X-Git-Url: https://git.madduck.net/etc/zsh.git/blobdiff_plain/31dd1414e8c5506b61f5c5445ddf5af40f3d21a3..0f229aed589c6c0dc2a31a8d0e81d388a9ae4cb6:/.zsh/zshrc/30_aliases

diff --git a/.zsh/zshrc/30_aliases b/.zsh/zshrc/30_aliases
index 0462be3..fd8dd24 100644
--- a/.zsh/zshrc/30_aliases
+++ b/.zsh/zshrc/30_aliases
@@ -5,9 +5,11 @@
 # Copyright © 1994–2008 martin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
 # Released under the terms of the Artistic Licence 2.0
-# Source repository: http://git.madduck.net/v/etc/zsh.git
+# Source repository: git://git.madduck.net/etc/zsh.git
+function trace() { eval "set -x; $@" }
 alias mv='nocorrect mv'
 alias cp='nocorrect cp'
 alias ln='nocorrect ln'
@@ -32,24 +34,25 @@ command ls --group-directories-first >/dev/null 2>&1 \
 # I prefer POSIX collation for ls
 alias ls="LC_COLLATE=POSIX ls $_ls_opts"
+alias l='ls --time-style=+%Y%m%d.%H%M -gG'
 alias ll='ls -l'
-alias l=ll
 alias la='ls -a'
 alias lla='ls -la'
+alias lt='ls -lt'
 alias lrt='ls -lrt'
+alias lat='ls -lat'
 alias lart='ls -lart'
 # List only directories and symbolic links that point to directories
-alias lsd='ls -ld *(-/DN)'
-alias lsbig="ls -flh *(.OL[1,10])"
-alias lssmall="ls -Srl *(.oL[1,10])"
-alias lsnew="ls -rl *(D.om[1,10])"
-alias lsold="ls -rtlh *(D.om[1,10])"
+alias lsd='ll -d *(-/DN)'
-cd () { builtin cd "$@" && lrt }
+alias lscontext=ls
+cd () { __CHPWD_RUN_FIRST=lscontext && builtin cd "$@" && unset __CHPWD_RUN_FIRST }
 #_cd_l() { ll }
+# #183394
+alias w='w|cat'
 alias egrep='egrep --color=auto -d skip'
 alias fgrep='fgrep --color=auto -d skip'
 alias grep='grep --color=auto -d skip'
@@ -67,26 +70,56 @@ alias bug='BROWSER=www-browser bts show'
 # handy documentation lookup on Debian
 # from http://www.michael-prokop.at/computer/config/.zshrc
-doc() { cd /usr/share/doc/$1 && ls }
-_doc() { _files -W /usr/share/doc -/ }
-compdef _doc doc
-alias giti='git init && git add . && git commit -minitial\ checkin'
-if whence tailf >/dev/null; then
+doc() { cd /usr/share/doc/$1 }
+compdef '_files -W /usr/share/doc -/' doc
+alias giti='git init && git add . && git commit -minitial\ checkin && git tag orig'
+gbs() {
+  local branch; branch="$(git symbolic-ref -q HEAD)"; branch="${branch##*/}"
+  git config branch.${branch}.remote ${1:-origin}
+  git config branch.${branch}.merge refs/heads/${branch}
+  git config branch.${branch}.rebase true
+if whence mtail >/dev/null; then
+  alias t=mtail
+elif whence tailf >/dev/null; then
   alias t=tailf
   alias t='tail -f'
-alias tsl='t /var/log/syslog'
-alias tml='t /var/log/mail.log'
-alias tal='t /var/log/auth.log'
-alias tdl='t /var/log/daemon.log'
-alias tkl='t /var/log/kern.log'
+compdef _files t
+function ltail() { t ~log/$1 }
+compdef '_files -W ~log' ltail
+function lless() { sensible-pager ~log/$1 }
