-- Grab environment
local awful = require('awful')
+-- Avoid discrepancies across multiple shells
+awful.util.shell = '/bin/sh'
-- Initialize tables for module
asyncshell = { request_table = {}, id_counter = 0 }
--- /dev/null
+ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
+ * (c) 2015, Joerg Jaspert
+ * (c) 2014, projektile
+ * (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
+ * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
+local awful = require("awful")
+local beautiful = require("beautiful")
+local tonumber = tonumber
+local centerhwork =
+ name = "centerhwork",
+ top_left = 0,
+ top_right = 1,
+ bottom_left = 2,
+ bottom_right = 3
+function centerhwork.arrange(p)
+ -- A useless gap (like the dwm patch) can be defined with
+ -- beautiful.useless_gap_width .
+ local useless_gap = tonumber(beautiful.useless_gap_width) or 0
+ -- A global border can be defined with
+ -- beautiful.global_border_width
+ local global_border = tonumber(beautiful.global_border_width) or 0
+ if global_border < 0 then global_border = 0 end
+ -- Screen.
+ local wa = p.workarea
+ local cls = p.clients
+ -- Borders are factored in.
+ wa.height = wa.height - (global_border * 2)
+ wa.width = wa.width - (global_border * 2)
+ wa.x = wa.x + global_border
+ wa.y = wa.y + global_border
+ -- Width of main column?
+ local t = awful.tag.selected(p.screen)
+ local mwfact = awful.tag.getmwfact(t)
+ if #cls > 0
+ then
+ -- Main column, fixed width and height.
+ local c = cls[1]
+ local g = {}
+ local mainhei = math.floor(wa.height * mwfact)
+ local slaveLwid = math.floor(wa.width / 2 )
+ local slaveRwid = wa.width - slaveLwid
+ local slavehei = wa.height - mainhei
+ local slaveThei = math.floor(slavehei / 2)
+ local slaveBhei = slavehei - slaveThei
+ local Lhalfgap = math.floor(useless_gap / 2)
+ local Rhalfgap = useless_gap - Lhalfgap
+ g.height = mainhei - 2*c.border_width
+ g.width = wa.width - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.x = wa.x + useless_gap
+ g.y = wa.y + slaveThei
+ if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
+ if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
+ c:geometry(g)
+ -- Auxiliary windows.
+ if #cls > 1
+ then
+ local at = 0
+ for i = 2,#cls
+ do
+ -- It's all fixed. If there are more than 5 clients,
+ -- those additional clients will float. This is
+ -- intentional.
+ if at == 4
+ then
+ break
+ end
+ c = cls[i]
+ g = {}
+ if i - 2 == centerhwork.top_left
+ then
+ -- top left
+ g.x = wa.x + useless_gap
+ g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
+ g.width = slaveLwid - useless_gap - Lhalfgap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveThei - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ elseif i - 2 == centerhwork.top_right
+ then
+ -- top right
+ g.x = wa.x + slaveLwid + Rhalfgap
+ g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
+ g.width = slaveRwid - useless_gap - Rhalfgap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveThei - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ elseif i - 2 == centerhwork.bottom_left
+ then
+ -- bottom left
+ g.x = wa.x + useless_gap
+ g.y = wa.y + mainhei + slaveThei + useless_gap
+ g.width = slaveLwid - useless_gap - Lhalfgap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveBhei - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ elseif i - 2 == centerhwork.bottom_right
+ then
+ -- bottom right
+ g.x = wa.x + slaveLwid + Rhalfgap
+ g.y = wa.y + mainhei + slaveThei + useless_gap
+ g.width = slaveRwid - useless_gap - Rhalfgap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveBhei - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ end
+ if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
+ if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
+ c:geometry(g)
+ at = at + 1
+ end
+ -- Set remaining clients to floating.
+ for i = (#cls - 1 - 4),1,-1
+ do
+ c = cls[i]
+ awful.client.floating.set(c, true)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+return centerhwork
local slaveRwid = slavewid - slaveLwid
local slaveThei = math.floor(wa.height / 2)
local slaveBhei = wa.height - slaveThei
+ local Thalfgap = math.floor(useless_gap / 2)
+ local Bhalfgap = useless_gap - Thalfgap
g.height = wa.height - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
g.width = mainwid - 2*c.border_width
- if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
- if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
g.x = wa.x + slaveLwid
g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
+ if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
+ if g.height < 1 then g.height = 1 end
-- Auxiliary windows.
