- int = math.modf((alsabar._current_level / 100) * alsabar.notifications.bar_size)
- preset.text = "["
- .. string.rep("|", int)
- .. string.rep(" ", alsabar.notifications.bar_size - int)
- .. "]"
- if alsabar._notify ~= nil then
- alsabar._notify = naughty.notify ({
- replaces_id = alsabar._notify.id,
- preset = preset,
- })
- else
- alsabar._notify = naughty.notify ({
- preset = preset,
- })
+ alsabar.bar = wibox.widget {
+ forced_height = height,
+ forced_width = width,
+ color = alsabar.colors.unmute,
+ background_color = alsabar.colors.background,
+ margins = 1,
+ paddings = 1,
+ ticks = ticks,
+ ticks_size = ticks_size,
+ widget = wibox.widget.progressbar,
+ layout = vertical and wibox.container.rotate
+ }
+ alsabar.tooltip = awful.tooltip({ objects = { alsabar.bar } })
+ function alsabar.update(callback)
+ helpers.async(alsabar.cmd, function(mixer)
+ local volu,mute = string.match(mixer, "([%d]+)%%.*%[([%l]*)")
+ if (volu and tonumber(volu) ~= alsabar._current_level) or (mute and string.match(mute, "on") ~= alsabar._muted) then
+ alsabar._current_level = tonumber(volu) or alsabar._current_level
+ alsabar.bar:set_value(alsabar._current_level / 100)
+ if (not mute and tonumber(volu) == 0) or mute == "off" then
+ alsabar._muted = true
+ alsabar.tooltip:set_text ("[Muted]")
+ alsabar.bar.color = alsabar.colors.mute
+ else
+ alsabar._muted = false
+ alsabar.tooltip:set_text(string.format("%s: %s", alsabar.channel, volu))
+ alsabar.bar.color = alsabar.colors.unmute
+ end
+ volume_now = {}
+ volume_now.level = tonumber(volu)
+ volume_now.status = mute
+ settings()
+ if type(callback) == "function" then callback() end
+ end
+ end)