# zshrc/30_aliases # # Defines command shortcuts # # Copyright © 1994–2008 martin f. krafft # Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0 # # Source repository: http://git.madduck.net/v/etc/zsh.git # alias mv='nocorrect mv' # no spelling correction on mv alias cp='nocorrect cp' # no spelling correction on cp alias mkdir='nocorrect mkdir' # no spelling correction on mkdir alias find='noglob find' # no globbing for find alias grep=egrep alias ls='ls --color=auto' alias ll='ls -l' alias la='ls -a' alias lla='ls -la' # List only directories and symbolic links that point to directories alias lsd='ls -ld *(-/DN)' alias -g ...=../.. alias -g ....=../../.. alias mbug='bts show --mbox' alias bug='BROWSER=www-browser bts show' # vim:ft=zsh