From: Stefan Wimmer Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2018 22:51:34 +0000 (+0200) Subject: Initial import. X-Git-Url:;hp=-c Initial import. --- 6ce8e791f19869586ff422d661d430b4aee9856e diff --git a/colors/artesanal.vim b/colors/artesanal.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1106ba7 --- /dev/null +++ b/colors/artesanal.vim @@ -0,0 +1,627 @@ +" Name: Artesanal +" Description: A Vim colorscheme with light and dark variants based on Material Design. +" Author: Stefan Wimmer +" Maintainer: Stefan Wimmer +" Website: +" License: Vim License (see `:help license`) +" Last Updated: Tue 03 Apr 2018 12:32:06 AM CEST + +if !(has('termguicolors') && &termguicolors) && !has('gui_running') + \ && (!exists('&t_Co') || &t_Co < 256) + echoerr '[Artesanal] There are not enough colors.' + finish +endif + +hi clear +if exists('syntax_on') + syntax reset +endif + +let g:colors_name = 'artesanal' + +if &background ==# 'dark' + " Color similarity table (dark background) + " black: GUI=#000000/rgb( 0, 0, 0) Term= 16 #000000/rgb( 0, 0, 0) [delta=0.000000] + " brightyellow: GUI=#ffffaf/rgb(255,255,175) Term=229 #ffffaf/rgb(255,255,175) [delta=0.000000] + " brightwhite: GUI=#ffffff/rgb(255,255,255) Term=231 #ffffff/rgb(255,255,255) [delta=0.000000] + " bg3: GUI=#616161/rgb( 97, 97, 97) Term=241 #626262/rgb( 98, 98, 98) [delta=0.368854] + " bg0: GUI=#141414/rgb( 20, 20, 20) Term=233 #121212/rgb( 18, 18, 18) [delta=0.515624] + " fg1: GUI=#ebebeb/rgb(235,235,235) Term=255 #eeeeee/rgb(238,238,238) [delta=0.636113] + " white: GUI=#ebebeb/rgb(235,235,235) Term=255 #eeeeee/rgb(238,238,238) [delta=0.636113] + " bg2: GUI=#505050/rgb( 80, 80, 80) Term=239 #4e4e4e/rgb( 78, 78, 78) [delta=0.689525] + " fg2: GUI=#d3d3d3/rgb(211,211,211) Term=252 #d0d0d0/rgb(208,208,208) [delta=0.713123] + " fg0: GUI=#fbfbfb/rgb(251,251,251) Term=231 #ffffff/rgb(255,255,255) [delta=0.795722] + " darkred: GUI=#b30000/rgb(179, 0, 0) Term=124 #af0000/rgb(175, 0, 0) [delta=0.799362] + " yellow: GUI=#ffff80/rgb(255,255,128) Term=228 #ffff87/rgb(255,255,135) [delta=0.859693] + " bg1: GUI=#333333/rgb( 51, 51, 51) Term=236 #303030/rgb( 48, 48, 48) [delta=0.961402] + " brightblack: GUI=#696969/rgb(105,105,105) Term=242 #6c6c6c/rgb(108,108,108) [delta=1.151169] + " fg4: GUI=#707070/rgb(112,112,112) Term=242 #6c6c6c/rgb(108,108,108) [delta=1.558945] + " bg4: GUI=#727272/rgb(114,114,114) Term=243 #767676/rgb(118,118,118) [delta=1.588827] + " brightcyan: GUI=#b2dfdb/rgb(178,223,219) Term=152 #afd7d7/rgb(175,215,215) [delta=2.696709] + " brightgreen: GUI=#b3ffcc/rgb(179,255,204) Term=158 #afffd7/rgb(175,255,215) [delta=3.041362] + " green: GUI=#47b36b/rgb( 71,179,107) Term= 35 #00af5f/rgb( 0,175, 95) [delta=3.445808] + " red: GUI=#ff4d4d/rgb(255, 77, 77) Term=203 #ff5f5f/rgb(255, 95, 95) [delta=3.492015] + " darkblue: GUI=#266280/rgb( 38, 98,128) Term= 24 #005f87/rgb( 0, 95,135) [delta=3.714150] + " brightred: GUI=#ff9999/rgb(255,153,153) Term=210 #ff8787/rgb(255,135,135) [delta=4.179329] + " blue: GUI=#7ab1cc/rgb(122,177,204) Term= 74 #5fafd7/rgb( 95,175,215) [delta=4.276048] + " darkmagenta: GUI=#4527a0/rgb( 69, 39,160) Term= 55 #5f00af/rgb( 95, 0,175) [delta=5.173706] + " brightmagenta: GUI=#d1c4e9/rgb(209,196,233) Term=189 #d7d7ff/rgb(215,215,255) [delta=5.536146] + " darkyellow: GUI=#ffea00/rgb(255,234, 0) Term=226 #ffff00/rgb(255,255, 0) [delta=5.745583] + " darkcyan: GUI=#00695c/rgb( 0,105, 92) Term= 23 #005f5f/rgb( 0, 95, 95) [delta=6.224963] + " darkgreen: GUI=#268044/rgb( 38,128, 68) Term= 29 #00875f/rgb( 0,135, 95) [delta=6.622343] + " magenta: GUI=#ab47bc/rgb(171, 71,188) Term=133 #af5faf/rgb(175, 95,175) [delta=6.806495] + " cyan: GUI=#009688/rgb( 0,150,136) Term= 30 #008787/rgb( 0,135,135) [delta=7.127207] + " brightblue: GUI=#cceeff/rgb(204,238,255) Term=195 #d7ffff/rgb(215,255,255) [delta=9.196998] + if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, 'artesanal_transp_bg', 0) + hi Normal ctermfg=255 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ebebeb guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi CursorLineNr ctermfg=228 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ffff80 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi FoldColumn ctermfg=242 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#696969 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi SignColumn ctermfg=252 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#d3d3d3 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi VertSplit ctermfg=241 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#616161 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + else + hi Normal ctermfg=255 ctermbg=233 guifg=#ebebeb guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi CursorLineNr ctermfg=228 ctermbg=236 guifg=#ffff80 guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi FoldColumn ctermfg=242 ctermbg=236 guifg=#696969 guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi SignColumn ctermfg=252 ctermbg=236 guifg=#d3d3d3 guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi VertSplit ctermfg=241 ctermbg=233 guifg=#616161 guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + endif + hi ColorColumn ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=236 guifg=NONE guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Conceal ctermfg=74 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#7ab1cc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Cursor ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi! link CursorColumn CursorLine + hi CursorLine ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=236 guifg=NONE guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold,italic gui=NONE,bold,italic + hi DiffAdd ctermfg=242 ctermbg=158 guifg=#707070 guibg=#b3ffcc guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi DiffChange ctermfg=242 ctermbg=195 guifg=#707070 guibg=#cceeff guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi DiffDelete ctermfg=242 ctermbg=210 guifg=#707070 guibg=#ff9999 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi DiffText ctermfg=242 ctermbg=229 guifg=#707070 guibg=#ffffaf guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Directory ctermfg=74 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#7ab1cc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi EndOfBuffer ctermfg=233 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#141414 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Error ctermfg=203 ctermbg=233 guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold,reverse gui=NONE,bold,reverse + hi ErrorMsg ctermfg=233 ctermbg=203 guifg=#141414 guibg=#ff4d4d guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi Folded ctermfg=242 ctermbg=236 guifg=#696969 guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE,italic + hi IncSearch ctermfg=229 ctermbg=16 guifg=#ffffaf guibg=#000000 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi LineNr ctermfg=239 ctermbg=236 guifg=#505050 guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi MatchParen ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=241 guifg=NONE guibg=#616161 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi ModeMsg ctermfg=228 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ffff80 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi MoreMsg ctermfg=228 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ffff80 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi NonText ctermfg=243 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#727272 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Pmenu ctermfg=255 ctermbg=239 guifg=#ebebeb guibg=#505050 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi PmenuSbar ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=239 guifg=NONE guibg=#505050 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi PmenuSel ctermfg=236 ctermbg=74 guifg=#333333 guibg=#7ab1cc guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi PmenuThumb ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=243 guifg=NONE guibg=#727272 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Question ctermfg=228 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ffff80 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi! link QuickFixLine Search + hi Search ctermfg=229 ctermbg=16 guifg=#ffffaf guibg=#000000 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi SpecialKey ctermfg=243 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#727272 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi SpellBad ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=#ff4d4d cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,italic,undercurl + hi SpellCap ctermfg=74 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#7ab1cc guibg=NONE guisp=#7ab1cc cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,italic,undercurl + hi SpellLocal ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=#009688 cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,italic,undercurl + hi SpellRare ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=#ab47bc cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,italic,undercurl + hi StatusLine ctermfg=239 ctermbg=255 guifg=#505050 guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=236 ctermbg=252 guifg=#333333 guibg=#d3d3d3 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi! link StatusLineTerm StatusLine + hi! link StatusLineTermNC StatusLineNC + hi! link TabLine TabLineFill + hi TabLineFill ctermfg=252 ctermbg=241 guifg=#d3d3d3 guibg=#616161 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi TabLineSel ctermfg=255 ctermbg=236 guifg=#ebebeb guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Title ctermfg=231 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#fbfbfb guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi Visual ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=236 guifg=NONE guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi! link VisualNOS Visual + hi WarningMsg ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi WildMenu ctermfg=74 ctermbg=239 guifg=#7ab1cc guibg=#505050 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi Boolean ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Character ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Comment ctermfg=242 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#696969 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE,italic + hi Conditional ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Constant ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Define ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Debug ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi! link Delimiter Statement + hi Error ctermfg=203 ctermbg=233 guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold,reverse gui=NONE,bold,reverse + hi Exception ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Float ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Function ctermfg=74 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#7ab1cc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + hi Identifier ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Ignore ctermfg=fg ctermbg=NONE guifg=fg guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Include ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Keyword ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi! link Label Statement + hi Macro ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Number ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi! link Operator Normal + hi PreCondit ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi PreProc ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Repeat ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi SpecialChar ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi SpecialComment ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Statement ctermfg=203 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff4d4d guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi StorageClass ctermfg=35 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#47b36b guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Special ctermfg=228 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ffff80 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi String