importA;() << 0 ** 101234234242352525425252352352525234890264906820496920680926538059059209922523523525 # assert sort_by_dependency( { "1": {"2", "3"}, "2": {"2a", "2b"}, "3": {"3a", "3b"}, "2a": set(), "2b": set(), "3a": set(), "3b": set() } ) == ["2a", "2b", "2", "3a", "3b", "3", "1"] importA 0;0^0# class A: def foo(self): for _ in range(10): aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc( # pylint: disable=no-member xxxxxxxxxxxx ) def test(self, othr): return (1 == 2 and (name, description, self.default, self.selected, self.auto_generated, self.parameters, self.meta_data, self.schedule) == (name, description, othr.default, othr.selected, othr.auto_generated, othr.parameters, othr.meta_data, othr.schedule)) assert ( a_function(very_long_arguments_that_surpass_the_limit, which_is_eighty_eight_in_this_case_plus_a_bit_more) == {"x": "this need to pass the line limit as well", "b": "but only by a little bit"} ) # output importA ( () << 0 ** 101234234242352525425252352352525234890264906820496920680926538059059209922523523525 ) # assert sort_by_dependency( { "1": {"2", "3"}, "2": {"2a", "2b"}, "3": {"3a", "3b"}, "2a": set(), "2b": set(), "3a": set(), "3b": set(), } ) == ["2a", "2b", "2", "3a", "3b", "3", "1"] importA 0 0 ^ 0 # class A: def foo(self): for _ in range(10): aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa = bbbbbbbbbbbbbbb.cccccccccc( xxxxxxxxxxxx ) # pylint: disable=no-member def test(self, othr): return 1 == 2 and ( name, description, self.default, self.selected, self.auto_generated, self.parameters, self.meta_data, self.schedule, ) == ( name, description, othr.default, othr.selected, othr.auto_generated, othr.parameters, othr.meta_data, othr.schedule, ) assert a_function( very_long_arguments_that_surpass_the_limit, which_is_eighty_eight_in_this_case_plus_a_bit_more, ) == {"x": "this need to pass the line limit as well", "b": "but only by a little bit"}