+compdef '_files -W ~log' lless
+alias tsl='ltail syslog'
+alias lsl='lless syslog'
+alias tml='ltail mail.log'
+alias lml='lless mail.log'
+alias tal='ltail auth.log'
+alias lal='lless auth.log'
+alias tdl='ltail daemon.log'
+alias ldl='lless daemon.log'
+alias tkl='ltail kern.log'
+alias lkl='lless kern.log'
+function lgrep() {
+  local pattern="$1"; shift
+  eval egrep "'$pattern'" "~log/${(j: ~log/:)@}"
 alias px='ps afux'
 alias mps='ps -ao user,pcpu,start,command'
+function of() { lsof -np "$1" }
+compdef _pids of
+function psgrep() { ps aux | grep "[${1[1]}]${1[2,-1]}" }
 alias bofh='fortune bofh-excuses'
 autoload -U baseconv
@@ -95,7 +128,9 @@ alias d2b='baseconv 10 2'
 alias d2h='baseconv 10 16'
 alias h2d='baseconv 16 10'
 alias d2o='baseconv 10 8'
-alias o2d='baseconv 8 10'
+alias d2o='baseconv 10 8'
+alias h2b='baseconv 16 2'
+alias b2h='baseconv 2 16'
 alias sendmail=/usr/sbin/sendmail
@@ -108,21 +143,44 @@ _LANGUAGES[de]=deu
 for l0 in ${(k)_LANGUAGES}; do
   for l1 in ${(k)_LANGUAGES}; do
-    eval "_${l0}-${l1}() { _d -d fd-${_LANGUAGES[$l0]}-${_LANGUAGES[$l1]} \$* }"
-    eval "${l0}-${l1}() { d -d fd-${_LANGUAGES[$l0]}-${_LANGUAGES[$l1]} \$* }"
+    eval "function _${l0}-${l1}() { _d -d fd-${_LANGUAGES[$l0]}-${_LANGUAGES[$l1]} \$* }"
+    eval "function ${l0}-${l1}() { d -d fd-${_LANGUAGES[$l0]}-${_LANGUAGES[$l1]} \$* }"
 unset '_LANGUAGES[en]'
 for l in ${(k)_LANGUAGES}; do
-  eval "${l}() { (_${l}-en \$*; _en-${l} \$*) | more }"
+  eval "function ${l}() { (_${l}-en \$*; _en-${l} \$*) | more }"
-alias dpkg-buildpackage="dpkg-buildpackage -k$DEBKEYID"
+alias dpkg-buildpackage="dpkg-buildpackage -k$DEBKEYID -rfakeroot"
+bugsub() { echo X-debbugs-autosubscribe: madduck | sendmail -f $DEBEMAIL ${1:?No bug number}-subscribe@bugs.debian.org }
+bugunsub() { sendmail -f $DEBEMAIL ${1:?No bug number}-unsubscribe@bugs.debian.org </dev/null }
+ptssub() { echo subscribe ${1:?E: no package name given.} | sendmail -f ${2:-$DEBEMAIL} pts@qa.debian.org }
+ptsunsub() { echo unsubscribe ${1:?E: no package name given.} | sendmail -f ${2:-$DEBEMAIL} pts@qa.debian.org }
+qasub() { echo subscribe ${1:?E: no package name given.} ${2:-unspecifed} | sendmail -f $DEBEMAIL ddpo@qa.debian.org }
+qaunsub() { echo unsubscribe ${1:?E: no package name given.} ${2:-unspecifed} | sendmail -f $DEBEMAIL ddpo@qa.debian.org }
 uc() { unicode --max=0 --colour=off "$@" | sensible-pager }
+alias ipr='ip r'
+alias ipa='ip a'
+alias ipl='ip l'
+alias btd='btdownloadheadless'
+alias mdtest='swaks -s localhost -t'
+if whence devtodo >/dev/null; then
+  _devtodo_on_chpwd() {
+    local out; out="$(devtodo)"
+    [[ -n $out ]] && print "todo:\n$out"
+  }
+  [[ -z ${(M)chpwd_functions:#_devtodo_on_chpwd} ]] && chpwd_functions+=_devtodo_on_chpwd
 # vim:ft=zsh