ctermfg=35 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#47b36b guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Structure ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi! link Tag Special + hi Todo ctermfg=fg ctermbg=233 guifg=fg guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold,italic + hi Type ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Typedef ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi Underlined ctermfg=74 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#7ab1cc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,underline + hi! link lCursor Cursor + hi CursorIM ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi ToolbarLine ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=241 guifg=NONE guibg=#616161 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi ToolbarButton ctermfg=231 ctermbg=241 guifg=#fbfbfb guibg=#616161 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold + if get(g:, "artesanal_italic", 0) + hi Comment cterm=italic + hi Folded cterm=italic + hi SpellBad cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellCap cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellLocal cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellRare cterm=italic,underline + hi Todo cterm=italic + endif + hi! link iCursor Cursor + hi! link vCursor Cursor + hi NormalMode ctermfg=252 ctermbg=233 guifg=#d3d3d3 guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi InsertMode ctermfg=74 ctermbg=233 guifg=#7ab1cc guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi ReplaceMode ctermfg=30 ctermbg=233 guifg=#009688 guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi VisualMode ctermfg=228 ctermbg=233 guifg=#ffff80 guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi CommandMode ctermfg=133 ctermbg=233 guifg=#ab47bc guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + hi Warnings ctermfg=228 ctermbg=233 guifg=#ffff80 guibg=#141414 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse + if has('terminal') + let g:terminal_color_0 = '#141414' + let g:terminal_color_8 = '#696969' + let g:terminal_color_1 = '#ff4d4d' + let g:terminal_color_9 = '#ff9999' + let g:terminal_color_2 = '#47b36b' + let g:terminal_color_10 = '#b3ffcc' + let g:terminal_color_3 = '#ffff80' + let g:terminal_color_11 = '#ffffaf' + let g:terminal_color_4 = '#7ab1cc' + let g:terminal_color_12 = '#cceeff' + let g:terminal_color_5 = '#ab47bc' + let g:terminal_color_13 = '#d1c4e9' + let g:terminal_color_6 = '#009688' + let g:terminal_color_14 = '#b2dfdb' + let g:terminal_color_7 = '#fbfbfb' + let g:terminal_color_15 = '#d3d3d3' + endif + hi! link TermCursor Cursor + hi TermCursorNC ctermfg=236 ctermbg=255 guifg=#333333 guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + finish +endif + +" Color similarity table (light background) +" black: GUI=#000000/rgb( 0, 0, 0) Term= 16 #000000/rgb( 0, 0, 0) [delta=0.000000] +" bg4: GUI=#a8a8a8/rgb(168,168,168) Term=248 #a8a8a8/rgb(168,168,168) [delta=0.000000] +" brightwhite: GUI=#ffffff/rgb(255,255,255) Term=231 #ffffff/rgb(255,255,255) [delta=0.000000] +" bg3: GUI=#bdbdbd/rgb(189,189,189) Term=250 #bcbcbc/rgb(188,188,188) [delta=0.262501] +" fg0: GUI=#141414/rgb( 20, 20, 20) Term=233 #121212/rgb( 18, 18, 18) [delta=0.515624] +" bg1: GUI=#ebebeb/rgb(235,235,235) Term=255 #eeeeee/rgb(238,238,238) [delta=0.636113] +" white: GUI=#ebebeb/rgb(235,235,235) Term=255 #eeeeee/rgb(238,238,238) [delta=0.636113] +" fg2: GUI=#505050/rgb( 80, 80, 80) Term=239 #4e4e4e/rgb( 78, 78, 78) [delta=0.689525] +" bg2: GUI=#d3d3d3/rgb(211,211,211) Term=252 #d0d0d0/rgb(208,208,208) [delta=0.713123] +" bg0: GUI=#fbfbfb/rgb(251,251,251) Term=231 #ffffff/rgb(255,255,255) [delta=0.795722] +" fg1: GUI=#333333/rgb( 51, 51, 51) Term=236 #303030/rgb( 48, 48, 48) [delta=0.961402] +" brightblack: GUI=#696969/rgb(105,105,105) Term=242 #6c6c6c/rgb(108,108,108) [delta=1.151169] +" fg4: GUI=#707070/rgb(112,112,112) Term=242 #6c6c6c/rgb(108,108,108) [delta=1.558945] +" darkred: GUI=#a30000/rgb(163, 0, 0) Term=124 #af0000/rgb(175, 0, 0) [delta=2.390642] +" brightcyan: GUI=#b2dfdb/rgb(178,223,219) Term=152 #afd7d7/rgb(175,215,215) [delta=2.696709] +" brightgreen: GUI=#b3ffcc/rgb(179,255,204) Term=158 #afffd7/rgb(175,255,215) [delta=3.041362] +" green: GUI=#47b36b/rgb( 71,179,107) Term= 35 #00af5f/rgb( 0,175, 95) [delta=3.445808] +" darkblue: GUI=#266280/rgb( 38, 98,128) Term= 24 #005f87/rgb( 0, 95,135) [delta=3.714150] +" brightyellow: GUI=#ffd699/rgb(255,214,153) Term=222 #ffd787/rgb(255,215,135) [delta=4.020486] +" brightred: GUI=#ff9999/rgb(255,153,153) Term=210 #ff8787/rgb(255,135,135) [delta=4.179329] +" darkyellow: GUI=#cc7a00/rgb(204,122, 0) Term=172 #d78700/rgb(215,135, 0) [delta=4.383031] +" darkmagenta: GUI=#4527a0/rgb( 69, 39,160) Term= 55 #5f00af/rgb( 95, 0,175) [delta=5.173706] +" brightmagenta: GUI=#d1c4e9/rgb(209,196,233) Term=189 #d7d7ff/rgb(215,215,255) [delta=5.536146] +" yellow: GUI=#ff9900/rgb(255,153, 0) Term=208 #ff8700/rgb(255,135, 0) [delta=6.094939] +" darkcyan: GUI=#00695c/rgb( 0,105, 92) Term= 23 #005f5f/rgb( 0, 95, 95) [delta=6.224963] +" darkgreen: GUI=#268044/rgb( 38,128, 68) Term= 29 #00875f/rgb( 0,135, 95) [delta=6.622343] +" magenta: GUI=#ab47bc/rgb(171, 71,188) Term=133 #af5faf/rgb(175, 95,175) [delta=6.806495] +" cyan: GUI=#009688/rgb( 0,150,136) Term= 30 #008787/rgb( 0,135,135) [delta=7.127207] +" blue: GUI=#5995b3/rgb( 89,149,179) Term= 31 #0087af/rgb( 0,135,175) [delta=7.422120] +" red: GUI=#b72e2e/rgb(183, 46, 46) Term=124 #af0000/rgb(175, 0, 0) [delta=8.068751] +" brightblue: GUI=#cceeff/rgb(204,238,255) Term=195 #d7ffff/rgb(215,255,255) [delta=9.196998] +if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, 'artesanal_transp_bg', 0) + hi Normal ctermfg=236 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#333333 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi CursorLineNr ctermfg=208 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff9900 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi FoldColumn ctermfg=242 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#696969 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi SignColumn ctermfg=239 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#505050 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi VertSplit ctermfg=250 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#bdbdbd guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +else + hi Normal ctermfg=236 ctermbg=231 guifg=#333333 guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi CursorLineNr ctermfg=208 ctermbg=255 guifg=#ff9900 guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi FoldColumn ctermfg=242 ctermbg=255 guifg=#696969 guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi SignColumn ctermfg=239 ctermbg=255 guifg=#505050 guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE + hi VertSplit ctermfg=250 ctermbg=231 guifg=#bdbdbd guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +endif +hi ColorColumn ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=255 guifg=NONE guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Conceal ctermfg=31 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#5995b3 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Cursor ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi! link CursorColumn CursorLine +hi CursorLine ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=255 guifg=NONE guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold,italic gui=NONE,bold,italic +hi DiffAdd ctermfg=242 ctermbg=158 guifg=#707070 guibg=#b3ffcc guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi DiffChange ctermfg=242 ctermbg=195 guifg=#707070 guibg=#cceeff guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi DiffDelete ctermfg=242 ctermbg=210 guifg=#707070 guibg=#ff9999 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi DiffText ctermfg=242 ctermbg=222 guifg=#707070 guibg=#ffd699 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Directory ctermfg=31 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#5995b3 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi EndOfBuffer ctermfg=231 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#fbfbfb guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Error ctermfg=124 ctermbg=231 guifg=#b72e2e guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold,reverse gui=NONE,bold,reverse +hi ErrorMsg ctermfg=231 ctermbg=124 guifg=#fbfbfb guibg=#b72e2e guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi Folded ctermfg=242 ctermbg=255 guifg=#696969 guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE,italic +hi IncSearch ctermfg=222 ctermbg=16 guifg=#ffd699 guibg=#000000 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi LineNr ctermfg=252 ctermbg=255 guifg=#d3d3d3 guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi MatchParen ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=250 guifg=NONE guibg=#bdbdbd guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi ModeMsg ctermfg=208 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff9900 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi MoreMsg ctermfg=208 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff9900 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi NonText ctermfg=248 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#a8a8a8 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Pmenu ctermfg=236 ctermbg=252 guifg=#333333 guibg=#d3d3d3 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi PmenuSbar ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=252 guifg=NONE guibg=#d3d3d3 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi PmenuSel ctermfg=255 ctermbg=31 guifg=#ebebeb guibg=#5995b3 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi PmenuThumb ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=248 guifg=NONE guibg=#a8a8a8 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Question ctermfg=208 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff9900 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi! link QuickFixLine Search +hi Search ctermfg=222 ctermbg=16 guifg=#ffd699 guibg=#000000 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi SpecialKey ctermfg=248 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#a8a8a8 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi SpellBad ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=#b72e2e cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,italic,undercurl +hi SpellCap ctermfg=31 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#5995b3 guibg=NONE guisp=#5995b3 cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,italic,undercurl +hi SpellLocal ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=#009688 cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,italic,undercurl +hi SpellRare ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=#ab47bc cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,italic,undercurl +hi StatusLine ctermfg=252 ctermbg=236 guifg=#d3d3d3 guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi StatusLineNC ctermfg=255 ctermbg=239 guifg=#ebebeb guibg=#505050 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi! link StatusLineTerm StatusLine +hi! link StatusLineTermNC StatusLineNC +hi! link TabLine TabLineFill +hi TabLineFill ctermfg=239 ctermbg=250 guifg=#505050 guibg=#bdbdbd guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi TabLineSel ctermfg=236 ctermbg=255 guifg=#333333 guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Title ctermfg=233 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#141414 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi Visual ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=255 guifg=NONE guibg=#ebebeb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi! link VisualNOS Visual +hi WarningMsg ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi WildMenu ctermfg=31 ctermbg=252 guifg=#5995b3 guibg=#d3d3d3 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi Boolean ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Character ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Comment ctermfg=242 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#696969 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE,italic +hi Conditional ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Constant ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Define ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Debug ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi! link Delimiter Statement +hi Error ctermfg=124 ctermbg=231 guifg=#b72e2e guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold,reverse gui=NONE,bold,reverse +hi Exception ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Float ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Function ctermfg=31 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#5995b3 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +hi Identifier ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Ignore ctermfg=fg ctermbg=NONE guifg=fg guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Include ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Keyword ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi! link Label Statement +hi Macro ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Number ctermfg=133 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ab47bc guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi! link Operator Normal +hi PreCondit ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi PreProc ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Repeat ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi SpecialChar ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi SpecialComment ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Statement ctermfg=124 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#b72e2e guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi StorageClass ctermfg=35 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#47b36b guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Special ctermfg=208 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#ff9900 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi String ctermfg=35 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#47b36b guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Structure ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi! link Tag Special +hi Todo ctermfg=fg ctermbg=231 guifg=fg guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold,italic +hi Type ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Typedef ctermfg=30 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#009688 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi Underlined ctermfg=31 ctermbg=NONE guifg=#5995b3 guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,underline gui=NONE,underline +hi! link lCursor Cursor +hi CursorIM ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi ToolbarLine ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=250 guifg=NONE guibg=#bdbdbd guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +hi ToolbarButton ctermfg=233 ctermbg=250 guifg=#141414 guibg=#bdbdbd guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,bold gui=NONE,bold +if get(g:, "artesanal_italic", 0) + hi Comment cterm=italic + hi Folded cterm=italic + hi SpellBad cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellCap cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellLocal cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellRare cterm=italic,underline + hi Todo cterm=italic +endif +hi! link iCursor Cursor +hi! link vCursor Cursor +hi NormalMode ctermfg=239 ctermbg=231 guifg=#505050 guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi InsertMode ctermfg=31 ctermbg=231 guifg=#5995b3 guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi ReplaceMode ctermfg=30 ctermbg=231 guifg=#009688 guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi VisualMode ctermfg=208 ctermbg=231 guifg=#ff9900 guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi CommandMode ctermfg=133 ctermbg=231 guifg=#ab47bc guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +hi Warnings ctermfg=208 ctermbg=231 guifg=#ff9900 guibg=#fbfbfb guisp=NONE cterm=NONE,reverse gui=NONE,reverse +if has('terminal') + let g:terminal_color_0 = '#fbfbfb' + let g:terminal_color_8 = '#696969' + let g:terminal_color_1 = '#b72e2e' + let g:terminal_color_9 = '#ff9999' + let g:terminal_color_2 = '#47b36b' + let g:terminal_color_10 = '#b3ffcc' + let g:terminal_color_3 = '#ff9900' + let g:terminal_color_11 = '#ffd699' + let g:terminal_color_4 = '#5995b3' + let g:terminal_color_12 = '#cceeff' + let g:terminal_color_5 = '#ab47bc' + let g:terminal_color_13 = '#d1c4e9' + let g:terminal_color_6 = '#009688' + let g:terminal_color_14 = '#b2dfdb' + let g:terminal_color_7 = '#141414' + let g:terminal_color_15 = '#505050' +endif +hi! link TermCursor Cursor +hi TermCursorNC ctermfg=255 ctermbg=236 guifg=#ebebeb guibg=#333333 guisp=NONE cterm=NONE gui=NONE +finish + +" Background: light +" Color: fg0 #141414 ~ +" Color: fg1 #333333 ~ +" Color: fg2 #505050 ~ +" Color: fg4 #707070 ~ +" Color: bg0 #fbfbfb ~ +" Color: bg1 #ebebeb ~ +" Color: bg2 #d3d3d3 ~ +" Color: bg3 #bdbdbd ~ +" Color: bg4 #a8a8a8 ~ +" Color: black #000000 ~ Black +" Color: brightblack #696969 ~ DimGray +" Color: red #b72e2e ~ Red +" Color: brightred #ff9999 ~ LightRed +" Color: darkred #a30000 ~ DarkRed +" Color: green #47b36b ~ Green +" Color: brightgreen #b3ffcc ~ LightGreen +" Color: darkgreen #268044 ~ DarkGreen +" Color: yellow #ff9900 ~ Yellow +" Color: brightyellow #ffd699 ~ LightYellow +" Color: darkyellow #cc7a00 ~ DarkYellow +" Color: blue #5995b3 ~ Blue +" Color: brightblue #cceeff ~ LightBlue +" Color: darkblue #266280 ~ DarkBlue +" Color: magenta #ab47bc ~ Magenta +" Color: brightmagenta #d1c4e9 ~ LightMagenta +" Color: darkmagenta #4527a0 ~ DarkMagenta +" Color: cyan #009688 ~ Cyan +" Color: brightcyan #b2dfdb ~ LightCyan +" Color: darkcyan #00695c ~ DarkCyan +" Color: white #ebebeb ~ Gray92 +" Color: brightwhite #ffffff ~ White +" Normal fg1 none +" CursorLineNr yellow none +" FoldColumn brightblack none +" SignColumn fg2 none +" VertSplit bg3 none +" Normal fg1 bg0 +" CursorLineNr yellow bg1 +" FoldColumn brightblack bg1 +" SignColumn fg2 bg1 +" VertSplit bg3 bg0 +" ColorColumn none bg1 +" Conceal blue none +" Cursor none none reverse +" CursorColumn -> CursorLine +" CursorLine none bg1 bold,italic +" DiffAdd fg4 brightgreen +" DiffChange fg4 brightblue +" DiffDelete fg4 brightred +" DiffText fg4 brightyellow +" Directory blue none bold +" EndOfBuffer bg0 none +" Error red bg0 bold,reverse +" ErrorMsg bg0 red bold +" Folded brightblack bg1 g=italic +" IncSearch brightyellow black reverse +" LineNr bg2 bg1 +" MatchParen none bg3 bold +" ModeMsg yellow none bold +" MoreMsg yellow none bold +" NonText bg4 none +" Pmenu fg1 bg2 +" PmenuSbar none bg2 +" PmenuSel bg1 blue bold +" PmenuThumb none bg4 +" Question yellow none bold +" QuickFixLine -> Search +" Search brightyellow black reverse +" SpecialKey bg4 none +" SpellBad red none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=red +" SpellCap blue none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=blue +" SpellLocal cyan none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=cyan +" SpellRare magenta none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=magenta +" StatusLine bg2 fg1 reverse +" StatusLineNC bg1 fg2 reverse +" StatusLineTerm -> StatusLine +" StatusLineTermNC -> StatusLineNC +" TabLine -> TabLineFill +" TabLineFill fg2 bg3 +" TabLineSel fg1 bg1 +" Title fg0 none bold +" Visual none bg1 +" VisualNOS -> Visual +" WarningMsg red none bold +" WildMenu blue bg2 bold +" Boolean magenta none +" Character magenta none +" Comment brightblack none g=italic +" Conditional red none +" Constant magenta none +" Define cyan none +" Debug red none +" Delimiter -> Statement +" Error red bg0 bold,reverse +" Exception red none +" Float magenta none +" Function blue none bold +" Identifier cyan none +" Ignore fg none +" Include cyan none +" Keyword red none +" Label -> Statement +" Macro cyan none +" Number magenta none +" Operator -> Normal +" PreCondit cyan none +" PreProc cyan none +" Repeat red none +" SpecialChar red none +" SpecialComment red none +" Statement red none +" StorageClass green none +" Special yellow none +" String green none +" Structure cyan none +" Tag -> Special +" Todo fg bg0 t=bold g=bold,italic +" Type cyan none +" Typedef cyan none +" Underlined blue none underline +" lCursor -> Cursor +" CursorIM none none reverse +" ToolbarLine none bg3 +" ToolbarButton fg0 bg3 bold +" iCursor -> Cursor +" vCursor -> Cursor +" NormalMode fg2 bg0 reverse +" InsertMode blue bg0 reverse +" ReplaceMode cyan bg0 reverse +" VisualMode yellow bg0 reverse +" CommandMode magenta bg0 reverse +" Warnings yellow bg0 reverse +" TermCursor -> Cursor +" TermCursorNC bg1 fg1 +" Background: dark +" Color: fg0 #fbfbfb ~ +" Color: fg1 #ebebeb ~ +" Color: fg2 #d3d3d3 ~ +" Color: fg4 #707070 ~ +" Color: bg0 #141414 ~ +" Color: bg1 #333333 ~ +" Color: bg2 #505050 ~ +" Color: bg3 #616161 ~ +" Color: bg4 #727272 ~ +" Color: black #000000 ~ Black +" Color: brightblack #696969 ~ DimGray +" Color: red #ff4d4d ~ Red +" Color: brightred #ff9999 ~ LightRed +" Color: darkred #b30000 ~ DarkRed +" Color: green #47b36b ~ Green +" Color: brightgreen #b3ffcc ~ LightGreen +" Color: darkgreen #268044 ~ DarkGreen +" Color: yellow #ffff80 ~ Yellow +" Color: brightyellow #ffffaf ~ LightYellow +" Color: darkyellow #ffea00 ~ DarkYellow +" Color: blue #7ab1cc ~ Blue +" Color: brightblue #cceeff ~ LightBlue +" Color: darkblue #266280 ~ DarkBlue +" Color: magenta #ab47bc ~ Magenta +" Color: brightmagenta #d1c4e9 ~ LightMagenta +" Color: darkmagenta #4527a0 ~ DarkMagenta +" Color: cyan #009688 ~ Cyan +" Color: brightcyan #b2dfdb ~ LightCyan +" Color: darkcyan #00695c ~ DarkCyan +" Color: white #ebebeb ~ Gray92 +" Color: brightwhite #ffffff ~ White +" Normal fg1 none +" CursorLineNr yellow none +" FoldColumn brightblack none +" SignColumn fg2 none +" VertSplit bg3 none +" Normal fg1 bg0 +" CursorLineNr yellow bg1 +" FoldColumn brightblack bg1 +" SignColumn fg2 bg1 +" VertSplit bg3 bg0 +" ColorColumn none bg1 +" Conceal blue none +" Cursor none none reverse +" CursorColumn -> CursorLine +" CursorLine none bg1 bold,italic +" DiffAdd fg4 brightgreen +" DiffChange fg4 brightblue +" DiffDelete fg4 brightred +" DiffText fg4 brightyellow +" Directory blue none bold +" EndOfBuffer bg0 none +" Error red bg0 bold,reverse +" ErrorMsg bg0 red bold +" Folded brightblack bg1 g=italic +" IncSearch brightyellow black reverse +" LineNr bg2 bg1 +" MatchParen none bg3 bold +" ModeMsg yellow none bold +" MoreMsg yellow none bold +" NonText bg4 none +" Pmenu fg1 bg2 +" PmenuSbar none bg2 +" PmenuSel bg1 blue bold +" PmenuThumb none bg4 +" Question yellow none bold +" QuickFixLine -> Search +" Search brightyellow black reverse +" SpecialKey bg4 none +" SpellBad red none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=red +" SpellCap blue none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=blue +" SpellLocal cyan none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=cyan +" SpellRare magenta none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=magenta +" StatusLine bg2 fg1 reverse +" StatusLineNC bg1 fg2 reverse +" StatusLineTerm -> StatusLine +" StatusLineTermNC -> StatusLineNC +" TabLine -> TabLineFill +" TabLineFill fg2 bg3 +" TabLineSel fg1 bg1 +" Title fg0 none bold +" Visual none bg1 +" VisualNOS -> Visual +" WarningMsg red none bold +" WildMenu blue bg2 bold +" Boolean magenta none +" Character magenta none +" Comment brightblack none g=italic +" Conditional red none +" Constant magenta none +" Define cyan none +" Debug red none +" Delimiter -> Statement +" Error red bg0 bold,reverse +" Exception red none +" Float magenta none +" Function blue none bold +" Identifier cyan none +" Ignore fg none +" Include cyan none +" Keyword red none +" Label -> Statement +" Macro cyan none +" Number magenta none +" Operator -> Normal +" PreCondit cyan none +" PreProc cyan none +" Repeat red none +" SpecialChar red none +" SpecialComment red none +" Statement red none +" StorageClass green none +" Special yellow none +" String green none +" Structure cyan none +" Tag -> Special +" Todo fg bg0 t=bold g=bold,italic +" Type cyan none +" Typedef cyan none +" Underlined blue none underline +" lCursor -> Cursor +" CursorIM none none reverse +" ToolbarLine none bg3 +" ToolbarButton fg0 bg3 bold +" iCursor -> Cursor +" vCursor -> Cursor +" NormalMode fg2 bg0 reverse +" InsertMode blue bg0 reverse +" ReplaceMode cyan bg0 reverse +" VisualMode yellow bg0 reverse +" CommandMode magenta bg0 reverse +" Warnings yellow bg0 reverse +" TermCursor -> Cursor +" TermCursorNC bg1 fg1 diff --git a/doc/artesanal.txt b/doc/artesanal.