- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
- * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
+ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
+ * (c) 2013, Luca CPZ
+ * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-- lain.widget.net
local function factory(args)
- local net = { widget = wibox.widget.textbox(), devices = {} }
- local args = args or {}
- local timeout = args.timeout or 2
- local units = args.units or 1024 -- KB
- local notify = args.notify or "on"
- local screen = args.screen or 1
- local settings = args.settings or function() end
+ local net = { widget = wibox.widget.textbox(), devices = {} }
+ local args = args or {}
+ local timeout = args.timeout or 2
+ local units = args.units or 1024 -- KB
+ local notify = args.notify or "on"
+ local wifi_state = args.wifi_state or "off"
+ local eth_state = args.eth_state or "off"
+ local screen = args.screen or 1
+ local settings = args.settings or function() end
-- Compatibility with old API where iface was a string corresponding to 1 interface
net.iface = (args.iface and (type(args.iface) == "string" and {args.iface}) or
(type(args.iface) == "table" and args.iface)) or {}
function net.get_device()
- helpers.async(string.format("ip link show", device_cmd), function(ws)
- ws = ws:match("(%w+): <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,.-UP,LOWER_UP>")
- net.iface = ws and { ws } or {}
+ helpers.line_callback("ip link", function(line)
+ net.iface[#net.iface + 1] = not string.match(line, "LOOPBACK") and string.match(line, "(%w+): <") or nil
received = 0
- for i, dev in ipairs(net.iface) do
+ for _, dev in ipairs(net.iface) do
local dev_now = {}
local dev_before = net.devices[dev] or { last_t = 0, last_r = 0 }
local now_t = tonumber(helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/statistics/tx_bytes", dev)) or 0)
dev_now.last_t = now_t
dev_now.last_r = now_r
+ if wifi_state == "on" and helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/uevent", dev)) == "DEVTYPE=wlan" and string.match(dev_now.carrier, "1") then
+ dev_now.wifi = true
+ dev_now.signal = tonumber(string.match(helpers.lines_from("/proc/net/wireless")[3], "(%-%d+%.)")) or nil
+ end
+ if eth_state == "on" and helpers.first_line(string.format("/sys/class/net/%s/uevent", dev)) ~= "DEVTYPE=wlan" and string.match(dev_now.carrier, "1") then
+ dev_now.ethernet = true
+ end
net.devices[dev] = dev_now
- -- Notify only once when connection is loss
+ -- Notify only once when connection is lost
if string.match(dev_now.carrier, "0") and notify == "on" and helpers.get_map(dev) then
naughty.notify {
title = dev,
net_now.carrier = dev_now.carrier
net_now.state = dev_now.state
net_now.devices[dev] = dev_now
- -- new_now.sent and net_now.received will be
+ -- net_now.sent and net_now.received will be
-- the totals across all specified devices