Usage and Configuration ======================= .. toctree:: :hidden: the_basics file_collection_and_discovery black_as_a_server black_docker_image Sometimes, running *Black* with its defaults and passing filepaths to it just won't cut it. Passing each file using paths will become burdensome, and maybe you would like *Black* to not touch your files and just output diffs. And yes, you *can* tweak certain parts of *Black*'s style, but please know that configurability in this area is purposefully limited. Using many of these more advanced features of *Black* will require some configuration. Configuration that will either live on the command line or in a TOML configuration file. This section covers features of *Black* and configuring *Black* in detail: - :doc:`The basics <./the_basics>` - :doc:`File collection and discovery ` - :doc:`Black as a server (blackd) <./black_as_a_server>` - :doc:`Black Docker image <./black_docker_image>`