From: martin f. krafft <>
Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:45:02 +0000 (+0100)
Subject: move mail functions to mail ftplugin

move mail functions to mail ftplugin

diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/mail.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/mail.vim
index bc6114d..b5d239b 100644
--- a/.vim/ftplugin/mail.vim
+++ b/.vim/ftplugin/mail.vim
@@ -4,3 +4,40 @@ nmap <buffer> <C-P><F3> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown debian<CR>
 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F4> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown ul<CR>
 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F9> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --keep-unknown sudetia<CR>
 nmap <buffer> <F1> :w<CR>:%!~/.bin/mail/mailplate --auto --keep-unknown 2>/dev/null<CR>
+" Checking attachments in edited emails for use in Mutt: warns user when
+" exiting
+" by Hugo Haas <> - 20 June 2004
+" based on an idea by The Doctor What explained at
+" <mid:caq406$rq4$>
+autocmd BufUnload mutt-* call CheckAttachments()
+function! CheckAttachments()
+  let l:english = 'attach\(ing\|ed\|ment\)\?\|included with this mail'
+  let l:french = 'attach\(e\|er\|ée\?s\?\|ement\|ant\)'
+  let l:german = 'an\(gehängt\|hängsel\)\|bei\(gefügt|lage\)\|\(im\|siehe\)\_sanhang'
+  let l:ic = &ignorecase
+  if (l:ic == 0)
+    set ignorecase
+  endif
+  if (search('^\([^>|].*\)\?\<\(re-\?\)\?\('.l:english.'\|'.l:german.'\)\>', "w") != 0)
+    let l:temp = inputdialog("Do you want to attach a file? [Hit return] ")
+  endif
+  if (l:ic == 0)
+    set noignorecase
+  endif
+  echo
+" change subject line
+" Before: Subject: old
+" After : Subject: New (was: old)
+" map ,sw 1G/^Subject: <CR>:s/Re:/was:/<CR>Wi (<C-O>$)<ESC>0Whi
+map <Leader>ns 1G/^Subject: /<CR>:s,\(Subject: \)\(Re: \)*\(.*\)$,\1 (was: \3),<CR>:set nohls<CR>f li
+" Delete 'was' in the Subject.
+" Before: Subject: New (was: old)
+" After : Subject: New
+map <Leader>;dw 1G/^Subject: /<CR>:s, *(was: .*)$<CR>:set nohls<CR>f l
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/mail.vim b/.vim/plugin/mail.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f875a4..0000000
--- a/.vim/plugin/mail.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-" Checking attachments in edited emails for use in Mutt: warns user when
-" exiting
-" by Hugo Haas <> - 20 June 2004
-" based on an idea by The Doctor What explained at
-" <mid:caq406$rq4$>
-autocmd BufUnload mutt-* call CheckAttachments()
-function! CheckAttachments()
-  let l:english = 'attach\(ing\|ed\|ment\)\?'
-  let l:french = 'attach\(e\|er\|ée\?s\?\|ement\|ant\)'
-  let l:german = 'an(gehängt\|hängsel)\|bei(gefügt|lage)\|im\_sanhang'
-  let l:ic = &ignorecase
-  if (l:ic == 0)
-    set ignorecase
-  endif
-  if (search('^\([^>|].*\)\?\<\(re-\?\)\?\('.l:english.'\|'.l:german.'\)\>', "w") != 0)
-    let l:temp = inputdialog("Do you want to attach a file? [Hit return] ")
-  endif
-  if (l:ic == 0)
-    set noignorecase
-  endif
-  echo