--- /dev/null
+ return {
+ default = {
+ lpath = "./?.lua";
+ };
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ luatz-*.rock
+ doc/luatz.3
+ doc/luatz.html
+ doc/luatz.pdf
--- /dev/null
+ std = "min"
+ files["spec"] = {std = "+busted"}
--- /dev/null
+ return {
+ statsfile = "luacov.stats.out";
+ reportfile = "luacov.report.out";
+ deletestats = true;
+ include = {
+ "^./luatz/";
+ };
+ exclude = {
+ };
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ language: python
+ sudo: false
+ env:
+ matrix:
+ - LUA="lua 5.1" SOCKET=true
+ - LUA="lua 5.1"
+ - LUA="lua 5.2" SOCKET=true
+ - LUA="lua 5.2"
+ - LUA="lua 5.3" SOCKET=true
+ - LUA="lua 5.3"
+ - LUA="luajit 2.0"
+ - LUA="luajit 2.1" SOCKET=true SYSCALL=true
+ - LUA="luajit 2.1" SYSCALL=true
+ - LUA="luajit 2.1"
+ - LUA="luajit @"
+ before_install:
+ - pip install hererocks
+ - hererocks here -r^ --$LUA # Install latest LuaRocks version
+ # plus the Lua version for this build job
+ # into 'here' subdirectory
+ - export PATH=$PATH:$PWD/here/bin # Add directory with all installed binaries to PATH
+ - eval `luarocks path --bin`
+ - luarocks install luacov-coveralls
+ - luarocks install busted
+ install:
+ - luarocks make
+ - if [ "$SOCKET" = "true" ]; then luarocks install luasocket; fi
+ - if [ "$SYSCALL" = "true" ]; then luarocks install ljsyscall; fi
+ script:
+ - busted -c
+ after_success:
+ - luacov-coveralls -v
+ notifications:
+ email:
+ on_success: change
+ on_failure: always
--- /dev/null
+ The MIT License (MIT)
+ Copyright (c) 2013-2017 Daurnimator
+ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+ this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+ the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+ use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+ the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ subject to the following conditions:
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+ copies or substantial portions of the Software.
--- /dev/null
+ 0.4 - 2017-12-09
+ - Fix timetable normalisation carry bugs (#10, #13)
+ - Clean up of docs
+ - No longer throw errors in parse module on error (now return nil, err)
+ - Support version 3 tzfiles
+ 0.3 - 2015-01-02
+ - Lua 5.3 support
+ - Fix bug in rfc-3339 serialisation (#4)
+ 0.2 - 2014-08-29
+ - Support for fractional timetable component normalisation
+ e.g. .month=6.5, .day=1 (which could be read as "the first day after the middle of June") normalises to .month=2, .day=16
+ - Top level aliases for common operations
+ - Own implementation of stftime formatting (locales are not yet complete)
+ - Uses ljsyscall for more accurate time when available
+ 0.1 - 2013-11-23
+ - provides a `os.date` compatible class "timetable"
+ - timezone conversion
+ - rfc3339 parsing
--- /dev/null
+ # luatz
+ A lua library for time and date manipulation.
+ Features include:
+ - Normalisation of broken down date objects
+ - allows for complex time/date manipulation logic e.g. "What day is it in 2 days, 5 hours from now?"
+ - Conversion between locations (time zones) using your local [zoneinfo](https://www.iana.org/time-zones) database.
+ - `strftime` style formatting
+ [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/daurnimator/luatz.png)](https://travis-ci.org/daurnimator/luatz) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/github/daurnimator/luatz/badge.svg?branch=master)](https://coveralls.io/github/daurnimator/luatz?branch=master)
+ Supported under Lua 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and LuaJIT.
+ ## Documentation
+ Documentation can be found in the `doc` sub-directory.
+ An online version can be found at https://daurnimator.github.io/luatz/
+ ## Installation
+ ### via [luarocks](https://luarocks.org/modules/daurnimator/luatz)
+ luarocks install luatz
--- /dev/null
+ FILES = \
+ index.md \
+ gettime.md \
+ parse.md \
+ timetable.md \
+ tzinfo.md \
+ links.md
+ all: luatz.html luatz.pdf luatz.3
+ luatz.html: template.html site.css metadata.yaml $(FILES)
+ pandoc -o $@ -t html5 -s --toc --template=template.html --section-divs --self-contained -c site.css metadata.yaml $(FILES)
+ luatz.pdf: metadata.yaml $(FILES)
+ pandoc -o $@ -t latex -s --toc --toc-depth=2 -V documentclass=article -V classoption=oneside -V links-as-notes -V geometry=a4paper,includeheadfoot,margin=2.54cm metadata.yaml $(FILES)
+ luatz.3: metadata.yaml $(FILES)
+ pandoc -o $@ -t man -s metadata.yaml $(FILES)
+ man: luatz.3
+ man -l $^
+ clean:
+ rm -f luatz.html luatz.pdf luatz.3
+ .PHONY: all man install clean
--- /dev/null
+ Documentation in this directory is intended to be converted to other formats using [pandoc](http://pandoc.org/).
+ An online HTML version can be found at [https://daurnimator.github.io/luatz/](https://daurnimator.github.io/luatz/)
+ The *Makefile* in this directory should be used to compile the documentation.
--- /dev/null
+ ## `luatz.gettime` <!-- --> {#gettime}
+ A module to get the current time.
+ Uses the most precise method available (in order:)
+ - Use [ljsyscall](http://www.myriabit.com/ljsyscall/) to access `clock_gettime(2)` called with `CLOCK_REALTIME`
+ - [lunix](http://25thandclement.com/~william/projects/lunix.html)'s `unix.clock_gettime()` (Only on non-Apple systems)
+ - Use [ljsyscall](http://www.myriabit.com/ljsyscall/) to access `gettimeofday(2)`
+ - [lunix](http://25thandclement.com/~william/projects/lunix.html)'s `unix.gettimeofday()`
+ - [luasocket](http://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/)'s `socket.gettime`
+ - [Openresty](http://openresty.org/)'s [`ngx.now`](http://wiki.nginx.org/HttpLuaModule#ngx.now)
+ - [`os.time`](http://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/manual.html#pdf-os.time)
+ ### `source` <!-- --> {#gettime.source}
+ The library/function currently in use by [`gettime()`](#gettime.gettime).
+ ### `resolution` <!-- --> {#gettime.resolution}
+ The smallest time resolution (in seconds) available from [`gettime()`](#gettime.gettime).
+ ### `gettime()` <!-- --> {#gettime.gettime}
+ Returns the number of seconds since unix epoch (1970-01-01T00:00:00Z) as a lua number
--- /dev/null
+ ## `luatz`
+ Requiring the base luatz module will give you a table of commonly used functions and submodules.
+ The table includes the following sub modules, which have their own documentation:
+ - [`parse`](#parse): Parses common date/time formats
+ - [`timetable`](#timetable): Class for date/time objects supporting normalisation
+ ### `time()` <!-- --> {#luatz.time}
+ Returns the current unix timestamp using the most precise source available.
+ See [`gettime`](#gettime) for more information.
