# vim: ft=colortemplate fdm=marker noet ts=8 tw=78 documentation *@shortname.txt* For Vim version @vimversion Last change: @date @fullname color scheme by @maintainer @fullname colorscheme *@shortname* @fullname is my personal colorscheme. It supports dark and light backgrounds, so you must set 'background' before loading the colorscheme. For example: set background=dark colorscheme @shortname @fullname requires at least 256 colors and supports "true color" terminals. ============================================================================== Colorscheme options @shortname-options* *g:@optionprefix_dimmed* Set to 1 to dim down some colours a bit. Takes effect only in the terminal. let g:@optionprefix_dimmed = 0 *g:@optionprefix_transparent* Set to 1 if you want a transparent background. Takes effect only in the terminal. let g:@optionprefix_transparent = 0 enddocumentation