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1 # vim: ft=colortemplate fdm=marker
3 # Default highlight groups {{{
4 #if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_dimmed', 0)
7 Constant darkgreen none
8 Directory darkblue none bold
9 Error darkred none t=reverse,bold g=standout,bold
10 Function darkcyan none
11 Identifier darkblue none
13 MoreMsg darkgreen none
15 Statement darkred none
16 Special darkyellow none
17 Todo darkcyan none reverse
18 WarningMsg darkred none
19 WildMenu darkblue bg2 bold
24 Directory blue none bold
25 Error red none t=reverse,bold g=standout,bold
33 Todo cyan none reverse
35 WildMenu blue bg2 bold
37 #if !has('gui_running') && get(g:, '@optionprefix_transparent', 0)
38 # transparent background
40 CursorLineNr yellow none
41 FoldColumn darkgray none
47 CursorLineNr yellow bg1
48 FoldColumn darkgray bg1
53 # Group Fg Bg Attributes
54 ColorColumn none bg1 bold
55 Cursor none none reverse,bold
56 CursorColumn none none italic,bold
57 CursorLine none none italic,bold
58 DiffAdd brightgreen black reverse
59 DiffAdded brightgreen black reverse
60 DiffChange brightblue black reverse
61 DiffDelete brightred black reverse
62 DiffRemoved brightred black reverse
63 DiffText brightgreen black reverse
66 Folded bg3 bg1 g=italic
67 IncSearch yellow black reverse
69 MatchParen none bg2 bold
75 Question darkyellow none
76 QuickFixLine -> Search
77 Search brightyellow black reverse
79 SpellBad red none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=red
80 SpellCap blue none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=blue
81 SpellLocal cyan none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=cyan
82 SpellRare magenta none t=underline g=italic,undercurl s=magenta
83 StatusLine bg2 fg1 reverse
84 StatusLineNC bg1 fg2 reverse
85 StatusLineTerm -> StatusLine
86 StatusLineTermNC -> StatusLineNC
87 TabLine -> TabLineFill
93 # Other conventional group names (see `:help group-name`)
97 Conditional -> Statement
101 Exception -> Statement
109 Operator -> Statement
112 SpecialChar -> Special
113 SpecialComment -> Special
120 Underlined none none underline
121 # Language mapping cursor
123 # See `:help CursorIM`
124 CursorIM none none reverse
125 # See `:help window-toolbar`
127 ToolbarButton fg0 bg3 bold
130 # Additional highlight groups {{{
133 # Visual mode cursor, selection
136 # Useful for custom status lines
137 NormalMode fg2 bg0 reverse
138 InsertMode blue bg0 reverse
139 ReplaceMode cyan bg0 reverse
140 VisualMode yellow bg0 reverse
141 CommandMode magenta bg0 reverse
142 Warnings yellow bg0 reverse
145 # Terminal colors {{{