+ ### `now()` <!-- --> {#luatz.now}
+ Returns the current time as a timetable object
+ See `timetable` for more information
+ ### `get_tz([timezone_name])` <!-- --> {#luatz.get_tz}
+ Returns a timezone object (see `tzinfo` documentation) for the given `timezone_name`.
+ If `timezone_name` is `nil` then the local timezone is used.
+ If `timezone_name` is an absolute path, then that `tzinfo` file is used
+ This uses the local [zoneinfo database](https://www.iana.org/time-zones);
+ names are usually of the form `Country/Largest_City` e.g. "America/New_York".
+ Check [wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones) for an example list.
+ ### `time_in(timezone_name[, utc_ts])` <!-- --> {#luatz.time_in}
+ Returns the current time in seconds since 1970-01-01 0:00:00 in the given timezone as a string,
+ (same semantics as [`get_tz`](#luatz.get_tz)) at the given UTC time (defaults to now).
+ ### `gmtime(ts)` <!-- --> {#luatz.gmtime}
+ As in the C standard library
+ ### `localtime(ts)` <!-- --> {#luatz.localtime}
+ As in the C standard library
+ ### `ctime(ts)` <!-- --> {#luatz.ctime}
+ As in the C standard library
--- /dev/null
+ # Links
+ - [Github](https://github.com/daurnimator/luatz)
+ - [Issue tracker](https://github.com/daurnimator/luatz/issues)
+ - [luarocks](https://luarocks.org/modules/daurnimator/luatz)
--- /dev/null
+ ---
+ title: luatz
+ subtitle: A lua library for time and date manipulation
+ author: Daurnimator <quae@daurnimator.com>
+ section: 3
+ ...
--- /dev/null
+ ## `luatz.parse` <!-- --> {#parse}
+ Provides parsers for common time and date formats.
+ Functions take the source string and an optional initial postition.
+ ### `rfc_3339(string[, init])` <!-- --> {#parse.rfc_3339}
+ If the string is a valid RFC-3339 timestamp,
+ returns a luatz timetable and the (optional) time zone offset in seconds.
+ Otherwise returns `nil` and an error message
--- /dev/null
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--- /dev/null
+ ## `luatz.timetable` <!-- --> {#timetable}
+ Provides an class to represent a time and date.
+ Objects have no concept of timezone or utc offset.
+ The fields are intentionally compatible with the lua standard library's `os.date` and `os.time`. Objects have fields:
+ - `year`
+ - `month`
+ - `day`
+ - `hour`
+ - `min`
+ - `sec`
+ - `yday` (optional)
+ - `wday` (optional)
+ timetable components may be outside of their standard range (e.g. a month component of
+ 14) to facilitate arithmetic operations on date components. `:normalise()` can be
+ called to modify components to return to their standard range.
+ Equality and comparisons should work between timetable objects.
+ ### `new(year, month, day, hour, min, sec[, yday[, [wday]])` <!-- --> {#timetable.new}
+ Returns a new timetable with the given contents.
+ ### `new_from_timestamp(timestamp)` <!-- --> {#timetable.new_from_timestamp}
+ Returns a new (normalised) timetable, given a timestamp in seconds since the unix epoch of
+ 1970-01-01.
+ ### `timetable:clone()` <!-- --> {#timetable:clone}
+ Returns a new independent instance of an existing timetable object.
+ ### `timetable:normalise()` <!-- --> {#timetable:normalise}
+ Mutates the current object's time and date components so that are integers within 'normal'
+ ranges e.g. `month` is `1`-`12`; `min` is `0`-`59`
+ First, fractional parts are propagated down.
+ e.g. `.month=6.5` `.day=1` (which could be read as "the first day after the middle of June")
+ normalises to `.month=2` `.day=16`
+ Second, any fields outside of their normal ranges are propagated up
+ e.g. `.hour=10` `.min=100` (100 minutes past 10am)
+ normalises to `.hour=11` `.min=40`
+ ### `timetable:rfc_3339()` <!-- --> {#timetable:rfc_3339}
+ Returns the timetable formatted as an rfc-3339 style string.
+ The timezone offset (or Z) is not appended.
+ The ranges of components are not checked, if you want a valid timestamp,
+ [`:normalise()`](#timetable:normalise) should be called first.
+ This function is also the `__tostring` metamethod for timetable objects
+ ### `timetable:timestamp()` <!-- --> {#timetable:timestamp}
+ Returns the timetable as the number of seconds since unix epoch (1970-01-01) as a lua number.
+ ### `timetable:unpack()` <!-- --> {#timetable:unpack}
+ Unpacks the timetable object; returns `year`, `month`, `day`, `hour`, `min`, `sec`, `yday`, `wday`
--- /dev/null
+ ## `luatz.tzinfo` <!-- --> {#tzinfo}
+ Provides a metatable for the timezone class.
+ Created in `luatz.tzfile` and managed by `luatz.tzcache`;
+ a timezone object contains information about a timezone.
+ These objects are based on the information available in a "zoneinfo" file.
+ Timezone objects should be considered opaque and immutable;
+ so the following details can be skipped over.
+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The table contains a sequence of tables that describe the timezone at a given point
+ using a `transition_time`: the unix timestamp (in UTC) that this definition starts, and
+ a `tt_info` object.
+ A `tt_info` object contains information about a time offset;
+ and contains the following fields:
+ - `gmtoff` (number) The offset from GMT (UTC) in seconds
+ - `isdst` (boolean): If this change was declared as daylight savings
+ - `abbrind` (number, abbreviation id)
+ - `abbr` (string): short name for this gmt offset
+ - `isstd` (boolean)
+ - `isgmt` (boolean)
+ ### `tzinfo:find_current(utc_ts)` <!-- --> {#tzinfo:find_current}
+ Returns the relevant `tt_info` object for the given UTC timestamp in the timezone.
+ ### `tzinfo:localise(utc_ts)` and `tzinfo:localize(utc_ts)` <!-- --> {#tzinfo:localise}
+ Convert the given UTC timestamp to the timezone.
+ Returns the number of seconds since unix epoch in the given timezone.
+ ### `tzinfo:utctime(local_ts)` <!-- --> {#tzinfo:utctime}
+ Convert the given local timestamp (seconds since unix epoch in the time zone) to a UTC timestamp.
+ This may result in ambigous results, in which case multiple values are returned.
+ e.g. consider that when daylight savings rewinds your local clock from 3am to 2am there will be two 2:30ams.
--- /dev/null
+ local luatz = require "luatz"
+ -- We do this a few times ==> Convert a timestamp to timetable and normalise
+ local function ts2tt(ts)
+ return luatz.timetable.new_from_timestamp(ts)
+ end
+ -- Get the current time in UTC
+ local utcnow = luatz.time()
+ local now = ts2tt(utcnow)
+ print(now, "now (UTC)")
+ -- Get a new time object 6 months from now
+ local x = now:clone()
+ x.month = x.month + 6
+ x:normalise()
+ print(x, "6 months from now")
+ -- Find out what time it is in Melbourne at the moment
+ local melbourne = luatz.get_tz("Australia/Melbourne")
+ local now_in_melbourne = ts2tt(melbourne:localise(utcnow))
+ print(now_in_melbourne, "Melbourne")
+ -- Six months from now in melbourne (so month is incremented; but still the same time)
+ local m = now_in_melbourne:clone()
+ m.month = m.month + 6
+ m:normalise()
+ print(m, "6 months from now in melbourne")
+ -- Convert time back to utc; a daylight savings transition may have taken place!
