+# TEMPORARY HACK for #486785
+# Utility function for in-path completion. This allows `/u/l/b<TAB>'
+# to complete to `/usr/local/bin'.
+local linepath realpath donepath prepath testpath exppath skips skipped
+local tmp1 tmp2 tmp3 tmp4 i orig eorig pre suf tpre tsuf opre osuf cpre
+local pats haspats ignore pfx pfxsfx sopt gopt opt sdirs ignpar cfopt listsfx
+local nm=$compstate[nmatches] menu matcher mopts sort mid accex fake
+local listfiles listopts tmpdisp
+local -a match mbegin mend
+typeset -U prepaths exppaths
+# Get the options.
+zparseopts -a mopts \
+ 'P:=pfx' 'S:=pfxsfx' 'q=pfxsfx' 'r:=pfxsfx' 'R:=pfxsfx' \
+ 'W:=prepaths' 'F:=ignore' 'M+:=matcher' \
+ J+: V+: X+: 1 2 n 'f=tmp1' '/=tmp1' 'g+:-=tmp1'
+(( $tmp1[(I)-[/g]*] )) && haspats=yes
+(( $tmp1[(I)-g*] )) && gopt=yes
+if (( $tmp1[(I)-/] )); then
+ pats="${(@)${(@M)tmp1:#-g*}#-g}"
+ pats=( '*(-/)' ${${(z):-x $pats}[2,-1]} )
+ pats="${(@)${(@M)tmp1:#-g*}#-g}"
+ pats=( ${${(z):-x $pats}[2,-1]} )
+pats=( "${(@)pats:# #}" )
+if (( $#pfx )); then
+ compset -P "$pfx[2]" || pfxsfx=( "$pfx[@]" "$pfxsfx[@]" )
+if (( $#prepaths )); then
+ tmp1="${prepaths[2]}"
+ if [[ "$tmp1[1]" = '(' ]]; then
+ prepaths=( ${^=tmp1[2,-2]%/}/ )
+ elif [[ "$tmp1[1]" = '/' ]]; then
+ prepaths=( "${tmp1%/}/" )
+ else
+ prepaths=( ${(P)^tmp1%/}/ )
+ (( ! $#prepaths )) && prepaths=( ${tmp1%/}/ )
+ fi
+ (( ! $#prepaths )) && prepaths=( '' )
+ prepaths=( '' )
+if (( $#ignore )); then
+ if [[ "${ignore[2]}" = \(* ]]; then
+ ignore=( ${=ignore[2][2,-2]} )
+ else
+ ignore=( ${(P)ignore[2]} )
+ fi
+# If we were given no file selection option, we behave as if we were given
+# a `-f'.
+if [[ "$sopt" = -(f|) ]]; then
+ if [[ -z "$gopt" ]]; then
+ sopt='-f'
+ pats=('*')
+ else
+ unset sopt
+ fi
+if (( ! $mopts[(I)-[JVX]] )); then
+ local expl
+ if [[ -z "$gopt" && "$sopt" = -/ ]]; then
+ _description directories expl directory
+ else
+ _description files expl file
+ fi
+ tmp1=$expl[(I)-M*]
+ if (( tmp1 )); then
+ if (( $#matcher )); then
+ matcher[2]="$matcher[2] $expl[1+tmp1]"
+ else
+ matcher=(-M "$expl[1+tmp1]")
+ fi
+ fi
+ mopts=( "$mopts[@]" "$expl[@]" )
+# If given no `-F' option, we may want to use $fignore, turned into patterns.
+[[ -z "$_comp_no_ignore" && $#ignore -eq 0 &&
+ ( -z $gopt || "$pats" = \ #\*\ # ) && -n $FIGNORE ]] &&
+ ignore=( "?*${^fignore[@]}" )
+if (( $#ignore )); then
+ _comp_ignore=( "$_comp_ignore[@]" "$ignore[@]" )
+ (( $mopts[(I)-F] )) || mopts=( "$mopts[@]" -F _comp_ignore )
+if [[ $#matcher -eq 0 && -o nocaseglob ]]; then
+ # If globbing is case insensitive and there's no matcher,
+ # do case-insensitive matching.
+ matcher=( -M 'm:{a-zA-Z}={A-Za-z}' )
+if (( $#matcher )); then
+ # Add the current matcher to the options to compadd.
