-- On the fly useless gaps change
function util.useless_gaps_resize(thatmuch)
- beautiful.useless_gap_width = tonumber(beautiful.useless_gap_width) + thatmuch
- awful.layout.arrange(mouse.screen)
--- On the fly global border change
-function util.global_border_resize(thatmuch)
- beautiful.global_border_width = tonumber(beautiful.global_border_width) + thatmuch
+ beautiful.useless_gap = tonumber(beautiful.useless_gap) + thatmuch
-local awful = require("awful")
-local capi = { client = client,
- mouse = mouse,
- screen = screen,
- timer = timer or require("gears.timer") }
-local math = { floor = math.floor }
-local string = string
+local awful = require("awful")
+local capi = { client = client,
+ timer = require("gears.timer") }
+local math = { floor = math.floor }
+local string = string
local pairs = pairs
+local screen = screen
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local tostring = tostring
client.border_width = self.border
client.size_hints_honor = false
if self.notexist then
+ self:compute_size()
self.notexist = false
-- Not sticky and on top
+ client.sticky = false
client.ontop = true
client.above = true
client.skip_taskbar = true
- client.sticky = false
-- Toggle display
if self.visible then
client.hidden = false
- self.last_tag = tostring(awful.tag.selected(self.screen))
+ self.last_tag = awful.tag.selected(self.screen)
capi.client.focus = client
return client
+function quake:compute_size()
+ local geom = screen[self.screen].workarea
+ local width, height
+ if self.width <= 1 then width = math.floor(geom.width * self.width) end
+ if self.height <= 1 then height = math.floor(geom.height * self.height) end
+ local x, y
+ if self.horiz == "left" then x = geom.x
+ elseif self.horiz == "right" then x = geom.width + geom.x - self.width
+ else x = geom.x + (geom.width - self.width)/2 end
+ if self.vert == "top" then y = geom.y
+ elseif self.vert == "bottom" then y = geom.height + geom.y - self.height
+ else y = geom.y + (geom.height - self.height)/2 end
+ self.geometry = { x = x, y = y, width = width, height = height }
function quake:new(config)
local conf = config or {}
- conf.app = conf.app or "xterm" -- application to spawn
- conf.name = conf.name or "QuakeDD" -- window name
- conf.argname = conf.argname or "-name %s" -- how to specify window name
- conf.extra = conf.extra or "" -- extra arguments
- conf.visible = conf.visible or false -- initially not visible
- conf.screen = conf.screen or capi.mouse.screen
- conf.border = conf.border or 1
+ conf.app = conf.app or "xterm" -- application to spawn
+ conf.name = conf.name or "QuakeDD" -- window name
+ conf.argname = conf.argname or "-name %s" -- how to specify window name
+ conf.extra = conf.extra or "" -- extra arguments
+ conf.visible = conf.visible or false -- initially not visible
+ conf.border = conf.border or 1 -- client border width
+ conf.followtag = conf.followtag or false -- spawn on currently focused screen
+ conf.screen = conf.screen or awful.screen.focused()
-- If width or height <= 1 this is a proportion of the workspace
- wibox_height = conf.wibox_height or 18 -- statusbar weight
- height = conf.height or 0.25 -- height
- width = conf.width or 1 -- width
- vert = conf.vert or "top" -- top, bottom or center
- horiz = conf.horiz or "center" -- left, right or center
- -- Compute size
- local geom = capi.screen[conf.screen].workarea
- if width <= 1 then width = math.floor(geom.width * width) end
- if height <= 1 then height = math.floor(geom.height * height) end
- local x, y
- if horiz == "left" then x = geom.x
- elseif horiz == "right" then x = geom.width + geom.x - width
- else x = geom.x + (geom.width - width)/2 end
- if vert == "top" then y = geom.y
- elseif vert == "bottom" then y = geom.height + geom.y - height
- else y = geom.y + (geom.height - height)/2 end
- conf.geometry = { x = x, y = y + wibox_height, width = width, height = height }
+ conf.height = conf.height or 0.25 -- height
+ conf.width = conf.width or 1 -- width
+ conf.vert = conf.vert or "top" -- top, bottom or center
+ conf.horiz = conf.horiz or "center" -- left, right or center
local console = setmetatable(conf, { __index = quake })
capi.client.connect_signal("manage", function(c)
-- "Reattach" currently running quake application. This is in case awesome is restarted.
