- Yahoo's Awesome (WM) Weather Notification
- Licensed under WTFPL v2
- * (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
+ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
+ * (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
-local markup = require("lain.util.markup")
+local newtimer = require("lain.helpers").newtimer
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local setmetatable = setmetatable
--- yawn integration
--- https://github.com/copycat-killer/yawn
+-- YAhoo! Weather Notification
-- lain.widgets.yawn
local yawn =
- units = "",
- forecast = "",
- icon = wibox.widget.imagebox(),
- widget = wibox.widget.textbox()
+ icon = wibox.widget.imagebox(),
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox('')
-local project_path = debug.getinfo(1, 'S').source:match[[^@(.*/).*$]]
-local localizations_path = project_path .. 'localizations/'
-local icon_path = project_path .. 'icons/'
-local api_url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss'
-local units_set = '?u=c&w=' -- Default is Celsius
-local language = string.match(os.getenv("LANG"), "(%S*$*)[.]")
-local weather_data = nil
-local notification = nil
-local city_id = nil
-local sky = nil
-local settings = {}
-local update_timer = nil
-local function fetch_weather(args)
- local toshow = args.toshow or "forecast"
- local spr = args.spr or " "
- local footer = args.footer or ""
+local project_path = debug.getinfo(1, 'S').source:match[[^@(.*/).*$]]
+local localizations_path = project_path .. 'localizations/'
+local icon_path = project_path .. 'icons/'
+local api_url = 'http://weather.yahooapis.com/forecastrss'
+local units_set = '?u=c&w=' -- Default is Celsius
+local language = string.match(os.getenv("LANG"), "(%S*$*)[.]")
+local weather_data = nil
+local notification = nil
+local city_id = nil
+local sky = nil
+local settings = function() end
+yawn_notification_preset = {}
+local function fetch_weather()
local url = api_url .. units_set .. city_id
- local f = io.popen("curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 2 '"
+ local f = io.popen("curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 1 '"
.. url .. "'" )
local text = f:read("*all")
- io.close(f)
+ f:close()
-- In case of no connection or invalid city ID
-- widgets won't display
if text == "" or text:match("City not found")
- sky = icon_path .. "na.png"
+ yawn.icon:set_image(icon_path .. "na.png")
if text == "" then
weather_data = "Service not available at the moment."
- return "N/A"
+ yawn.widget:set_text("N/A")
weather_data = "City not found!\n" ..
"Are you sure " .. city_id ..
" is your Yahoo city ID?"
- return "?"
+ yawn.widget:set_text("?")
+ return
-- Processing raw data
weather_data = text:gsub("<.->", "")
- weather_data = weather_data:match("Current Conditions:.-Full")
+ weather_data = weather_data:match("Current Conditions:.-Full") or ""
+ -- may still happens in case of bad connectivity
+ if weather_data == "" then
+ yawn.icon:set_image(icon_path .. "na.png")
+ yawn.widget:set_text("?")
+ return
+ end
weather_data = weather_data:gsub("Current Conditions:.-\n", "Now: ")
weather_data = weather_data:gsub("Forecast:.-\n", "")
weather_data = weather_data:gsub("\nFull", "")
-- Getting info for text widget
local now = weather_data:sub(weather_data:find("Now:")+5,
- local forecast = now:sub(1, now:find(",")-1)
- local units = now:sub(now:find(",")+2, -2)
+ forecast = now:sub(1, now:find(",")-1)
+ units = now:sub(now:find(",")+2, -2)
-- Day/Night icon change
local hour = tonumber(os.date("%H"))
sky = sky .. forecast:gsub(" ", ""):gsub("/", "") .. ".png"
-- In case there's no defined icon for current forecast
- f = io.popen(sky)
- if f == nil then
+ if io.open(sky) == nil then
sky = icon_path .. "na.png"
- else
- io.close(f)
-- Localization
local f = io.open(localizations_path .. language, "r")
if language:find("en_") == nil and f ~= nil
- io.close(f)
+ f:close()
for line in io.lines(localizations_path .. language)
word = string.sub(line, 1, line:find("|")-1)
-- Finally setting infos
- forecast = weather_data:match(": %S+"):gsub(": ", ""):gsub(",", "")
- yawn.forecast = markup(yawn.forecast_color, markup.font(beautiful.font, forecast))
- yawn.units = markup(yawn.units_color, markup.font(beautiful.font, units))
+ widget = yawn.widget
- if toshow == "forecast" then
- return yawn.forecast
- elseif toshow == "units" then
- return yawn.units
- else -- "both"
- return yawn.forecast .. spr
- .. yawn.units .. footer
- end
+ forecast = weather_data:match(": %S.-,"):gsub(": ", ""):gsub(",", "")
+ units = units:gsub(" ", "")
+ settings()
function yawn.hide()
function yawn.show(t_out)
if yawn.widget._layout.text == "?"
- if update_timer ~= nil
- then
- update_timer:emit_signal("timeout")
- else
- fetch_weather(settings)
- end
+ fetch_weather(settings)
notification = naughty.notify({
+ preset = yawn_notification_preset,
text = weather_data,
icon = sky,
- timeout = t_out,
- fg = yawn.notification_color
+ timeout = t_out
function yawn.register(id, args)
- local args = args or {}
- settings = { args.toshow, args.spr, args.footer }
- yawn.units_color = args.units_color or
- beautiful.fg_normal or "#FFFFFF"
- yawn.forecast_color = args.forecast_color or
- yawn.units_color
- yawn.notification_color = args.notification_color or
- beautiful.fg_focus or "#FFFFFF"
+ local args = args or {}
+ local timeout = args.timeout or 600
+ settings = args.settings or function() end
if args.u == "f" then units_set = '?u=f&w=' end
city_id = id
- update_timer = timer({ timeout = 600 }) -- 10 mins
- update_timer:connect_signal("timeout", function()
- yawn.widget:set_markup(fetch_weather(settings))
- end)
- update_timer:start()
- update_timer:emit_signal("timeout")
+ newtimer("yawn", timeout, fetch_weather)
yawn.icon:connect_signal("mouse::enter", function()
yawn.icon:connect_signal("mouse::leave", function()
+ return yawn
function yawn.attach(widget, id, args)
--- }}}
return setmetatable(yawn, { __call = function(_, ...) return yawn.register(...) end })