+ mopts=( "$mopts[@]" "$matcher[@]" )
+if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" file-sort tmp1; then
+ case "$tmp1" in
+ *size*) sort=oL;;
+ *links*) sort=ol;;
+ *(time|date|modi)*) sort=om;;
+ *access*) sort=oa;;
+ *(inode|change)*) sort=oc;;
+ *) sort=on;;
+ esac
+ [[ "$tmp1" = *rev* ]] && sort[1]=O
+ if [[ "$sort" = on ]]; then
+ sort=
+ else
+ mopts=( "${(@)mopts/#-J/-V}" )
+ tmp2=()
+ for tmp1 in "$pats[@]"; do
+ if [[ "$tmp1" = (#b)(*[^\$])"(#q"(*)")" ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${match[1]}(#q${sort}${match[2]})" )
+ elif [[ "$tmp1" = (#b)(*[^\$])(\(\([^\|~]##\)\)) ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${match[1]}((${sort}${match[2][3,-1]}" )
+ elif [[ "$tmp1" = (#b)(*[^\$])(\([^\|~]##\)) ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${match[1]}(${sort}${match[2][2,-1]}" )
+ else
+ tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${tmp1}(${sort})" )
+ fi
+ done
+ pats=( "$tmp2[@]" )
+ fi
+# Check if we have to skip over sequences of slashes. The value of $skips
+# is used below to match the pathname components we always have to accept
+# immediately.
+if zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:paths" squeeze-slashes; then
+ skips='((.|..|)/)##'
+ skips='((.|..)/)##'
+zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:paths" special-dirs sdirs
+zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:paths" list-suffixes &&
+ listsfx=yes
+[[ "$pats" = ((|*[[:blank:]])\*(|[[:blank:]]*|\([^[:blank:]]##\))|*\([^[:blank:]]#/[^[:blank:]]#\)*) ]] &&
+ sopt=$sopt/
+zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:paths" accept-exact accex
+zstyle -a ":completion:${curcontext}:" fake-files fake
+zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" ignore-parents ignpar
+if [[ -n "$compstate[pattern_match]" &&
+ ( ( -z "$SUFFIX" && "$PREFIX" = (|*[^\$])\([^\|\~]##\) ) ||
+ "$SUFFIX" = (|*[^\$])\([^\|\~]##\) ) ]]; then
+ # Copy all glob qualifiers from the line to
+ # the patterns used when generating matches
+ if [[ "$SUFFIX" = *\([^\|\~]##\) ]]; then
+ tmp3="${${(M)SUFFIX%\([^\|\~]##\)}[2,-2]}"
+ SUFFIX="${SUFFIX%\($tmp3\)}"
+ else
+ tmp3="${${(M)PREFIX%\([^\|\~]##\)}[2,-2]}"
+ PREFIX="${PREFIX%\($tmp3\)}"
+ fi
+ tmp2=()
+ for tmp1 in "$pats[@]"; do
+ if [[ "$tmp1" = (#b)(*[^\$])"(#q"(*)")" ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${match[1]}(#q${tmp3}${match[2]})" )
+ elif [[ "$tmp1" = (#b)(*[^\$])(\(\([^\|~]##\)\)) ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${match[1]}((${tmp3}${match[2][3,-1]}" )
+ elif [[ "$tmp1" = (#b)(*[^\$])(\([^\|~]##\)) ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${match[1]}(${tmp3}${match[2][2,-1]}" )
+ else
+ tmp2=( "$tmp2[@]" "${tmp1}(${tmp3})" )
+ fi
+ done
+ pats=( "$tmp2[@]" )
+# We get the prefix and the suffix from the line and save the whole
+# original string. Then we see if we will do menu completion.
+[[ $compstate[insert] = (*menu|[0-9]*) || -n "$_comp_correct" ||
+ ( -n "$compstate[pattern_match]" &&
+ "${orig#\~}" != (|*[^\\])[][*?#~^\|\<\>]* ) ]] && menu=yes
+[[ -n "$_comp_correct" ]] && cfopt=-
+# Now let's have a closer look at the string to complete.
