import re from click.testing import CliRunner from black.handle_ipynb_magics import jupyter_dependencies_are_installed from black import ( main, NothingChanged, format_cell, format_file_contents, format_file_in_place, ) import pytest from black import Mode from _pytest.monkeypatch import MonkeyPatch from py.path import local from tests.util import DATA_DIR pytestmark = pytest.mark.jupyter pytest.importorskip("IPython", reason="IPython is an optional dependency") pytest.importorskip("tokenize_rt", reason="tokenize-rt is an optional dependency") JUPYTER_MODE = Mode(is_ipynb=True) runner = CliRunner() def test_noop() -> None: src = 'foo = "a"' with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) @pytest.mark.parametrize("fast", [True, False]) def test_trailing_semicolon(fast: bool) -> None: src = 'foo = "a" ;' result = format_cell(src, fast=fast, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = 'foo = "a";' assert result == expected def test_trailing_semicolon_with_comment() -> None: src = 'foo = "a" ; # bar' result = format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = 'foo = "a"; # bar' assert result == expected def test_trailing_semicolon_with_comment_on_next_line() -> None: src = "import black;\n\n# this is a comment" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_trailing_semicolon_indented() -> None: src = "with foo:\n plot_bar();" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_trailing_semicolon_noop() -> None: src = 'foo = "a";' with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_cell_magic() -> None: src = "%%time\nfoo =bar" result = format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = "%%time\nfoo = bar" assert result == expected def test_cell_magic_noop() -> None: src = "%%time\n2 + 2" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "src, expected", ( pytest.param("ls =!ls", "ls = !ls", id="System assignment"), pytest.param("!ls\n'foo'", '!ls\n"foo"', id="System call"), pytest.param("!!ls\n'foo'", '!!ls\n"foo"', id="Other system call"), pytest.param("?str\n'foo'", '?str\n"foo"', id="Help"), pytest.param("??str\n'foo'", '??str\n"foo"', id="Other help"), pytest.param( "%matplotlib inline\n'foo'", '%matplotlib inline\n"foo"', id="Line magic with argument", ), pytest.param("%time\n'foo'", '%time\n"foo"', id="Line magic without argument"), ), ) def test_magic(src: str, expected: str) -> None: result = format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) assert result == expected @pytest.mark.parametrize( "src", ( "%%bash\n2+2", "%%html --isolated\n2+2", ), ) def test_non_python_magics(src: str) -> None: with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_set_input() -> None: src = "a = b??" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_input_already_contains_transformed_magic() -> None: src = '%time foo()\nget_ipython().run_cell_magic("time", "", "foo()\\n")' with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_magic_noop() -> None: src = "ls = !ls" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_cell_magic_with_magic() -> None: src = "%%t -n1\nls =!ls" result = format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = "%%t -n1\nls = !ls" assert result == expected def test_cell_magic_nested() -> None: src = "%%time\n%%time\n2+2" result = format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = "%%time\n%%time\n2 + 2" assert result == expected def test_cell_magic_with_magic_noop() -> None: src = "%%t -n1\nls = !ls" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_automagic() -> None: src = "pip install black" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_multiline_magic() -> None: src = "%time 1 + \\\n2" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_multiline_no_magic() -> None: src = "1 + \\\n2" result = format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = "1 + 2" assert result == expected def test_cell_magic_with_invalid_body() -> None: src = "%%time\nif True" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_empty_cell() -> None: src = "" with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_entire_notebook_empty_metadata() -> None: with open(DATA_DIR / "notebook_empty_metadata.ipynb", "rb") as fd: content_bytes = content = content_bytes.decode() result = format_file_contents(content, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = ( "{\n" ' "cells": [\n' " {\n" ' "cell_type": "code",\n' ' "execution_count": null,\n' ' "metadata": {\n' ' "tags": []\n' " },\n" ' "outputs": [],\n' ' "source": [\n' ' "%%time\\n",\n' ' "\\n",\n' ' "print(\\"foo\\")"\n' " ]\n" " },\n" " {\n" ' "cell_type": "code",\n' ' "execution_count": null,\n' ' "metadata": {},\n' ' "outputs": [],\n' ' "source": []\n' " }\n" " ],\n" ' "metadata": {},\n' ' "nbformat": 4,\n' ' "nbformat_minor": 4\n' "}\n" ) assert result == expected def test_entire_notebook_trailing_newline() -> None: with open(DATA_DIR / "notebook_trailing_newline.ipynb", "rb") as fd: content_bytes = content = content_bytes.decode() result = format_file_contents(content, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = ( "{\n" ' "cells": [\n' " {\n" ' "cell_type": "code",\n' ' "execution_count": null,\n' ' "metadata": {\n' ' "tags": []\n' " },\n" ' "outputs": [],\n' ' "source": [\n' ' "%%time\\n",\n' ' "\\n",\n' ' "print(\\"foo\\")"\n' " ]\n" " },\n" " {\n" ' "cell_type": "code",\n' ' "execution_count": null,\n' ' "metadata": {},\n' ' "outputs": [],\n' ' "source": []\n' " }\n" " ],\n" ' "metadata": {\n' ' "interpreter": {\n' ' "hash": "e758f3098b5b55f4d87fe30bbdc1367f20f246b483f96267ee70e6c40cb185d8"\n' # noqa:B950 " },\n" ' "kernelspec": {\n' ' "display_name": "Python 3.8.10 64-bit (\'black\': venv)",\n' ' "name": "python3"\n' " },\n" ' "language_info": {\n' ' "name": "python",\n' ' "version": ""\n' " }\n" " },\n" ' "nbformat": 4,\n' ' "nbformat_minor": 4\n' "}\n" ) assert result == expected def test_entire_notebook_no_trailing_newline() -> None: with open(DATA_DIR / "notebook_no_trailing_newline.ipynb", "rb") as fd: content_bytes = content = content_bytes.decode() result = format_file_contents(content, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) expected = ( "{\n" ' "cells": [\n' " {\n" ' "cell_type": "code",\n' ' "execution_count": null,\n' ' "metadata": {\n' ' "tags": []\n' " },\n" ' "outputs": [],\n' ' "source": [\n' ' "%%time\\n",\n' ' "\\n",\n' ' "print(\\"foo\\")"\n' " ]\n" " },\n" " {\n" ' "cell_type": "code",\n' ' "execution_count": null,\n' ' "metadata": {},\n' ' "outputs": [],\n' ' "source": []\n' " }\n" " ],\n" ' "metadata": {\n' ' "interpreter": {\n' ' "hash": "e758f3098b5b55f4d87fe30bbdc1367f20f246b483f96267ee70e6c40cb185d8"\n' # noqa: B950 " },\n" ' "kernelspec": {\n' ' "display_name": "Python 3.8.10 64-bit (\'black\': venv)",\n' ' "name": "python3"\n' " },\n" ' "language_info": {\n' ' "name": "python",\n' ' "version": ""\n' " }\n" " },\n" ' "nbformat": 4,\n' ' "nbformat_minor": 4\n' "}" ) assert result == expected def test_entire_notebook_without_changes() -> None: with open(DATA_DIR / "notebook_without_changes.ipynb", "rb") as fd: content_bytes = content = content_bytes.decode() with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_file_contents(content, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_non_python_notebook() -> None: with open(DATA_DIR / "non_python_notebook.ipynb", "rb") as fd: content_bytes = content = content_bytes.decode() with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_file_contents(content, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_empty_string() -> None: with pytest.raises(NothingChanged): format_file_contents("", fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_unparseable_notebook() -> None: path = DATA_DIR / "notebook_which_cant_be_parsed.ipynb" msg = rf"File '{re.escape(str(path))}' cannot be parsed as valid Jupyter notebook\." with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg): format_file_in_place(path, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE) def test_ipynb_diff_with_change() -> None: result = runner.invoke( main, [ str(DATA_DIR / "notebook_trailing_newline.ipynb"), "--diff", ], ) expected = "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n %%time\n \n-print('foo')\n" '+print("foo")\n' assert expected in result.output def test_ipynb_diff_with_no_change() -> None: result = runner.invoke( main, [ str(DATA_DIR / "notebook_without_changes.ipynb"), "--diff", ], ) expected = "1 file would be left unchanged." assert expected in result.output def test_cache_isnt_written_if_no_jupyter_deps_single( monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmpdir: local ) -> None: # Check that the cache isn't written to if Jupyter dependencies aren't installed. jupyter_dependencies_are_installed.cache_clear() nb = DATA_DIR / "notebook_trailing_newline.ipynb" tmp_nb = tmpdir / "notebook.ipynb" with open(nb) as src, open(tmp_nb, "w") as dst: dst.write( monkeypatch.setattr( "black.jupyter_dependencies_are_installed", lambda verbose, quiet: False ) result = runner.invoke(main, [str(tmpdir / "notebook.ipynb")]) assert "No Python files are present to be formatted. Nothing to do" in result.output jupyter_dependencies_are_installed.cache_clear() monkeypatch.setattr( "black.jupyter_dependencies_are_installed", lambda verbose, quiet: True ) result = runner.invoke(main, [str(tmpdir / "notebook.ipynb")]) assert "reformatted" in result.output def test_cache_isnt_written_if_no_jupyter_deps_dir( monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, tmpdir: local ) -> None: # Check that the cache isn't written to if Jupyter dependencies aren't installed. jupyter_dependencies_are_installed.cache_clear() nb = DATA_DIR / "notebook_trailing_newline.ipynb" tmp_nb = tmpdir / "notebook.ipynb" with open(nb) as src, open(tmp_nb, "w") as dst: dst.write( monkeypatch.setattr( "black.files.jupyter_dependencies_are_installed", lambda verbose, quiet: False ) result = runner.invoke(main, [str(tmpdir)]) assert "No Python files are present to be formatted. Nothing to do" in result.output jupyter_dependencies_are_installed.cache_clear() monkeypatch.setattr( "black.files.jupyter_dependencies_are_installed", lambda verbose, quiet: True ) result = runner.invoke(main, [str(tmpdir)]) assert "reformatted" in result.output def test_ipynb_flag(tmpdir: local) -> None: nb = DATA_DIR / "notebook_trailing_newline.ipynb" tmp_nb = tmpdir / "notebook.a_file_extension_which_is_definitely_not_ipynb" with open(nb) as src, open(tmp_nb, "w") as dst: dst.write( result = runner.invoke( main, [ str(tmp_nb), "--diff", "--ipynb", ], ) expected = "@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@\n %%time\n \n-print('foo')\n" '+print("foo")\n' assert expected in result.output def test_ipynb_and_pyi_flags() -> None: nb = DATA_DIR / "notebook_trailing_newline.ipynb" result = runner.invoke( main, [ str(nb), "--pyi", "--ipynb", "--diff", ], ) assert isinstance(result.exception, SystemExit) expected = "Cannot pass both `pyi` and `ipynb` flags!\n" assert result.output == expected def test_unable_to_replace_magics(monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch) -> None: src = "%%time\na = 'foo'" monkeypatch.setattr("black.handle_ipynb_magics.TOKEN_HEX", lambda _: "foo") with pytest.raises( AssertionError, match="Black was not able to replace IPython magic" ): format_cell(src, fast=True, mode=JUPYTER_MODE)