-local debug = require("debug")
-local assert = assert
-local capi = { timer = (type(timer) == 'table' and timer or require ("gears.timer")) }
-local io = { open = io.open,
- lines = io.lines,
- popen = io.popen }
-local rawget = rawget
-local table = { sort = table.sort }
+local easy_async = require("awful.spawn").easy_async
+local timer = require("gears.timer")
+local debug = require("debug")
+local io = { lines = io.lines,
+ open = io.open,
+ popen = io.popen }
+local rawget = rawget
+local table = { sort = table.sort }
-- Lain helper functions for internal use
-- lain.helpers
helpers.timer_table = {}
-function helpers.newtimer(_name, timeout, fun, nostart)
- local name = timeout
+function helpers.newtimer(name, timeout, fun, nostart, stoppable)
+ if not name or #name == 0 then return end
+ name = (stoppable and name) or timeout
if not helpers.timer_table[name] then
- helpers.timer_table[name] = capi.timer({ timeout = timeout })
+ helpers.timer_table[name] = timer({ timeout = timeout })
helpers.timer_table[name]:connect_signal("timeout", fun)
if not nostart then
+ return stoppable and helpers.timer_table[name]
-- }}}
-- {{{ Pipe operations
--- read the full output of a pipe (command)
+-- return the full output of an input command (synchronous pipe)
+-- @param cmd the input command
+-- @return command output (string)
function helpers.read_pipe(cmd)
- local f = assert(io.popen(cmd))
+ local f = io.popen(cmd)
local output = f:read("*all")
return output
+-- run a command and execute a function on its output (asynchronous pipe)
+-- @param cmd the input command
+-- @param callback function to execute on cmd output
+-- @return cmd PID
+function helpers.async(cmd, callback)
+ return easy_async(cmd,
+ function (stdout, stderr, reason, exit_code)
+ callback(stdout)
+ end)
-- }}}
-- {{{ A map utility
-- }}}
---{{{ Iterate over table of records sorted by keys
+-- {{{ Misc
+-- check if an element exist on a table
+function helpers.element_in_table(element, tbl)
+ for _, i in pairs(tbl) do
+ if i == element then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+-- iterate over table of records sorted by keys
function helpers.spairs(t)
-- collect the keys
local keys = {}
+-- }}}
return helpers