-local scr = require("awful.screen")
-local tonumber = tonumber
+local floor = math.floor
+local screen = screen
local cascade = {
name = "cascade",
local function do_cascade(p, tiling)
- -- Screen.
- local wa = p.workarea
+ local t = p.tag or screen[p.screen].selected_tag
+ local wa = p.workarea
local cls = p.clients
- local ta = scr.focused().selected_tag
- if not ta then return end
- if #cls <= 0 then return end
- -- Useless gaps.
- local useless_gap = p.useless_gap or 0
+ if #cls == 0 then return end
if not tiling then
-- Cascade windows.
if cascade.nmaster > 0 then
num_c = cascade.nmaster
- num_c = ta.master_count
+ num_c = t.master_count
-- Opening a new window will usually force all existing windows to
g.x = wa.x + (how_many - i) * cascade.offset_x
g.y = wa.y + (i - 1) * cascade.offset_y
- g.width = wa.width - current_offset_x - 2*c.border_width
- g.height = wa.height - current_offset_y - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = wa.width - current_offset_x
+ g.height = wa.height - current_offset_y
if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- c:geometry(g)
+ p.geometries[c] = g
-- Layout with one fixed column meant for a master window. Its
if cascade.tile.mwfact > 0 then
mwfact = cascade.tile.mwfact
- mwfact = ta.master_width_factor
+ mwfact = t.master_width_factor
-- Make slave windows overlap main window? Do this if ncol is 1.
if cascade.tile.ncol > 0 then
overlap_main = cascade.tile.ncol
- overlap_main = ta.column_count
+ overlap_main = t.column_count
-- Minimum space for slave windows? See cascade.tile.lua.
if cascade.tile.nmaster > 0 then
num_c = cascade.tile.nmaster
- num_c = ta.master_count
+ num_c = t.master_count
local how_many = (#cls - 1 >= num_c and (#cls - 1)) or num_c
-- Main column, fixed width and height.
local c = cls[1]
local g = {}
- -- Subtracting the useless_gap width from the work area width here
- -- makes this mwfact calculation work the same as in uselesstile.
-- Rounding is necessary to prevent the rendered size of slavewid
-- from being 1 pixel off when the result is not an integer.
- local mainwid = math.floor((wa.width - useless_gap) * mwfact)
+ local mainwid = floor(wa.width * mwfact)
local slavewid = wa.width - mainwid
if overlap_main == 1 then
- g.width = wa.width - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = wa.width
-- The size of the main window may be reduced a little bit.
-- This allows you to see if there are any windows below the
-- overlapping everything else.
g.width = g.width - cascade.tile.extra_padding
- g.width = mainwid - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = mainwid
- g.height = wa.height - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = wa.height
g.x = wa.x
g.y = wa.y
- if useless_gap > 0 then
- -- Reduce width once and move window to the right.
- -- Reduce height twice, however.
- g.width = g.width - useless_gap
- g.height = g.height - 2 * useless_gap
- g.x = g.x + useless_gap
- g.y = g.y + useless_gap
- -- When there's no window to the right, add an additional gap.
- if overlap_main == 1 then g.width = g.width - useless_gap end
- end
- if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
+ if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- c:geometry(g)
+ p.geometries[c] = g
-- Remaining clients stacked in slave column, new ones on top.
- if #cls > 1 then
- for i = 2,#cls do
- c = cls[i]
- g = {}
- g.width = slavewid - current_offset_x - 2*c.border_width
- g.height = wa.height - current_offset_y - 2*c.border_width
- g.x = wa.x + mainwid + (how_many - (i - 1)) * cascade.tile.offset_x
- g.y = wa.y + (i - 2) * cascade.tile.offset_y
- if useless_gap > 0 then
- g.width = g.width - 2 * useless_gap
- g.height = g.height - 2 * useless_gap
- g.x = g.x + useless_gap
- g.y = g.y + useless_gap
- end
- if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
- if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- c:geometry(g)
- end
+ if #cls <= 1 then return end
+ for i = 2,#cls do
+ c = cls[i]
+ g = {}
+ g.width = slavewid - current_offset_x
+ g.height = wa.height - current_offset_y
+ g.x = wa.x + mainwid + (how_many - (i - 1)) * cascade.tile.offset_x
+ g.y = wa.y + (i - 2) * cascade.tile.offset_y
+ if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
+ if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
+ p.geometries[c] = g
-local tonumber = tonumber
-local math = { floor = math.floor }
-local scr = require("awful.screen")
+local floor = math.floor
+local screen = screen
local centerwork = {
name = "centerwork",
local function do_centerwork(p, orientation)
- -- Screen.
