""" Simple formatting on strings. Further string formatting code is in trans.py. """ import re import sys from functools import lru_cache from typing import List, Pattern if sys.version_info < (3, 8): from typing_extensions import Final else: from typing import Final STRING_PREFIX_CHARS: Final = "furbFURB" # All possible string prefix characters. STRING_PREFIX_RE: Final = re.compile( r"^([" + STRING_PREFIX_CHARS + r"]*)(.*)$", re.DOTALL ) FIRST_NON_WHITESPACE_RE: Final = re.compile(r"\s*\t+\s*(\S)") def sub_twice(regex: Pattern[str], replacement: str, original: str) -> str: """Replace `regex` with `replacement` twice on `original`. This is used by string normalization to perform replaces on overlapping matches. """ return regex.sub(replacement, regex.sub(replacement, original)) def has_triple_quotes(string: str) -> bool: """ Returns: True iff @string starts with three quotation characters. """ raw_string = string.lstrip(STRING_PREFIX_CHARS) return raw_string[:3] in {'"""', "'''"} def lines_with_leading_tabs_expanded(s: str) -> List[str]: """ Splits string into lines and expands only leading tabs (following the normal Python rules) """ lines = [] for line in s.splitlines(): # Find the index of the first non-whitespace character after a string of # whitespace that includes at least one tab match = FIRST_NON_WHITESPACE_RE.match(line) if match: first_non_whitespace_idx = match.start(1) lines.append( line[:first_non_whitespace_idx].expandtabs() + line[first_non_whitespace_idx:] ) else: lines.append(line) return lines def fix_docstring(docstring: str, prefix: str) -> str: # https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0257/#handling-docstring-indentation if not docstring: return "" lines = lines_with_leading_tabs_expanded(docstring) # Determine minimum indentation (first line doesn't count): indent = sys.maxsize for line in lines[1:]: stripped = line.lstrip() if stripped: indent = min(indent, len(line) - len(stripped)) # Remove indentation (first line is special): trimmed = [lines[0].strip()] if indent < sys.maxsize: last_line_idx = len(lines) - 2 for i, line in enumerate(lines[1:]): stripped_line = line[indent:].rstrip() if stripped_line or i == last_line_idx: trimmed.append(prefix + stripped_line) else: trimmed.append("") return "\n".join(trimmed) def get_string_prefix(string: str) -> str: """ Pre-conditions: * assert_is_leaf_string(@string) Returns: @string's prefix (e.g. '', 'r', 'f', or 'rf'). """ assert_is_leaf_string(string) prefix = "" prefix_idx = 0 while string[prefix_idx] in STRING_PREFIX_CHARS: prefix += string[prefix_idx] prefix_idx += 1 return prefix def assert_is_leaf_string(string: str) -> None: """ Checks the pre-condition that @string has the format that you would expect of `leaf.value` where `leaf` is some Leaf such that `leaf.type == token.STRING`. A more precise description of the pre-conditions that are checked are listed below. Pre-conditions: * @string starts with either ', ", ', or " where `set()` is some subset of `set(STRING_PREFIX_CHARS)`. * @string ends with a quote character (' or "). Raises: AssertionError(...) if the pre-conditions listed above are not satisfied. """ dquote_idx = string.find('"') squote_idx = string.find("'") if -1 in [dquote_idx, squote_idx]: quote_idx = max(dquote_idx, squote_idx) else: quote_idx = min(squote_idx, dquote_idx) assert ( 0 <= quote_idx < len(string) - 1 ), f"{string!r} is missing a starting quote character (' or \")." assert string[-1] in ( "'", '"', ), f"{string!r} is missing an ending quote character (' or \")." assert set(string[:quote_idx]).issubset( set(STRING_PREFIX_CHARS) ), f"{set(string[:quote_idx])} is NOT a subset of {set(STRING_PREFIX_CHARS)}." def normalize_string_prefix(s: str) -> str: """Make all string prefixes lowercase.""" match = STRING_PREFIX_RE.match(s) assert match is not None, f"failed to match string {s!r}" orig_prefix = match.group(1) new_prefix = ( orig_prefix.replace("F", "f") .replace("B", "b") .replace("U", "") .replace("u", "") ) # Python syntax guarantees max 2 prefixes and that one of them is "r" if len(new_prefix) == 2 and "r" != new_prefix[0].lower(): new_prefix = new_prefix[::-1] return f"{new_prefix}{match.group(2)}" # Re(gex) does actually cache patterns internally but this still improves # performance on a long list literal of strings by 5-9% since lru_cache's # caching overhead is much lower. @lru_cache(maxsize=64) def _cached_compile(pattern: str) -> Pattern[str]: return re.compile(pattern) def normalize_string_quotes(s: str) -> str: """Prefer double quotes but only if it doesn't cause more escaping. Adds or removes backslashes as appropriate. Doesn't parse and fix strings nested in f-strings. """ value = s.lstrip(STRING_PREFIX_CHARS) if value[:3] == '"""': return s elif value[:3] == "'''": orig_quote = "'''" new_quote = '"""' elif value[0] == '"': orig_quote = '"' new_quote = "'" else: orig_quote = "'" new_quote = '"' first_quote_pos = s.find(orig_quote) if first_quote_pos == -1: return s # There's an internal error prefix = s[:first_quote_pos] unescaped_new_quote = _cached_compile(rf"(([^\\]|^)(\\\\)*){new_quote}") escaped_new_quote = _cached_compile(rf"([^\\]|^)\\((?:\\\\)*){new_quote}") escaped_orig_quote = _cached_compile(rf"([^\\]|^)\\((?:\\\\)*){orig_quote}") body = s[first_quote_pos + len(orig_quote) : -len(orig_quote)] if "r" in prefix.casefold(): if unescaped_new_quote.search(body): # There's at least one unescaped new_quote in this raw string # so converting is impossible return s # Do not introduce or remove backslashes in raw strings new_body = body else: # remove unnecessary escapes new_body = sub_twice(escaped_new_quote, rf"\1\2{new_quote}", body) if body != new_body: # Consider the string without unnecessary escapes as the original body = new_body s = f"{prefix}{orig_quote}{body}{orig_quote}" new_body = sub_twice(escaped_orig_quote, rf"\1\2{orig_quote}", new_body) new_body = sub_twice(unescaped_new_quote, rf"\1\\{new_quote}", new_body) if "f" in prefix.casefold(): matches = re.findall( r""" (?:(? orig_escape_count: return s # Do not introduce more escaping if new_escape_count == orig_escape_count and orig_quote == '"': return s # Prefer double quotes return f"{prefix}{new_quote}{new_body}{new_quote}"