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..18528c0 --- /dev/null +++ b/doc/artesanal.txt @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +*artesanal.txt* For Vim version 8.0 Last change: 2018 March 26 + + + VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by wimstefan + + + Artesanal colorscheme *artesanal* + +Artesanal is my personal colorscheme. + +It supports dark and light backgrounds, so you must set 'background' +before loading the colorscheme. For example: +> + set background=light + colorscheme artesanal +< +Artesanal requires at least 256 colors and supports "true color" terminals. + +============================================================================== +1. Colorscheme options *artesanal-options* + + *g:artesanal_italic* +Set to 1 if you want to enable italics in the terminal. Note that the terminal +must support italics. +> + let g:artesanal_italic = 0 +< + *g:artesanal_transp_bg* +Set to 1 if you want a transparent background. Takes effect only in the +terminal. +> + let g:artesanal_transp_bg = 0 +< + +vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl: diff --git a/make_colorschemes.vim b/make_colorschemes.vim new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41d6ec0 --- /dev/null +++ b/make_colorschemes.vim @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +" Source this script to parse all the templates in the templates folder and +" generate corresponding colorschemes in the colors folder (the colors and doc +" folders will be created they do not exist). +" Note: existing files in the colors and doc folders are overridden. + +let s:curdir = fnamemodify(resolve(expand(':p')), ':h') +let s:templates = s:curdir.'/templates' +let s:errors = 0 + +execute 'lcd' s:templates + +for s:template in glob(s:templates . '/artesanal*.colortemplate', 1, 1) + let s:template_name = fnamemodify(s:template, ':t:r') + execute "edit" s:template + execute "Colortemplate!" fnameescape(s:curdir) + if g:colortemplate_exit_status != 0 + echoerr 'ERROR:' s:template_name 'could not be built' + let s:errors = 1 + endif +endfor + +if s:errors > 0 + redraw + echo "\r" + echoerr "There were errors: see messages" +endif diff --git a/templates/_common.colortemplate b/templates/_common.colortemplate new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bf63ce --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/_common.colortemplate @@ -0,0 +1,148 @@ +# vim: ft=colortemplate fdm=marker + +# Default highlight groups {{{ +verbatim +if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_transp_bg', 0) +endverbatim + # Transparent background + Normal fg1 none + CursorLineNr yellow none + FoldColumn brightblack none + SignColumn fg2 none + VertSplit bg3 none +verbatim +else +endverbatim + # Opaque background + Normal fg1 bg0 + CursorLineNr yellow bg1 + FoldColumn brightblack bg1 + SignColumn fg2 bg1 + VertSplit bg3 bg0 +verbatim +endif +endverbatim + +# Group Fg Bg Attributes +ColorColumn none bg1 +Conceal blue none +Cursor none none reverse +CursorColumn -> CursorLine +CursorLine none bg1 bold,italic +DiffAdd fg4 brightgreen +DiffChange fg4 brightblue +DiffDelete fg4 brightred +DiffText fg4 brightyellow +Directory blue none bold +EndOfBuffer bg0 none +Error red bg0 bold,reverse +ErrorMsg bg0 red bold +Folded brightblack bg1 g=italic +IncSearch brightyellow black reverse +LineNr bg2 bg1 +MatchParen none bg3 bold +ModeMsg yellow none bold +MoreMsg yellow none bold +NonText bg4 none +Pmenu fg1 bg2 +PmenuSbar none bg2 +PmenuSel bg1 blue bold +PmenuThumb none bg4 +Question yellow none bold +QuickFixLine -> Search +Search brightyellow black reverse +SpecialKey bg4 none +SpellBad red none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=red +SpellCap blue none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=blue +SpellLocal cyan none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=cyan +SpellRare magenta none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=magenta +StatusLine bg2 fg1 reverse +StatusLineNC bg1 fg2 reverse +StatusLineTerm -> StatusLine +StatusLineTermNC -> StatusLineNC +TabLine -> TabLineFill +TabLineFill fg2 bg3 +TabLineSel fg1 bg1 +Title fg0 none bold +Visual none bg1 +VisualNOS -> Visual +WarningMsg red none bold +WildMenu blue bg2 bold +# Other conventional group names (see `:help group-name`) +Boolean magenta none +Character magenta none +Comment brightblack none g=italic +Conditional red none +Constant magenta none +Define cyan none +Debug red none +Delimiter -> Statement +Error red bg0 bold,reverse +Exception red none +Float magenta none +Function blue none bold +Identifier cyan none +Ignore fg none +Include cyan none +Keyword red none +Label -> Statement +Macro cyan none +Number magenta none +Operator -> Normal +PreCondit cyan none +PreProc cyan none +Repeat red none +SpecialChar red none +SpecialComment red none +Statement red none +StorageClass green none +Special yellow none +String green none +Structure cyan none +Tag -> Special +Todo fg bg0 t=bold g=bold,italic +Type cyan none +Typedef cyan none +Underlined blue none underline +# Language mapping cursor +lCursor -> Cursor +# See `:help CursorIM` +CursorIM none none reverse +# See `:help window-toolbar` +ToolbarLine none bg3 +ToolbarButton fg0 bg3 bold +# }}} + +# Italics {{{ +verbatim +if get(g:, "@optionprefix_italic", 0) + hi Comment cterm=italic + hi Folded cterm=italic + hi SpellBad cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellCap cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellLocal cterm=italic,underline + hi SpellRare cterm=italic,underline + hi Todo cterm=italic +endif +endverbatim +# }}} + +# Additional highlight groups {{{ +# Input mode cursor +iCursor -> Cursor +# Visual mode cursor, selection +vCursor -> Cursor + +# Useful for custom status lines +NormalMode