- wa.x = wa.x + useless_gap + global_border
- wa.y = wa.y + useless_gap + global_border
- if #cls > 0 then
- local cells = math.ceil(math.sqrt(#cls))
- local strips = math.ceil(#cls / cells)
- local cell = 0
- local strip = 0
- for k, c in ipairs(cls) do
- local g = {}
- if ( orientation == "east" and #cls > 2 )
- or ( orientation == "south" and #cls <= 2 ) then
- if #cls < (strips * cells) and strip == strips - 1 then
- g.width = wa.width / (cells - ((strips * cells) - #cls))
- else
- g.width = wa.width / cells
- end
- g.height = wa.height / strips
- g.x = wa.x + cell * g.width
- g.y = wa.y + strip * g.height
- else
- if #cls < (strips * cells) and strip == strips - 1 then
- g.height = wa.height / (cells - ((strips * cells) - #cls))
- else
- g.height = wa.height / cells
- end
- g.width = wa.width / strips
- g.x = wa.x + strip * g.width
- g.y = wa.y + cell * g.height
- end
- g.width = g.width - ext
- g.height = g.height - ext
- c:geometry(g)
- cell = cell + 1
- if cell == cells then
- cell = 0
- strip = strip + 1
- end
+ wa.x = wa.x + useless_gap / 2 + global_border
+ wa.y = wa.y + useless_gap / 2 + global_border
+ -- Geometry calculation
+ local row, col = 0, 0
+ local rows = math.ceil(math.sqrt(#cls))
+ local cols = math.ceil(#cls / rows)
+ for i, c in ipairs(cls) do
+ local g = {}
+ -- find tile orientation for current client and swap geometry if need
+ local need_swap = (orientation == "east" and #cls <= 2) or (orientation == "south" and #cls > 2)
+ local area = need_swap and swap(wa) or wa
+ -- calculate geometry
+ if #cls < (cols * rows) and row == cols - 1 then
+ g.width = area.width / (rows - ((cols * rows) - #cls))
+ else
+ g.width = area.width / rows