]> git.madduck.net Git - etc/texmf.git/blob - .texmf/tex/latex/invoice.sty

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[etc/texmf.git] / .texmf / tex / latex / invoice.sty
1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
2 %        Datei: invoice.sty
3 %        Autor: Oliver Corff
4 %      Contact: corff@zedat.fu-berlin.de, oliver.corff@email.de
5 %        Datum: December 16, 2003
6 %      Version: 0.7
7 %    Copyright: Ulaanbaatar, Beijing, Berlin, Zagreb, Shenyang, Shanghai
8 %  Description: This collection of macros provides
9 %               tools for generating complex invoices
10 %
11 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12 %
13 % Corrections, suggestions and contributions by:
14 %%%%%%
15 % Jacopo, May 2003
16 % e-mail: jacopo@
17 %
18 %   Contributed labels in Italian.
19 %
20 %%%%%%
21 % O. Corff, July 2003 
23 %   fixed one nasty spacing bug, simplified internal table 
24 %   construction (table now has five instead of six columns,
25 %   the second of which was never used).
26 %
27 %%%%%%
28 % Johann Spies, January 21, 2002
29 % e-mail: jspies@sun.ac.za
30 %
31 %   Hinted that \Subtotal Project should show the project name
32 %   rather than just `Project'.
33 %
34 %   Contributed labels in Afrikaans.
35 %
36 %%%%%%
37 % Robin Fairbairns, December 6, 2001
39 %   Hinted that the dollar sign can also be printed by saying
40 %   \string$.
41 %
42 %%%%%%
43 % Vincent Tougait, France, November 27, 2001
44 %
45 %   Pointed out that fractions of VAT percents were not allowed.
46 %   Bugfix on December 06, 2001
47 %
48 %%%%%%
49 % Fred Donck, The Hague, The Netherlands, October, 2001
50 % e-mail: fd0@donck.com
51 %
52 % Dutch labels
53 %
54 %%%%%%
55 % Ian Wormsbecker, October 31, 2001
56 %
57 %   Skips the VAT lines if VAT=0
58 %   Noticed that the terminal message will not accept a Dollar sign.
59 %   The only workaround is to say \char`$ in \begin{invoice}{}
60 %
61 %%%%%%
62 % Fred Donck, The Hague, The Netherlands, Sept 18, 2001
63 % e-mail: fd0@donck.com
64 %
65 % fixed some minor issues:
66 %   real arithmetic will use integer intermediate values, so
67 %   some calculations failed with the \Fee{title}{rate}{amount}
68 %   where \rate is not an integer
69 %
70 %   another fix is that in my opinion the VAT line should be 
71 %   printed also even though only one project is specified
72 %
73 %   third fix is that the subtotal-line should not be printed 
74 %   on a project with only one \Fee line
75 %
76 %%%%%%
77 % Jacco Kok (fixed some labels),
78 %
79 %%%%%%
80 % Thilo Barth (discussed alternative names and command clashes
81 %       with KOMA Script class scrlettr.cls),
82 %
83 %%%%%%
84 % Robert Inder (discussed general issues)
85 %
86 % were gladly and gratefully received and accepted.
