import io import os import sys from functools import lru_cache from pathlib import Path from typing import ( TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Optional, Pattern, Sequence, Tuple, Union, ) from mypy_extensions import mypyc_attr from pathspec import PathSpec from pathspec.patterns.gitwildmatch import GitWildMatchPatternError if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): try: import tomllib except ImportError: # Help users on older alphas import tomli as tomllib else: import tomli as tomllib from black.handle_ipynb_magics import jupyter_dependencies_are_installed from black.output import err from import Report if TYPE_CHECKING: import colorama # noqa: F401 @lru_cache() def find_project_root( srcs: Sequence[str], stdin_filename: Optional[str] = None ) -> Tuple[Path, str]: """Return a directory containing .git, .hg, or pyproject.toml. That directory will be a common parent of all files and directories passed in `srcs`. If no directory in the tree contains a marker that would specify it's the project root, the root of the file system is returned. Returns a two-tuple with the first element as the project root path and the second element as a string describing the method by which the project root was discovered. """ if stdin_filename is not None: srcs = tuple(stdin_filename if s == "-" else s for s in srcs) if not srcs: srcs = [str(Path.cwd().resolve())] path_srcs = [Path(Path.cwd(), src).resolve() for src in srcs] # A list of lists of parents for each 'src'. 'src' is included as a # "parent" of itself if it is a directory src_parents = [ list(path.parents) + ([path] if path.is_dir() else []) for path in path_srcs ] common_base = max( set.intersection(*(set(parents) for parents in src_parents)), key=lambda path:, ) for directory in (common_base, *common_base.parents): if (directory / ".git").exists(): return directory, ".git directory" if (directory / ".hg").is_dir(): return directory, ".hg directory" if (directory / "pyproject.toml").is_file(): return directory, "pyproject.toml" return directory, "file system root" def find_pyproject_toml(path_search_start: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Optional[str]: """Find the absolute filepath to a pyproject.toml if it exists""" path_project_root, _ = find_project_root(path_search_start) path_pyproject_toml = path_project_root / "pyproject.toml" if path_pyproject_toml.is_file(): return str(path_pyproject_toml) try: path_user_pyproject_toml = find_user_pyproject_toml() return ( str(path_user_pyproject_toml) if path_user_pyproject_toml.is_file() else None ) except (PermissionError, RuntimeError) as e: # We do not have access to the user-level config directory, so ignore it. err(f"Ignoring user configuration directory due to {e!r}") return None @mypyc_attr(patchable=True) def parse_pyproject_toml(path_config: str) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parse a pyproject toml file, pulling out relevant parts for Black If parsing fails, will raise a tomllib.TOMLDecodeError """ with open(path_config, "rb") as f: pyproject_toml = tomllib.load(f) config = pyproject_toml.get("tool", {}).get("black", {}) return {k.replace("--", "").replace("-", "_"): v for k, v in config.items()} @lru_cache() def find_user_pyproject_toml() -> Path: r"""Return the path to the top-level user configuration for black. This looks for ~\.black on Windows and ~/.config/black on Linux and other Unix systems. May raise: - RuntimeError: if the current user has no homedir - PermissionError: if the current process cannot access the user's homedir """ if sys.platform == "win32": # Windows user_config_path = Path.home() / ".black" else: config_root = os.environ.get("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", "~/.config") user_config_path = Path(config_root).expanduser() / "black" return user_config_path.resolve() @lru_cache() def get_gitignore(root: Path) -> PathSpec: """Return a PathSpec matching gitignore content if present.""" gitignore = root / ".gitignore" lines: List[str] = [] if gitignore.is_file(): with"utf-8") as gf: lines = gf.readlines() try: return PathSpec.from_lines("gitwildmatch", lines) except GitWildMatchPatternError as e: err(f"Could not parse {gitignore}: {e}") raise def normalize_path_maybe_ignore( path: Path, root: Path, report: Optional[Report] = None, ) -> Optional[str]: """Normalize `path`. May return `None` if `path` was ignored. `report` is where "path ignored" output goes. """ try: abspath = path if path.is_absolute() else Path.cwd() / path normalized_path = abspath.resolve() try: root_relative_path = normalized_path.relative_to(root).as_posix() except ValueError: if report: report.path_ignored( path, f"is a symbolic link that points outside {root}" ) return None except OSError as e: if report: report.path_ignored(path, f"cannot be read because {e}") return None return root_relative_path def path_is_excluded( normalized_path: str, pattern: Optional[Pattern[str]], ) -> bool: match = if pattern else None return bool(match and def gen_python_files( paths: Iterable[Path], root: Path, include: Pattern[str], exclude: Pattern[str], extend_exclude: Optional[Pattern[str]], force_exclude: Optional[Pattern[str]], report: Report, gitignore: Optional[PathSpec], *, verbose: bool, quiet: bool, ) -> Iterator[Path]: """Generate all files under `path` whose paths are not excluded by the `exclude_regex`, `extend_exclude`, or `force_exclude` regexes, but are included by the `include` regex. Symbolic links pointing outside of the `root` directory are ignored. `report` is where output about exclusions goes. """ assert root.is_absolute(), f"INTERNAL ERROR: `root` must be absolute but is {root}" for child in paths: normalized_path = normalize_path_maybe_ignore(child, root, report) if normalized_path is None: continue # First ignore files matching .gitignore, if passed if gitignore is not None and gitignore.match_file(normalized_path): report.path_ignored(child, "matches the .gitignore file content") continue # Then ignore with `--exclude` `--extend-exclude` and `--force-exclude` options. normalized_path = "/" + normalized_path if child.is_dir(): normalized_path += "/" if path_is_excluded(normalized_path, exclude): report.path_ignored(child, "matches the --exclude regular expression") continue if path_is_excluded(normalized_path, extend_exclude): report.path_ignored( child, "matches the --extend-exclude regular expression" ) continue if path_is_excluded(normalized_path, force_exclude): report.path_ignored(child, "matches the --force-exclude regular expression") continue if child.is_dir(): # If gitignore is None, gitignore usage is disabled, while a Falsey # gitignore is when the directory doesn't have a .gitignore file. yield from gen_python_files( child.iterdir(), root, include, exclude, extend_exclude, force_exclude, report, gitignore + get_gitignore(child) if gitignore is not None else None, verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet, ) elif child.is_file(): if child.suffix == ".ipynb" and not jupyter_dependencies_are_installed( verbose=verbose, quiet=quiet ): continue include_match = if include else True if include_match: yield child def wrap_stream_for_windows( f: io.TextIOWrapper, ) -> Union[io.TextIOWrapper, "colorama.AnsiToWin32"]: """ Wrap stream with colorama's wrap_stream so colors are shown on Windows. If `colorama` is unavailable, the original stream is returned unmodified. Otherwise, the `wrap_stream()` function determines whether the stream needs to be wrapped for a Windows environment and will accordingly either return an `AnsiToWin32` wrapper or the original stream. """ try: from colorama.initialise import wrap_stream except ImportError: return f else: # Set `strip=False` to avoid needing to modify test_express_diff_with_color. return wrap_stream(f, convert=None, strip=False, autoreset=False, wrap=True)