_path, results, long_checkouts, rebase, keep ) for i in range(workers) ] ) LOG.info("Analyzing results") return analyze_results(project_count, results) if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: nocover raise NotImplementedError("lib is a library, funnily enough.")