+if [[ "$pre" = [^][*?#^\|\<\>\\]#(\`[^\`]#\`|\$)*/* && "$compstate[quote]" != \' ]]; then
+ # If there is a parameter expansion in the word from the line, we try
+ # to complete the beast by expanding the prefix and completing anything
+ # after the first slash after the parameter expansion.
+ # This fails for things like `f/$foo/b/<TAB>' where the first `f' is
+ # meant as a partial path.
+ linepath="${(M)pre##*\$[^/]##/}"
+ eval 'realpath=${(e)~linepath}' 2>/dev/null
+ [[ -z "$realpath" || "$realpath" = "$linepath" ]] && return 1
+ pre="${pre#${linepath}}"
+ i='[^/]'
+ i="${#linepath//$i}"
+ orig="${orig[1,(in:i:)/][1,-2]}"
+ donepath=
+ prepaths=( '' )
+elif [[ "$pre[1]" = \~ && -z "$compstate[quote]" ]]; then
+ # It begins with `~', so remember anything before the first slash to be able
+ # to report it to the completion code. Also get an expanded version of it
+ # (in `realpath'), so that we can generate the matches. Then remove that
+ # prefix from the string to complete, set `donepath' to build the correct
+ # paths and make sure that the loop below is run only once with an empty
+ # prefix path by setting `prepaths'.
+ linepath="${pre[2,-1]%%/*}"
+ if [[ -z "$linepath" ]]; then
+ realpath="${HOME%/}/"
+ elif [[ "$linepath" = ([-+]|)[0-9]## ]]; then
+ if [[ "$linepath" != [-+]* ]]; then
+ tmp1="$linepath"
+ else
+ if [[ "$linepath" = -* ]]; then
+ tmp1=$(( $#dirstack $linepath ))
+ else
+ tmp1=$linepath[2,-1]
+ fi
+ [[ -o pushdminus ]] && tmp1=$(( $#dirstack - $tmp1 ))
+ fi
+ if (( ! tmp1 )); then
+ realpath=$PWD/
+ elif [[ tmp1 -le $#dirstack ]]; then
+ realpath=$dirstack[tmp1]/
+ else
+ _message 'not enough directory stack entries'
+ return 1
+ fi
+ elif [[ "$linepath" = [-+] ]]; then
+ realpath=${~:-\~$linepath}/
+ else
+ eval "realpath=~${linepath}/" 2>/dev/null
+ if [[ -z "$realpath" ]]; then
+ _message "unknown user \`$linepath'"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ fi
+ linepath="~${linepath}/"
+ [[ "$realpath" = "$linepath" ]] && return 1
+ pre="${pre#*/}"
+ orig="${orig#*/}"
+ donepath=
+ prepaths=( '' )
+ # If the string does not start with a `~' we don't remove a prefix from the
+ # string.
+ linepath=
+ realpath=
+ if zstyle -s ":completion:${curcontext}:" preserve-prefix tmp1 &&
+ [[ -n "$tmp1" && "$pre" = (#b)(${~tmp1})* ]]; then
+ pre="$pre[${#match[1]}+1,-1]"
+ orig="$orig[${#match[1]}+1,-1]"
+ donepath="$match[1]"
+ prepaths=( '' )
+ elif [[ "$pre[1]" = / ]]; then
+ # If it is a absolute path name, we remove the first slash and put it in
+ # `donepath' meaning that we treat it as the path that was already handled.
+ # Also, we don't use the paths from `-W'.
+ pre="$pre[2,-1]"
+ orig="$orig[2,-1]"
+ donepath='/'
+ prepaths=( '' )
+ else
+ # The common case, we just use the string as it is, unless it begins with
+ # `./' or `../' in which case we don't use the paths from `-W'.
+ [[ "$pre" = (.|..)/* ]] && prepaths=( '' )
+ donepath=
+ fi
+# Now we generate the matches. First we loop over all prefix paths given
+# with the `-W' option.
+for prepath in "$prepaths[@]"; do
+ # Get local copies of the prefix, suffix, and the prefix path to use
+ # in the following loop, which walks through the pathname components
+ # in the string from the line.
+ skipped=
+ cpre=
+ tpre="$pre"
+ tsuf="$suf"
+ testpath="$donepath"
+ tmp2="${(M)tpre##${~skips}}"
+ tpre="${tpre#$tmp2}"
+ tmp1=( "$prepath$realpath$donepath$tmp2" )
+ while true; do
+ # Get the prefix and suffix for matching.