- local wa = p.workarea
+ local t = p.tag or screen[p.screen].selected_tag
+ local wa = p.workarea
local cls = p.clients
- local ta = scr.focused().selected_tag
- if not ta then return end
- if #cls <= 0 then return end
- -- Useless gaps.
- local useless_gap = p.useless_gap or 0
+ if #cls == 0 then return end
local c = cls[1]
local g = {}
-- Main column, fixed width and height.
- local mwfact = ta.master_width_factor
- local mainhei = math.floor(wa.height * mwfact)
- local mainwid = math.floor(wa.width * mwfact)
+ local mwfact = t.master_width_factor
+ local mainhei = floor(wa.height * mwfact)
+ local mainwid = floor(wa.width * mwfact)
local slavewid = wa.width - mainwid
- local slaveLwid = math.floor(slavewid / 2)
+ local slaveLwid = floor(slavewid / 2)
local slaveRwid = slavewid - slaveLwid
local slavehei = wa.height - mainhei
- local slaveThei = math.floor(slavehei / 2)
+ local slaveThei = floor(slavehei / 2)
local slaveBhei = slavehei - slaveThei
- local nbrFirstSlaves = math.floor(#cls / 2)
- local nbrSecondSlaves = math.floor((#cls - 1) / 2)
+ local nbrFirstSlaves = floor(#cls / 2)
+ local nbrSecondSlaves = floor((#cls - 1) / 2)
local slaveFirstDim, slaveSecondDim = 0, 0
if orientation == "vertical" then
- if nbrFirstSlaves > 0 then slaveFirstDim = math.floor(wa.height / nbrFirstSlaves) end
- if nbrSecondSlaves > 0 then slaveSecondDim = math.floor(wa.height / nbrSecondSlaves) end
+ if nbrFirstSlaves > 0 then slaveFirstDim = floor(wa.height / nbrFirstSlaves) end
+ if nbrSecondSlaves > 0 then slaveSecondDim = floor(wa.height / nbrSecondSlaves) end
- g.height = wa.height - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
- g.width = mainwid - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = wa.height
+ g.width = mainwid
g.x = wa.x + slaveLwid
- g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
+ g.y = wa.y
- if nbrFirstSlaves > 0 then slaveFirstDim = math.floor(wa.width / nbrFirstSlaves) end
- if nbrSecondSlaves > 0 then slaveSecondDim = math.floor(wa.width / nbrSecondSlaves) end
+ if nbrFirstSlaves > 0 then slaveFirstDim = floor(wa.width / nbrFirstSlaves) end
+ if nbrSecondSlaves > 0 then slaveSecondDim = floor(wa.width / nbrSecondSlaves) end
- g.height = mainhei - 2*c.border_width
- g.width = wa.width - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = mainhei
+ g.width = wa.width
- g.x = wa.x + useless_gap
+ g.x = wa.x
g.y = wa.y + slaveThei
if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- c:geometry(g)
+ p.geometries[c] = g
-- Auxiliary windows.
