-local markup = require("lain.util.markup")
-local run_in_terminal = require("lain.helpers").run_in_terminal
+local newtimer = require("lain.helpers").newtimer
-local awful = require("awful")
-local beautiful = require("beautiful")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local io = io
local maildir = {}
function worker(args)
- local args = args or {}
- local mailpath = args.mailpath or os.getenv("HOME") .. "/Mail"
+ local args = args or {}
+ local timeout = args.timeout or 60
+ local mailpath = args.mailpath or os.getenv("HOME") .. "/Mail"
local ignore_boxes = args.ignore_boxes or {}
- local refresh_timeout = args.refresh_timeout or 60
- local header = args.header or " Mail "
- local header_color = args.header_color or beautiful.fg_normal or "#FFFFFF"
- local color_newmail = args.color_newmail or beautiful.fg_focus or "#FFFFFF"
- local color_nomail = args.color_nomail or beautiful.fg_normal or "#FFFFFF"
- local app = args.app or "mutt"
- local shadow = args.shadow or false
- local mymailcheck = wibox.widget.textbox()
- local mymailcheckupdate = function()
+ local settings = args.settings or function() end
+ widget = wibox.widget.textbox('')
+ function update()
-- Find pathes to mailboxes.
local p = io.popen("find " .. mailpath ..
" -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d" ..
" -not -name .git")
local boxes = {}
- local line = ""
line = p:read("*l")
if line ~= nil
- local newmail = ""
+ newmail = "no mail"
local count = 0
for box, number in pairs(boxes)
- if count == 1 then
- -- it will be only executed once
- for box, number in pairs(boxes)
- do -- it's useless to show only INBOX(x)
- if box == "INBOX" then newmail = number end
- end
- end
- if newmail == ""
- then
- if shadow
- then
- mymailcheck:set_text('')
- else
- myimapcheck:set_markup(markup(color_nomail, " no mail "))
- end
- else
- myimapcheck:set_markup(markup(header_color, header) ..
- markup(color_newmail, newmail) .. " ")
- end
+ settings()
- local mymailchecktimer = timer({ timeout = refresh_timeout })
- mymailchecktimer:connect_signal("timeout", mymailcheckupdate)
- mymailchecktimer:start()
- mymailcheck:buttons(awful.util.table.join(
- awful.button({}, 0,
- function()
- run_in_terminal(app)
- end)
- ))
- return mymailcheck
+ newtimer(mailpath, timeout, update, true)
+ return widget
return setmetatable(maildir, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })