# Example configuration for Black. # NOTE: you have to use single-quoted strings in TOML for regular expressions. # It's the equivalent of r-strings in Python. Multiline strings are treated as # verbose regular expressions by Black. Use [ ] to denote a significant space # character. [tool.black] line-length = 88 target-version = ['py36', 'py37', 'py38'] include = '\.pyi?$' extend-exclude = ''' /( # The following are specific to Black, you probably don't want those. | blib2to3 | tests/data | profiling )/ ''' # Build system information below. # NOTE: You don't need this in your own Black configuration. [build-system] requires = ["setuptools>=45.0", "setuptools_scm[toml]>=6.3.1", "wheel"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.pytest.ini_options] # Option below requires `tests/optional.py` optional-tests = [ "no_python2: run when `python2` extra NOT installed", "no_blackd: run when `d` extra NOT installed", "no_jupyter: run when `jupyter` extra NOT installed", ] markers = [ "incompatible_with_mypyc: run when testing mypyc compiled black" ]