*vim-password-store* Niceties for editing password-store files =============================================================================== CONTENTS *password-store-contents* 1. Intro ........................................... |password-store-intro| 2. Requirements ............................. |password-store-requirements| 3. Usage ........................................... |password-store-usage| 4. Licence ....................................... |password-store-licence| 5. Credits ....................................... |password-store-credits| =============================================================================== 1. Intro *password-store-intro* Password store is a nice command line password manager, well suited to vim's style. Tom Ryder has written a plugin to unset the standard password security leakages, backup files, info files etc. This works well, but doesn't provide hooks for extending. I wanted to add a few simple enhancements, including unsetting spelling (no password should be spell checked :-) and some simple syntax highlighting. 2. Requirements *password-store-requirements* A plugin manager (not required but the plugin is written to expect this) and password-store https://www.passwordstore.org/ . 3. Usage *password-store-usage* The plugin automatically loads when it sees the appropriate file paths for password-store. This is Tom Ryders 4. Licence *password-store-licence* This plugin is licensed under the same terms as vim itself (see |license| ) 5. Credits *password-store-credits* Tom Ryder https://git.zx2c4.com/password-store/ vim:ft=help