From f96996df158d8c20be551ee728adf5618802d347 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andy Wokula <>
Date: Sat, 9 Mar 2013 00:00:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Version 0.5

Bug fixes (accept more patterns): `\z(', `\z1', ..., `[foo'; added cases where `^', `*', `$' become literal; `[=a=]` in collections, a few more.
 autoload/explainpat.vim | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 autoload/nwo/magic.vim  |  11 ++--
 doc/explainpat.txt      |  54 +++++++++++++---
 plugin/explainpat.vim   |   6 +-
 4 files changed, 158 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)

diff --git a/autoload/explainpat.vim b/autoload/explainpat.vim
index c0545ea..a45fa58 100644
--- a/autoload/explainpat.vim
+++ b/autoload/explainpat.vim
@@ -1,24 +1,19 @@
 " File:         explainpat.vim
 " Created:      2011 Nov 02
-" Last Change:  2012 Dec 19
-" Rev Days:     3
+" Last Change:  2013 Mar 09
+" Rev Days:     8
 " Author:	Andy Wokula <>
 " License:	Vim License, see :h license
-" Version:	0.2
+" Version:	0.5
 " Implements :ExplainPattern [pattern]
 " TODO {{{
 " - more testing, completeness check
-" - detailed collections
-" - \z
+" ? detailed collections
 " ? literal string: also print the unescaped magic items
 " ? literal string: show leading/trailing spaces
-" + start of "first" capturing group, start of 2nd ...
-" + `\|' should get less indent than the branches, do we need to create an
-"   AST?	! no, keep it straight forward
-" + \%[...]
-" + \{, \{-
 " Init Folklore {{{
@@ -27,7 +22,9 @@ set cpo&vim
 let g:explainpat#loaded = 1
-func! explainpat#ExplainPattern(cmd_arg) "{{{
+func! explainpat#ExplainPattern(cmd_arg, ...) "{{{
+    " {a:1}	alternative help printer object (caution, no sanity check)
+    "		(for test running)
     if a:cmd_arg == ""
 	" let pattern_str = nwo#vis#Get()
 	echo "(usage) :ExplainPattern [{register} | {pattern}]"
@@ -45,11 +42,15 @@ func! explainpat#ExplainPattern(cmd_arg) "{{{
 	echo printf('Magic Pattern: %s', magicpat)
-    " hmm, we need state for \%[ ... ]
+    " we need state:
+    " set flag when in `\%[ ... ]' (optionally matched atoms):
     let s:in_opt_atoms = 0
+    " counter for `\(':
     let s:capture_group_nr = 0
+    " >=1 at pos 0 or after '\|', '\&', '\(', '\%(' or '\n'; else 0 or less:
+    let s:at_begin_of_pat = 1
-    let hulit = s:NewHelpPrinter()
+    let hulit = a:0>=1 && type(a:1)==s:DICT ? a:1 : s:NewHelpPrinter()
     call hulit.AddIndent('  ')
     let bull = s:NewTokenBiter(magicpat, '')
     while !bull.AtEnd()
@@ -62,7 +63,10 @@ func! explainpat#ExplainPattern(cmd_arg) "{{{
 		call hulit.Print(item, Doc)
 	    elseif type(Doc) == s:FUNCREF
 		call call(Doc, [bull, hulit, item])
+	    elseif type(Doc) == s:LIST
+		call call(Doc[0], [bull, hulit, item, Doc[1]])
+	    let s:at_begin_of_pat -= 1
 	    echoerr printf('ExplainPattern: cannot parse "%s"', bull.Rest())
@@ -76,9 +80,10 @@ endfunc "}}}
 let s:STRING = type("")
 let s:DICT   = type({})
 let s:FUNCREF = type(function("tr"))
+let s:LIST = type([])
 " }}}
-let s:magic_item_pattern = '\C^\%(\\\%(@<.\|%[dxouU[(^$V#<>]\=\|z[1-9se(]\|{\|@[>=!]\|_[[^$.]\=\|.\)\|.\)'
+let s:magic_item_pattern = '\C^\%(\\\%(@<.\|%[dxouU[(^$V#<>]\=\|z[1-9se(]\|@[>=!]\|_[[^$.]\=\|.\)\|.\)'
 let s:doc = {} " {{{
 " this is all the help data ...
@@ -87,23 +92,33 @@ let s:doc = {} " {{{
 func! s:DocOrBranch(bull, hulit, item) "{{{
     call a:hulit.RemIndent()
-    call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "OR branch")
+    call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "OR (separate alternatives)")
     call a:hulit.AddIndent('  ')
+    let s:at_begin_of_pat = 2
 endfunc "}}}
 let s:doc['\|'] = function("s:DocOrBranch")
-let s:doc['\&'] = "AND branch"
+func! s:DocBeginOfPat(bull, hulit, item, msg) "{{{
+    call a:hulit.Print(a:item, a:msg)
+    let s:at_begin_of_pat = 2
+endfunc "}}}
+let s:doc['\&'] = [function("s:DocBeginOfPat"), "AND (separate concats, all must match)"]
 let s:ord = split('n first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth')
 func! s:DocGroupStart(bull, hulit, item) "{{{
     if a:item == '\%('
 	call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "start of non-capturing group")
-    else " a:item == '\('
+    elseif a:item == '\('
 	let s:capture_group_nr += 1
 	call a:hulit.Print(a:item, printf("start of %s capturing group", get(s:ord, s:capture_group_nr, '(invalid)')))
+    else " a:item == '\z('
+	call a:hulit.Print(a:item, 'start of "external" group (only usable in :syn-region)')
     call a:hulit.AddIndent('| ', '  ')
+    let s:at_begin_of_pat = 2
 endfunc "}}}
 func! s:DocGroupEnd(bull, hulit, item) "{{{
     call a:hulit.RemIndent(2)
@@ -113,9 +128,21 @@ endfunc "}}}
 let s:doc['\('] = function("s:DocGroupStart")
 let s:doc['\%('] = function("s:DocGroupStart")
 let s:doc['\)'] =  function("s:DocGroupEnd")
+" let s:doc['\z('] = "only in syntax scripts"
+let s:doc['\z('] = function("s:DocGroupStart")
+func! s:DocStar(bull, hulit, item) "{{{
+    if s:at_begin_of_pat >= 1
+	" call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(at begin of pattern) literal `*'")
+	call a:hulit.AddLiteral(a:item)
+    else
+	call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(multi) zero or more of the preceding atom")
+    endif
+endfunc "}}}
+" let s:doc['*'] = "(multi) zero or more of the preceding atom"
+let s:doc['*'] = function("s:DocStar")
-let s:doc['\z('] = "only in syntax scripts"
-let s:doc['*'] = "(multi) zero or more of the preceding atom"
 let s:doc['\+'] = "(multi) one or more of the preceding atom"
 let s:doc['\='] = "(multi) zero or one of the preceding atom"
 let s:doc['\?'] = "(multi) zero or one of the preceding atom"
@@ -144,9 +171,36 @@ let s:doc['\@='] = "(assertion) require match for preceding atom"
 let s:doc['\@!'] = "(assertion) forbid match for preceding atom"
 let s:doc['\@<='] = "(assertion) require match for preceding atom to the left"
 let s:doc['\@<!'] = "(assertion) forbid match for preceding atom to the left"
-let s:doc['^'] = "(assertion) require match at start of line"
+func! s:DocCircumFlex(bull, hulit, item) "{{{
+    if s:at_begin_of_pat >= 1
+	call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(assertion) require match at start of line")
+	" after `^' is not at begin of pattern ... handle special case `^*' here:
+	if a:bull.Bite('^\*') == "*"
+	    call a:hulit.AddLiteral("*")
+	endif
+    else
+	" call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(not at begin of pattern) literal `^'")
+	call a:hulit.AddLiteral(a:item)
+    endif
+endfunc "}}}
+" let s:doc['^'] = "(assertion) require match at start of line"
+let s:doc['^'] = function("s:DocCircumFlex")
 let s:doc['\_^'] = "(assertion) like `^', allowed anywhere in the pattern"
-let s:doc['$'] = "(assertion) require match at end of line"
+func! s:DocDollar(bull, hulit, item) "{{{
+    if a:bull.Rest() =~ '^$\|^\\[&|)n]'
+	call a:hulit.Print(a:item, "(assertion) require match at end of line")
+    else
+	call a:hulit.AddLiteral(a:item)
+    endif
+endfunc "}}}
+" let s:doc['$'] = "(assertion) require match at end of line"
+let s:doc['$'] = function("s:DocDollar")
 let s:doc['\_$'] = "(assertion) like `$', allowed anywhere in the pattern"
 let s:doc['.'] = "match any character"
 let s:doc['\_.'] = "match any character or newline"
@@ -266,7 +320,7 @@ let s:doc['\e'] = "match <Esc>"
 let s:doc['\t'] = "match <Tab>"
 let s:doc['\r'] = "match <CR>"
 let s:doc['\b'] = "match CTRL-H"
-let s:doc['\n'] = "match a newline"
+let s:doc['\n'] = [function("s:DocBeginOfPat"), "match a newline"]
 let s:doc['~'] = "match the last given substitute string"
 let s:doc['\1'] = "match first captured string"
 let s:doc['\2'] = "match second captured string"
@@ -278,21 +332,31 @@ let s:doc['\7'] = "match seventh captured string"
 let s:doc['\8'] = "match eighth captured string"
 let s:doc['\9'] = "match ninth captured string"
-" \z1
-" \z2
-" \z9
+let s:doc['\z1'] = 'match same string matched by first "external" group'
+let s:doc['\z2'] = 'match same string matched by second "external" group'
+let s:doc['\z3'] = 'match same string matched by third "external" group'
+let s:doc['\z4'] = 'match same string matched by fourth "external" group '
+let s:doc['\z5'] = 'match same string matched by fifth "external" group'
+let s:doc['\z6'] = 'match same string matched by sixth "external" group'
+let s:doc['\z7'] = 'match same string matched by seventh "external" group'
+let s:doc['\z8'] = 'match same string matched by eighth "external" group'
+let s:doc['\z9'] = 'match same string matched by ninth "external" group'
 " from MakeMagic()
 " skip the rest of a collection
-let s:coll_skip_pat = '^\^\=]\=\%(\%(\\[\^\]\-\\bertn]\|\[:\w\+:]\|[^\]]\)\@>\)*]'
+let s:coll_skip_pat = '^\^\=]\=\%(\%(\\[\^\]\-\\bertn]\|\[:\w\+:]\|\[=.=]\|\[\..\.]\|[^\]]\)\@>\)*]'
 func! s:DocCollection(bull, hulit, item) "{{{
     let collstr = a:bull.Bite(s:coll_skip_pat)
-    let inverse = collstr =~ '^\^'
-    let with_nl = a:item == '\_['
-    let descr = inverse ? printf('collection not matching [%s', collstr[1:]) : 'collection'
-    let descr_nl = printf("%s%s", (inverse && with_nl ? ', but' : ''), (with_nl ? ' with end-of-line added' : ''))
-    call a:hulit.Print(a:item. collstr, descr. descr_nl)
+    if collstr != ""
+	let inverse = collstr =~ '^\^'
+	let with_nl = a:item == '\_['
+	let descr = inverse ? printf('collection not matching [%s', collstr[1:]) : 'collection'
+	let descr_nl = printf("%s%s", (inverse && with_nl ? ', but' : ''), (with_nl ? ' with end-of-line added' : ''))
+	call a:hulit.Print(a:item. collstr, descr. descr_nl)
+    else
+	call a:hulit.AddLiteral('[')
+    endif
 endfunc "}}}
 let s:doc['['] = function("s:DocCollection")
@@ -318,9 +382,15 @@ endfunc "}}}
 let s:doc['\%['] = function("s:DocOptAtoms")
 let s:doc[']'] = function("s:DocOptAtoms")
-let s:doc['\c'] = "ignore case while matching the pattern"
-let s:doc['\C'] = "match case while matching the pattern"
-let s:doc['\Z'] = "ignore composing characters in the pattern"
+func! s:DocAnywhere(bull, hulit, item, msg) "{{{
+    call a:hulit.Print(a:item, a:msg)
+    " keep state:
+    let s:at_begin_of_pat += 1
+endfunc "}}}
+let s:doc['\c'] = [function("s:DocAnywhere"), "ignore case while matching the pattern"]
+let s:doc['\C'] = [function("s:DocAnywhere"), "match case while matching the pattern"]
+let s:doc['\Z'] = [function("s:DocAnywhere"), "ignore composing characters in the pattern"]
 " \%d 123
 " \%x 2a
@@ -466,7 +536,7 @@ func! s:NewTokenBiter(str, ...) "{{{
 	return bite
     endfunc "}}}
-    " get the unparsed rest of input
+    " get the unparsed rest of input (not consuming)
     func! obj.Rest() "{{{
 	return self.str
     endfunc "}}}
diff --git a/autoload/nwo/magic.vim b/autoload/nwo/magic.vim
index 3342102..557af82 100644
--- a/autoload/nwo/magic.vim
+++ b/autoload/nwo/magic.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 " File:         makemagic.vim
 " Created:      2011 Apr 18
-" Last Change:  2012 Dec 19
-" Rev Days:     4
+" Last Change:  2013 Mar 06
+" Rev Days:     6
 " Author:	Andy Wokula <>
 " License:	Vim License, see :h license
-" Version:	0.1
+" Version:	0.3
 "" Comments {{{
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@
 " - recognize [#-\\]], with spaces: [ #-\ \] ]
 "   (collection ends at second ']')
+" + \v\z( => \z(
 " 2011 Nov 01	copied from asneeded\makemagic.vim
 "		now asneeded\nwo\makemagic.vim (comments there!)
