-local bat = {
- status = "not present",
- perc = "N/A",
- time = "N/A",
-function worker(args)
- local args = args or {}
- local battery = args.battery or "BAT0"
- local show_all = args.show_all or false
- local refresh_timeout = args.refresh_timeout or 30
- local header = args.header or " Bat "
- local header_color = args.header_color or beautiful.fg_normal or "#FFFFFF"
- local color = args.color or beautiful.fg_focus or "#FFFFFF"
- local shadow = args.shadow or false
- local mybattery = wibox.widget.textbox()
- local mybatteryupdate = function()
- local present = first_line("/sys/class/power_supply/"
- .. battery
- .. "/present")
- if present == "1"
- then
- local rate = first_line("/sys/class/power_supply/"
- .. battery ..
- "/power_now")
- local ratev = first_line("/sys/class/power_supply/"
- .. battery ..
- "/voltage_now")
- local rem = first_line("/sys/class/power_supply/"
- .. battery ..
- "/energy_now")
- local tot = first_line("/sys/class/power_supply/"
- .. battery ..
- "/energy_full")
- bat.status = first_line("/sys/class/power_supply/"
- .. battery ..
- "/status")
- local time_rat = 0
- if bat.status == "Charging"
- then
- status = "(+)"
- time_rat = (tot - rem) / rate
- elseif bat.status == "Discharging"
- then
- status = "(-)"
- time_rat = rem / rate
- else
- status = "(.)"
- end
- local hrs = math.floor(time_rat)
- local min = (time_rat - hrs) * 60
- bat.time = string.format("%02d:%02d", hrs, min)
- local amount = (rem / tot) * 100
- if shadow
- then
- bat.perc = string.format("%d", amount)
- else
- bat.perc = string.format("%d%%", amount)
- end
- local watt = string.format("%.2fW", (rate * ratev) / 1e12)
- if show_all
- then
- text = watt .. " " .. bat.perc .. " " .. bat.time .. " " .. bat.status
- else
- text = bat.perc
- end
- -- notifications for low and critical states
- if amount <= 5
- then
- naughty.notify{
- text = "shutdown imminent",
- title = "battery nearly exhausted",
- position = "top_right",
- timeout = 15,
- fg="#000000",
- bg="#ffffff",
- ontop = true
- }
- elseif amount <= 15
- then
- old_id = naughty.notify{
- text = "plug the cable",
- title = "battery low",
- position = "top_right",
- timeout = 5,
- fg="#202020",
- bg="#cdcdcd",
- ontop = true
- }
- end
- else
- text = "none"
- end
- if shadow
- then
- mybattery:set_text('')
- else
- mybattery:set_markup(markup(header_color, header)
- .. markup(color, text) .. " ")
- end
- end
- local mybatterytimer = timer({ timeout = refresh_timeout })
- mybatterytimer:connect_signal("timeout", mybatteryupdate)
- mybatterytimer:start()
- mybatterytimer:emit_signal("timeout")
- bat.widget = mybattery
- return setmetatable(bat, { __index = bat.widget })
+local function worker(args)
+ local bat = {}
+ local args = args or {}
+ local timeout = args.timeout or 30
+ local battery = args.battery or "BAT0"
+ local ac = args.ac or "AC0"
+ local notify = args.notify or "on"
+ local settings = args.settings or function() end
+ bat.widget = wibox.widget.textbox('')
+ bat_notification_low_preset = {
+ title = "Battery low",
+ text = "Plug the cable!",
+ timeout = 15,
+ fg = "#202020",
+ bg = "#CDCDCD"
+ }
+ bat_notification_critical_preset = {
+ title = "Battery exhausted",
+ text = "Shutdown imminent",
+ timeout = 15,
+ fg = "#000000",
+ bg = "#FFFFFF"
+ }
+ function update()
+ bat_now = {
+ status = "Not present",
+ ac_status = "N/A",
+ perc = "N/A",
+ time = "N/A",
+ watt = "N/A"
+ }
+ local bstr = "/sys/class/power_supply/" .. battery
+ local astr = "/sys/class/power_supply/" .. ac
+ local present = first_line(bstr .. "/present")
+ if present == "1"
+ then
+ -- current_now(I)[uA], voltage_now(U)[uV], power_now(P)[uW]
+ local rate_current = tonumber(first_line(bstr .. "/current_now"))
+ local rate_voltage = tonumber(first_line(bstr .. "/voltage_now"))
+ local rate_power = tonumber(first_line(bstr .. "/power_now"))
+ -- energy_now(P)[uWh], charge_now(I)[uAh]
+ local energy_now = tonumber(first_line(bstr .. "/energy_now") or
+ first_line(bstr .. "/charge_now"))
+ -- energy_full(P)[uWh], charge_full(I)[uAh],
+ local energy_full = tonumber(first_line(bstr .. "/energy_full") or
+ first_line(bstr .. "/charge_full"))
+ local energy_percentage = tonumber(first_line(bstr .. "/capacity")) or
+ math.floor((energy_now / energy_full) * 100)
+ bat_now.status = first_line(bstr .. "/status") or "N/A"
+ bat_now.ac_status = first_line(astr .. "/online") or "N/A"
+ -- if rate = 0 or rate not defined skip the round
+ if not (rate_power and rate_power > 0) and
+ not (rate_current and rate_current > 0) and
+ not (bat_now.status == "Full")
+ then
+ return
+ end
+ local rate_time = 0
+ if bat_now.status == "Charging" then
+ rate_time = (energy_full - energy_now) / rate_power or rate_current
+ elseif bat_now.status == "Discharging" then
+ rate_time = energy_now / rate_power or rate_current
+ end
+ local hours = math.floor(rate_time)
+ local minutes = math.floor((rate_time - hours) * 60)
+ bat_now.perc = string.format("%d", energy_percentage)
+ bat_now.time = string.format("%02d:%02d", hours, minutes)
+ bat_now.watt = string.format("%.2fW", rate_power / 1e6 or (rate_voltage * rate_current) / 1e12)
+ end
+ widget = bat.widget
+ settings()
+ -- notifications for low and critical states
+ if bat_now.status == "Discharging" and notify == "on" and bat_now.perc then
+ local nperc = tonumber(bat_now.perc) or 100
+ if nperc <= 5 then
+ bat.id = naughty.notify({
+ preset = bat_notification_critical_preset,
+ replaces_id = bat.id,
+ }).id
+ elseif nperc <= 15 then
+ bat.id = naughty.notify({
+ preset = bat_notification_low_preset,
+ replaces_id = bat.id,
+ }).id
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ newtimer(battery, timeout, update)
+ return setmetatable(bat, { __index = bat.widget })