layout.centerwork: Use the first client (master) as the central window.
--- /dev/null
+ Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
+ * (c) 2013, Alexander Yakushev
+-- Asynchronous io.popen for Awesome WM.
+-- How to use...
+-- ...asynchronously:
+-- asyncshell.request('wscript -Kiev', function(f) wwidget.text = f:read("*l") end)
+-- ...synchronously
+-- wwidget.text = asyncshell.demand('wscript -Kiev', 5):read("*l") or "Error"
+-- This makes things faster, but puts weight on sysload and is more cpu demanding.
+local spawn = require('awful.util').spawn
+asyncshell = {}
+asyncshell.request_table = {}
+asyncshell.id_counter = 0
+asyncshell.folder = "/tmp/asyncshell"
+asyncshell.file_template = asyncshell.folder .. '/req'
+-- Create a directory for asynchell response files
+os.execute("mkdir -p " .. asyncshell.folder)
+-- Returns next tag - unique identifier of the request
+local function next_id()
+ asyncshell.id_counter = (asyncshell.id_counter + 1) % 100000
+ return asyncshell.id_counter
+-- Sends an asynchronous request for an output of the shell command.
+-- @param command Command to be executed and taken output from
+-- @param callback Function to be called when the command finishes
+-- @return Request ID
+function asyncshell.request(command, callback)
+ local id = next_id()
+ local tmpfname = asyncshell.file_template .. id
+ asyncshell.request_table[id] = {callback = callback}
+ local req =
+ string.format("sh -c '%s > %s; " ..
+ 'echo "asyncshell.deliver(%s)" | ' ..
+ "awesome-client' 2> /dev/null",
+ string.gsub(command, "'", "'\\''"), tmpfname,
+ id, tmpfname)
+ spawn(req, false)
+ return id
+-- Calls the remembered callback function on the output of the shell
+-- command.
+-- @param id Request ID
+-- @param output The output file of the shell command to be delievered
+function asyncshell.deliver(id)
+ if asyncshell.request_table[id] and
+ asyncshell.request_table[id].callback then
+ local output = .. id, 'r')
+ asyncshell.request_table[id].callback(output)
+ end
+-- Sends a synchronous request for an output of the command. Waits for
+-- the output, but if the given timeout expires returns nil.
+-- @param command Command to be executed and taken output from
+-- @param timeout Maximum amount of time to wait for the result
+-- @return File handler on success, nil otherwise
+function asyncshell.demand(command, timeout)
+ local id = next_id()
+ local tmpfname = asyncshell.file_template .. id
+ local f = io.popen(string.format("(%s > %s; echo asyncshell_done) & " ..
+ "(sleep %s; echo asynchell_timeout)",
+ command, tmpfname, timeout))
+ local result = f:read("*line")
+ if result == "asyncshell_done" then
+ return
+ end
+return asyncshell
function alsa.update()
local f = assert(io.popen('amixer -M get ' .. channel))
- local mixer = f:read("*all")
+ local mixer = f:read("*a")
volume_now = {}
function alsabar.update()
-- Get mixer control contents
local f = io.popen("amixer -M get " ..