+ -- There may be 2 results, but for we'll ignore the second possibility
+ local c, _ = melbourne:utctime(m:timestamp())
+ print(ts2tt(c), "6 months from now in melbourne converted to utc")
--- /dev/null
+ --[[
+ Re-implementation of `os.date` from the standard lua library
+ ]]
+ local gettime = require "luatz.gettime".gettime
+ local new_from_timestamp = require "luatz.timetable".new_from_timestamp
+ local get_tz = require "luatz.tzcache".get_tz
+ local function os_date(format_string, timestamp)
+ format_string = format_string or "%c"
+ timestamp = timestamp or gettime()
+ if format_string:sub(1, 1) == "!" then -- UTC
+ format_string = format_string:sub(2)
+ else -- Localtime
+ timestamp = get_tz():localise(timestamp)
+ end
+ local tt = new_from_timestamp(timestamp)
+ if format_string == "*t" then
+ return tt
+ else
+ return tt:strftime(format_string)
+ end
+ end
+ return os_date
--- /dev/null
+ package = "luatz"
+ version = "scm-0"
+ description = {
+ summary = "library for time and date manipulation.";
+ detailed = [[
+ A lua library for time and date manipulation.
+ Features include:
+ - Normalisation of broken down date objects
+ - allows for complex time/date manipulation logic e.g. "what day is it in 2 days, 5 hours from now?"
+ - Conversion between locations (time zones) using your local zoneinfo database.
+ - strftime style formatting
+ All operations are possible without C extensions, though if available they may be used to increase accuracy.
+ ]];
+ license = "MIT";
+ }
+ dependencies = {
+ "lua >= 5.1";
+ }
+ source = {
+ url = "git://github.com/daurnimator/luatz.git";
+ }
+ build = {
+ type = "builtin";
+ modules = {
+ ["luatz.init"] = "luatz/init.lua";
+ ["luatz.gettime"] = "luatz/gettime.lua";
+ ["luatz.parse"] = "luatz/parse.lua";
+ ["luatz.timetable"] = "luatz/timetable.lua";
+ ["luatz.strftime"] = "luatz/strftime.lua";
+ ["luatz.tzcache"] = "luatz/tzcache.lua";
+ ["luatz.tzfile"] = "luatz/tzfile.lua";
+ ["luatz.tzinfo"] = "luatz/tzinfo.lua";
+ };
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ local _M = {}
+ _M.source, _M.resolution, _M.gettime = (function()
+ local has_syscall, syscall = pcall(require, "syscall")
+ if has_syscall and syscall.clock_gettime and syscall.c.CLOCK then
+ local clock_id = syscall.c.CLOCK.REALTIME
+ local function timespec_to_number(timespec)
+ return tonumber(timespec.tv_sec) + tonumber(timespec.tv_nsec) * 1e-9
+ end
+ return "syscall.clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)",
+ syscall.clock_getres and timespec_to_number(syscall.clock_getres(clock_id)) or 1e-9,
+ function()
+ return timespec_to_number(syscall.clock_gettime(clock_id))
+ end
+ end
+ local has_unix, unix = pcall(require, "unix")
+ -- On Apple devices lunix only uses gettimeofday()
+ if has_unix and unix.clock_gettime and unix.uname and unix.uname().sysname ~= "Darwin" then
+ return "unix.clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)", 1e-9, function()
+ return unix.clock_gettime()
+ end
+ end
+ if has_syscall and syscall.gettimeofday then
+ local function timeval_to_number(timeval)
+ return tonumber(timeval.tv_sec) + tonumber(timeval.tv_nsec) * 1e-6
+ end
+ return "syscall.gettimeofday()", 1e-6,
+ function()
+ return timeval_to_number(syscall.gettimeofday())
+ end
+ end
+ if has_unix and unix.gettimeofday then
+ return "unix.gettimeofday()", 1e-6, unix.gettimeofday
+ end
+ local has_socket, socket = pcall(require, "socket")
+ if has_socket and socket.gettime then
+ -- on windows, this uses GetSystemTimeAsFileTime, which has resolution of 1e-7
+ -- on linux, this uses gettimeofday, which has resolution of 1e-6
+ return "socket.gettime()", 1e-6, socket.gettime
+ end
+ if ngx and ngx.now then -- luacheck: ignore 113
+ return "ngx.now()", 1e-3, ngx.now -- luacheck: ignore 113
+ end
+ return "os.time()", 1, os.time
+ end)()
+ return _M
--- /dev/null
+ local _M = {
+ gettime = require "luatz.gettime";
+ parse = require "luatz.parse";
+ strftime = require "luatz.strftime";
+ timetable = require "luatz.timetable";
+ tzcache = require "luatz.tzcache";
+ }
+ --- Top-level aliases for common functions
+ _M.time = _M.gettime.gettime
+ _M.get_tz = _M.tzcache.get_tz
+ --- Handy functions
+ _M.time_in = function(tz, now)
+ return _M.get_tz(tz):localize(now)
+ end
+ _M.now = function()
+ local ts = _M.gettime.gettime()
+ return _M.timetable.new_from_timestamp(ts)
+ end
+ --- C-like functions
+ _M.gmtime = function(ts)
+ return _M.timetable.new_from_timestamp(ts)
+ end
+ _M.localtime = function(ts)
+ ts = _M.time_in(nil, ts)
+ return _M.gmtime(ts)
+ end
+ _M.ctime = function(ts)
+ return _M.strftime.asctime(_M.localtime(ts))
+ end
+ return _M
--- /dev/null
+ local new_timetable = require "luatz.timetable".new
+ --- Parse an RFC 3339 datetime at the given position
+ -- Returns a time table and the `tz_offset`
+ -- Return value is not normalised (this preserves a leap second)
+ -- If the timestamp is only partial (i.e. missing "Z" or time offset) then `tz_offset` will be nil
+ -- TODO: Validate components are within their boundarys (e.g. 1 <= month <= 12)
+ local function rfc_3339(str, init)
+ local year, month, day, hour, min, sec, patt_end = str:match("^(%d%d%d%d)%-(%d%d)%-(%d%d)[Tt](%d%d%.?%d*):(%d%d):(%d%d)()", init) -- luacheck: ignore 631
+ if not year then
+ return nil, "Invalid RFC 3339 timestamp"
+ end
+ year = tonumber(year, 10)
+ month = tonumber(month, 10)
+ day = tonumber(day, 10)
+ hour = tonumber(hour, 10)
+ min = tonumber(min, 10)