+ if [[ "$tpre" = */* ]]; then
+ PREFIX="${tpre%%/*}"
+ else
+ PREFIX="${tpre}"
+ SUFFIX="${tsuf%%/*}"
+ fi
+ # Force auto-mounting. There might be a better way...
+ # Commented out in the hope that `pws non-canonical hack'
+ # down below does this for us. Can be uncommented if it
+ # doesn't.
+ # : ${^tmp1}/${PREFIX}${SUFFIX}/.(/)
+ # Get the matching files by globbing.
+ tmp2=( "$tmp1[@]" )
+ # Look for glob qualifiers.
+ # Extra nastiness to be careful about a quoted parenthesis.
+ # The initial tests look for parentheses with zero or an
+ # even number of backslashes in front.
+ # The later test looks for an outstanding quote.
+ if [[ ( -o bareglobqual && \
+ "$tpre/$tsuf" = (#b)((*[^\\]|)(\\\\)#\()([^\)]#) || \
+ -o extendedglob && \
+ "$tpre/$tsuf" = (#b)((*[^\\]|)(\\\\)#"(#q")([^\)]#) \
+ ) && -z $compstate[quote] ]]; then
+ compset -p ${#match[1]}
+ _globquals
+ elif [[ "$tpre$tsuf" = */* ]]; then
+ compfiles -P$cfopt tmp1 accex "$skipped" "$_matcher $matcher[2]" "$sdirs" fake
+ elif [[ "$sopt" = *[/f]* ]]; then
+ compfiles -p$cfopt tmp1 accex "$skipped" "$_matcher $matcher[2]" "$sdirs" fake "$pats[@]"
+ else
+ compfiles -p$cfopt tmp1 accex "$skipped" "$_matcher $matcher[2]" '' fake "$pats[@]"
+ fi
+ tmp1=( $~tmp1 ) 2> /dev/null
+ if [[ -n "$PREFIX$SUFFIX" ]]; then
+ # See which of them match what's on the line.
+ # pws non-canonical hack which seems to work so far...
+ # if we didn't match by globbing, check that there is
+ # something to match by explicit name. This is for
+ # `clever' filing systems where names pop into existence
+ # when referenced.
+ if (( ! $#tmp1 )); then
+ for tmp3 in "$tmp2[@]"; do
+ if [[ -n $tmp3 && $tmp3 != */ ]]; then
+ tmp3+=/
+ fi
+ if [[ -e "$tmp3${(Q)PREFIX}${(Q)SUFFIX}" ]] then
+ tmp1+=("$tmp3${(Q)PREFIX}${(Q)SUFFIX}")
+ fi
+ done
+ fi
+ if (( ! $#tmp1 )); then
+ tmp2=( ${^tmp2}/$PREFIX$SUFFIX )
+ elif [[ "$tmp1[1]" = */* ]]; then
+ if [[ -n "$_comp_correct" ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "$tmp1[@]" )
+ builtin compadd -D tmp1 "$matcher[@]" - "${(@)tmp1:t}"
+ if [[ $#tmp1 -eq 0 ]]; then
+ tmp1=( "$tmp2[@]" )
+ compadd -D tmp1 "$matcher[@]" - "${(@)tmp2:t}"
+ fi
+ else
+ tmp2=( "$tmp1[@]" )
+ compadd -D tmp1 "$matcher[@]" - "${(@)tmp1:t}"
+ fi
+ else
+ tmp2=( '' )
+ compadd -D tmp1 "$matcher[@]" -a tmp1
+ fi
+ # If no file matches, save the expanded path and continue with
+ # the outer loop.