- local mixer = f:read("*all")
+ local mixer = f:read("*a")
-- Capture mixer control state: [5%] ... ... [on]
function base.update()
local f = assert(io.popen(cmd))
- output = f:read("*all")
+ output = f:read("*a")
widget = base.widget
.. calendar.font_size .. "'><b>"
.. f:read() .. "</b>\n\n"
.. f:read() .. "\n"
- .. f:read("*all"):gsub("\n*$", "")
+ .. f:read("*a"):gsub("\n*$", "")
.. "</span></tt>"
local dactive = active - cpu.last_active
local dtotal = total - cpu.last_total
- cpu_now = {}
+ cpu_noj = {}
cpu_now.usage = tostring(math.ceil((dactive / dtotal) * 100))
widget = cpu.widget
local f = io.popen(helpers.scripts_dir .. "dfs")
- ws = f:read("*all"):gsub("\n*$", "")
+ ws = f:read("*a"):gsub("\n*$", "")
notification = naughty.notify({
local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
+local async = require("lain.asyncshell")
local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
-local io = { popen = io.popen }
local string = { format = string.format,
gsub = string.gsub }
local tonumber = tonumber
if not is_plain
local f = io.popen(password)
- password = f:read("*all"):gsub("\n", "")
+ password = f:read("*a"):gsub("\n", "")
curl = string.format("%s --url imaps://%s:%s/INBOX -u %s:%s %s -k",
head_command, server, port, mail, password, request)
- f = io.popen(curl)
- ws = f:read("*all")
- f:close()
- _, mailcount = string.gsub(ws, "%d+", "")
- _ = nil
+ async.request(curl, function(f)
+ ws = f:read("*a")
+ f:close()
+ _, mailcount = string.gsub(ws, "%d+", "")
+ _ = nil
+ widget = imap.widget
+ settings()
+ if mailcount >= 1 and mailcount > helpers.get_map(mail)
+ then
+ if mailcount == 1 then
+ nt = mail .. " has one new message"
+ else
+ nt = mail .. " has <b>" .. mailcount .. "</b> new messages"
+ end
+ naughty.notify({
+ preset = mail_notification_preset,
+ text = nt,
+ screen = client.focus and client.focus.screen or 1
+ })
+ end
- widget = imap.widget
- settings()
+ helpers.set_map(mail, mailcount)
+ end)
- if mailcount >= 1 and mailcount > helpers.get_map(mail)
- then
- if mailcount == 1 then
- nt = mail .. " has one new message"
- else
- nt = mail .. " has <b>" .. mailcount .. "</b> new messages"
- end
- naughty.notify({
- preset = mail_notification_preset,
- text = nt,
- screen = client.focus and client.focus.screen or 1
- })
- end
- helpers.set_map(mail, mailcount)
helpers.newtimer(mail, timeout, update, true)
return setmetatable(imap, { __index = imap.widget })
local np = io.popen("find " .. line ..
"/new -mindepth 1 -type f " ..
"-not -name '.*' -printf a")
- local mailstring = np:read("*all")
+ local mailstring = np:read("*a")
-- Strip off leading mailpath.
local box = string.match(line, mailpath .. "/*([^/]+)")
local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
+local async = require("lain.asyncshell")
local escape_f = require("awful.util").escape
local naughty = require("naughty")
helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)
function mpd.update()
- mpd_now = {
- state = "N/A",
- file = "N/A",
- artist = "N/A",
- title = "N/A",
- album = "N/A",
- date = "N/A"
- }
- local f = io.popen(echo .. " | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 " .. mpdh)
- for line in f:lines() do
- for k, v in string.gmatch(line, "([%w]+):[%s](.*)$") do
- if k == "state" then mpd_now.state = v
- elseif k == "file" then mpd_now.file = v
- elseif k == "Artist" then mpd_now.artist = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Title" then mpd_now.title = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Album" then mpd_now.album = escape_f(v)
- elseif k == "Date" then = escape_f(v)
+ async.request(echo .. " | curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 " .. mpdh, function (f)