+ sec = tonumber(sec, 10)
+ local tt = new_timetable(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
+ local tz_offset
+ if str:match("^[Zz]", patt_end) then
+ tz_offset = 0
+ else
+ local hour_offset, min_offset = str:match("^([+-]%d%d):(%d%d)", patt_end)
+ if hour_offset then
+ tz_offset = tonumber(hour_offset, 10) * 3600 + tonumber(min_offset, 10) * 60
+ else -- luacheck: ignore 542
+ -- Invalid RFC 3339 timestamp offset (should be Z or (+/-)hour:min)
+ -- tz_offset will be nil
+ end
+ end
+ return tt, tz_offset
+ end
+ return {
+ rfc_3339 = rfc_3339;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ local strformat = string.format
+ local floor = math.floor
+ local function idiv(n, d)
+ return floor(n / d)
+ end
+ local c_locale = {
+ abday = {"Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"};
+ day = {"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"};
+ abmon = {"Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"};
+ mon = {"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
+ "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"};
+ am_pm = {"AM", "PM"};
+ }
+ --- ISO-8601 week logic
+ -- ISO 8601 weekday as number with Monday as 1 (1-7)
+ local function iso_8601_weekday(wday)
+ if wday == 1 then
+ return 7
+ else
+ return wday - 1
+ end
+ end
+ local iso_8601_week do
+ -- Years that have 53 weeks according to ISO-8601
+ local long_years = {}
+ for _, v in ipairs {
+ 4, 9, 15, 20, 26, 32, 37, 43, 48, 54, 60, 65, 71, 76, 82,
+ 88, 93, 99, 105, 111, 116, 122, 128, 133, 139, 144, 150, 156, 161, 167,
+ 172, 178, 184, 189, 195, 201, 207, 212, 218, 224, 229, 235, 240, 246, 252,
+ 257, 263, 268, 274, 280, 285, 291, 296, 303, 308, 314, 320, 325, 331, 336,
+ 342, 348, 353, 359, 364, 370, 376, 381, 387, 392, 398
+ } do
+ long_years[v] = true
+ end
+ local function is_long_year(year)
+ return long_years[year % 400]
+ end
+ function iso_8601_week(self)
+ local wday = iso_8601_weekday(self.wday)
+ local n = self.yday - wday
+ local year = self.year
+ if n < -3 then
+ year = year - 1
+ if is_long_year(year) then
+ return year, 53, wday
+ else
+ return year, 52, wday
+ end
+ elseif n >= 361 and not is_long_year(year) then
+ return year + 1, 1, wday
+ else
+ return year, idiv(n + 10, 7), wday
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ --- Specifiers
+ local t = {}
+ function t:a(locale)
+ return "%s", locale.abday[self.wday]
+ end
+ function t:A(locale)
+ return "%s", locale.day[self.wday]
+ end
+ function t:b(locale)
+ return "%s", locale.abmon[self.month]
+ end
+ function t:B(locale)
+ return "%s", locale.mon[self.month]
+ end
+ function t:c(locale)
+ return "%.3s %.3s%3d %.2d:%.2d:%.2d %d",
+ locale.abday[self.wday], locale.abmon[self.month],
+ self.day, self.hour, self.min, self.sec, self.year
+ end
+ -- Century
+ function t:C()
+ return "%02d", idiv(self.year, 100)
+ end
+ function t:d()
+ return "%02d", self.day
+ end
+ -- Short MM/DD/YY date, equivalent to %m/%d/%y
+ function t:D()
+ return "%02d/%02d/%02d", self.month, self.day, self.year % 100
+ end
+ function t:e()
+ return "%2d", self.day
+ end
+ -- Short YYYY-MM-DD date, equivalent to %Y-%m-%d
+ function t:F()
+ return "%d-%02d-%02d", self.year, self.month, self.day
+ end
+ -- Week-based year, last two digits (00-99)
+ function t:g()
+ return "%02d", iso_8601_week(self) % 100
+ end
+ -- Week-based year
+ function t:G()
+ return "%d", iso_8601_week(self)
+ end
+ t.h = t.b
+ function t:H()
+ return "%02d", self.hour
+ end
+ function t:I()
+ return "%02d", (self.hour-1) % 12 + 1
+ end
+ function t:j()
+ return "%03d", self.yday
+ end
+ function t:m()
+ return "%02d", self.month
+ end
+ function t:M()
+ return "%02d", self.min
+ end
+ -- New-line character ('\n')
+ function t:n() -- luacheck: ignore 212
+ return "\n"
+ end
+ function t:p(locale)
+ return self.hour < 12 and locale.am_pm[1] or locale.am_pm[2]
+ end
+ -- TODO: should respect locale
+ function t:r(locale)
+ return "%02d:%02d:%02d %s",
+ (self.hour-1) % 12 + 1, self.min, self.sec,
+ self.hour < 12 and locale.am_pm[1] or locale.am_pm[2]
+ end
+ -- 24-hour HH:MM time, equivalent to %H:%M
+ function t:R()
+ return "%02d:%02d", self.hour, self.min
+ end
+ function t:s()
+ return "%d", self:timestamp()
+ end
+ function t:S()
+ return "%02d", self.sec
+ end
+ -- Horizontal-tab character ('\t')
+ function t:t() -- luacheck: ignore 212
+ return "\t"
+ end
+ -- ISO 8601 time format (HH:MM:SS), equivalent to %H:%M:%S
+ function t:T()
+ return "%02d:%02d:%02d", self.hour, self.min, self.sec
+ end
+ function t:u()
+ return "%d", iso_8601_weekday(self.wday)
+ end
+ -- Week number with the first Sunday as the first day of week one (00-53)
+ function t:U()
+ return "%02d", idiv(self.yday - self.wday + 7, 7)
+ end
+ -- ISO 8601 week number (00-53)
+ function t:V()
+ return "%02d", select(2, iso_8601_week(self))
+ end
+ -- Weekday as a decimal number with Sunday as 0 (0-6)
+ function t:w()
+ return "%d", self.wday - 1
+ end
+ -- Week number with the first Monday as the first day of week one (00-53)
+ function t:W()
+ return "%02d", idiv(self.yday - iso_8601_weekday(self.wday) + 7, 7)
+ end
+ -- TODO make t.x and t.X respect locale
+ t.x = t.D
+ t.X = t.T
+ function t:y()
+ return "%02d", self.year % 100
+ end
+ function t:Y()
+ return "%d", self.year
+ end
+ -- TODO timezones
+ function t:z() -- luacheck: ignore 212
+ return "+0000"
+ end
+ function t:Z() -- luacheck: ignore 212
+ return "GMT"
+ end
+ -- A literal '%' character.
