# zshrc/30_aliases # # Defines command shortcuts # # Copyright © 1994–2017 martin f. krafft # Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0 # # Source repository: http://git.madduck.net/v/etc/zsh.git # alias giti='git init && git add . && git commit -minitial\ checkin && git tag orig' gbs() { local branch; branch="$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)"; branch="${branch##*/}" git config branch.${branch}.remote ${1:-origin} git config branch.${branch}.merge refs/heads/${branch} git config branch.${branch}.rebase true } if whence mtail >/dev/null; then alias t=mtail elif whence tailf >/dev/null; then alias t=tailf else alias t='tail -f' fi compdef _files t function ltail() { t ~log/$1 } compdef '_files -W ~log' ltail function lless() { sensible-pager ~log/$1 } compdef '_files -W ~log' lless alias tsl='ltail syslog' alias lsl='lless syslog' alias tml='ltail mail.log' alias lml='lless mail.log' alias tal='ltail auth.log' alias lal='lless auth.log' alias tdl='ltail daemon.log' alias ldl='lless daemon.log' alias tkl='ltail kern.log' alias lkl='lless kern.log' function lgrep() { local pattern="$1"; shift eval egrep "'$pattern'" "~log/${(j: ~log/:)@}" } function psgrep() { ps aux | grep "[${1[1]}]${1[2,-1]}" } alias sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail _d() { dict $* } d() { _d $* | sensible-pager } the() { d -d moby-thesaurus $* } typeset -A _LANGUAGES _LANGUAGES[en]=eng _LANGUAGES[de]=deu _LANGUAGES[es]=spa _LANGUAGES[fr]=fra _LANGUAGES[it]=ita _LANGUAGES[tn]=lat for l0 in ${(k)_LANGUAGES}; do for l1 in ${(k)_LANGUAGES}; do eval "function _${l0}-${l1}() { _d -d fd-${_LANGUAGES[$l0]}-${_LANGUAGES[$l1]} \$* }" eval "function ${l0}-${l1}() { d -d fd-${_LANGUAGES[$l0]}-${_LANGUAGES[$l1]} \$* }" done done unset '_LANGUAGES[en]' for l in ${(k)_LANGUAGES}; do eval "function ${l}() { (_${l}-en \$*; _en-${l} \$*) | more }" done unset _LANGUAGES bugsub() { echo X-debbugs-autosubscribe: madduck | sendmail -f $DEBEMAIL ${1:?No bug number}-subscribe@bugs.debian.org } bugunsub() { sendmail -f $DEBEMAIL ${1:?No bug number}-unsubscribe@bugs.debian.org /dev/null; then _devtodo_on_chpwd() { local out; out="$(devtodo)" [[ -n $out ]] && print "todo:\n$out" } [[ -z ${(M)chpwd_functions:#_devtodo_on_chpwd} ]] && chpwd_functions+=_devtodo_on_chpwd fi pdfextract() { local i=$1 local o=$2 shift 2 pdftk "$i" cat "${@:-1-end}" output "${o%.pdf}.pdf" if [ -n "$1" ]; then local tmpfile tmpfile=$(tempfile -p pdftk -s .pdf) cleanup() { rm -f $tmpfile; trap - EXIT; } trap cleanup EXIT pdftk "$i" cat "1-end~${(j:~:)@}" output $tmpfile mv $tmpfile "$i" cleanup fi } compdef _files pdfextract gittestfile() { local annex; annex=false local file case "$1" in (-a) annex=true;; (*) if [ -n "$file" ]; then echo >&2 "E: filename already given" return 1 fi file="$1";; esac if [ -z "$file" ]; then file=$(TMPDIR=${PWD} tempfile -ptest. -s.txt) fi echo "Test file created $(date)" >| $file case "$annex" in true) git annex add $file git commit -m"Add test file $file to annex" ;; false) git add $file git commit -m"Add test file $file" ;; esac } # vim:ft=zsh