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ endfunc "}}}
 " s:variables {{{
 " pattern to match very magic items:
-let s:vmagic_items_pat = '\\.\|%\%([#$(UV[\^cdlouvx]\|''.\|[<>]\%(''.\|[clv]\)\)\|[&()+<=>?|]\|@\%([!=>]\|<[!=]\)\|{'
+let s:vmagic_items_pat = '\C\\\%(z(\|.\)\|%\%([#$(UV[\^cdlouvx]\|[<>]\=\%(''.\|\d\+[clv]\)\)\|[&()+<=>?|]\|@\%([!=>]\|<[!=]\)\|{'
 " not escaped - require an even number of '\' (zero or more) to the left:
 let s:not_escaped  = '\%(\%(^\|[^\\]\)\%(\\\\\)*\)\@<='
@@ -129,7 +130,7 @@ let s:switchpat = {
 " skip over a collection (starting at '[' (same for all magic modes) or
 " starting at '\_[' (same for all modes))
-let s:collection_skip_pat = '^\%(\\_\)\=\[\^\=]\=\%(\%(\\[\^\]\-\\bertn]\|\[:\w\+:]\|[^\]]\)\@>\)*]'
+let s:collection_skip_pat = '^\%(\\_\)\=\[\^\=]\=\%(\%(\\[\^\]\-\\bertn]\|\[:\w\+:]\|\[=.=]\|\[\..\.]\|[^\]]\)\@>\)*]'
 " }}}
diff --git a/doc/explainpat.txt b/doc/explainpat.txt
index e38bc62..f4500fa 100644
--- a/doc/explainpat.txt
+++ b/doc/explainpat.txt
@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
 *explainpat.txt*    Give detailed help on a regexp pattern.
-		    For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2012 Dec 19
+		    For Vim version 7.0.  Last change: 2013 Mar 09
 		    By Andy Wokula <>
 						*explainpat* *explainpat.vim*
-When you want to inspect a given Vim regexp pattern, this script might save
-you lots of help lookups.  And it will make the structure of a regexp visible.
-And it helps spotting mistakes.
+ExplainPat is a plugin to inspect a Vim regexp pattern and show a line of help
+for each found regexp item.
-If you find that it explains something wrong, drop me an email.
+If you find that it explains something wrong, please drop me an email.
-:ExplainPattern [{pattern} | {register}]
-			parse the given Vim {pattern} and print a line of help
-			(with color) for each found pattern item.  Nested
+:ExplainPattern {pattern}
+:ExplainPattern {register}
+			inspect the given Vim {pattern} and print a line of
+			help (with color) for each found pattern item.  Nested
 			items get extra indent.
 			A single-char argument is used as {register} argument:
@@ -23,8 +24,8 @@ If you find that it explains something wrong, drop me an email.
 				a	explain pattern from register a
-The pattern is first converted into a purely magic pattern using
-|nwo#magic#MakeMagic()|.  This means that embedded |\V| |\M| |\m| |\V|
+The pattern is first converted into a purely |magic| pattern using
+|nwo#magic#MakeMagic()|.  This means that embedded |/\V| |/\M| |/\m| |/\v|
 specifiers are effectively removed from the explanation.
 :ExplainPattern also accepts some invalid patterns: >
@@ -32,5 +33,38 @@ specifiers are effectively removed from the explanation.
 	Pattern: \)
 	\)         end of group
++ BF `$\n^`
++ wording: `\|' is not an "OR branch" (it separates or branches)
++ NF added tests (not part of release)
++ NF accept custom help printer (for testing purpose, could also be used to
+  export HTML etc.)
++ BF `[foo` is a literal string
++ BF for |/star|, |/^| and |/$|, distinguish position in the pattern
+  (sometimes these become literal); special cases: `^**', `^^', `\c^^', `$$',
+  `a\|^b', `a\&*b', `[ab', `\_[ab', ...
++ BF accept `\z(...\)` and `\z[N]`
++ BF accept `[=a=]` and `[.a.]` in collections
++ include vim_use suggestions [2012 Dec 19]
+  * for collections [^...], add "not matching [...]"
+  * fix `\%>'a1`
+  * more detailed `\%x31`
+v0.1 (initial version)
++ start of "first" capturing group, start of 2nd ...
++ `\|' should get less indent than the branches, do we need to create an
+  AST?	! no, keep it straight forward
++ \%[...]
++ \{, \{-
diff --git a/plugin/explainpat.vim b/plugin/explainpat.vim
index ebe9fb1..18dd574 100644
--- a/plugin/explainpat.vim
+++ b/plugin/explainpat.vim
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 " File:         explainpat.vim
 " Created:      2011 Nov 02
-" Last Change:  2012 Dec 19
-" Rev Days:     3
+" Last Change:  2013 Mar 08
+" Rev Days:     7
 " Author:	Andy Wokula <>
 " License:	Vim License, see :h license
-" Version:	0.2
+" Version:	0.5
 " :ExplainPattern [pattern]