-Yahoo's Awesome Weather notification
+(YAhoo! Weather Notification)
-Yawn provides brief and compact weather notification via Naughty and Yahoo! Weather API.
+Yawn provides brief and compact Yahoo! Weather notification.
- ``args``
- An optional table which can contain the following settings:
+ A required table which can contain:
Variables | Meaning | Type | Possible values | Default value
--- | --- | --- | --- | ---
`u` | Units | string | "c" (Celsius), "f" (Fahrenheit) | "c"
- `toshow` | What to show | string | "forecast", "units", "both" | "forecast"
- `color` | ``yawn.widget`` color | string | hexadecimal colors |
+ `timeout` | Refresh timeout seconds | int | integers | 600
+ `settings` | User settings | function | function | empty function
-The function creates an imagebox icon and a textbox widget. Add them to you wibox like this:
+ `settings` can use strings `forecast`, `units', and can modify `notification_preset` table, which
+ will be the preset for the naughty notifications. Check [here](http://awesome.naquadah.org/doc/api/modules/naughty.html#notify) for the list of variables it can contain.
+The function `register` creates an imagebox icon and a textbox widget. Add them to you wibox like this:
Popup shortcut
-You can also create a keybinding for the weather popup like this: ::
+You can also create a keybinding for the weather popup like this:
awful.key( { "Mod1" }, "w", function () yawn.show(5) end )