+ mpd_now = {
+ state = "N/A",
+ file = "N/A",
+ artist = "N/A",
+ title = "N/A",
+ album = "N/A",
+ date = "N/A"
+ }
+ for line in f:lines() do
+ for k, v in string.gmatch(line, "([%w]+):[%s](.*)$") do
+ if k == "state" then mpd_now.state = v
+ elseif k == "file" then mpd_now.file = v
+ elseif k == "Artist" then mpd_now.artist = escape_f(v)
+ elseif k == "Title" then mpd_now.title = escape_f(v)
+ elseif k == "Album" then mpd_now.album = escape_f(v)
+ elseif k == "Date" then = escape_f(v)
+ end
- end
- f:close()
+ mpd_notification_preset.text = string.format("%s (%s) - %s\n%s", mpd_now.artist,
+ mpd_now.album,, mpd_now.title)
+ widget = mpd.widget
+ settings()
- mpd_notification_preset.text = string.format("%s (%s) - %s\n%s", mpd_now.artist,
- mpd_now.album,, mpd_now.title)
- widget = mpd.widget
- settings()
- if mpd_now.state == "play"
- then
- if mpd_now.title ~= helpers.get_map("current mpd track")
+ if mpd_now.state == "play"
- helpers.set_map("current mpd track", mpd_now.title)
- os.execute(string.format("%s %q %q %d %q", mpdcover, music_dir,
- mpd_now.file, cover_size, default_art))
- = naughty.notify({
- preset = mpd_notification_preset,
- icon = "/tmp/mpdcover.png",
- replaces_id =,
- screen = client.focus and client.focus.screen or 1
- }).id
+ if mpd_now.title ~= helpers.get_map("current mpd track")
+ then
+ helpers.set_map("current mpd track", mpd_now.title)
+ os.execute(string.format("%s %q %q %d %q", mpdcover, music_dir,
+ mpd_now.file, cover_size, default_art))
+ = naughty.notify({
+ preset = mpd_notification_preset,
+ icon = "/tmp/mpdcover.png",
+ replaces_id =,
+ screen = client.focus and client.focus.screen or 1
+ }).id
+ end
+ elseif mpd_now.state ~= "pause"
+ then
+ helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)
- elseif mpd_now.state ~= "pause"
- then
- helpers.set_map("current mpd track", nil)
- end
+ end)
helpers.newtimer("mpd", timeout, mpd.update)
function net.get_device()
f = io.popen("ip link show | cut -d' ' -f2,9")
- ws = f:read("*all")
+ ws = f:read("*a")
ws = ws:match("%w+: UP")
if ws ~= nil then
function update()
local f ="/proc/loadavg")
- local ret = f:read("*all")
+ local ret = f:read("*a")
load_1, load_5, load_15 = string.match(ret, "([^%s]+) ([^%s]+) ([^%s]+)")
local f =
if f ~= nil
- coretemp_now = tonumber(f:read("*all")) / 1000
+ coretemp_now = tonumber(f:read("*a")) / 1000
coretemp_now = "N/A"
local newtimer = require("lain.helpers").newtimer
+local async = require("lain.asyncshell")
local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
local function fetch_weather()
local url = api_url .. units_set .. city_id
- local f = io.popen("curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 '" .. url .. "'" )
- local text = f:read("*all")
- f:close()
+ local cmd = "curl --connect-timeout 1 -fsm 3 '" .. url .. "'"
- -- In case of no connection or invalid city ID
- -- widgets won't display
- if text == "" or text:match("City not found")
- then
- yawn.icon:set_image(icon_path .. "na.png")
- if text == "" then
- weather_data = "Service not available at the moment."
- yawn.widget:set_text(" N/A ")
- else
- weather_data = "City not found!\n" ..
- "Are you sure " .. city_id ..
- " is your Yahoo city ID?"
- yawn.widget:set_text(" ? ")
+ async.request(cmd, function(f)
+ local text = f:read("*a")
+ f:close()
+ -- In case of no connection or invalid city ID
+ -- widgets won't display
+ if text == "" or text:match("City not found")
+ then
+ yawn.icon:set_image(icon_path .. "na.png")
+ if text == "" then
+ weather_data = "Service not available at the moment."
+ yawn.widget:set_text(" N/A ")
+ else
+ weather_data = "City not found!\n" ..
+ "Are you sure " .. city_id ..
+ " is your Yahoo city ID?"
+ yawn.widget:set_text(" ? ")
+ end
+ return
- return
- end
- -- Processing raw data
- weather_data = text:gsub("<.->", "")
- weather_data = weather_data:match("Current Conditions:.-Full") or ""
+ -- Processing raw data
+ weather_data = text:gsub("<.->", "")
+ weather_data = weather_data:match("Current Conditions:.-Full") or ""
- -- may still happens in case of bad connectivity
- if weather_data == "" then
- yawn.icon:set_image(icon_path .. "na.png")
- yawn.widget:set_text(" ? ")
- return
- end
+ -- may still happens in case of bad connectivity
+ if weather_data == "" then
+ yawn.icon:set_image(icon_path .. "na.png")
+ yawn.widget:set_text(" ? ")
+ return
+ end
- weather_data = weather_data:gsub("Current Conditions:.-\n", "Now: ")
- weather_data = weather_data:gsub("Forecast:.-\n", "")
- weather_data = weather_data:gsub("\nFull", "")
- weather_data = weather_data:gsub("[\n]$", "")
- weather_data = weather_data:gsub(" [-] " , ": ")
- weather_data = weather_data:gsub("[.]", ",")
- weather_data = weather_data:gsub("High: ", "")
- weather_data = weather_data:gsub(" Low: ", " - ")
- -- Getting info for text widget
- local now = weather_data:sub(weather_data:find("Now:")+5,
- weather_data:find("\n")-1)
- forecast = now:sub(1, now:find(",")-1)
- units = now:sub(now:find(",")+2, -2)
- -- Day/Night icon change
- local hour = tonumber("%H"))
- sky = icon_path
- if forecast == "Clear" or
- forecast == "Fair" or
- forecast == "Partly Cloudy" or
- forecast == "Mostly Cloudy"
- then
- if hour >= 6 and hour <= 18
+ weather_data = weather_data:gsub("Current Conditions:.-\n", "Now: ")
+ weather_data = weather_data:gsub("Forecast:.-\n", "")
+ weather_data = weather_data:gsub("\nFull", "")
+ weather_data = weather_data:gsub("[\n]$", "")
+ weather_data = weather_data:gsub(" [-] " , ": ")
+ weather_data = weather_data:gsub("[.]", ",")
+ weather_data = weather_data:gsub("High: ", "")
+ weather_data = weather_data:gsub(" Low: ", " - ")
+ -- Getting info for text widget
+ local now = weather_data:sub(weather_data:find("Now:")+5,
+ weather_data:find("\n")-1)
+ forecast = now:sub(1, now:find(",")-1)
+ units = now:sub(now:find(",")+2, -2)
+ -- Day/Night icon change
+ local hour = tonumber("%H"))
+ sky = icon_path
+ if forecast == "Clear" or
+ forecast == "Fair" or
+ forecast == "Partly Cloudy" or
+ forecast == "Mostly Cloudy"
- sky = sky .. "Day"
- else
- sky = sky .. "Night"
- end
- end
+ if hour >= 6 and hour <= 18
+ then
+ sky = sky .. "Day"
+ else
+ sky = sky .. "Night"
+ end
+ end
- sky = sky .. forecast:gsub(" ", ""):gsub("/", "") .. ".png"
+ sky = sky .. forecast:gsub(" ", ""):gsub("/", "") .. ".png"
- -- In case there's no defined icon for current forecast
- if == nil then
- sky = icon_path .. "na.png"
- end
+ -- In case there's no defined icon for current forecast
+ if == nil then
+ sky = icon_path .. "na.png"
+ end
- -- Localization
- local f = .. language, "r")
- if language:find("en_") == nil and f ~= nil
- then
- f:close()
- for line in io.lines(localizations_path .. language)
- do
- word = string.sub(line, 1, line:find("|")-1)
- translation = string.sub(line, line:find("|")+1)
- weather_data = string.gsub(weather_data, word, translation)
+ -- Localization
+ local f = .. language, "r")
+ if language:find("en_") == nil and f ~= nil
+ then
+ f:close()
+ for line in io.lines(localizations_path .. language)
+ do
+ word = string.sub(line, 1, line:find("|")-1)
+ translation = string.sub(line, line:find("|")+1)
+ weather_data = string.gsub(weather_data, word, translation)
+ end
- end
- -- Finally setting infos
- yawn.icon:set_image(sky)
- widget = yawn.widget
+ -- Finally setting infos
+ yawn.icon:set_image(sky)
+ widget = yawn.widget
- _data = weather_data:match(": %S.-,") or weather_data
- forecast = _data:gsub(": ", ""):gsub(",", "")
- units = units:gsub(" ", "")
+ _data = weather_data:match(": %S.-,") or weather_data
+ forecast = _data:gsub(": ", ""):gsub(",", "")
+ units = units:gsub(" ", "")
- settings()
+ settings()
+ end)
function yawn.hide()