X-Git-Url: https://git.madduck.net/etc/vim.git/blobdiff_plain/4c352ad4be70c72ba9b949d3afb7c242522d058e..25795c9ff5d2e388bcef026d8642a6699208ce37:/README.md?ds=sidebyside

diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index b1eae74..9d156fb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,10 +3,11 @@
 <p align="center">
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@@ -26,16 +27,18 @@ content instead.
 *Black* makes code review faster by producing the smallest diffs
+Try it out now using the [Black Playground](https://black.now.sh).
 *Contents:* **[Installation and usage](#installation-and-usage)** |
-**[The *Black* code style](#the-black-code-style)** |
+**[Code style](#the-black-code-style)** |
+**[pyproject.toml](#pyprojecttoml)** |
 **[Editor integration](#editor-integration)** |
 **[Version control integration](#version-control-integration)** |
 **[Ignoring unmodified files](#ignoring-unmodified-files)** |
 **[Testimonials](#testimonials)** |
 **[Show your style](#show-your-style)** |
-**[License](#license)** |
 **[Contributing](#contributing-to-black)** |
 **[Change Log](#change-log)** |
@@ -60,7 +63,7 @@ black {source_file_or_directory}
 ### Command line options
-Black doesn't provide many options.  You can list them by running
+*Black* doesn't provide many options.  You can list them by running
 `black --help`:
@@ -103,6 +106,7 @@ Options:
                               that were not changed or were ignored due to
   --version                   Show the version and exit.
+  --config PATH               Read configuration from PATH.
   --help                      Show this message and exit.
@@ -367,6 +371,13 @@ human-readable strings"](https://stackoverflow.com/a/56190)), you can
 pass `--skip-string-normalization` on the command line.  This is meant as
 an adoption helper, avoid using this for new projects.
+### Numeric literals
+*Black* standardizes most numeric literals to use lowercase letters: `0xab`
+instead of `0XAB` and `1e10` instead of `1E10`. Python 2 long literals are
+styled as `2L` instead of `2l` to avoid confusion between `l` and `1`. In
+Python 3.6+, *Black* adds underscores to long numeric literals to aid
+readability: `100000000` becomes `100_000_000`.
 ### Line breaks & binary operators
@@ -487,6 +498,98 @@ a future version of the formatter:
 * use `float` instead of `Union[int, float]`.
+## pyproject.toml
+*Black* is able to read project-specific default values for its
+command line options from a `pyproject.toml` file.  This is
+especially useful for specifying custom `--include` and `--exclude`
+patterns for your project.
+**Pro-tip**: If you're asking yourself "Do I need to configure anything?"
+the answer is "No".  *Black* is all about sensible defaults.
+### What on Earth is a `pyproject.toml` file?
+[PEP 518](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0518/) defines
+`pyproject.toml` as a configuration file to store build system
+requirements for Python projects.  With the help of tools
+like [Poetry](https://poetry.eustace.io/) or
+[Flit](https://flit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) it can fully replace the
+need for `setup.py` and `setup.cfg` files.
+### Where *Black* looks for the file
+By default *Black* looks for `pyproject.toml` starting from the common
+base directory of all files and directories passed on the command line.
+If it's not there, it looks in parent directories.  It stops looking
+when it finds the file, or a `.git` directory, or a `.hg` directory,
+or the root of the file system, whichever comes first.
+If you're formatting standard input, *Black* will look for configuration
+starting from the current working directory.
+You can also explicitly specify the path to a particular file that you
+want with `--config`.  In this situation *Black* will not look for any
+other file.
+If you're running with `--verbose`, you will see a blue message if
+a file was found and used.
+### Configuration format
+As the file extension suggests, `pyproject.toml` is a [TOML](https://github.com/toml-lang/toml) file.  It contains separate
+sections for different tools.  *Black* is using the `[tool.black]`
+section.  The option keys are the same as long names of options on
+the command line.
+Note that you have to use single-quoted strings in TOML for regular
+expressions. It's the equivalent of r-strings in Python.  Multiline
+strings are treated as verbose regular expressions by Black.  Use `[ ]`
+to denote a significant space character.
+<summary>Example `pyproject.toml`</summary>
+line-length = 88
+py36 = true
+include = '\.pyi?$'
+exclude = '''
+    \.git
+  | \.hg
+  | \.mypy_cache
+  | \.tox
+  | \.venv
+  | _build
+  | buck-out
+  | build
+  | dist
+  # The following are specific to Black, you probably don't want those.
+  | blib2to3
+  | tests/data
+### Lookup hierarchy
+Command-line options have defaults that you can see in `--help`.
+A `pyproject.toml` can override those defaults.  Finally, options
+provided by the user on the command line override both.
+*Black* will only ever use one `pyproject.toml` file during an entire
+run. It doesn't look for multiple files, and doesn't compose
+configuration from different levels of the file hierarchy.
 ## Editor integration
 ### Emacs
@@ -524,17 +627,28 @@ $ where black
     - Name: Black
     - Description: Black is the uncompromising Python code formatter.
     - Program: <install_location_from_step_2>
-    - Arguments: $FilePath$
+    - Arguments: `$FilePath$`
 5. Format the currently opened file by selecting `Tools -> External Tools -> black`.
     - Alternatively, you can set a keyboard shortcut by navigating to `Preferences -> Keymap -> External Tools -> External Tools - Black`.
+6. Optionally, run Black on every file save:
+    1. Make sure you have the [File Watcher](https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7177-file-watchers) plugin installed.
+    2. Go to `Preferences -> Tools -> File Watchers` and click `+` to add a new watcher:
+        - Name: Black
+        - File type: Python
+        - Scope: Project Files
+        - Program: <install_location_from_step_2>
+        - Arguments: `$FilePath$`
+        - Output paths to refresh: `$FilePathRelativeToProjectRoot$`
+        - Working directory: `$ProjectFileDir$`
 ### Vim
 Commands and shortcuts:
-* `,=` or `:Black` to format the entire file (ranges not supported);
+* `:Black` to format the entire file (ranges not supported);
 * `:BlackUpgrade` to upgrade *Black* inside the virtualenv;
 * `:BlackVersion` to get the current version of *Black* inside the
@@ -542,6 +656,7 @@ Commands and shortcuts:
 * `g:black_fast` (defaults to `0`)
 * `g:black_linelength` (defaults to `88`)
+* `g:black_skip_string_normalization` (defaults to `0`)
 * `g:black_virtualenv` (defaults to `~/.vim/black`)
 To install with [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug):
@@ -576,7 +691,7 @@ The plugin will use it.
 To run *Black* on save, add the following line to `.vimrc` or `init.vim`:
-autocmd BufWritePost *.py execute ':Black'
+autocmd BufWritePre *.py execute ':Black'
 **How to get Vim with Python 3.6?**
@@ -589,7 +704,8 @@ to do this.
 ### Visual Studio Code
-Use [joslarson.black-vscode](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=joslarson.black-vscode).
+Use the [Python extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.python)
 ### SublimeText 3
@@ -602,15 +718,27 @@ Use [sublack plugin](https://github.com/jgirardet/sublack).
 Use [blackcellmagic](https://github.com/csurfer/blackcellmagic).
+### Python Language Server
+If your editor supports the [Language Server Protocol](https://langserver.org/)
+(Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code and many more), you can use
+the [Python Language Server](https://github.com/palantir/python-language-server) with the
+[pyls-black](https://github.com/rupert/pyls-black) plugin.
+### Atom/Nuclide
+Use [atom-black](https://github.com/hauntsaninja/atom-black).
 ### Other editors
-Atom/Nuclide integration is planned by the author, others will
-require external contributions.
+Other editors will require external contributions.
 Patches welcome! ✨ 🍰 ✨
 Any tool that can pipe code through *Black* using its stdio mode (just
-[use `-` as the file name](http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/special-chars.html#DASHREF2)).
+[use `-` as the file name](https://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/special-chars.html#DASHREF2)).
 The formatted code will be returned on stdout (unless `--check` was
 passed).  *Black* will still emit messages on stderr but that shouldn't
 affect your use case.
@@ -629,38 +757,43 @@ repos:
     rev: stable
     - id: black
-      args: [--line-length=88, --safe]
       language_version: python3.6
 Then run `pre-commit install` and you're ready to go.
-`args` in the above config is optional but shows you how you can change
-the line length if you really need to.  If you're already using Python
-3.7, switch the `language_version` accordingly. Finally, `stable` is a tag
-that is pinned to the latest release on PyPI.  If you'd rather run on
-master, this is also an option.
+Avoid using `args` in the hook.  Instead, store necessary configuration
+in `pyproject.toml` so that editors and command-line usage of Black all
+behave consistently for your project.  See *Black*'s own `pyproject.toml`
+for an example.
+If you're already using Python 3.7, switch the `language_version`
+accordingly. Finally, `stable` is a tag that is pinned to the latest
+release on PyPI.  If you'd rather run on master, this is also an option.
 ## Ignoring unmodified files
 *Black* remembers files it has already formatted, unless the `--diff` flag is used or
 code is passed via standard input. This information is stored per-user. The exact
-location of the file depends on the black version and the system on which black
+location of the file depends on the *Black* version and the system on which *Black*
 is run. The file is non-portable. The standard location on common operating systems
-* Windows: `C:\\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\black\black\Cache\<version>\cache.<line-length>.pickle`
-* macOS: `/Users/<username>/Library/Caches/black/<version>/cache.<line-length>.pickle`
-* Linux: `/home/<username>/.cache/black/<version>/cache.<line-length>.pickle`
+* Windows: `C:\\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\black\black\Cache\<version>\cache.<line-length>.<file-mode>.pickle`
+* macOS: `/Users/<username>/Library/Caches/black/<version>/cache.<line-length>.<file-mode>.pickle`
+* Linux: `/home/<username>/.cache/black/<version>/cache.<line-length>.<file-mode>.pickle`
+`file-mode` is an int flag that determines whether the file was formatted as 3.6+ only,
+as .pyi, and whether string normalization was omitted.
 ## Testimonials
 **Dusty Phillips**, [writer](https://smile.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=dusty+phillips):
-> Black is opinionated so you don't have to be.
+> *Black* is opinionated so you don't have to be.
-**Hynek Schlawack**, [creator of `attrs`](http://www.attrs.org/), core
+**Hynek Schlawack**, [creator of `attrs`](https://www.attrs.org/), core
 developer of Twisted and CPython:
 > An auto-formatter that doesn't suck is all I want for Xmas!
@@ -683,6 +816,12 @@ Use the badge in your project's README.md:
 [![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/ambv/black)
+Using the badge in README.rst:
+.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg
+    :target: https://github.com/ambv/black
 Looks like this: [![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-black-000000.svg)](https://github.com/ambv/black)
@@ -691,7 +830,7 @@ Looks like this: [![Code style: black](https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style
-## Contributing to Black
+## Contributing to *Black*
 In terms of inspiration, *Black* is about as configurable as *gofmt*.
 This is deliberate.
@@ -709,6 +848,88 @@ More details can be found in [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).
 ## Change Log
+### 18.8b0
+* adjacent string literals are now correctly split into multiple lines (#463)
+* numeric literals are now formatted by *Black* (#452, #461, #464, #469):
+  * numeric literals are normalized to include `_` separators on Python 3.6+ code
+  * code with `_` in numeric literals is recognized as Python 3.6+
+  * most letters in numeric literals are lowercased (e.g., in `1e10` or `0xab`)
+* cache is now populated when `--check` is successful for a file which speeds up
+  consecutive checks of properly formatted unmodified files (#448)
+* fixed parsing of `__future__` imports with renames (#389)
+* fixed scope of `# fmt: off` when directly preceding `yield` and other nodes (#385)
+* note: the Vim plugin stopped registering ``,=`` as a default chord as it turned out
+  to be a bad idea (#415)
+* fixed formatting of lambda expressions with default arguments (#468)
+### 18.6b4
+* hotfix: don't freeze when multiple comments directly precede `# fmt: off` (#371)
+### 18.6b3
+* typing stub files (`.pyi`) now have blank lines added after constants (#340)
+* `# fmt: off` and `# fmt: on` are now much more dependable:
+  * they now work also within bracket pairs (#329)
+  * they now correctly work across function/class boundaries (#335)
+  * they now work when an indentation block starts with empty lines or misaligned
+    comments (#334)
+* made Click not fail on invalid environments; note that Click is right but the
+  likelihood we'll need to access non-ASCII file paths when dealing with Python source
+  code is low (#277)
+* fixed improper formatting of f-strings with quotes inside interpolated
+  expressions (#322)
+* fixed unnecessary slowdown when long list literals where found in a file
+* fixed unnecessary slowdown on AST nodes with very many siblings
+* fixed cannibalizing backslashes during string normalization
+* fixed a crash due to symbolic links pointing outside of the project directory (#338)
+### 18.6b2
+* added `--config` (#65)
+* added `-h` equivalent to `--help` (#316)
+* fixed improper unmodified file caching when `-S` was used
+* fixed extra space in string unpacking (#305)
+* fixed formatting of empty triple quoted strings (#313)
+* fixed unnecessary slowdown in comment placement calculation on lines without
+  comments
+### 18.6b1
+* hotfix: don't output human-facing information on stdout (#299)
+* hotfix: don't output cake emoji on non-zero return code (#300)
 ### 18.6b0
 * added `--include` and `--exclude` (#270)
@@ -717,9 +938,17 @@ More details can be found in [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).
 * added `--verbose` (#283)
+* the header output in `--diff` now actually conforms to the unified diff spec
+* fixed long trivial assignments being wrapped in unnecessary parentheses (#273)
+* fixed unnecessary parentheses when a line contained multiline strings (#232)
 * fixed stdin handling not working correctly if an old version of Click was
   used (#276)
+* *Black* now preserves line endings when formatting a file in place (#258)
 ### 18.5b1
@@ -825,10 +1054,10 @@ More details can be found in [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).
 * generalized star expression handling, including double stars; this
   fixes multiplication making expressions "unsafe" for trailing commas (#132)
-* Black no longer enforces putting empty lines behind control flow statements
+* *Black* no longer enforces putting empty lines behind control flow statements
-* Black now splits imports like "Mode 3 + trailing comma" of isort (#127)
+* *Black* now splits imports like "Mode 3 + trailing comma" of isort (#127)
 * fixed comment indentation when a standalone comment closes a block (#16, #32)
@@ -881,16 +1110,16 @@ More details can be found in [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).
 * fixed handling of standalone comments within nested bracketed
-  expressions; Black will no longer produce super long lines or put all
+  expressions; *Black* will no longer produce super long lines or put all
   standalone comments at the end of the expression (#22)
 * fixed 18.3a4 regression: don't crash and burn on empty lines with
   trailing whitespace (#80)
 * fixed 18.3a4 regression: `# yapf: disable` usage as trailing comment
-  would cause Black to not emit the rest of the file (#95)
+  would cause *Black* to not emit the rest of the file (#95)
-* when CTRL+C is pressed while formatting many files, Black no longer
+* when CTRL+C is pressed while formatting many files, *Black* no longer
   freaks out with a flurry of asyncio-related exceptions
 * only allow up to two empty lines on module level and only single empty
@@ -937,7 +1166,7 @@ More details can be found in [CONTRIBUTING](CONTRIBUTING.md).
 ### 18.3a2
 * changed positioning of binary operators to occur at beginning of lines
-  instead of at the end, following [a recent change to PEP8](https://github.com/python/peps/commit/c59c4376ad233a62ca4b3a6060c81368bd21e85b)
+  instead of at the end, following [a recent change to PEP 8](https://github.com/python/peps/commit/c59c4376ad233a62ca4b3a6060c81368bd21e85b)
 * ignore empty bracket pairs while splitting. This avoids very weirdly
@@ -996,6 +1225,7 @@ Glued together by [Łukasz Langa](mailto:lukasz@langa.pl).
 Maintained with [Carol Willing](mailto:carolcode@willingconsulting.com),
 [Carl Meyer](mailto:carl@oddbird.net),
+[Jelle Zijlstra](mailto:jelle.zijlstra@gmail.com),
 [Mika Naylor](mailto:mail@autophagy.io), and
 [Zsolt Dollenstein](mailto:zsol.zsol@gmail.com).
@@ -1004,29 +1234,16 @@ Multiple contributions by:
 * [Artem Malyshev](mailto:proofit404@gmail.com)
 * [Christian Heimes](mailto:christian@python.org)
 * [Daniel M. Capella](mailto:polycitizen@gmail.com)
-* [Eli Treuherz](mailto:eli.treuherz@cgi.com)
+* [Eli Treuherz](mailto:eli@treuherz.com)
 * Hugo van Kemenade
 * [Ivan Katanić](mailto:ivan.katanic@gmail.com)
-* [Jelle Zijlstra](mailto:jelle.zijlstra@gmail.com)
 * [Jonas Obrist](mailto:ojiidotch@gmail.com)
 * [Luka Sterbic](mailto:luka.sterbic@gmail.com)
 * [Miguel Gaiowski](mailto:miggaiowski@gmail.com)
+* [Miroslav Shubernetskiy](mailto:miroslav@miki725.com)
+* [Neraste](neraste.herr10@gmail.com)
 * [Osaetin Daniel](mailto:osaetindaniel@gmail.com)
+* [Peter Bengtsson](mailto:mail@peterbe.com)
 * [Stavros Korokithakis](mailto:hi@stavros.io)
 * [Sunil Kapil](mailto:snlkapil@gmail.com)
 * [Vishwas B Sharma](mailto:sharma.vishwas88@gmail.com)
-**[Installation and Usage](#installation-and-usage)** |
-**[The *Black* code style](#the-black-code-style)** |
-**[Editor integration](#editor-integration)** |
-**[Version control integration](#version-control-integration)** |
-**[Ignoring unmodified files](#ignoring-unmodified-files)** |
-**[Testimonials](#testimonials)** |
-**[Show your style](#show-your-style)** |
-**[License](#license)** |
-**[Contributing](#contributing-to-black)** |
-**[Change Log](#change-log)** |