+ if (( ! $#tmp1 )); then
+ if [[ "$tmp2[1]" = */* ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "${(@)tmp2#${prepath}${realpath}}" )
+ if [[ "$tmp2[1]" = */* ]]; then
+ tmp2=( "${(@)tmp2:h}" )
+ compquote tmp2
+ if [[ "$tmp2" = */ ]]; then
+ exppaths=( "$exppaths[@]" ${^tmp2}${tpre}${tsuf} )
+ else
+ exppaths=( "$exppaths[@]" ${^tmp2}/${tpre}${tsuf} )
+ fi
+ elif [[ ${tpre}${tsuf} = */* ]]; then
+ exppaths=( "$exppaths[@]" ${tpre}${tsuf} )
+ ### this once was in an `else' (not `elif')
+ fi
+ fi
+ continue 2
+ fi
+ elif (( ! $#tmp1 )); then
+ # A little extra hack: if we were completing `foo/<TAB>' and `foo'
+ # contains no files, this will normally produce no matches and other
+ # completers might think that's it's their time now. But if the next
+ # completer is _correct or something like that, this will result in
+ # an attempt to correct a valid directory name. So we just add the
+ # original string in such a case so that the command line doesn't
+ # change but other completers still think there are matches.
+ # We do this only if we weren't given a `-g' or `-/' option because
+ # otherwise this would keep `_files' from completing all filenames
+ # if none of the patterns match.
+ if [[ -z "$tpre$tsuf" && -n "$pre$suf" ]]; then
+ pfxsfx=(-S '' "$pfxsfx[@]")
+ ### Don't remember what the break was good for. We explicitly
+ ### execute this only when there are no matches in the directory,
+ ### so why continue?
+ ###
+ ### tmp1=( "$tmp2[@]" )
+ ### break
+ elif [[ -n "$haspats" && -z "$tpre$tsuf$suf" && "$pre" = */ ]]; then
+ PREFIX="${opre}"
+ SUFFIX="${osuf}"
+ compadd -nQS '' - "$linepath$donepath$orig"
+ tmp4=-
+ fi
+ continue 2
+ fi
+ if [[ -n "$ignpar" && -z "$_comp_no_ignore" &&
+ "$tpre$tsuf" != */* && $#tmp1 -ne 0 &&
+ ( "$ignpar" != *dir* || "$pats" = '*(-/)' ) &&
+ ( "$ignpar" != *..* || "$tmp1[1]" = *../* ) ]]; then
+ compfiles -i tmp1 _comp_ignore "$ignpar" "$prepath$realpath$donepath"
+ (( $#_comp_ignore && $mopts[(I)-F] )) ||
+ mopts=( "$mopts[@]" -F _comp_ignore )
+ fi
+ # Step over to the next component, if any.
+ if [[ "$tpre" = */* ]]; then
+ tpre="${tpre#*/}"
+ elif [[ "$tsuf" = */* ]]; then
+ tpre="${tsuf#*/}"
+ tsuf=
+ else
+ break
+ fi
+ # There are more components, so skip over the next components and make a
+ # slash be added.
+ tmp1=( ${tmp1//(#b)([][()|*?^#~<>\\=])/\\${match[1]}} )
+ tmp2="${(M)tpre##((.|..|)/)##}"
+ if [[ -n "$tmp2" ]]; then
+ skipped="/$tmp2"
+ tpre="${tpre#$tmp2}"
+ else
+ skipped=/
+ fi
+ done
+ # The next loop searches the first ambiguous component.
+ tmp3="$pre$suf"
+ tpre="$pre"
+ tsuf="$suf"
+ [[ -n "${prepath}${realpath}${testpath}" ]] &&
+ tmp1=( "${(@)tmp1#${prepath}${realpath}${testpath}}" )
+ while true; do
+ # First we check if some of the files match the original string
+ # for this component. If there are some we remove all other
+ # names. This avoids having `foo' complete to `foo' and `foobar'.
+ # The return value is non-zero if the component is ambiguous.
+ compfiles -r tmp1 "${(Q)tmp3}"
+ tmp4=$?
+ if [[ "$tpre" = */* ]]; then
+ tmp2="${cpre}${tpre%%/*}"
+ PREFIX="${donepath}${linepath}${tmp2}"
+ SUFFIX="/${tpre#*/}${tsuf#*/}"
+ else
+ tmp2="${cpre}${tpre}"
+ PREFIX="${donepath}${linepath}${tmp2}"
+ SUFFIX="${tsuf}"
+ fi
+ # This once tested `|| [[ -n "$compstate[pattern_match]" &&
+ # "$tmp2" = (|*[^\\])[][*?#~^\|\<\>]* ]]' but it should now be smart
+ # enough to handle multiple components with patterns.
+ if (( tmp4 )); then
+ # It is. For menu completion we now add the possible completions
+ # for this component with the unambiguous prefix we have built
+ # and the rest of the string from the line as the suffix.
