+ p = quote.p.extract()
+ assert p.contents[1].name == "strong"
+ @pytest.mark.converter
+ def test_converter_attribution_to_admonition_with_blockquote(
+ self, fakepath, fakefilefactory
+ ):
+ mailparts = (
+ "Regarding whatever",
+ "> blockquote line1",
+ "> blockquote line2",
+ "> ",
+ "> new para with **bold** text",
+ )
+ with fakefilefactory(
+ fakepath, content="\n".join(mailparts)
+ ) as draft_f:
+ convert_markdown_to_html(draft_f, filefactory=fakefilefactory)
+ soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(
+ fakefilefactory[fakepath.with_suffix(".html")].read(),
+ "html.parser",
+ )
+ quote = soup.select_one("div.admonition.quote")
+ assert quote.blockquote
+ @pytest.mark.converter
+ def test_converter_attribution_to_admonition_multiple(
+ self, fakepath, fakefilefactory
+ ):
+ mailparts = (
+ "Regarding whatever",
+ "> blockquote line1",
+ "> blockquote line2",
+ "",
+ "Normal text",
+ "",
+ "> continued emailquote",
+ "",
+ "Another email-quote",
+ "> something",
+ )
+ with fakefilefactory(
+ fakepath, content="\n".join(mailparts)
+ ) as draft_f:
+ convert_markdown_to_html(draft_f, filefactory=fakefilefactory)
+ soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(
+ fakefilefactory[fakepath.with_suffix(".html")].read(),
+ "html.parser",
+ )
+ quote = soup.select_one("div.admonition.quote.continued").extract()
+ assert quote
+ assert (
+ quote.select_one("p.admonition-title").extract().text.strip()
+ == mailparts[0]
+ )
+ p = quote.p.extract()
+ assert p
+ quote = soup.select_one("div.admonition.quote.continued").extract()
+ assert quote
+ assert (
+ quote.select_one("p.admonition-title").extract().text.strip()
+ == mailparts[-2]
+ )
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_contextmanager(self, const1, monkeypatch):
+ state = dict(o=False, c=False)
+ def fn(t):
+ state[t] = True
+ with monkeypatch.context() as m:
+ m.setattr(File, "open", lambda s: fn("o"))
+ m.setattr(File, "close", lambda s: fn("c"))
+ with File() as f:
+ assert state["o"]
+ assert not state["c"]
+ assert state["c"]
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_no_path(self, const1):
+ with File(mode="w+") as f:
+ f.write(const1, cache=False)
+ assert f.read(cache=False) == const1
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_path(self, const1, tmp_path):
+ with File(tmp_path / "file", mode="w+") as f:
+ f.write(const1, cache=False)
+ assert f.read(cache=False) == const1
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_path_no_exists(self, fakepath):
+ with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):
+ File(fakepath, mode="r").open()
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_cache(self, tmp_path, const1, const2):
+ path = tmp_path / "file"
+ file = File(path, mode="w+")
+ with file as f:
+ f.write(const1, cache=True)
+ with open(path, mode="w") as f:
+ f.write(const2)
+ with file as f:
+ assert f.read(cache=True) == const1
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_cache_init(self, const1):
+ file = File(path=None, mode="r", content=const1)
+ with file as f:
+ assert f.read() == const1
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_content_or_path(self, fakepath, const1):
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
+ file = File(path=fakepath, content=const1)
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_content_needs_read(self, const1):
+ with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
+ file = File(mode="w", content=const1)
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_write_persists_close(self, const1):
+ f = File(mode="w+")
+ with f:
+ f.write(const1)
+ with f:
+ assert f.read() == const1
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_class_write_resets_read_cache(self, const1, const2):
+ with File(mode="w+", content=const1) as f:
+ assert f.read() == const1
+ f.write(const2)
+ assert f.read() == const2
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_file_factory(self):
+ fact = FileFactory()
+ f = fact()
+ assert isinstance(f, File)
+ assert len(fact) == 1
+ assert f in fact
+ assert f == fact[0]
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_fake_file_factory(self, fakepath, fakefilefactory):
+ fact = FakeFileFactory()
+ f = fakefilefactory(fakepath)
+ assert f.path == fakepath
+ assert f == fakefilefactory[fakepath]
+ @pytest.mark.fileio
+ def test_fake_file_factory_path_persistence(
+ self, fakepath, fakefilefactory
+ ):
+ f1 = fakefilefactory(fakepath)
+ assert f1 == fakefilefactory(fakepath)