87 %
88 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
89 % -------------------     identification     -------------------
90 %
91 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}
92 \ProvidesPackage{invoice}[2003/12/16]
93 %
94 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
95 % -------------------    language options    -------------------
96 %
97 %
98 \newcount\invoice@language
99 \let\invoice@language=\language
100 %
101 \ifx\l@english\undefined        \newlanguage\l@english \fi
102 \ifx\l@german\undefined         \newlanguage\l@german \fi
103 \ifx\l@dutch\undefined          \newlanguage\l@dutch \fi
104 \ifx\l@french\undefined         \newlanguage\l@french \fi
105 \ifx\l@afrikaans\undefined      \newlanguage\l@afrikaans \fi
106 \ifx\l@italian\undefined        \newlanguage\l@italian \fi
107 %
108 \DeclareOption{english}{\invoice@language=\number\l@english}
109 \DeclareOption{german}{\invoice@language=\number\l@german}
110 \DeclareOption{dutch}{\invoice@language=\number\l@dutch}
111 \DeclareOption{french}{\invoice@language=\number\l@french}
112 \DeclareOption{afrikaans}{\invoice@language=\number\l@afrikaans}
113 \DeclareOption{italian}{\invoice@language=\number\l@italian}
114 %
115 \ProcessOptions
116 %
117 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
118 % -------------------      initial code      -------------------
119 %
120 \RequirePackage{ifthen}
121 \RequirePackage{longtable}
122 \RequirePackage{calc}
123 \input{realcalc}
124 \input{invoice.def}
125 %
126 \newcommand{\InvoiceVersion}{0.7}%
127 \newcounter{Fee}                %
128 \newcounter{VAT}                %
129 %\newcounter{VAT@rate}          %
130 \newcounter{Expenses}           %
131 \newcounter{Discount}           % Discount item
132 \newcounter{Total}              %
133 \newcounter{Project}            %
134 %
135 \newcounter{Fee@ctr}            % Number of fees per project
136                                 % no subtotal will be printed in case of
137                                 % value < 2
138 %
139 \newcounter{Expense@ctr}        % Number of expense items per project
140                                 % no subtotal will be printed in case of
141                                 % value < 2
142 %
143 \newcounter{One@Fee}            % Individual Fee
144 \newcounter{One@VAT}            % Individual VAT
145 \newcounter{One@Expense}        % Individual Expense
146 %
147 \newcounter{ST@Fee}             % Subtotal Fee
148 \newcounter{ST@VAT}             % Subtotal VAT
149 \newcounter{ST@Expenses}        % Subtotal Expenses
150 \newcounter{ST@Project}         % Subtotal Project
151 %
152 \gdef\Flag{0}%                  % State 0: Invoice not started yet
153                                 % State 1: Start invoice
154                                 % State 2: Start project, print title
155                                 % State 3: Fee Item
156                                 % State 4: Print Subtotal Fee
157                                 % State 5: Expense Item
158                                 % State 6: Print Subtotal Expenses
159                                 % State 7: Print Subtotal Project
160                                 % State 8: Print Total, Close invoice
161 %
162 \gdef\Project{}%                % Empty Project Name
163 \def\Null{0}%
164 \newif\ifVATnonzero
165 % \def\BC{Euro}
166 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
167 %\newcommand{\my@message}[1]{\message{^^J#1^^J^^J}}
168 \newcommand{\error@message}[1]{\errmessage{^^J\Error: #1^^J^^J}}
169 \newcommand{\warning@message}[1]{\message{^^J\Warning: #1^^J^^J}}
170 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
171 \ifx\invoice\undefined                  % False if KOMA Script scrlettr.cls
172         \def\my@invoice{invoice}        % loaded. In this case one may say
173 \else                                   % "invoice". If true, the environ-
174         \def\my@invoice{invoiceenv}     % ment is renamed to "invoiceenv"
175         \let\invoiceno\invoice          % and the scrlettr macro is renamed
176         \def\invoice#1{%                % to "invoiceno". Thank you, Thilo,
177                 \error@message{\KOMA}}  % for this hint!
178 \fi                                     %
179 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
180 \newenvironment{\my@invoice}[2]{%
181         \setcounter{Fee@ctr}{0}%                % reset counter
182         \setcounter{Expense@ctr}{0}%            % reset counter
183         \def\Null{0}%
184         \setcounter{Project}{0}%
185         \ST@Reset\Total@Reset%
186         \def\BC{#1}%
187         \def\VAT@rate{#2}%
188         \ifx\VAT@rate\Null\VATnonzerofalse\else\VATnonzerotrue\fi%
189         \ifVATnonzero
190                 \message{^^J^^JVAT is not zero!^^J^^J}%
191         \else
192                 \message{^^J^^JVAT is zero!^^J^^J}%
193         \fi%
194         % The VAT is: \the\VAT@rate % Debugging Diagnostics only
195         \parindent=0cm%
196         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
197                 %
198                 \gdef\Flag{1}%
199                 \begin{center}%
200                 \begin{longtable}{p{5cm}lrrr}%
201                 %
202         \else \error@message{\NoInvoiceNesting}%
203         \fi}%
204 % At the end of environment: 
205 % Yields state 8->0, Close and complete invoice, finish tables, etc.
206 {% 
207         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
208                 %
209                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
210                 %
211         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
212         \or     % 1: Start invoice
213                 %
214                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
215                 %
216         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
217         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
218                 %
219                 \error@message{\MissingInputData}%
220                 %
221         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
222         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
223                 %
224                 \ifnum\theProject>0 \ST@Fee\ST@Project\fi%
225                 \Tot@l%
226                 %
227         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
228         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
229                 %
230                 \ifnum\theProject>1 \ST@Project\fi%
231                 \Tot@l%
232                 %
233         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
234         \or     % 5: Expense item
235                 %
236                 \ifnum\theProject>1 \ST@Expenses\ST@Project\fi%
237                 \Tot@l%
238                 %
239         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
240         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
241                 %
242                 \ifnum\theProject>1 \ST@Project\fi%
243                 \Tot@l%
244                 %
245         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
246         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
247                 %
248                 \Tot@l%
249                 %
250         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
251         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
252                 %
253                 \warning@message{\InvoiceCompleted}%
254                 %
255         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
256         \fi%
257         \gdef\Flag{0}%
258 }%
259 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
260 \newcommand{\ProjectTitle}[1]{% Yields state 2: Start Project
261         %\gdef\NewProject{#1}
262         %
263         \ifcase\Flag% 0: Invoice not started yet
264         %
265         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
266         \or     % 1: Start invoice
267                 %
268                 \Project@Title{#1}%
269                 %
270         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
271         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
272                 %
273                 \error@message{\NoProjectNesting}%
274                 %
275         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
276         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
277                 %
278                 \ST@Fee%
279                 \ST@Project%
280                 \Project@Title{#1}%
281                 %
282         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
283         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
284                 %
285                 \ST@Project%
286                 \Project@Title{#1}%
287                 %
288         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
289         \or     % 5: Expense item
290                 %
291                 \ST@Expenses%
292                 \ST@Project%
293                 \Project@Title{#1}%
294                 %
295         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
296         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
297                 %
298                 \ST@Project%
299                 \Project@Title{#1}%
300                 %
301         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
302         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
303                 %
304                 \Project@Title{#1}%
305                 %
306         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
307         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
308                 %
309                 \error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoProject}%
310                 %
311         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
312         \fi%
313         \setcounter{Fee@ctr}{0}%                % reset counter
314         \setcounter{Expense@ctr}{0}%            % reset counter
315 }
316 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
317 \newcommand{\Fee}[3]{% Yields state 3, Print Fee Item
318         %
319         % #1 Contents
320         % #2 Fee per Unit
321         % #3 Unit Count
322         %
323         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
324                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
325                 %
326         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
327         \or     % 1: Start invoice
328                 %
329                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
330                 %
331         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
332         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
333                 %
334                 \Fee@Title%
335                 \Fee@Line{#1}{#2}{#3}%
336                 %
337         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
338         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
339                 %
340                 \Fee@Line{#1}{#2}{#3}%
341                 %
342         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
343         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
344                 %
345                 \warning@message{\FeeSTExists}%
346                 %
347         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
348         \or     % 5: Expense item
349                 %
350                 \error@message{\FeeBeforeExpense}%
351                 %
352         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
353         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
354                 %
355                 \error@message{\FeeBeforeExpense}%
356                 %
357         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
358         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
359                 %
360                 \error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoFee}%
361                 %
362         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
363         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
364                 %
365                 \error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoFee}%
366                 %
367                 %
368         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
369         \fi%
370 }%
371 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
372 \newcommand{\STFee}{% Yields state 4, print subtotal remuneration
373         %
374         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
375                 %
376                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
377                 %
378         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
379         \or     % 1: Start invoice
380                 %
381                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
382                 %
383         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
384         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
385                 %
386                 \error@message{\MissingFee}%
387                 %
388         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
389         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
390                 %
391                 \Print@ST@Fees%
392                 %
393         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
394         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
395                 %
396                 \warning@message{\FeeSTExists}%
397                 %
398         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
399         \or     % 5: Expense item
400                 %
401                 \error@message{\FeeBeforeExpense}%
402                 %
403         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
404         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
405                 %
406                 \error@message{\FeeBeforeExpense}%
407                 %
408         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
409         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
410                 %
411                 \error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoFee}%
412                 %
413         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
414         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
415                 %
416                 \error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoFee}%
417                 %
418         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
419         \fi%
420 }%
421 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
422 \newcommand{\EBC}[2]{% Yields state 5: Expenses in BaseCurrency 
423         %
424         % #1 Contents und Datum
425         % #2 Amount in BaseCurrency
426         %
427         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
428                 %
429                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
430                 %
431         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
432         \or     % 1: Start invoice
433                 %
434                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
435                 %
436         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
437         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
438                 %
439                 \Expense@Title%
440                 \Expense@BaseCurrency{#1}{#2}%
441                 %
442         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
443         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
444                 %
445                 \ST@Fee%
446                 \Expense@Title%
447                 \Expense@BaseCurrency{#1}{#2}%
448                 %
449         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
450         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
451                 %
452                 \Expense@Title%
453                 \Expense@BaseCurrency{#1}{#2}%
454                 %
455         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
456         \or     % 5: Expense item
457                 %   
458                 \Expense@BaseCurrency{#1}{#2}%
459                 %
460         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
461         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
462                 %
463         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
464         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
465                 %
466         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
467         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
468                 %
469                 \error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
470                 %
471         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
472         \fi%
473 }%
474 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
475 \newcommand{\EBCi}[2]{% Yields state 5: Expenses in BaseCurrency 
476         %                               But, unlike base form (no
477         %                               'invisible') this version does
478         %                               not state the item, it only
479         %                               the total amount of expenses. 
480         %
481         % #1 Contents und Datum
482         % #2 Amount in BaseCurrency
483         %
484         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
485                 %
486                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
487                 %
488         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
489         \or     % 1: Start invoice
490                 %
491                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
492                 %
493         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
494         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
495                 %
496                 %\Expense@Title%
497                 \Expense@Base@Currency{#1}{#2}%
498                 %
499         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
500         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
501                 %
502                 \ST@Fee%
503                 %\Expense@Title%
504                 \Expense@Base@Currency{#1}{#2}%
505                 %
506         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
507         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
508                 %
509                 %\Expense@Title%
510                 \Expense@Base@Currency{#1}{#2}%
511                 %
512         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
513         \or     % 5: Expense item
514                 %   
515                 \Expense@Base@Currency{#1}{#2}%
516                 %
517         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
518         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
519                 %
520         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
521         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
522                 %
523         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
524         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
525                 %
526                 \error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
527                 %
528         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
529         \fi%
530 }%
531 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
532 \newcommand{\EFC}[5]{% Yields state 5: Expenses in ForeignCurrency
533         %
534         % #1 Contents und Datum
535         % #2 Currency
536         % #3 Amount
537         % #4 Exchange Rate
538         % #5 Amount Zielwaehrung
539         %
540         % Usage:
541         % 1. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{ExchangeRate}{}
542         % 2. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{}{BaseCurrency}
543         % 3. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{ExchangeRate}{BaseCurrency}
544         %
545         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
546                 %
547                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
548                 %
549         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
550         \or     % 1: Start invoice
551                 %
552                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
553                 %
554         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
555         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
556                 %
557                 \Expense@Title%
558                 \Expense@ForeignCurrency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
559                 %
560         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
561         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
562                 %
563                 \ST@Fee%
564                 \Expense@Title%
565                 \Expense@ForeignCurrency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
566                 %
567         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
568         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
569                 %
570                 \Expense@Title%
571                 \Expense@ForeignCurrency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
572                 %
573         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
574         \or     % 5: Expense item
575                 %
576                 \Expense@ForeignCurrency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
577                 %
578         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
579         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
580                 %
581                 \error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
582                 %
583         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
584         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
585                 %
586                 \error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
587                 %
588         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
589         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
590                 %
591                 \error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
592                 %
593         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
594         \fi%
595 }%
596 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
597 \newcommand{\EFCi}[5]{% Yields state 5: Expenses in ForeignCurrency
598         %                               But, unlike base form (no
599         %                               'invisible') this version does
600         %                               not state the item, it only
601         %                               the total amount of expenses. 
602         %
603         % #1 Contents und Datum
604         % #2 Currency
605         % #3 Amount
606         % #4 Exchange Rate
607         % #5 Amount Zielwaehrung
608         %
609         % Usage:
610         % 1. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{ExchangeRate}{}
611         % 2. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{}{BaseCurrency}
612         % 3. {Contents}{ForeignCurrency}{ExchangeRate}{BaseCurrency}
613         %
614         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
615                 %
616                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
617                 %
618         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
619         \or     % 1: Start invoice
620                 %
621                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
622                 %
623         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
624         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
625                 %
626                 \Expense@Title%
627                 \Expense@Foreign@Currency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
628                 %
629         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
630         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
631                 %
632                 \ST@Fee%
633                 % \Expense@Title%
634                 \Expense@Foreign@Currency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
635                 %
636         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
637         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
638                 %
639                 % \Expense@Title%
640                 \Expense@Foreign@Currency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
641                 %
642         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
643         \or     % 5: Expense item
644                 %
645                 \Expense@Foreign@Currency{#1}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}%
646                 %
647         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
648         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
649                 %
650                 \error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
651                 %
652         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
653         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
654                 %
655                 \error@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
656                 %
657         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
658         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
659                 %
660                 \error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
661                 %
662         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
663         \fi%
664 }%
665 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
666 \newcommand{\STExpenses}{% Yields state 6: Ausgabe der ST Expenses
667         %
668         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
669                 %
670                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
671                 %
672         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
673         \or     % 1: Start invoice
674                 %
675                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
676                 %
677         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
678                 %
679         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
680                 %
681         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
682                 %
683         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
684                 %
685         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
686                 %
687         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
688                 %
689         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
690         \or     % 5: Expense item
691                 %
692                 \Print@ST@Expenses%
693                 %
694         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
695         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
696                 %
697                 \warning@message{\ProjectCompletedNoExpense}%
698                 %
699         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
700         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
701                 %
702         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
703         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
704                 %
705                 \error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoExpense}%
706                 %
707         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
708         \fi%
709 }%
710 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
711 \newcommand{\STProject}{% Yields state 7: Ausgabe der ST Project
712         %
713         \ifcase\Flag % 0: Invoice not started yet
714                 %
715                 \error@message{\MissingOpening}%
716                 %
717         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
718         \or     % 1: Start invoice
719                 %
720                 \error@message{\MissingProject}%
721                 %
722         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
723         \or     % 2: Start project, print title
724                 %
725                 \warning@message{\ProjectEmpty}%
726                 %
727         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
728         \or     % 3: Print remuneration item
729                 %
730                 \ST@Fee%
731                 \ST@Project%
732                 %
733         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
734         \or     % 4: Print subtotal remuneration
735                 %
736                 \ST@Project%
737                 %
738         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
739         \or     % 5: Expense item
740                 %
741                 \ST@Expenses%
742                 \ST@Project%
743                 %
744         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
745         \or     % 6: Print subtotal expenses
746                 %
747                 \ST@Project%
748                 %
749         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
750         \or     % 7: Print subtotal project
751                 %
752                 \warning@message{\ProjectSTExists}%
753                 %
754         %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
755         \or     % 8: Print total, close invoice
756                 %
757                 \error@message{\InvoiceCompletedNoProjectST}%
758                 %
759         \else \error@message{\InternalError}%
760         \fi%
761 }%
762 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
763 \newcommand{\Discount}[2]{%     Yields no particular state.
764         %                       Inserts discount in project total,
765         %                       names discount reason
766         %                       and amount of discount
767         %
768         \gdef\Discount@Contents{#1}%
769         \setcounter{Discount}{100 * \real{-#2}}%
770 }%
771 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
772 \newcommand{\Total@Reset}{%
773         \setcounter{Fee}{0}%
774         \setcounter{VAT}{0}%
775         \setcounter{Expenses}{0}%
776         \setcounter{Total}{0}%
777 }%
778 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
779 \newcommand{\ST@Reset}{%
780         \setcounter{ST@Fee}{0}%
781         \setcounter{ST@VAT}{0}%
782         \setcounter{ST@Expenses}{0}%
783         \setcounter{ST@Project}{0}%
784 }%
785 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
786 \newcommand{\Print@Value}[1]{%
787         \Rmul\r#1{0.01}%% <- Reduce to BaseCurrency
788         \Rtrunc\r{2}\r% % <- Truncate to two digits
789         \r%             % <- Output data!
790 }%
791 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
792 \newcommand{\Message@Value}[1]{%
793         \Rmul\r#1{0.01}%% <- Reduce to BaseCurrency
794         \Rtrunc\r{2}\r% % <- Truncate to two digits
795         \message{\r}%   % <- Output data!
796 }%
797 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
798 \newcommand{\Project@Title}[1]{%
799         % Internal command called by \ProjectTitle.
800         %
801         \gdef\Flag{2}%
802         \gdef\Project{#1}%
803         \ST@Reset\addtocounter{Project}{1}%
804         \ifnum\theProject>1 \\\\\else\\\fi%
805         \multicolumn{5}{c}{\textbf{\large#1}}\\%
806 }%
807 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
808 \newcommand{\Fee@Title}{%
809         \\
810         \noindent\textbf{\Activity}&&\UnitRate&\Count&\Amount\ (\BC)\\
811         \hline%
812 }%
813 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
814 \newcommand{\Fee@Line}[3]{%
815         %
816         % #1 Contents
817         % #2 Charged Fee per Unit
818         % #3 Count
819         %
820         % Internal command, called by \Fee.
821         %
822         \gdef\Flag{3}%
823         %
824         #1                      &       &#2     &#3 &
825 %
826 %   next is reversed to allow real arithmetic.
827 %   intermediate results are stored in integer format, so calculations are
828 %   incorrect in case #2 is a real.
829 %   fixed by exchanging the 1 and the 100
830 %
831                 \setcounter{One@Fee}{100 * \real{#2} * \real{#3} * 1}%
832 %
833                 \addtocounter{ST@Fee}{\theOne@Fee}%
834                 \addtocounter{Fee}{\theOne@Fee}%
835                 \addtocounter{Fee@ctr}{1}%          increase counter with 1
836                 \Print@Value{\theOne@Fee}\\%
837 }%
838 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
839 \newcommand{\ST@Fee}{%
840         % \gdef\Flag{4}%
841         \ifnum\theST@Fee>0%
842             \ifthenelse{\theFee@ctr>1} %            % if more than 1 \Fee line
843                 {\Print@ST@Fees%                                        % print it, else
844                 }%
845             {}%                                                                 % do nothing
846                 \ifVATnonzero\ST@VAT@Printout\fi%
847         \fi%
848 }%
849 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
850 \newcommand{\Print@ST@Fees}{%
851         \gdef\Flag{4}%
852         \SubtotalFee &  &       &       &%      print the subtotal of fees
853                 \Print@Value{\theST@Fee}\\%
854 }%
855 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
856 \newcommand{\ST@VAT@Printout}{%
857                 \VAT\ (\VAT@rate\%)      &      &       &       &%
858                         \setcounter{ST@VAT}{\theST@Fee * \real{\VAT@rate} / 100}%
859                                 \Print@Value{\theST@VAT}\\%
860 }%
861 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
862 \newcommand{\Expense@BaseCurrency}[2]{%
863         #1                      & \BC           &       &       &%
864         \gdef\Flag{5}%
865         \Rmul\r{100}{#2}%
866         \setcounter{One@Expense}{1*\real{\r}}%
867         \addtocounter{ST@Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
868         \addtocounter{Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
869         \addtocounter{Expense@ctr}{1}%advance counter
870                                 \Print@Value{\theOne@Expense}\\%
871 }%
872 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
873 \newcommand{\Expense@Base@Currency}[2]{%
874         \gdef\Flag{5}%
875         \Rmul\r{100}{#2}%
876         \setcounter{One@Expense}{1*\real{\r}}%
877         \addtocounter{ST@Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
878         \addtocounter{Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
879         \addtocounter{Expense@ctr}{1}%advance counter
880                 &       &       &       &       \\[-1.2em]% This is an ugly kludge:
881                                                                   %     Inserting an empty line
882                                                                   % which rolls backwards
883                                                                   % makes disappear the spurious
884                                                                   % spaces caused by external
885                                                                   % routines.
886 }%
887 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
888 \newcommand{\Expense@ForeignCurrency}[5]{%
889         \gdef\Flag{5}%
890         %
891         % Folgende Angaben sind moeglich:
892         % 1. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{Umrechnung}{  }
893         % 2. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{          }{BaseCurrency}
894         % 3. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{Umrechnung}{BaseCurrency}
895         %
896         #1       & #2   & #3    & #4&%
897         \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}% Target in BaseCurrency or not?
898                 {% Target not in BaseCurrency
899                         \Rmul\r{100}{#3}%
900                         \Rmul\r \r {#4}%
901                 }%
902                 {% Target in BaseCurrency
903                         \Rmul\r{100}{#5}%
904                 }%
905         \setcounter{One@Expense}{1*\real{\r}}%
906         \addtocounter{ST@Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
907         \addtocounter{Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
908         \addtocounter{Expense@ctr}{1}%advance counter
909         \Print@Value{\theOne@Expense}%
910 \\%
911 }%
912 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
913 \newcommand{\Expense@Foreign@Currency}[5]{%
914         \gdef\Flag{5}%
915         %
916         % Folgende Angaben sind moeglich:
917         % 1. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{Umrechnung}{  }
918         % 2. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{          }{BaseCurrency}
919         % 3. {Contents}{Currency}{Amount}{Umrechnung}{BaseCurrency}
920         %
921         \ifthenelse{\equal{#5}{}}% Target in BaseCurrency or not?
922                 {% Target not in BaseCurrency
923                         \Rmul\r{100}{#3}%
924                         \Rmul\r\r{#4}%
925                 }%
926                 {% Target in BaseCurrency
927                         \Rmul\r{100}{#5}%
928                 }%
929         \setcounter{One@Expense}{1*\real{\r}}%
930         \addtocounter{ST@Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
931         \addtocounter{Expenses}{\theOne@Expense}%
932         \addtocounter{Expense@ctr}{1}%advance counter
933                 &       &       &       &       \\[-1.2em]% ugly kludge as above
934 }%
935 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
936 \newcommand{\Expense@Title}{%
937         \\%
938         \textbf{\Expense}&\Currency&\Amount&\Factor &\BC\\%
939         \hline%
940 }%
941 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
942 \newcommand{\ST@Expenses}{%
943         % \gdef\Flag{6}%
944         \ifnum\theST@Expenses>0%
945             \ifthenelse{\theExpense@ctr>1}%         % if more than 1 Expense line
946                 {\Print@ST@Expenses}%                           % print it, else
947                 {}%                                                                     % do nothing
948         \fi%
949 }%
950 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
951 \newcommand{\Print@ST@Expenses}{%
952         \gdef\Flag{6}%
953                 &       &       &       &       \\[-1.2em]% ugly kludge as above
954         \SubtotalExpenses &     &       &       &%      print the subtotal of expenses
955                 \Print@Value{\theST@Expenses}\\%
956 }%
957 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
958 \newcommand{\ST@Project}{%
959         \gdef\Flag{7}%
960         \\
961         %\multicolumn{4}{l}{\SubtotalProject}%
962         %\let\Project\NewProject%
963         %&
964         \SubtotalProject &      &       &       & 
965                         \addtocounter{ST@Project}{\theST@Fee}%
966                         \addtocounter{ST@Project}{\theST@VAT}%
967                         \addtocounter{ST@Project}{\theST@Expenses}%
968                         \Print@Value{\theST@Project}\\
969 }
970 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
971 \newcommand{\Total@VAT@Printout}{%
972                 \setcounter{VAT}{\theFee*\real{\VAT@rate}/100}%
973                         \SumVAT &       &       &       &\Print@Value{\theVAT}\\%
974 }%
975 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
976 \newcommand{\Tot@l}{%
977         \\\hline
978         \ifnum\theFee>0 \SumFees&       &       &       &%
979                                 \Print@Value{\theFee}\\ 
980                 \ifVATnonzero%
981                         \Total@VAT@Printout%
982                 \fi%
983         \fi%
984         \ifnum\theExpenses>0 \SumExpenses&      &       &       &%
985                                 \Print@Value{\theExpenses}\\ 
986         \fi%
987         \ifnum\theDiscount=0 \else \Discount@Contents&  &       &       &%
988                                 \Print@Value{\theDiscount}\\ 
989         \fi%
990         \hline\hline
991         \textbf{\Total} &       &       &       &%
992                 \message{^^J\Currency: \BC}%
993                 \message{^^J\VAT: \VAT@rate}%
994                 \addtocounter{Total}{\theFee}%
995                 \message{^^J\SumFees: }\Message@Value{\theFee}%
996                 \addtocounter{Total}{\theVAT}%
997                 \message{^^J\SumVAT: }\Message@Value{\theVAT}%
998                 \addtocounter{Total}{\theExpenses}%
999                 \message{^^J\SumExpenses: }\Message@Value{\theExpenses}%
1000                 \ifnum\theDiscount=0 \else %
1001                 \addtocounter{Total}{\theDiscount}%
1002                 \message{^^J\Discount@Contents: }\Message@Value{\theDiscount}%
1003                 \fi %
1004                 \textbf{\Print@Value{\theTotal}}%
1005                 \message{^^J\Total: }%
1006                         \Message@Value{\theTotal}\message{^^J^^J}\\%
1007         \end{longtable}
1008         \end{center}
1009         \gdef\Flag{8}%
1010 }
1011 \endinput
1012 % vim:ts=4:sw=4