+ local width, height = self.width, self.height
+ if width <= 1 then width = math.floor(geom.width * width) - 2 * self.border end
+ if height <= 1 then height = math.floor(geom.height * height) end
+ local x, y
+ if self.horiz == "left" then x = geom.x
+ elseif self.horiz == "right" then x = geom.width + geom.x - width
+ else x = geom.x + (geom.width - width)/2 end
+ if self.vert == "top" then y = geom.y
+ elseif self.vert == "bottom" then y = geom.height + geom.y - height
+ else y = geom.y + (geom.height - height)/2 end
+ self.geometry = { x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height }
+function quake:new(config)
+ local conf = config or {}
+ conf.app = conf.app or "xterm" -- application to spawn
+ conf.name = conf.name or "QuakeDD" -- window name
+ conf.argname = conf.argname or "-name %s" -- how to specify window name
+ conf.extra = conf.extra or "" -- extra arguments
+ conf.border = conf.border or 1 -- client border width
+ conf.visible = conf.visible or false -- initially not visible
+ conf.followtag = conf.followtag or false -- spawn on currently focused screen
+ conf.overlap = conf.overlap or false -- overlap wibox
+ conf.screen = conf.screen or awful.screen.focused()
+ -- If width or height <= 1 this is a proportion of the workspace
+ conf.height = conf.height or 0.25 -- height
+ conf.width = conf.width or 1 -- width
+ conf.vert = conf.vert or "top" -- top, bottom or center
+ conf.horiz = conf.horiz or "left" -- left, right or center
+ local console = setmetatable(conf, { __index = quake })
+ capi.client.connect_signal("manage", function(c)
+ if c.instance == console.name and c.screen == console.screen then
+ console:display()
+ end
+ end)
+ capi.client.connect_signal("unmanage", function(c)
+ if c.instance == console.name and c.screen == console.screen then
+ console.visible = false
+ end
+ end)
+ -- "Reattach" currently running quake application. This is in case awesome is restarted.
+ local reattach = capi.timer { timeout = 0 }
+ reattach:connect_signal("timeout", function()
+ if self.followtag then self.screen = awful.screen.focused() end
+ reattach:stop()
+ console:display()
+ end)
+ reattach:start()
+ return console