g.x = wa.x + useless_gap
g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
g.width = slaveLwid - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
- g.height = slaveThei - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveThei - useless_gap - Thalfgap - 2*c.border_width
elseif i - 2 == centerwork.top_right
-- top right
g.x = wa.x + slaveLwid + mainwid + useless_gap
g.y = wa.y + useless_gap
g.width = slaveRwid - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
- g.height = slaveThei - useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveThei - useless_gap - Thalfgap - 2*c.border_width
elseif i - 2 == centerwork.bottom_left
-- bottom left
g.x = wa.x + useless_gap
- g.y = wa.y + slaveThei + useless_gap
+ g.y = wa.y + slaveThei + Bhalfgap
g.width = slaveLwid - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
- g.height = slaveBhei - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveBhei - useless_gap - Bhalfgap - 2*c.border_width
elseif i - 2 == centerwork.bottom_right
-- bottom right
g.x = wa.x + slaveLwid + mainwid + useless_gap
- g.y = wa.y + slaveThei + useless_gap
+ g.y = wa.y + slaveThei + Bhalfgap
g.width = slaveRwid - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
- g.height = slaveBhei - 2*useless_gap - 2*c.border_width
+ g.height = slaveBhei - useless_gap - Bhalfgap - 2*c.border_width
if g.width < 1 then g.width = 1 end
local function size_correction(c, geometry, useless_gap)
geometry.width = math.max(geometry.width - 2 * c.border_width - useless_gap, 1)
geometry.height = math.max(geometry.height - 2 * c.border_width - useless_gap, 1)
- geometry.x = math.floor(geometry.x + useless_gap / 2)
- geometry.y = math.floor(geometry.y + useless_gap / 2)
+ geometry.x = geometry.x + useless_gap / 2
+ geometry.y = geometry.y + useless_gap / 2
-- Check size factor for group of clients and calculate total
printf ("\n%s", narrow_margin);
printf ("%-*s", LEFT_COLUMN + 2, "");
- print " Used Free Total ";
+ print " Used Free Total ";
print "";
# printf ("stars_number = %d\n", stars_number);
printf ("|");
- for (i = 1; i <= stars_number; i++)
+ for (i = 1; i <= stars_number && i <= 49; i++)
printf ("%s", "*");
-- Battery infos
-- lain.widgets.bat
-local bat = {}
local function worker(args)
+ local bat = {}
local args = args or {}
local timeout = args.timeout or 30
local battery = args.battery or "BAT0"
newtimer(battery, timeout, update)
- return bat.widget
+ return setmetatable(bat, { __index = bat.widget })
-return setmetatable(bat, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
+return setmetatable({}, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
local layouts = args.layouts
local settings = args.settings or function () end
- local add_us_secondary = args.add_us_secondary or true
+ local add_us_secondary = true
local timeout = args.timeout or 5
local idx = 1
+ if args.add_us_secondary == false then add_us_secondary = false end
-- Mouse bindings
for k, v in string.gmatch(line, "([%w]+):[%s](.*)$") do
if k == "state" then mpd_now.state = v
elseif k == "file" then mpd_now.file = v
+ elseif k == "Name" then mpd_now.name = escape_f(v)
elseif k == "Artist" then mpd_now.artist = escape_f(v)
elseif k == "Title" then mpd_now.title = escape_f(v)
elseif k == "Album" then mpd_now.album = escape_f(v)
local function worker(args)
local weather = {}
local args = args or {}
+ local APPID = args.APPID or 1 -- mandatory
local timeout = args.timeout or 900 -- 15 min
local timeout_forecast = args.timeout or 86400 -- 24 hrs
- local current_call = "curl -s 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=%s&units=%s&lang=%s'"
- local forecast_call = "curl -s 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?id=%s&units=%s&lang=%s&cnt=%s'"
+ local current_call = "curl -s 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?id=%s&units=%s&lang=%s&APPID=%s'"
+ local forecast_call = "curl -s 'http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?id=%s&units=%s&lang=%s&cnt=%s&APPID=%s'"
local city_id = args.city_id or 0 -- placeholder
local units = args.units or "metric"
local lang = args.lang or "en"
function weather.forecast_update()
- local cmd = string.format(forecast_call, city_id, units, lang, cnt)
+ local cmd = string.format(forecast_call, city_id, units, lang, cnt, APPID)
async.request(cmd, function(f)
local pos, err
weather_now, pos, err = json.decode(f, 1, nil)
function weather.update()
- local cmd = string.format(current_call, city_id, units, lang)
+ local cmd = string.format(current_call, city_id, units, lang, APPID)
async.request(cmd, function(f)
local pos, err
weather_now, pos, err = json.decode(f, 1, nil)