"""Caching of formatted files with feature-based invalidation.""" import os import pickle from pathlib import Path import tempfile from typing import Dict, Iterable, Set, Tuple from appdirs import user_cache_dir from black.mode import Mode from _black_version import version as __version__ # types Timestamp = float FileSize = int CacheInfo = Tuple[Timestamp, FileSize] Cache = Dict[str, CacheInfo] CACHE_DIR = Path(user_cache_dir("black", version=__version__)) def read_cache(mode: Mode) -> Cache: """Read the cache if it exists and is well formed. If it is not well formed, the call to write_cache later should resolve the issue. """ cache_file = get_cache_file(mode) if not cache_file.exists(): return {} with cache_file.open("rb") as fobj: try: cache: Cache = pickle.load(fobj) except (pickle.UnpicklingError, ValueError): return {} return cache def get_cache_file(mode: Mode) -> Path: return CACHE_DIR / f"cache.{mode.get_cache_key()}.pickle" def get_cache_info(path: Path) -> CacheInfo: """Return the information used to check if a file is already formatted or not.""" stat = path.stat() return stat.st_mtime, stat.st_size def filter_cached(cache: Cache, sources: Iterable[Path]) -> Tuple[Set[Path], Set[Path]]: """Split an iterable of paths in `sources` into two sets. The first contains paths of files that modified on disk or are not in the cache. The other contains paths to non-modified files. """ todo, done = set(), set() for src in sources: res_src = src.resolve() if cache.get(str(res_src)) != get_cache_info(res_src): todo.add(src) else: done.add(src) return todo, done def write_cache(cache: Cache, sources: Iterable[Path], mode: Mode) -> None: """Update the cache file.""" cache_file = get_cache_file(mode) try: CACHE_DIR.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) new_cache = { **cache, **{str(src.resolve()): get_cache_info(src) for src in sources}, } with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(dir=str(cache_file.parent), delete=False) as f: pickle.dump(new_cache, f, protocol=4) os.replace(f.name, cache_file) except OSError: pass