+local strftime = require "luatz.strftime".strftime
local strformat = string.format
local floor = math.floor
local function idiv ( n , d )
for i = 2, 12 do
months_to_days_cumulative [ i ] = months_to_days_cumulative [ i-1 ] + mon_lengths [ i-1 ]
+-- For Sakamoto's Algorithm (day of week)
+local sakamoto = {0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4};
local function is_leap ( y )
return (y % 4) == 0 and (y % 100) ~= 0 or (y % 400) == 0
return idiv ( year , 4 ) - idiv ( year , 100 ) + idiv ( year , 400 )
-local function doomsday ( year )
- return ( 3 -- Tuesday
- - 1 + year + leap_years_since ( year ) )
- % 7 + 1
-local doomsday_cache = setmetatable ( { } , {
- __index = function ( cache , year )
- local d = doomsday ( year )
- cache [ year ] = d
- return d
- end ;
-} )
local function day_of_year ( day , month , year )
local yday = months_to_days_cumulative [ month ]
if month > 2 and is_leap ( year ) then
return yday + day
-local function day_of_week ( yday , year )
- return ( yday - doomsday_cache [ year ] - 1 ) % 7 + 1
+local function day_of_week ( day , month , year )
+ if month < 3 then
+ year = year - 1
+ end
+ return ( year + leap_years_since ( year ) + sakamoto[month] + day ) % 7 + 1
local function increment ( tens , units , base )
return tens , units
-local function unpack_tm ( tm )
- return assert ( tm.year , "year required" ) ,
- assert ( tm.month , "month required" ) ,
- assert ( tm.day , "day required" ) ,
- tm.hour or 12 ,
- tm.min or 0 ,
- tm.sec or 0 ,
- tm.yday ,
- tm.wday
-- Modify parameters so they all fit within the "normal" range
local function normalise ( year , month , day , hour , min , sec )
min , sec = increment ( min , sec , 60 ) -- TODO: consider leap seconds?
local timetable_methods = { }
+function timetable_methods:unpack ( )
+ return assert ( self.year , "year required" ) ,
+ assert ( self.month , "month required" ) ,
+ assert ( self.day , "day required" ) ,
+ self.hour or 12 ,
+ self.min or 0 ,
+ self.sec or 0 ,
+ self.yday ,
+ self.wday
function timetable_methods:normalise ( )
local year , month , day
- year , month , day , self.hour , self.min , self.sec = normalise ( unpack_tm ( self ) )
+ year , month , day , self.hour , self.min , self.sec = normalise ( self:unpack ( ) )
self.day = day
self.month = month
self.year = year
- local yday = day_of_year ( day , month , year )
- local wday = day_of_week ( yday , year )
- self.yday = yday
- self.wday = wday
+ self.yday = day_of_year ( day , month , year )
+ self.wday = day_of_week ( day , month , year )
return self
timetable_methods.normalize = timetable_methods.normalise -- American English
function timetable_methods:timestamp ( )
- return timestamp ( unpack_tm ( self ) )
+ return timestamp ( self:unpack ( ) )
function timetable_methods:rfc_3339 ( )
- -- %06.4g gives 3 (=6-4+1) digits after decimal
- return strformat ( "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%06.4g" , unpack_tm ( self ) )
+ -- %06.3f gives 3 (=6-3) digits after decimal
+ return strformat ( "%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%06.3f" , self:unpack ( ) )
+function timetable_methods:strftime ( format_string )
+ return strftime ( format_string , self )
local timetable_mt
__index = timetable_methods ;
__tostring = timetable_methods.rfc_3339 ;
__eq = function ( a , b )
- return coerce_arg ( a ) == coerce_arg ( b )
+ return a:timestamp ( ) == b:timestamp ( )
end ;
__lt = function ( a , b )
- return coerce_arg ( a ) < coerce_arg ( b )
+ return a:timestamp ( ) < b:timestamp ( )
+ end ;
+ __sub = function ( a , b )
+ return coerce_arg ( a ) - coerce_arg ( b )
end ;
function timetable_methods:clone ( )
- return new_timetable ( unpack_tm ( self ) )
+ return new_timetable ( self:unpack ( ) )
local function new_from_timestamp ( ts )
+ if type ( ts ) ~= "number" then
+ error ( "bad argument #1 to 'new_from_timestamp' (number expected, got " .. type ( ts ) .. ")" , 2 )
+ end
return new_timetable ( 1970 , 1 , 1 , 0 , 0 , ts )
return {
- doomsday = doomsday ;
+ day_of_year = day_of_year ;
+ day_of_week = day_of_week ;
normalise = normalise ;
timestamp = timestamp ;