+ t["%"] = function(self) -- luacheck: ignore 212
+ return "%%"
+ end
+ local function strftime(format_string, timetable)
+ return (string.gsub(format_string, "%%([EO]?)(.)", function(locale_modifier, specifier)
+ local func = t[specifier]
+ if func then
+ return strformat(func(timetable, c_locale))
+ else
+ error("invalid conversation specifier '%"..locale_modifier..specifier.."'", 3)
+ end
+ end))
+ end
+ local function asctime(timetable)
+ -- Equivalent to the format string "%c\n"
+ return strformat(t.c(timetable, c_locale)) .. "\n"
+ end
+ return {
+ strftime = strftime;
+ asctime = asctime;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ local strftime = require "luatz.strftime".strftime
+ local strformat = string.format
+ local floor = math.floor
+ local idiv do
+ -- Try and use actual integer division when available (Lua 5.3+)
+ local idiv_loader = (loadstring or load)([[return function(n,d) return n//d end]], "idiv") -- luacheck: ignore 113
+ if idiv_loader then
+ idiv = idiv_loader()
+ else
+ idiv = function(n, d)
+ return floor(n/d)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local mon_lengths = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}
+ -- Number of days in year until start of month; not corrected for leap years
+ local months_to_days_cumulative = {0}
+ for i = 2, 12 do
+ months_to_days_cumulative[i] = months_to_days_cumulative[i-1] + mon_lengths[i-1]
+ end
+ -- For Sakamoto's Algorithm (day of week)
+ local sakamoto = {0, 3, 2, 5, 0, 3, 5, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4};
+ local function is_leap(y)
+ if (y % 4) ~= 0 then
+ return false
+ elseif (y % 100) ~= 0 then
+ return true
+ else
+ return (y % 400) == 0
+ end
+ end
+ local function month_length(m, y)
+ if m == 2 then
+ return is_leap(y) and 29 or 28
+ else
+ return mon_lengths[m]
+ end
+ end
+ local function leap_years_since(year)
+ return idiv(year, 4) - idiv(year, 100) + idiv(year, 400)
+ end
+ local function day_of_year(day, month, year)
+ local yday = months_to_days_cumulative[month]
+ if month > 2 and is_leap(year) then
+ yday = yday + 1
+ end
+ return yday + day
+ end
+ local function day_of_week(day, month, year)
+ if month < 3 then
+ year = year - 1
+ end
+ return(year + leap_years_since(year) + sakamoto[month] + day) % 7 + 1
+ end
+ local function borrow(tens, units, base)
+ local frac = tens % 1
+ units = units + frac * base
+ tens = tens - frac
+ return tens, units
+ end
+ local function carry(tens, units, base)
+ if units >= base then
+ tens = tens + idiv(units, base)
+ units = units % base
+ elseif units < 0 then
+ tens = tens + idiv(units, base)
+ units = (base + units) % base
+ end
+ return tens, units
+ end
+ -- Modify parameters so they all fit within the "normal" range
+ local function normalise(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
+ -- `month` and `day` start from 1, need -1 and +1 so it works modulo
+ month, day = month - 1, day - 1
+ -- Convert everything (except seconds) to an integer
+ -- by propagating fractional components down.
+ year , month = borrow(year , month, 12)
+ -- Carry from month to year first, so we get month length correct in next line around leap years
+ year , month = carry(year, month, 12)
+ month, day = borrow(month, day , month_length(floor(month + 1), year))
+ day , hour = borrow(day , hour , 24)
+ hour , min = borrow(hour , min , 60)
+ min , sec = borrow(min , sec , 60)
+ -- Propagate out of range values up
+ -- e.g. if `min` is 70, `hour` increments by 1 and `min` becomes 10
+ -- This has to happen for all columns after borrowing, as lower radixes may be pushed out of range
+ min , sec = carry(min , sec , 60) -- TODO: consider leap seconds?
+ hour , min = carry(hour, min , 60)
+ day , hour = carry(day , hour, 24)
+ -- Ensure `day` is not underflowed
+ -- Add a whole year of days at a time, this is later resolved by adding months
+ -- TODO[OPTIMIZE]: This could be slow if `day` is far out of range
+ while day < 0 do
+ month = month - 1
+ if month < 0 then
+ year = year - 1
+ month = 11
+ end
+ day = day + month_length(month + 1, year)
+ end
+ year, month = carry(year, month, 12)
+ -- TODO[OPTIMIZE]: This could potentially be slow if `day` is very large
+ while true do
+ local i = month_length(month + 1, year)
+ if day < i then break end
+ day = day - i
+ month = month + 1
+ if month >= 12 then
+ month = 0
+ year = year + 1
+ end
+ end
+ -- Now we can place `day` and `month` back in their normal ranges
+ -- e.g. month as 1-12 instead of 0-11
+ month, day = month + 1, day + 1
+ return year, month, day, hour, min, sec
+ end
+ local leap_years_since_1970 = leap_years_since(1970)
+ local function timestamp(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
+ year, month, day, hour, min, sec = normalise(year, month, day, hour, min, sec)
+ local days_since_epoch = day_of_year(day, month, year)
+ + 365 * (year - 1970)
+ -- Each leap year adds one day
+ + (leap_years_since(year - 1) - leap_years_since_1970) - 1
+ return days_since_epoch * (60*60*24)
+ + hour * (60*60)
+ + min * 60
+ + sec
+ end
+ local timetable_methods = {}
+ function timetable_methods:unpack()
+ return assert(self.year , "year required"),
+ assert(self.month, "month required"),
+ assert(self.day , "day required"),
+ self.hour or 12,
+ self.min or 0,
+ self.sec or 0,
+ self.yday,
+ self.wday
+ end
+ function timetable_methods:normalise()
+ local year, month, day
+ year, month, day, self.hour, self.min, self.sec = normalise(self:unpack())
+ self.day = day
+ self.month = month
+ self.year = year
+ self.yday = day_of_year(day, month, year)
+ self.wday = day_of_week(day, month, year)
+ return self
+ end
+ timetable_methods.normalize = timetable_methods.normalise -- American English
+ function timetable_methods:timestamp()
+ return timestamp(self:unpack())
+ end
+ function timetable_methods:rfc_3339()
+ local year, month, day, hour, min, fsec = self:unpack()
+ local sec, msec = borrow(fsec, 0, 1000)
+ msec = math.floor(msec)
+ return strformat("%04u-%02u-%02uT%02u:%02u:%02d.%03d", year, month, day, hour, min, sec, msec)
+ end
+ function timetable_methods:strftime(format_string)
+ return strftime(format_string, self)
+ end
+ local timetable_mt
+ local function coerce_arg(t)
+ if getmetatable(t) == timetable_mt then
+ return t:timestamp()
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+ timetable_mt = {
+ __index = timetable_methods;
+ __tostring = timetable_methods.rfc_3339;
+ __eq = function(a, b)
+ return a:timestamp() == b:timestamp()
+ end;
+ __lt = function(a, b)
+ return a:timestamp() < b:timestamp()
+ end;
+ __sub = function(a, b)
+ return coerce_arg(a) - coerce_arg(b)
+ end;
+ }
+ local function cast_timetable(tm)
+ return setmetatable(tm, timetable_mt)
+ end
+ local function new_timetable(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, yday, wday)
+ return cast_timetable {
+ year = year;
+ month = month;
+ day = day;
+ hour = hour;
+ min = min;
