+uuidgen() {
+ hascmd() { command -v "$@" >/dev/null;}
+ if hascmd uuid; then uuid
+ elif hascmd uuidgen; then uuidgen
+ elif hascmd python3; then
+ python3 -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid1())'
+ elif hascmd python; then
+ python -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid1())'
+ else
+ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 status=none | base64
+ fi
+if [ -z "$outfile" ]; then
+ uuid=$(uuidgen)
+ outfile="${uuid}.ogg"
+if [ -f "$outfile" ] && [ $clobber -eq 0 ]; then
+ echo >&2 "E: file exists, and -f not given: $outfile"
+ exit 1
case "$index" in
exit 1
-uuidgen() {
- hascmd() { command -v "$@" >/dev/null;}
- if hascmd uuid; then uuid
- elif hascmd uuidgen; then uuidgen
- elif hascmd python3; then
- python3 -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid1())'
- elif hascmd python; then
- python -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid1())'
- else
- dd if=/dev/urandom bs=16 count=1 status=none | base64
- fi
-[ -n "$outfile" ] || outfile="${uuid}.ogg"
-if [ -f "$outfile" ] && [ $clobber -eq 0 ]; then
- echo >&2 "E: file exists, and -f not given: $outfile"
- exit 1
+devname="record-to-file-$(echo -n ${outfile%.*} | tr -c '[:alnum:]' '_')"
echo >&2 "Recording source $index to $outfile …"
move_source_to_sink() {
- local c;
+ local c d;
c=$(pactl list short sink-inputs | sed -rne "s,^${1}[[:space:]]+([[:digit:]]+).+,\1,p")
+ d="$(pactl list short sinks | sed -rne "s,^${c}[[:space:]]+([^[:space:]]+).+,\1,p")"
+ case "$d" in
+ (record-to-file-*)
+ # Never restore to a record-to-file destination, or it could botch
+ # another recording
+ ;;
+ (*) :;;
+ esac
+ echo >&2 "Moving input $1 to sink $2 (restore to $c) …"
cleanup_hook pactl move-sink-input $1 $c
pactl move-sink-input $1 $2
-if false; then
+if [ -n "${PAREC_PIPE:-}" ]; then
# This would be great, but it does not work. For instance, trying this on
# audible meant that audible would play at maximum speed (3h played in 3
# minutes), but the result would be full of skips, making me think that
load_module module-pipe-sink "$devname" "$devname" file="$TMPDIR/outfifo"
move_source_to_sink $index "$devname"
- oggenc --raw -q5 -o "$outfile" "$TMPDIR/outfifo" || :
- #pv -pterb "$TMPDIR/outfifo" > $TMPDIR/outfile.wav || :
+ #oggenc --raw -q5 -o "$outfile" "$TMPDIR/outfifo" || :
+ pv -pterb "$TMPDIR/outfifo" > $TMPDIR/outfile.wav &
+ pid=$!
+ pa_wait_for_event sink-input remove $index >/dev/null
+ kill $pid
# More traditional approach, which just takes 1:1 time.