All patches and comments are welcome. Please squash your changes to logical
commits before using git-format-patch and git-send-email to
If you'd read over the Git project's submission guidelines and adhered to them,
I'd be especially grateful.
1 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F1> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown official<CR>
2 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F2> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown private<CR>
3 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F3> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown debian<CR>
4 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F4> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown phd<CR>
5 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F5> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown ul<CR>
6 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F6> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown uzh<CR>
7 nmap <buffer> <C-P><F9> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --keep-unknown sudetia<CR>
8 nmap <buffer> <F1> :w<CR>:%!mailplate --auto --keep-unknown 2>/dev/null<CR>
10 " Checking attachments in edited emails for use in Mutt: warns user when
12 " by Hugo Haas <> - 20 June 2004
13 " based on an idea by The Doctor What explained at
14 " <mid:caq406$rq4$>
15 "
16 autocmd BufUnload mutt-* call CheckAttachments()
17 function! CheckAttachments()
18 let l:english = 'attach\(ing\|ed\|ment\)\?\|included\_swith\_sthis\_smail'
19 let l:french = 'attach\(e\|er\|ée\?s\?\|ement\|ant\)'
20 let l:german = 'an\(gehängt\|hängsel\|bei\)\|bei\(gefügt\|lage\)\|\(im\|siehe\)\_s\(anhang\|beilage\)'
21 let l:ic = &ignorecase
25 if (search('^\([^>|].*\)\?\<\(re-\?\)\?\('.l:english.'\|'.l:german.'\)\>', "w") != 0)
26 let l:temp = inputdialog("Do you want to attach a file? [Hit return] ")
35 " Before: Subject: old
36 " After : Subject: New (was: old)
37 "
38 " map ,sw 1G/^Subject: <CR>:s/Re:/was:/<CR>Wi (<C-O>$)<ESC>0Whi
39 map <Leader>ns 1G/^Subject: /<CR>:s,\(Subject: \)\(Re: \)*\(.*\)$,\1 (was: \3),<CR>:set nohls<CR>f li
41 " Delete 'was' in the Subject.
42 " Before: Subject: New (was: old)
43 " After : Subject: New
44 "
45 map <Leader>dw 1G/^Subject: /<CR>:s, *(was: .*)$<CR>:set nohls<CR>f l
47 "
48 fun! LBDBCompleteFn(findstart, base)
49 let line = getline('.')
51 " locate the start of the word
52 let start = col('.') - 1
53 while start > 0 && line[start - 1] =~ '[^:,]'
56 while start < col('.') && line[start] =~ '[:, ]'
62 let query = substitute(a:base, '"', '', 'g')
63 let query = substitute(query, '\s*<.*>\s*', '', 'g')
64 for m in LbdbQuery(query)
65 call complete_add(printf('"%s" <%s>', escape(m[0], '"'), m[1]))
73 set completefunc=LBDBCompleteFn
75 " And this magic by James Vega, which ensures that we only complete with lbdb
76 " on the recipient lines of the mail header.
77 inoremap <expr> <C-n> DelegateCompletion(1)
78 inoremap <expr> <C-p> DelegateCompletion(0)
80 fun! DelegateCompletion(next)
81 if getline('.') =~? '^\%(To\|B\=Cc\):'