+ sec = sec;
+ yday = yday;
+ wday = wday;
+ }
+ end
+ function timetable_methods:clone()
+ return new_timetable(self:unpack())
+ end
+ local function new_from_timestamp(ts)
+ if type(ts) ~= "number" then
+ error("bad argument #1 to 'new_from_timestamp' (number expected, got " .. type(ts) .. ")", 2)
+ end
+ return new_timetable(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, ts):normalise()
+ end
+ return {
+ is_leap = is_leap;
+ day_of_year = day_of_year;
+ day_of_week = day_of_week;
+ normalise = normalise;
+ timestamp = timestamp;
+ new = new_timetable;
+ new_from_timestamp = new_from_timestamp;
+ cast = cast_timetable;
+ timetable_mt = timetable_mt;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ local read_tzfile = require "luatz.tzfile".read_tzfile
+ local base_zoneinfo_path = "/usr/share/zoneinfo/"
+ local local_zoneinfo_path = "/etc/localtime"
+ local tz_cache = {}
+ local function name_to_zoneinfo_path(name)
+ if name == nil then
+ return local_zoneinfo_path
+ elseif name:sub(1, 1) == "/" then
+ return name
+ else
+ return base_zoneinfo_path .. name
+ end
+ end
+ local function clear_tz_cache(name)
+ tz_cache[name_to_zoneinfo_path(name)] = nil
+ end
+ local function get_tz(name)
+ local path = name_to_zoneinfo_path(name)
+ -- TODO: stat path
+ local tzinfo = tz_cache[path]
+ if tzinfo == nil then
+ tzinfo = read_tzfile(path)
+ tz_cache[path] = tzinfo
+ end
+ return tzinfo
+ end
+ return {
+ get_tz = get_tz;
+ clear_tz_cache = clear_tz_cache;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ local tz_info_mt = require "luatz.tzinfo".tz_info_mt
+ local tt_info_mt = require "luatz.tzinfo".tt_info_mt
+ local read_int32be, read_int64be
+ -- luacheck: push std max
+ if string.unpack then
+ -- Only available in Lua 5.3+
+ function read_int32be(fd)
+ local data, err = fd:read(4)
+ if data == nil then return nil, err end
+ return string.unpack(">i4", data)
+ end
+ function read_int64be(fd)
+ local data, err = fd:read(8)
+ if data == nil then return nil, err end
+ return string.unpack(">i8", data)
+ end
+ else -- luacheck: pop
+ function read_int32be(fd)
+ local data, err = fd:read(4)
+ if data == nil then return nil, err end
+ local o1, o2, o3, o4 = data:byte(1, 4)
+ local unsigned = o4 + o3*2^8 + o2*2^16 + o1*2^24
+ if unsigned >= 2^31 then
+ return unsigned - 2^32
+ else
+ return unsigned
+ end
+ end
+ function read_int64be(fd)
+ local data, err = fd:read(8)
+ if data == nil then return nil, err end
+ local o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o6, o7, o8 = data:byte(1, 8)
+ local unsigned = o8 + o7*2^8 + o6*2^16 + o5*2^24 + o4*2^32 + o3*2^40 + o2*2^48 + o1*2^56
+ if unsigned >= 2^63 then
+ return unsigned - 2^64
+ else
+ return unsigned
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local function read_flags(fd, n)
+ local data, err = fd:read(n)
+ if data == nil then return nil, err end
+ local res = {}
+ for i=1, n do
+ res[i] = data:byte(i,i) ~= 0
+ end
+ return res
+ end
+ local fifteen_nulls = ("\0"):rep(15)
+ local function read_tz(fd)
+ assert(fd:read(4) == "TZif", "Invalid TZ file")
+ local version = assert(fd:read(1))
+ if version == "\0" or version == "2" or version == "3" then
+ local MIN_TIME = -2^32+1
+ assert(assert(fd:read(15)) == fifteen_nulls, "Expected 15 nulls")
+ -- The number of UTC/local indicators stored in the file.
+ local tzh_ttisgmtcnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of standard/wall indicators stored in the file.
+ local tzh_ttisstdcnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of leap seconds for which data is stored in the file.
+ local tzh_leapcnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of "transition times" for which data is stored in the file.
+ local tzh_timecnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of "local time types" for which data is stored in the file (must not be zero).
+ local tzh_typecnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of characters of "timezone abbreviation strings" stored in the file.
+ local tzh_charcnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ local transition_times = {}
+ for i=1, tzh_timecnt do
+ transition_times[i] = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ end
+ local transition_time_ind = {assert(fd:read(tzh_timecnt)):byte(1, -1)}
+ local ttinfos = {}
+ for i=1, tzh_typecnt do
+ ttinfos[i] = {
+ gmtoff = assert(read_int32be(fd));
+ isdst = assert(fd:read(1)) ~= "\0";
+ abbrind = assert(fd:read(1)):byte();
+ }
+ end
+ local abbreviations = assert(fd:read(tzh_charcnt))
+ local leap_seconds = {} -- luacheck: ignore 241
+ for i=1, tzh_leapcnt do
+ leap_seconds[i] = {
+ offset = assert(read_int32be(fd));
+ n = assert(read_int32be(fd));
+ }
+ end
+ local isstd = assert(read_flags(fd, tzh_ttisstdcnt))
+ local isgmt = assert(read_flags(fd, tzh_ttisgmtcnt))
+ local TZ
+ if version == "2" or version == "3" then
+ --[[
+ For version-2-format timezone files, the above header and data is followed by a second header and data,
+ identical in format except that eight bytes are used for each transition time or leap-second time.
+ ]]
+ assert(fd:read(4) == "TZif")
+ assert(fd:read(1) == version)
+ assert(assert(fd:read(15)) == fifteen_nulls, "Expected 15 nulls")
+ MIN_TIME = -2^64+1
+ -- The number of UTC/local indicators stored in the file.
+ tzh_ttisgmtcnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of standard/wall indicators stored in the file.
+ tzh_ttisstdcnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of leap seconds for which data is stored in the file.
+ tzh_leapcnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of "transition times" for which data is stored in the file.
+ tzh_timecnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of "local time types" for which data is stored in the file (must not be zero).
+ tzh_typecnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ -- The number of characters of "timezone abbreviation strings" stored in the file.
+ tzh_charcnt = assert(read_int32be(fd))
+ transition_times = {}
+ for i=1, tzh_timecnt do
+ transition_times[i] = assert(read_int64be(fd))
+ end
+ transition_time_ind = {assert(fd:read(tzh_timecnt)):byte(1, -1)}
+ ttinfos = {}
+ for i=1, tzh_typecnt do
+ ttinfos[i] = {
+ gmtoff = assert(read_int32be(fd));
+ isdst = assert(fd:read(1)) ~= "\0";
+ abbrind = assert(fd:read(1)):byte();
+ }
+ end
+ abbreviations = assert(fd:read(tzh_charcnt))
+ leap_seconds = {}
+ for i=1, tzh_leapcnt do
+ leap_seconds[i] = {
+ offset = assert(read_int64be(fd));
+ n = assert(read_int32be(fd));
+ }
+ end
+ isstd = assert(read_flags(fd, tzh_ttisstdcnt))
+ isgmt = assert(read_flags(fd, tzh_ttisgmtcnt))
+ --[[
+ After the second header and data comes a newline-enclosed, POSIX-TZ-environment-variable-style string
+ for use in handling instants after the last transition time stored in the file
+ (with nothing between the newlines if there is no POSIX representation for such instants).
