*explainpat.txt* Give detailed help on a regexp pattern. For Vim version 7.0. Last change: 2013 Mar 09 By Andy Wokula *explainpat* *explainpat.vim* ExplainPat is a plugin to inspect a Vim regexp pattern and show a line of help for each found regexp item. If you find that it explains something wrong, please drop me an email. URL http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=4364 ============================================================================== *:ExplainPattern* :ExplainPattern {pattern} :ExplainPattern {register} inspect the given Vim {pattern} and print a line of help (with color) for each found pattern item. Nested items get extra indent. A single-char argument is used as {register} argument: / explain the last search pattern * explain pattern from the clipboard a explain pattern from register a Notes: The pattern is first converted into a purely |magic| pattern using |nwo#magic#MakeMagic()|. This means that embedded |/\V| |/\M| |/\m| |/\v| specifiers are effectively removed from the explanation. :ExplainPattern also accepts some invalid patterns: > :ExplainPattern \) Pattern: \) \) end of group ============================================================================== History: v0.5 + BF `$\n^` + wording: `\|' is not an "OR branch" (it separates or branches) + NF added tests (not part of release) + NF accept custom help printer (for testing purpose, could also be used to export HTML etc.) v0.4 + BF `[foo` is a literal string + BF for |/star|, |/^| and |/$|, distinguish position in the pattern (sometimes these become literal); special cases: `^**', `^^', `\c^^', `$$', `a\|^b', `a\&*b', `[ab', `\_[ab', ... v0.3 + BF accept `\z(...\)` and `\z[N]` + BF accept `[=a=]` and `[.a.]` in collections v0.2 + include vim_use suggestions [2012 Dec 19] * for collections [^...], add "not matching [...]" * fix `\%>'a1` * more detailed `\%x31` v0.1 (initial version) + start of "first" capturing group, start of 2nd ... + `\|' should get less indent than the branches, do we need to create an AST? ! no, keep it straight forward + \%[...] + \{, \{- ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:fo=tcq2:sts=0:ts=8:sw=8:fdm=marker:fmr=^_\^,^\^:ft=help: