From: Ciro Santillli <>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 14:22:09 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: Use karlcow/markdown-testsuite for the tests.

Use karlcow/markdown-testsuite for the tests.

diff --git a/ b/
index d6716ce..c51d65b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -30,20 +30,12 @@ There are many flavors of markdown, each one with an unique feature set. This pl
 # Tests
-All new features must have tests. While we don't require unit tests, which are too hard to do in certain cases, you should create a test under the `test/` directory with a predictable name which allows other users to quickly test your feature. Good tests should explain their expected input / output behavior. Failing test should be marked with `FAIL` somewhere near the test, possibly explaining why it fails. For example:
+All new features must have tests. We don't require unit tests: tests that require users to open markdown code in Vim and check things manually are accepted, but you should point clearly to where the tests are.
-## Links
+Wherever possible, use test cases from the [karlcow'w Markdown Test Suite](, and link to the relevant test files on your merge request.
-[Link text](link URL)
+If a test does not exist there yet, make a pull request to them, and link to that pull request on the pull request you make here.
-... more correct link tests ...
+If the test you want to do is not appropriate for the Markdown Test Suite, create it only under the `test/` directory here.
-###### FAIL: should not be highlighted as a link
-Text (with parenthesis) alone should not be highlighted as a link. (Issue #57)
-... more failed link tests ...
-## Code Blocks
+If we start disagreeing too often on what is appropriate or not, we will fork off that repository.
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 9c849e7..22f3b1a 100644
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,145 +1,3 @@
-# Original markdown
-This section covers only features from the [original markdown](, in the same order that they are defined on the specification.
-Extensions will be tested on a separate section.
-## Paragraphs
-## Headers
-The following should be highlighted as headers:
-# h1
- # h1
-# h1 #
-## h2
-## h2 ##
-### h3
-#### h4
-##### h5
-###### h6
-The following is unspecified by Markdown and may not highlight properly:
-####### h7
-## Blockquotes
-> Block quote
-> First line only
-block quote
-> Block quote
-> > Block quote level 2
-> # Markdown inside block quote
-> [Link text](link-url)
-## Lists
-Only the list marker should be highlighted:
-* 0
-* 1
-+ 0
-+ 1
-- 0
-- 1
-1. 0
-2. 1
-*Not* lists:
-1 0
- - 0
-## Links
-[Link text](link-url)
-Reference style link: [Link text][reference]
-With space: [Link text] [reference]
-[reference]: address
-[reference2]: address "Optional Title"
-## Code blocks
-Inline: `inline code`
-    indented code block
-    # not a header
-    - not a list
-Indented code block and lists:
-- 0
-    Paragraph.
-        indented code block inside list
-- 0
-    - 1
-        Paragraph (TODO FAIL).
-            indented code block inside list
-## Emphasis
-The following should be italicized:
-*single asterisks*
-_single underscores_
-The following should be boldface:
-**double asterisks**
-__double underscores__
-# Extensions
-Fenced code blocks TODO add option to turn ON/OFF:
-fenced code block
 Fenced code living in an indented environment is correctly highlighted:
 1. run this command to do this: