-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local awful = require("awful")
-local naughty = require("naughty")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local math = { modf = math.modf }
-local string = { format = string.format,
- match = string.match,
- rep = string.rep }
-local type, tonumber = type, tonumber
+local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
+local awful = require("awful")
+local naughty = require("naughty")
+local wibox = require("wibox")
+local math = math
+local string = string
+local type = type
+local tonumber = tonumber
-- ALSA volume bar
-- lain.widget.alsabar
local settings = args.settings or function() end
local width = args.width or 63
local height = args.height or 1
+ local margins = args.margins or 1
+ local paddings = args.paddings or 1
local ticks = args.ticks or false
local ticks_size = args.ticks_size or 7
+ local tick = args.tick or "|"
+ local tick_pre = args.tick_pre or "["
+ local tick_post = args.tick_post or "]"
+ local tick_none = args.tick_none or " "
alsabar.cmd = args.cmd or "amixer"
alsabar.channel = args.channel or "Master"
alsabar.notification_preset = args.notification_preset
if not alsabar.notification_preset then
- alsabar.notification_preset = {}
- alsabar.notification_preset.font = "Monospace 10"
+ alsabar.notification_preset = { font = "Monospace 10" }
local format_cmd = string.format("%s get %s", alsabar.cmd, alsabar.channel)
alsabar.bar = wibox.widget {
- forced_height = height,
- forced_width = width,
color = alsabar.colors.unmute,
background_color = alsabar.colors.background,
- margins = 1,
- paddings = 1,
+ forced_height = height,
+ forced_width = width,
+ margins = margins,
+ paddings = margins,
ticks = ticks,
ticks_size = ticks_size,
widget = wibox.widget.progressbar
-- tot is the maximum number of ticks to display in the notification
- -- fallback: default horizontal wibox height
- local wib, tot = awful.screen.focused().mywibox, 20
- -- if we can grab mywibox, tot is defined as its height if
- -- horizontal, or width otherwise
- if wib then
- if wib.position == "left" or wib.position == "right" then
- tot = wib.width
+ local tot = alsabar.notification_preset.max_ticks
+ if not tot then
+ local wib = awful.screen.focused().mywibox
+ -- if we can grab mywibox, tot is defined as its height if
+ -- horizontal, or width otherwise
+ if wib then
+ if wib.position == "left" or wib.position == "right" then
+ tot = wib.width
+ else
+ tot = wib.height
+ end
+ -- fallback: default horizontal wibox height
- tot = wib.height
+ tot = 20
int = math.modf((alsabar._current_level / 100) * tot)
- preset.text = string.format("[%s%s]", string.rep("|", int),
- string.rep(" ", tot - int))
+ preset.text = string.format(
+ "%s%s%s%s",
+ tick_pre,
+ string.rep(tick, int),
+ string.rep(tick_none, tot - int),
+ tick_post
+ )
if alsabar.followtag then preset.screen = awful.screen.focused() end