if #cls <= 1 then return end
local c = cls[i]
local g = {}
- local rowIndex = math.floor(i/2)
+ local rowIndex = floor(i/2)
if orientation == "vertical" then
if i % 2 == 0 then
-- left slave
- g.x = wa.x + useless_gap
- g.y = wa.y + useless_gap + (rowIndex-1)*slaveFirstDim
+ g.x = wa.x
+ g.y = wa.y + (rowIndex-1)*slaveFirstDim
- g.width = slaveLwid - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = slaveLwid
-- if last slave in left row use remaining space for that slave
if rowIndex == nbrFirstSlaves then
- g.height = wa.y + wa.height - g.y - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = wa.y + wa.height - g.y
- g.height = slaveFirstDim - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveFirstDim
-- right slave
- g.x = wa.x + slaveLwid + mainwid + useless_gap
- g.y = wa.y + useless_gap + (rowIndex-1)*slaveSecondDim
+ g.x = wa.x + slaveLwid + mainwid
+ g.y = wa.y + (rowIndex-1)*slaveSecondDim
- g.width = slaveRwid - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = slaveRwid
-- if last slave in right row use remaining space for that slave
if rowIndex == nbrSecondSlaves then
- g.height = wa.y + wa.height - g.y - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = wa.y + wa.height - g.y
- g.height = slaveSecondDim - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveSecondDim
if i % 2 == 0 then
-- top slave
- g.x = wa.x + useless_gap + (rowIndex-1)*slaveFirstDim
- g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
+ g.x = wa.x + (rowIndex-1)*slaveFirstDim
+ g.y = wa.y
- g.height = slaveThei - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveThei
-- if last slave in top row use remaining space for that slave
if rowIndex == nbrFirstSlaves then
- g.width = wa.x + wa.width - g.x - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = wa.x + wa.width - g.x
- g.width = slaveFirstDim - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = slaveFirstDim
-- bottom slave
- g.x = wa.x + useless_gap + (rowIndex-1)*slaveFirstDim
- g.y = wa.y + slaveThei + mainhei + useless_gap
+ g.x = wa.x + (rowIndex-1)*slaveSecondDim
+ g.y = wa.y + slaveThei + mainhei
- g.height = slaveBhei - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveBhei
-- if last slave in bottom row use remaining space for that slave
if rowIndex == nbrSecondSlaves then
- g.width = wa.x + wa.width - g.x - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = wa.x + wa.width - g.x
- g.width = slaveSecondDim - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = slaveSecondDim
if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- c:geometry(g)
+ p.geometries[c] = g
-local scr = require("awful.screen")
local math = { ceil = math.ceil,
floor = math.floor,
max = math.max }
+local screen = screen
local tonumber = tonumber
local termfair = { name = "termfair" }
termfair.center = { name = "centerfair" }
local function do_fair(p, orientation)
- -- Screen.
- local wa = p.workarea
+ local t = p.tag or screen[p.screen].selected_tag
+ local wa = p.workarea
local cls = p.clients
- local ta = scr.focused().selected_tag
- if not ta then return end
- if #cls <= 0 then return end
- -- Useless gaps.
- local useless_gap = p.useless_gap or 0
+ if #cls == 0 then return end
if orientation == "west" then
-- Layout with fixed number of vertical columns (read from nmaster).
-- | 3 | 2 | 1 | | 3 | 2 | 1 | | 3 | 2 | 1 |
-- +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
- if #cls <= 0 then return end
-- How many vertical columns? Read from nmaster on the tag.
- local num_x = tonumber(termfair.nmaster) or ta.master_count
- local ncol = tonumber(termfair.ncol) or ta.column_count
+ local num_x = tonumber(termfair.nmaster) or t.master_count
+ local ncol = tonumber(termfair.ncol) or t.column_count
if num_x <= 2 then num_x = 2 end
if ncol <= 1 then ncol = 1 end
- local width = math.floor((wa.width - (num_x + 1)*useless_gap) / num_x)
+ local width = math.floor(wa.width/num_x)
local num_y = math.max(math.ceil(#cls / num_x), ncol)
- local height = math.floor((wa.height - (num_y + 1)*useless_gap) / num_y)
+ local height = math.floor(wa.height/num_y)
local cur_num_x = num_x
local at_x = 0
local at_y = 0
-- Calculate geometry.
local g = {}
if this_x == (num_x - 1) then
- g.width = wa.width - (num_x - 1)*width - (num_x + 1)*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = wa.width - (num_x - 1)*width
- g.width = width - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = width
if this_y == (num_y - 1) then
- g.height = wa.height - (num_y - 1)*height - (num_y + 1)*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = wa.height - (num_y - 1)*height
- g.height = height - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = height
g.x = wa.x + this_x*width
g.y = wa.y + this_y*height
- if useless_gap > 0 then
- -- All clients tile evenly.
- g.x = g.x + (this_x + 1)*useless_gap
- g.y = g.y + (this_y + 1)*useless_gap
- end
- if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
+ if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- c:geometry(g)
+ p.geometries[c] = g
remaining_clients = remaining_clients - 1
-- +---+---+---+ +---+---+---+
-- How many vertical columns? Read from nmaster on the tag.
- local num_x = tonumber(termfair.center.nmaster) or ta.master_count
- local ncol = tonumber(termfair.center.ncol) or ta.column_count
+ local num_x = tonumber(termfair.center.nmaster) or t.master_count
+ local ncol = tonumber(termfair.center.ncol) or t.column_count
if num_x <= 2 then num_x = 2 end
if ncol <= 1 then ncol = 1 end
- local width = math.floor((wa.width - (num_x + 1)*useless_gap) / num_x)
+ local width = math.floor(wa.width / num_x)
if #cls < num_x then
-- Less clients than the number of columns, let's center it!
- local offset_x = wa.x + (wa.width - #cls*width - (#cls - 1)*useless_gap) / 2
- local g = {}
- g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
+ local offset_x = wa.x + (wa.width - #cls*width) / 2
for i = 1, #cls do
- local c = cls[i]
- g.width = width - 2*c.border_width
- g.height = wa.height - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ local g = { y = wa.y }
+ g.width = width
+ g.height = wa.height
if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- g.x = offset_x + (i - 1) * (width + useless_gap)
- c:geometry(g)
+ g.x = offset_x + (i - 1) * width
+ p.geometries[cls[i]] = g
-- More clients than the number of columns, let's arrange it!
-- Master client deserves a special treatement
- local c = cls[1]
local g = {}
- g.width = wa.width - (num_x - 1)*width - (num_x + 1)*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
- g.height = wa.height - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = wa.width - (num_x - 1)*width
+ g.height = wa.height
if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- g.x = wa.x + useless_gap
- g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
- c:geometry(g)
+ g.x = wa.x
+ g.y = wa.y
+ p.geometries[cls[1]] = g
-- Treat the other clients
-- Compute distribution of clients among columns
- local num_y ={}
- do
- local remaining_clients = #cls-1
- local ncol_min = math.ceil(remaining_clients/(num_x-1))
- if ncol >= ncol_min then
- for i = (num_x-1), 1, -1 do
- if (remaining_clients-i+1) < ncol then
- num_y[i] = remaining_clients-i + 1
- else
- num_y[i] = ncol
- end
- remaining_clients = remaining_clients - num_y[i]
+ local num_y = {}
+ local remaining_clients = #cls-1
+ local ncol_min = math.ceil(remaining_clients/(num_x-1))
+ if ncol >= ncol_min then
+ for i = (num_x-1), 1, -1 do
+ if (remaining_clients-i+1) < ncol then
+ num_y[i] = remaining_clients-i + 1
+ else
+ num_y[i] = ncol
+ end
+ remaining_clients = remaining_clients - num_y[i]
+ end
+ else
+ local rem = remaining_clients % (num_x-1)
+ if rem == 0 then
+ for i = 1, num_x-1 do
+ num_y[i] = ncol_min
- local rem = remaining_clients % (num_x-1)
- if rem == 0 then
- for i = 1, num_x-1 do
- num_y[i] = ncol_min
- end
- else
- for i = 1, num_x-1 do
- num_y[i] = ncol_min - 1
- end
- for i = 0, rem-1 do
- num_y[num_x-1-i] = num_y[num_x-1-i] + 1
- end
+ for i = 1, num_x-1 do
+ num_y[i] = ncol_min - 1
+ end
+ for i = 0, rem-1 do
+ num_y[num_x-1-i] = num_y[num_x-1-i] + 1
-- Compute geometry of the other clients
local nclient = 2 -- we start with the 2nd client
- g.x = g.x + g.width + useless_gap + 2*c.border_width
+ local wx = g.x + g.width
for i = 1, (num_x-1) do
- local height = math.floor((wa.height - (num_y[i] + 1)*useless_gap) / num_y[i])
- g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
+ local height = math.floor(wa.height / num_y[i])
+ local wy = wa.y
for j = 0, (num_y[i]-2) do
- local c = cls[nclient]
- g.height = height - 2*c.border_width
- g.width = width - 2*c.border_width
+ local g = {}
+ g.x = wx
+ g.y = wy
+ g.height = height
+ g.width = width
if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- c:geometry(g)
+ p.geometries[cls[nclient]] = g
nclient = nclient + 1
- g.y = g.y + height + useless_gap
+ wy = wy + height
- local c = cls[nclient]
- g.height = wa.height - (num_y[i] + 1)*useless_gap - (num_y[i] - 1)*height - 2*c.border_width
- g.width = width - 2*c.border_width
+ local g = {}
+ g.x = wx
+ g.y = wy
+ g.height = wa.height - (num_y[i] - 1)*height
+ g.width = width
if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
- c:geometry(g)
+ p.geometries[cls[nclient]] = g
nclient = nclient + 1
- g.x = g.x + width + useless_gap
+ wx = wx + width