""" Allows configuring optional test markers in config, see pyproject.toml. Run optional tests with `pytest --run-optional=...`. Mark tests to run only if an optional test ISN'T selected by prepending the mark with "no_". You can specify a "no_" prefix straight in config, in which case you can mark tests to run when this tests ISN'T selected by omitting the "no_" prefix. Specifying the name of the default behavior in `--run-optional=` is harmless. Adapted from https://pypi.org/project/pytest-optional-tests/, (c) 2019 Reece Hart """ import itertools import logging import re from functools import lru_cache from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, FrozenSet, List, Set import pytest try: from pytest import StashKey except ImportError: # pytest < 7 from _pytest.store import StoreKey as StashKey # type: ignore[no-redef] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if TYPE_CHECKING: from _pytest.config import Config from _pytest.config.argparsing import Parser from _pytest.mark.structures import MarkDecorator from _pytest.nodes import Node ALL_POSSIBLE_OPTIONAL_MARKERS = StashKey[FrozenSet[str]]() ENABLED_OPTIONAL_MARKERS = StashKey[FrozenSet[str]]() def pytest_addoption(parser: "Parser") -> None: group = parser.getgroup("collect") group.addoption( "--run-optional", action="append", dest="run_optional", default=None, help="Optional test markers to run; comma-separated", ) parser.addini("optional-tests", "List of optional tests markers", "linelist") def pytest_configure(config: "Config") -> None: """Optional tests are markers. Use the syntax in https://docs.pytest.org/en/stable/mark.html#registering-marks. """ ot_ini = config.inicfg.get("optional-tests") or [] ot_markers = set() ot_run: Set[str] = set() if isinstance(ot_ini, str): ot_ini = ot_ini.strip().split("\n") marker_re = re.compile(r"^\s*(?Pno_)?(?P\w+)(:\s*(?P.*))?") for ot in ot_ini: m = marker_re.match(ot) if not m: raise ValueError(f"{ot!r} doesn't match pytest marker syntax") marker = (m.group("no") or "") + m.group("marker") description = m.group("description") config.addinivalue_line("markers", f"{marker}: {description}") config.addinivalue_line( "markers", f"{no(marker)}: run when `{marker}` not passed" ) ot_markers.add(marker) # collect requested optional tests passed_args = config.getoption("run_optional") if passed_args: ot_run.update(itertools.chain.from_iterable(a.split(",") for a in passed_args)) ot_run |= {no(excluded) for excluded in ot_markers - ot_run} ot_markers |= {no(m) for m in ot_markers} log.info("optional tests to run:", ot_run) unknown_tests = ot_run - ot_markers if unknown_tests: raise ValueError(f"Unknown optional tests wanted: {unknown_tests!r}") store = config._store store[ALL_POSSIBLE_OPTIONAL_MARKERS] = frozenset(ot_markers) store[ENABLED_OPTIONAL_MARKERS] = frozenset(ot_run) def pytest_collection_modifyitems(config: "Config", items: "List[Node]") -> None: store = config._store all_possible_optional_markers = store[ALL_POSSIBLE_OPTIONAL_MARKERS] enabled_optional_markers = store[ENABLED_OPTIONAL_MARKERS] for item in items: all_markers_on_test = {m.name for m in item.iter_markers()} optional_markers_on_test = all_markers_on_test & all_possible_optional_markers if not optional_markers_on_test or ( optional_markers_on_test & enabled_optional_markers ): continue log.info("skipping non-requested optional", item) item.add_marker(skip_mark(frozenset(optional_markers_on_test))) @lru_cache() def skip_mark(tests: FrozenSet[str]) -> "MarkDecorator": names = ", ".join(sorted(tests)) return pytest.mark.skip(reason=f"Marked with disabled optional tests ({names})") @lru_cache() def no(name: str) -> str: if name.startswith("no_"): return name[len("no_") :] return "no_" + name