X-Git-Url: https://git.madduck.net/etc/vim.git/blobdiff_plain/4a007a881fa9d7757820657056aa376c05e49e9e..27932494bcefac03497dd92dcf0c59a04c10d757:/autoload/black.vim

diff --git a/autoload/black.vim b/autoload/black.vim
index 0d93aa8..5aec872 100644
--- a/autoload/black.vim
+++ b/autoload/black.vim
@@ -3,8 +3,13 @@ import collections
 import os
 import sys
 import vim
-from distutils.util import strtobool
+def strtobool(text):
+  if text.lower() in ['y', 'yes', 't', 'true', 'on', '1']:
+    return True
+  if text.lower() in ['n', 'no', 'f', 'false', 'off', '0']:
+    return False
+  raise ValueError(f"{text} is not convertable to boolean")
 class Flag(collections.namedtuple("FlagBase", "name, cast")):
@@ -22,8 +27,10 @@ class Flag(collections.namedtuple("FlagBase", "name, cast")):
 FLAGS = [
   Flag(name="line_length", cast=int),
   Flag(name="fast", cast=strtobool),
-  Flag(name="string_normalization", cast=strtobool),
+  Flag(name="skip_string_normalization", cast=strtobool),
   Flag(name="quiet", cast=strtobool),
+  Flag(name="skip_magic_trailing_comma", cast=strtobool),
+  Flag(name="preview", cast=strtobool),
@@ -49,9 +56,19 @@ def _get_virtualenv_site_packages(venv_path, pyver):
   return venv_path / 'lib' / f'python{pyver[0]}.{pyver[1]}' / 'site-packages'
 def _initialize_black_env(upgrade=False):
+  if vim.eval("g:black_use_virtualenv ? 'true' : 'false'") == "false":
+    if upgrade:
+      print("Upgrade disabled due to g:black_use_virtualenv being disabled.")
+      print("Either use your system package manager (or pip) to upgrade black separately,")
+      print("or modify your vimrc to have 'let g:black_use_virtualenv = 1'.")
+      return False
+    else:
+      # Nothing needed to be done.
+      return True
   pyver = sys.version_info[:3]
-  if pyver < (3, 6, 2):
-    print("Sorry, Black requires Python 3.6.2+ to run.")
+  if pyver < (3, 7):
+    print("Sorry, Black requires Python 3.7+ to run.")
     return False
   from pathlib import Path
@@ -98,13 +115,49 @@ if _initialize_black_env():
   import black
   import time
-def Black():
+def get_target_version(tv):
+  if isinstance(tv, black.TargetVersion):
+    return tv
+  ret = None
+  try:
+    ret = black.TargetVersion[tv.upper()]
+  except KeyError:
+    print(f"WARNING: Target version {tv!r} not recognized by Black, using default target")
+  return ret
+def Black(**kwargs):
+  """
+  kwargs allows you to override ``target_versions`` argument of
+  ``black.FileMode``.
+  ``target_version`` needs to be cleaned because ``black.FileMode``
+  expects the ``target_versions`` argument to be a set of TargetVersion enums.
+  Allow kwargs["target_version"] to be a string to allow
+  to type it more quickly.
+  Using also target_version instead of target_versions to remain
+  consistent to Black's documentation of the structure of pyproject.toml.
+  """
   start = time.time()
   configs = get_configs()
+  black_kwargs = {}
+  if "target_version" in kwargs:
+    target_version = kwargs["target_version"]
+    if not isinstance(target_version, (list, set)):
+      target_version = [target_version]
+    target_version = set(filter(lambda x: x, map(lambda tv: get_target_version(tv), target_version)))
+    black_kwargs["target_versions"] = target_version
   mode = black.FileMode(
-    string_normalization=configs["string_normalization"],
+    string_normalization=not configs["skip_string_normalization"],
+    magic_trailing_comma=not configs["skip_magic_trailing_comma"],
+    preview=configs["preview"],
+    **black_kwargs,
   quiet = configs["quiet"]
@@ -117,9 +170,9 @@ def Black():
   except black.NothingChanged:
     if not quiet:
-      print(f'Already well formatted, good job. (took {time.time() - start:.4f}s)')
+      print(f'Black: already well formatted, good job. (took {time.time() - start:.4f}s)')
   except Exception as exc:
-    print(exc)
+    print(f'Black: {exc}')
     current_buffer = vim.current.window.buffer
     cursors = []
@@ -136,7 +189,7 @@ def Black():
       except vim.error:
         window.cursor = (len(window.buffer), 0)
     if not quiet:
-      print(f'Reformatted in {time.time() - start:.4f}s.')
+      print(f'Black: reformatted in {time.time() - start:.4f}s.')
 def get_configs():
   filename = vim.eval("@%")
@@ -147,7 +200,7 @@ def get_configs():
     toml_config = {}
   return {
-    flag.var_name: flag.cast(toml_config.get(flag.name, vim.eval(flag.vim_rc_name)))
+    flag.var_name: toml_config.get(flag.name, flag.cast(vim.eval(flag.vim_rc_name)))
     for flag in FLAGS
@@ -160,8 +213,17 @@ def BlackVersion():
-function black#Black()
-  :py3 Black()
+function black#Black(...)
+    let kwargs = {}
+    for arg in a:000
+        let arg_list = split(arg, '=')
+        let kwargs[arg_list[0]] = arg_list[1]
+    endfor
+python3 << EOF
+import vim
+kwargs = vim.eval("kwargs")
+  :py3 Black(**kwargs)
 function black#BlackUpgrade()