-local awful = require("awful")
-local os = os
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local async = require("lain.helpers").async
+local awful = require("awful")
+local execute = os.execute
+local type = type
-- Redshift
-- lain.widgets.contrib.redshift
-local redshift = {}
-local attached = false -- true if attached to a widget
-local active = false -- true if redshift is active
-local running = false -- true if redshift was initialized
-local update_fnct = function() end -- Function that is run each time redshift is toggled. See redshift:attach().
-local function init()
- -- As there is no way to determine if redshift was previously
- -- toggled off (i.e Awesome on-the-fly restart), kill redshift to make sure
- os.execute("pkill redshift")
- -- Remove existing color adjustment
- awful.spawn_with_shell("redshift -x")
- -- (Re)start redshift
- awful.spawn_with_shell("redshift")
- running = true
- active = true
-function redshift:toggle()
- if running then
- -- Sending -USR1 toggles redshift (See project website)
- os.execute("pkill -USR1 redshift")
- active = not active
- else
- init()
+local redshift = { active = false, pid = nil }
+function redshift:start()
+ execute("pkill redshift")
+ awful.spawn.with_shell("redshift -x") -- clear adjustments
+ redshift.pid = awful.spawn.with_shell("redshift")
+ redshift.active = true
+ if type(redshift.update_fun) == "function" then
+ redshift.update_fun(redshift.active)
- update_fnct()
-function redshift:off()
- if running and active then
- redshift:toggle()
- end
-function redshift:on()
- if not active then
- redshift:toggle()
- end
-function redshift:is_active()
- return active
+function redshift:toggle()
+ async(string.format("%s -c 'ps -p %d -o pid='", awful.util.shell, redshift.pid), function(f)
+ if f and #f > 0 then -- redshift is running
+ -- Sending -USR1 toggles redshift (See project website)
+ execute("pkill -USR1 redshift")
+ redshift.active = not redshift.active
+ else -- not started or killed, (re)start it
+ redshift:start()
+ end
+ redshift.update_fun(redshift.active)
+ end)
-- Attach to a widget
-- Provides a button which toggles redshift on/off on click
-- @param widget: Widget to attach to.
--- @param fnct: Function to be run each time redshift is toggled (optional).
+-- @param fun: Function to be run each time redshift is toggled (optional).
-- Use it to update widget text or icons on status change.
-function redshift:attach(widget, fnct)
- update_fnct = fnct or function() end
- if not attached then
- init()
- attached = true
- update_fnct()
+function redshift:attach(widget, fun)
+ redshift.update_fun = fun or function() end
+ if not redshift.pid then redshift:start() end
+ if widget then
+ widget:buttons(awful.util.table.join(awful.button({}, 1, function () redshift:toggle() end)))
- widget:buttons(awful.util.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function () redshift:toggle() end) ))
-return setmetatable(redshift, { _call = function(_, ...) return create(...) end })
+return redshift