fg2 bg0 reverse +InsertMode blue bg0 reverse +ReplaceMode cyan bg0 reverse +VisualMode yellow bg0 reverse +CommandMode magenta bg0 reverse +Warnings yellow bg0 reverse +# }}} + +# Terminal colors {{{ +Include: _terminal.colortemplate +# }}} + diff --git a/templates/_dark.colortemplate b/templates/_dark.colortemplate new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1427e5a --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/_dark.colortemplate @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# vim: ft=colortemplate sessionoptions=buffers,tabpages,winsize,folds + +# Comment out (do not delete) the definitions that you want to keep at their default. +# Color name GUI Base256 Base16 (optional) +Color: black #000000 ~ Black +Color: brightblack #696969 ~ DimGray +Color: red #ff4d4d ~ Red +Color: brightred #ff9999 ~ LightRed +Color: darkred #b30000 ~ DarkRed +Color: green #47b36b ~ Green +Color: brightgreen #b3ffcc ~ LightGreen +Color: darkgreen #268044 ~ DarkGreen +Color: yellow #ffff80 ~ Yellow +Color: brightyellow #ffffaf ~ LightYellow +Color: darkyellow #ffea00 ~ DarkYellow +Color: blue #7ab1cc ~ Blue +Color: brightblue #cceeff ~ LightBlue +Color: darkblue #266280 ~ DarkBlue +Color: magenta #ab47bc ~ Magenta +Color: brightmagenta #d1c4e9 ~ LightMagenta +Color: darkmagenta #4527a0 ~ DarkMagenta +Color: cyan #009688 ~ Cyan +Color: brightcyan #b2dfdb ~ LightCyan +Color: darkcyan #00695c ~ DarkCyan +Color: white #ebebeb ~ Gray92 +Color: brightwhite #ffffff ~ White + +Include: _common.colortemplate diff --git a/templates/_help.colortemplate b/templates/_help.colortemplate new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8eef140 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/_help.colortemplate @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# vim: ft=colortemplate fdm=marker noet ts=8 tw=78 + +documentation +*@shortname.txt* For Vim version 8.0 Last change: 2018 March 26 + + + VIM REFERENCE MANUAL by wimstefan + + + @fullname colorscheme *@shortname* + +@fullname is my personal colorscheme. + +It supports dark and light backgrounds, so you must set 'background' +before loading the colorscheme. For example: +> + set background=light + colorscheme @shortname +< +@fullname requires at least 256 colors and supports "true color" terminals. + +============================================================================== +1. Colorscheme options *@optionprefix-options* + + *g:@optionprefix_italic* +Set to 1 if you want to enable italics in the terminal. Note that the terminal +must support italics. +> + let g:@optionprefix_italic = 0 +< + *g:@optionprefix_transp_bg* +Set to 1 if you want a transparent background. Takes effect only in the +terminal. +> + let g:@optionprefix_transp_bg = 0 +< +enddocumentation diff --git a/templates/_light.colortemplate b/templates/_light.colortemplate new file mode 100644 index 0000000..99c85e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/_light.colortemplate @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +# vim: ft=colortemplate sessionoptions=buffers,tabpages,winsize,folds + +# Comment out (do not delete) the definitions that you want to keep at their default. +# Color name GUI Base256 Base16 (optional) +Color: black #000000 ~ Black +Color: brightblack #696969 ~ DimGray +Color: red #b72e2e ~ Red +Color: brightred #ff9999 ~ LightRed +Color: darkred #a30000 ~ DarkRed +Color: green #47b36b ~ Green +Color: brightgreen #b3ffcc ~ LightGreen +Color: darkgreen #268044 ~ DarkGreen +Color: yellow #ff9900 ~ Yellow +Color: brightyellow #ffd699 ~ LightYellow +Color: darkyellow #cc7a00 ~ DarkYellow +Color: blue #5995b3 ~ Blue +Color: brightblue #cceeff ~ LightBlue +Color: darkblue #266280 ~ DarkBlue +Color: magenta #ab47bc ~ Magenta +Color: brightmagenta #d1c4e9 ~ LightMagenta +Color: darkmagenta #4527a0 ~ DarkMagenta +Color: cyan #009688 ~ Cyan +Color: brightcyan #b2dfdb ~ LightCyan +Color: darkcyan #00695c ~ DarkCyan +Color: white #ebebeb ~ Gray92 +Color: brightwhite #ffffff ~ White + +Include: _common.colortemplate diff --git a/templates/_terminal.colortemplate b/templates/_terminal.colortemplate new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7571367 --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/_terminal.colortemplate @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +# vim: ft=colortemplate + +verbatim +if has('terminal') + let g:terminal_color_0 = '@guibg0' + let g:terminal_color_8 = '@guibrightblack' + let g:terminal_color_1 = '@guired' + let g:terminal_color_9 = '@guibrightred' + let g:terminal_color_2 = '@guigreen' + let g:terminal_color_10 = '@guibrightgreen' + let g:terminal_color_3 = '@guiyellow' + let g:terminal_color_11 = '@guibrightyellow' + let g:terminal_color_4 = '@guiblue' + let g:terminal_color_12 = '@guibrightblue' + let g:terminal_color_5 = '@guimagenta' + let g:terminal_color_13 = '@guibrightmagenta' + let g:terminal_color_6 = '@guicyan' + let g:terminal_color_14 = '@guibrightcyan' + let g:terminal_color_7 = '@guifg0' + let g:terminal_color_15 = '@guifg2' +endif +endverbatim +TermCursor -> Cursor +TermCursorNC bg1 fg1 + diff --git a/templates/artesanal.colortemplate b/templates/artesanal.colortemplate new file mode 100644 index 0000000..116da6b --- /dev/null +++ b/templates/artesanal.colortemplate @@ -0,0 +1,37 @@ +# vim: ft=colortemplate sessionoptions=buffers,tabpages,winsize,folds + +Full name: Artesanal +Short name: artesanal +Author: Stefan Wimmer +Maintainer: Stefan Wimmer +Website: +Description: A Vim colorscheme with light and dark variants based on Material Design. +Terminal Colors: 256 +Option Prefix: artesanal + +Include: _help.colortemplate + +Background: light +Color: fg0 #141414 ~ +Color: fg1 #333333 ~ +Color: fg2 #505050 ~ +Color: fg4 #707070 ~ +Color: bg0 #fbfbfb ~ +Color: bg1 #ebebeb ~ +Color: bg2 #d3d3d3 ~ +Color: bg3 #bdbdbd ~ +Color: bg4 #a8a8a8 ~ +Include: _light.colortemplate + +Background: dark +Color: fg0 #fbfbfb ~ +Color: fg1 #ebebeb ~ +Color: fg2 #d3d3d3 ~ +Color: fg4 #707070 ~ +Color: bg0 #141414 ~ +Color: bg1 #333333 ~ +Color: bg2 #505050 ~ +Color: bg3 #616161 ~ +Color: bg4 #727272 ~ +Include: _dark.colortemplate +