+ # For normal completion we add the rests of the filenames
+ # collected as the suffixes to make the completion code expand
+ # it as far as possible.
+ tmp2="$testpath"
+ if [[ -n "$linepath" ]]; then
+ compquote -p tmp2 tmp1
+ elif [[ -n "$tmp2" ]]; then
+ compquote -p tmp1
+ compquote tmp2
+ else
+ compquote tmp1 tmp2
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$_comp_correct" &&
+ "$compstate[pattern_match]" = \* && -n "$listsfx" &&
+ "$tmp2" = (|*[^\\])[][*?#~^\|\<\>]* ]]; then
+ PREFIX="$opre"
+ SUFFIX="$osuf"
+ fi
+ # This once tested `-n $menu ||' but our menu-completion expert says
+ # that's not what we want.
+ if [[ -z "$compstate[insert]" ]] ||
+ { ! zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:paths" expand suffix &&
+ [[ -z "$listsfx" &&
+ ( -n "$_comp_correct" ||
+ -z "$compstate[pattern_match]" || "$SUFFIX" != */* ||
+ "${SUFFIX#*/}" = (|*[^\\])[][*?#~^\|\<\>]* ) ]] }; then
+ # We have not been told to insert the match, so we are
+ # listing, or something.
+ (( tmp4 )) && zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:paths" ambiguous &&
+ compstate[to_end]=
+ if [[ "$tmp3" = */* ]]; then
+ if [[ -z "$listsfx" || "$tmp3" != */?* ]]; then
+ # I think this means we are expanding some directory
+ # back up the path.
+ tmp1=("${(@)tmp1%%/*}")
+ _list_files tmp1 "$prepath$realpath$testpath"
+ compadd -Qf "$mopts[@]" -p "$linepath$tmp2" -s "/${tmp3#*/}" \
+ -W "$prepath$realpath$testpath" \
+ "$pfxsfx[@]" -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" \
+ $listopts \
+ -a tmp1
+ else
+ # Same with a non-empty suffix
+ tmp1=("${(@)^tmp1%%/*}/${tmp3#*/}")
+ _list_files tmp1 "$prepath$realpath$testpath"
+ compadd -Qf "$mopts[@]" -p "$linepath$tmp2" \
+ -W "$prepath$realpath$testpath" \
+ "$pfxsfx[@]" -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" \
+ $listopts \
+ -a tmp1
+ fi
+ else
+ _list_files tmp1 "$prepath$realpath$testpath"
+ compadd -Qf "$mopts[@]" -p "$linepath$tmp2" \
+ -W "$prepath$realpath$testpath" \
+ "$pfxsfx[@]" -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" \
+ $listopts \
+ -a tmp1
+ fi
+ else
+ # We are inserting the match into the command line.
+ if [[ "$tmp3" = */* ]]; then
+ tmp4=( -Qf "$mopts[@]" -p "$linepath$tmp2"
+ -W "$prepath$realpath$testpath"
+ "$pfxsfx[@]" -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" )
+ if [[ -z "$listsfx" ]]; then
+ for i in "$tmp1[@]"; do
+ tmpdisp=("${i%%/*}")
+ _list_files tmpdisp "$prepath$realpath$testpath"
+ compadd "$tmp4[@]" -s "/${i#*/}" $listopts - "$tmpdisp"
+ done
+ else
+ [[ -n "$compstate[pattern_match]" ]] && SUFFIX="${SUFFIX:s./.*/}*"
+ for i in "$tmp1[@]"; do
+ _list_files i "$prepath$realpath$testpath"
+ compadd "$tmp4[@]" $listopts - "$i"
+ done
+ fi
+ else
+ _list_files tmp1 "$prepath$realpath$testpath"
+ compadd -Qf "$mopts[@]" -p "$linepath$tmp2" \
+ -W "$prepath$realpath$testpath" \
+ "$pfxsfx[@]" -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" \
+ $listopts \
+ -a tmp1
+ fi
+ fi
+ tmp4=-
+ break
+ fi
+ # If we have checked all components, we stop now and add the
+ # strings collected after the loop.
+ if [[ "$tmp3" != */* ]]; then
+ tmp4=
+ break
+ fi
+ # Otherwise we add the unambiguous component to `testpath' and
+ # take it from the filenames.
+ testpath="${testpath}${tmp1[1]%%/*}/"
+ tmp3="${tmp3#*/}"
+ if [[ "$tpre" = */* ]]; then
+ if [[ -z "$_comp_correct" && -n "$compstate[pattern_match]" &&
+ "$tmp2" = (|*[^\\])[][*?#~^\|\<\>]* ]]; then
+ cpre="${cpre}${tmp1[1]%%/*}/"
+ else
+ cpre="${cpre}${tpre%%/*}/"
+ fi
+ tpre="${tpre#*/}"
+ elif [[ "$tsuf" = */* ]]; then
+ [[ "$tsuf" != /* ]] && mid="$testpath"
+ if [[ -z "$_comp_correct" && -n "$compstate[pattern_match]" &&
+ "$tmp2" = (|*[^\\])[][*?#~^\|\<\>]* ]]; then
+ cpre="${cpre}${tmp1[1]%%/*}/"
+ else
+ cpre="${cpre}${tpre}/"
+ fi
+ tpre="${tsuf#*/}"
+ tsuf=
+ else
+ tpre=
+ tsuf=
+ fi
+ tmp1=( "${(@)tmp1#*/}" )
+ done
+ if [[ -z "$tmp4" ]]; then
+ if [[ "$mid" = */ ]]; then
+ PREFIX="${opre}"
+ SUFFIX="${osuf}"
+ tmp4="${testpath#${mid}}"
+ tmp3="${mid%/*/}"
+ tmp2="${${mid%/}##*/}"
+ if [[ -n "$linepath" ]]; then
+ compquote -p tmp3
+ else
+ compquote tmp3
+ fi
+ compquote tmp4 tmp2 tmp1
+ for i in "$tmp1[@]"; do
+ _list_files tmp2 "$prepath$realpath${mid%/*/}"
+ compadd -Qf "$mopts[@]" -p "$linepath$tmp3/" -s "/$tmp4$i" \
+ -W "$prepath$realpath${mid%/*/}/" \
+ "$pfxsfx[@]" -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" $listopts - "$tmp2"
+ done
+ else
+ if [[ "$osuf" = */* ]]; then
+ PREFIX="${opre}${osuf}"
+ else
+ PREFIX="${opre}"
+ SUFFIX="${osuf}"
+ fi
+ tmp4="$testpath"
+ if [[ -n "$linepath" ]]; then
+ compquote -p tmp4 tmp1
+ elif [[ -n "$tmp4" ]]; then
+ compquote -p tmp1
+ compquote tmp4
+ else
+ compquote tmp4 tmp1
+ fi
+ if [[ -z "$_comp_correct" && -n "$compstate[pattern_match]" &&
+ "${PREFIX#\~}$SUFFIX" = (|*[^\\])[][*?#~^\|\<\>]* ]]; then
+ tmp1=("$linepath$tmp4${(@)^tmp1}")
+ _list_files tmp1 "$prepath$realpath"
+ compadd -Qf -W "$prepath$realpath" "$pfxsfx[@]" "$mopts[@]" \
+ -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" $listopts -a tmp1
+ else
+ # Not a pattern match
+ _list_files tmp1 "$prepath$realpath$testpath"
+ compadd -Qf -p "$linepath$tmp4" -W "$prepath$realpath$testpath" \
+ "$pfxsfx[@]" "$mopts[@]" -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" $listopts -a tmp1
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+# If we are configured to expand paths as far as possible and we collected
+# expanded paths that are different from the string on the line, we add
+# them as possible matches. Do that only if we are currently trying the
+# last entry in the matcher-list style, otherwise other match specs might
+# make the suffix that didn't match this time match in one of the following
+# attempts.
+if [[ _matcher_num -eq ${#_matchers} ]] &&
+ zstyle -t ":completion:${curcontext}:paths" expand prefix &&
+ [[ nm -eq compstate[nmatches] && $#exppaths -ne 0 &&
+ "$linepath$exppaths" != "$eorig" ]]; then
+ PREFIX="${opre}"
+ SUFFIX="${osuf}"
+ compadd -Q "$mopts[@]" -S '' -M "r:|/=* r:|=*" -p "$linepath" -a exppaths
+[[ nm -ne compstate[nmatches] ]]