+ ]]
+ --[[
+ For version-3-format time zone files, the POSIX-TZ-style string may
+ use two minor extensions to the POSIX TZ format, as described in newtzset (3).
+ First, the hours part of its transition times may be signed and range from
+ -167 through 167 instead of the POSIX-required unsigned values
+ from 0 through 24. Second, DST is in effect all year if it starts
+ January 1 at 00:00 and ends December 31 at 24:00 plus the difference
+ between daylight saving and standard time.
+ ]]
+ assert(assert(fd:read(1)) == "\n", "Expected newline at end of version 2 header")
+ TZ = assert(fd:read("*l"))
+ if #TZ == 0 then
+ TZ = nil
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1, tzh_typecnt do
+ local v = ttinfos[i]
+ v.abbr = abbreviations:sub(v.abbrind+1, v.abbrind+3)
+ v.isstd = isstd[i] or false
+ v.isgmt = isgmt[i] or false
+ setmetatable(v, tt_info_mt)
+ end
+ --[[
+ Use the first standard-time ttinfo structure in the file
+ (or simply the first ttinfo structure in the absence of a standard-time structure)
+ if either tzh_timecnt is zero or the time argument is less than the first transition time recorded in the file.
+ ]]
+ local first = 1
+ do
+ for i=1, tzh_ttisstdcnt do
+ if isstd[i] then
+ first = i
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local res = {
+ future = TZ;
+ [0] = {
+ transition_time = MIN_TIME;
+ info = ttinfos[first];
+ }
+ }
+ for i=1, tzh_timecnt do
+ res[i] = {
+ transition_time = transition_times[i];
+ info = ttinfos[transition_time_ind[i]+1];
+ }
+ end
+ return setmetatable(res, tz_info_mt)
+ else
+ error("Unsupported version")
+ end
+ end
+ local function read_tzfile(path)
+ local fd = assert(io.open(path, "rb"))
+ local tzinfo = read_tz(fd)
+ fd:close()
+ return tzinfo
+ end
+ return {
+ read_tz = read_tz;
+ read_tzfile = read_tzfile;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ local gettime = require "luatz.gettime".gettime
+ local timetable_mt = require "luatz.timetable".timetable_mt
+ local function to_timestamp(o)
+ if type(o) == "number" then
+ return o
+ elseif getmetatable(o) == timetable_mt then
+ return o:timestamp()
+ end
+ end
+ local tz_info_methods = { }
+ local tz_info_mt = {
+ __name = "luatz.tz_info";
+ __index = tz_info_methods;
+ }
+ local tt_info_mt = {
+ __name = "luatz.tt_info";
+ __tostring = function(self)
+ return string.format("tt_info:%s=%d", self.abbr, self.gmtoff)
+ end;
+ }
+ -- Binary search
+ local function find_current(tzinfo, target, i, j)
+ if i >= j then return j end
+ local half = math.ceil((j+i) / 2)
+ if target >= tzinfo[half].transition_time then
+ return find_current(tzinfo, target, half, j)
+ else
+ return find_current(tzinfo, target, i, half-1)
+ end
+ end
+ local function find_current_local(tzinfo, ts_local)
+ -- Find two best possibilities by searching back and forward a day (assumes transition is never by more than 24 hours)
+ local tz_first = find_current(tzinfo, ts_local-86400, 0, #tzinfo)
+ local tz_last = find_current(tzinfo, ts_local+86400, 0, #tzinfo)
+ local n_candidates = tz_last - tz_first + 1
+ if n_candidates == 1 then
+ return tz_first
+ elseif n_candidates == 2 then
+ local tz_first_ob = tzinfo[tz_first]
+ local tz_last_ob = tzinfo[tz_last]
+ local first_gmtoffset = tz_first_ob.info.gmtoff
+ local last_gmtoffset = tz_last_ob .info.gmtoff
+ local t_start = tz_last_ob.transition_time + first_gmtoffset
+ local t_end = tz_last_ob.transition_time + last_gmtoffset
+ -- If timestamp is before start or after end
+ if ts_local < t_start then
+ return tz_first
+ elseif ts_local > t_end then
+ return tz_last
+ end
+ -- If we get this far, the local time is ambiguous
+ return tz_first, tz_last
+ else
+ error("Too many transitions in a 2 day period")
+ end
+ end
+ function tz_info_methods:find_current(current)
+ current = assert(to_timestamp(current), "invalid timestamp to :find_current")
+ return self[find_current(self, current, 0, #self)].info
+ end
+ function tz_info_methods:localise(utc_ts)
+ utc_ts = utc_ts or gettime()
+ return utc_ts + self:find_current(utc_ts).gmtoff
+ end
+ tz_info_methods.localize = tz_info_methods.localise
+ function tz_info_methods:utctime(ts_local)
+ ts_local = assert(to_timestamp(ts_local), "invalid timestamp to :utctime")
+ local tz1, tz2 = find_current_local(self, ts_local)
+ tz1 = self[tz1].info
+ if tz2 == nil then
+ return ts_local - tz1.gmtoff
+ else -- Local time is ambiguous
+ tz2 = self[tz2].info
+ return ts_local - tz2.gmtoff, ts_local - tz2.gmtoff
+ end
+ end
+ return {
+ tz_info_mt = tz_info_mt;
+ tt_info_mt = tt_info_mt;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ describe("Time parsing library", function()
+ local timetable = require "luatz.timetable"
+ local parse = require "luatz.parse"
+ it("#RFC3339 parsing", function()
+ assert.same(timetable.new(2013,10,22,14,17,02), (parse.rfc_3339 "2013-10-22T14:17:02Z"))
+ -- Numeric offsets accepted
+ assert.same({timetable.new(2013,10,22,14,17,02), 10*3600 }, {parse.rfc_3339 "2013-10-22T14:17:02+10:00" })
+ -- Missing offsets parse
+ assert.same(timetable.new(2013,10,22,14,17,02), (parse.rfc_3339 "2013-10-22T14:17:02"))
+ -- Invalid
+ assert.same(nil, (parse.rfc_3339 "an invalid timestamp"))
+ end)
+ end)
--- /dev/null
+ local luatz = require "luatz.init"
+ local time = 1234567890
+ local base_tt = luatz.gmtime(time)
+ describe("#strftime works the same as os.date", function()
+ local strftime = luatz.strftime.strftime
+ for _, spec in ipairs {
+ "a", "A", "b", "B", "c", "C", "d", "D", "e", "F",
+ "g", "G", "H", "I", "j", "m", "M", "n", "p", "r",
+ "R", --[["s",]] "S", "t", "T", "u", "U", "V", "w", "W",
+ "y", "Y", "z", "Z" , "%"
+ } do
+ local tt = base_tt:clone()
+ local f = "%"..spec
+ local osdf = "!%"..spec
+ it("format specifier '"..f.."' is equivalent to os.date('"..osdf.."')", function()
+ for i=1, 365*12 do
+ local t = time + 60*60*24*i
+ tt.day = tt.day + 1
+ tt:normalise()
+ assert.are.same(os.date(osdf,t), strftime(f,tt))
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end)
+ describe("#asctime", function()
+ local asctime = luatz.strftime.asctime
+ it("should format correctly", function()
+ assert.are.same("Fri Feb 13 23:31:30 2009\n", asctime(base_tt))
+ end)
+ end)
--- /dev/null
+ describe("Timetable library", function()
+ local timetable = require "luatz.timetable"
+ local function native_normalise(year, month, day)
+ return os.date("*t",os.time {
+ year = year;
+ month = month;
+ day = day;
+ })
+ end
+ it("#is_leap is correct", function()
+ assert.same(false, timetable.is_leap(1))
+ assert.same(false, timetable.is_leap(3))
+ assert.same(true , timetable.is_leap(4))
+ assert.same(true , timetable.is_leap(2000))
+ assert.same(true , timetable.is_leap(2004))
+ assert.same(true , timetable.is_leap(2012))
+ assert.same(false, timetable.is_leap(2013))
+ assert.same(false, timetable.is_leap(2014))
+ assert.same(false, timetable.is_leap(2100))
+ assert.same(true , timetable.is_leap(2400))
+ end)
+ it("#normalise gets #wday (day of week) correct", function()
+ local function assert_same_wday(year, month, day)
+ return assert.are.same(
+ native_normalise(year, month, day).wday,
+ timetable.new(year, month, day):normalise().wday
+ )
+ end
+ assert_same_wday(2013, 7, 23)
+ assert_same_wday(2013, 7, 24)
+ assert_same_wday(2013, 7, 25)
+ assert_same_wday(2013, 7, 26)
+ assert_same_wday(2013, 7, 27)
+ assert_same_wday(2013, 7, 28)
+ assert_same_wday(2013, 7, 29)
+ assert_same_wday(2014, 1, 1)
+ assert_same_wday(2014, 1, 6)
+ assert_same_wday(2016, 2, 28)
+ assert_same_wday(2016, 2, 29)
+ assert_same_wday(2016, 3, 1)
+ end)
+ local function native_timestamp(year, month, day)
+ return assert(tonumber(assert(io.popen(
+ string.format('date -u -d "%d-%d-%d" +%%s', year, month, day)
+ )):read "*l"))
+ end
+ it("#timestamp creation is valid", function()
+ for y=1950,2013 do
+ for m=1,12 do
+ assert.same(native_timestamp(y,m,1), timetable.timestamp(y,m,1,0,0,0))
+ end
+ end
+ end)
+ it("#normalise handles out of range days in a year", function()
+ assert.same({2014,1,1,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2013,1,366,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2014,2,4,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2013,1,400,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2017,2,3,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2016,1,400,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2016,3,5,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2015,1,430,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2017,3,5,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2016,1,430,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2027,5,18,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2000,1,10000,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({29379,1,25,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2000,1,10000000,0,0,0)})
+ end)
+ it("#normalise handles out of range days in a #month", function()
+ assert.same({2012,12,1,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2013,0,1,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2016,6,1,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2013,42,1,0,0,0)})
+ -- Correct behaviour around leap days
+ assert.same({2012,3,23,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2012,2,52,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2013,3,24,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2013,2,52,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2012,2,27,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2012,3,-2,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2013,2,26,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2013,3,-2,0,0,0)})
+ -- Also when more fields are out of range
+ assert.same({2016,7,22,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2013,42,52,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2016,7,24,2,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2013,42,52,50,0,0)})
+ end)
+ it("#normalise handles fractional #month", function()
+ assert.same({2015,2,15,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2014,14.5,1,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2016,2,15,12,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2015,14.5,1,0,0,0)}) -- leap year, so hours is 12
+ assert.same({2017,2,15,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2016,14.5,1,0,0,0)})
+ end)
+ it("#normalise handles negative carry (issue #10)", function()
+ assert.same({1970,01,01,00,59,00}, {timetable.normalise(1970,01,01,01,00,-60)})
+ assert.same({1970,01,01,00,58,58}, {timetable.normalise(1970,01,01,01,00,-62)})
+ assert.same({1969,12,31,23,55,58}, {timetable.normalise(1970,01,01,01,-63,-62)})
+ assert.same({2017,02,3,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2017,02,13,0,-14400,0)})
+ end)
+ it("#normalise handles negative day carry (issue #13)", function()
+ assert.same({2016,11,30,00,00,00}, {timetable.normalise(2016,12,0,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2017,11,30,00,00,00}, {timetable.normalise(2017,12,0,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2018,11,30,00,00,00}, {timetable.normalise(2018,12,0,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2017,2,13,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2017,3,-15,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2016,10,1,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2017,3,-150,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({2013,1,20,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2017,3,-1500,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({1976,2,4,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2017,3,-15000,0,0,0)})
+ assert.same({1606,6,23,0,0,0}, {timetable.normalise(2017,3,-150000,0,0,0)})
+ end)
+ local function round_trip_add(t, field, x)
+ local before = t:clone()
+ t[field]=t[field]+x;
+ t:normalise();
+ t[field]=t[field]-x;
+ t:normalise();
+ assert.same(0, t-before)
+ end
+ it("#normalise round trips", function()
+ round_trip_add(timetable.new(2000,2,28,0,0,0), "month", 0.5)
+ round_trip_add(timetable.new(2014,8,28,19,23,0), "month", 0.4)
+ round_trip_add(timetable.new(2014,14.5,28,0,0,0), "month", 0.4)
+ end)
+ it("#rfc_3339 works with fractional milliseconds", function()
+ -- on lua 5.3 this used to throw an error due to milliseconds not being an integer
+ timetable.new_from_timestamp(1415141759.999911111):rfc_3339()
+ end)
+ it("#rfc_3339 doesn't round seconds up to 60 (issue #4)", function()
+ assert.same("2014-11-04T22:55:59.999", timetable.new_from_timestamp(1415141759.999911111):rfc_3339())
+ assert.same("1970-01-01T00:00:59.999", timetable.new_from_timestamp(59.9999999):rfc_3339())
+ assert.same("1969-12-31T23:59:59.999", timetable.new_from_timestamp(-0.001):rfc_3339())
+ assert.same("1969-12-31T23:59:00.000", timetable.new_from_timestamp(-59.9999999):rfc_3339())
+ end)
+ end)
--- /dev/null
+ describe("Opening/reading system files", function()
+ local tzcache = require "luatz.tzcache"
+ it("should have a localtime", function()
+ tzcache.get_tz()
+ end)
+ it("should be able to open UTC", function()
+ tzcache.get_tz("UTC")
+ end)
+ it("should re-use results from cache", function()
+ -- If cached it should return the same table
+ local localtime = tzcache.get_tz()
+ assert.are.equal(localtime, tzcache.get_tz())
+ -- Once cache is cleared it should return a new table
+ tzcache.clear_tz_cache()
+ assert._not.equal(localtime, tzcache.get_tz())
+ end)
+ end)
--- /dev/null
+ describe("Opening/reading tz files", function()
+ local tzfile = require "luatz.tzfile"
+ it("should be able to open a version 3 file", function()
+ -- The tz file for America/Godthab from 2015g
+ -- One of the smallest tzif3 files I have
+ tzfile.read_tzfile("spec/Godthab.tz")
+ end)
+ end)