local reattach = capi.timer { timeout = 0 }
reattach:connect_signal("timeout", function()
+ if self.followtag then
+ self.screen = awful.screen.focused()
+ end
function quake:toggle()
- current_tag = awful.tag.selected(self.screen)
- if self.last_tag ~= tostring(current_tag) and self.visible then
+ if self.followtag then
+ self.screen = awful.screen.focused()
+ end
+ local current_tag = awful.tag.selected(self.screen)
+ if self.last_tag ~= current_tag and self.visible then
awful.client.movetotag(current_tag, self:display())
self.visible = not self.visible
-- lain.util.separators
local separators = {}
-local height = beautiful.awful_widget_height or 0
+local height = beautiful.separators_height or 0
local width = beautiful.separators_width or 9
-- [[ Arrow
local wibox = require("wibox")
local math = { modf = math.modf }
-local mouse = mouse
local string = { format = string.format,
match = string.match,
rep = string.rep }
font = beautiful.font:sub(beautiful.font:find(""), beautiful.font:find(" ")),
font_size = "11",
color = beautiful.fg_normal,
- bar_size = 18,
screen = 1
preset.title = string.format("%s - %s%%", alsabar.channel, alsabar._current_level)
- int = math.modf((alsabar._current_level / 100) * alsabar.notifications.bar_size)
+ int = math.modf((alsabar._current_level / 100) * awful.screen.focused().mywibox.height)
preset.text = string.format("[%s%s]", string.rep("|", int),
- string.rep(" ", alsabar.notifications.bar_size - int))
+ string.rep(" ", awful.screen.focused().mywibox.height - int))
- if alsabar.followmouse then
- preset.screen = mouse.screen
+ if alsabar.followtag then
+ preset.screen = awful.screen.focused()
if alsabar._notify ~= nil then
alsabar.step = args.step or alsabar.step
alsabar.colors = args.colors or alsabar.colors
alsabar.notifications = args.notifications or alsabar.notifications
- alsabar.followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ alsabar.followtag = args.followtag or false
alsabar.bar = wibox.widget {
forced_height = height,
+++ /dev/null
- Licensed under GNU General Public License v2
- * (c) 2013, Luke Bonham
- * (c) 2010-2012, Peter Hofmann
-local wibox = require("awful.wibox")
-local setmetatable = setmetatable
--- Creates a thin wibox at a position relative to another wibox
--- lain.widgets.borderbox
-local borderbox = {}
-local function worker(relbox, s, args)
- local where = args.position or 'top'
- local color = args.color or '#FFFFFF'
- local size = args.size or 1
- local box = nil
- local wiboxarg = { position = nil, bg = color }
- if where == 'top'
- then
- wiboxarg.width = relbox.width
- wiboxarg.height = size
- box = wibox(wiboxarg)
- box.x = relbox.x
- box.y = relbox.y - size
- elseif where == 'bottom'
- then
- wiboxarg.width = relbox.width
- wiboxarg.height = size
- box = wibox(wiboxarg)
- box.x = relbox.x
- box.y = relbox.y + relbox.height
- elseif where == 'left'
- then
- wiboxarg.width = size
- wiboxarg.height = relbox.height
- box = wibox(wiboxarg)
- box.x = relbox.x - size
- box.y = relbox.y
- elseif where == 'right'
- then
- wiboxarg.width = size
- wiboxarg.height = relbox.height
- box = wibox(wiboxarg)
- box.x = relbox.x + relbox.width
- box.y = relbox.y
- end
- box.screen = s
- return box
-return setmetatable(borderbox, { __call = function(_, ...) return worker(...) end })
local io = { popen = io.popen }
local os = { date = os.date }
-local mouse = mouse
local string = { format = string.format,
sub = string.sub,
gsub = string.gsub }
if offs == 0 or calendar.offset == 0
then -- current month showing, today highlighted
calendar.offset = 0
- calendar.notify_icon = calendar.icons .. today .. ".png"
+ calendar.notify_icon = string.format("%s%s.png", calendar.icons, today)
-- bg and fg inverted to highlight today
f = io.popen(calendar.cal_format(today))
else -- no current month showing, no day to highlight
local month = tonumber(os.date('%m'))
- local year = tonumber(os.date('%Y'))
+ local year = tonumber(os.date('%Y'))
month = month + calendar.offset
.. "</span></tt>"
- if calendar.followmouse then
- scrp = mouse.screen
+ if calendar.followtag then
+ scrp = awful.screen.focused()
scrp = scr or calendar.scr_pos
calendar.bg = args.bg or beautiful.bg_normal or "#000000"
calendar.position = args.position or "top_right"
calendar.scr_pos = args.scr_pos or 1
- calendar.followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ calendar.followtag = args.followtag or false
calendar.offset = 0
calendar.notify_icon = nil
-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local json = require("lain.util.dkjson")
-local pread = require("awful.util").pread
-local naughty = require("naughty")
-local wibox = require("wibox")
-local mouse = mouse
-local os = { getenv = os.getenv }
+local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
+local json = require("lain.util.dkjson")
+local focused = require("awful.screen").focused
+local pread = require("awful.util").pread
+local naughty = require("naughty")
+local wibox = require("wibox")
+local next = next
+local os = { getenv = os.getenv }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
+local table = table
-- Google Play Music Desktop infos
-- lain.widget.contrib.gpmdp
local args = args or {}
local timeout = args.timeout or 2
local notify = args.notify or "off"
- local followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ local followtag = args.followtag or false
local file_location = args.file_location or
os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.config/Google Play Music Desktop Player/json_store/playback.json"
local settings = args.settings or function() end
helpers.set_map("gpmdp_current", nil)
function gpmdp.update()
- file, err = io.open(file_location, "r")
- if not file
+ local filelines = helpers.lines_from(file_location)
+ if not next(filelines)
- gpm_now = { running = false, playing = false }
+ local gpm_now = { running = false, playing = false }
- dict, pos, err = json.decode(file:read "*a", 1, nil)
- file:close()
- gpm_now = {}
+ dict, pos, err = json.decode(table.concat(filelines), 1, nil)
+ local gpm_now = {}
gpm_now.artist = dict.song.artist
gpm_now.album = dict.song.album
gpm_now.title = dict.song.title
gpm_now.playing = dict.playing
- if (pread("pidof 'Google Play Music Desktop Player'") ~= '') then
+ if pread("pidof 'Google Play Music Desktop Player'") ~= '' then
gpm_now.running = true
gpm_now.running = false
if notify == "on" and gpm_now.title ~= helpers.get_map("gpmdp_current")
helpers.set_map("gpmdp_current", gpm_now.title)
- os.execute("curl " .. gpm_now.cover_url .. " -o /tmp/gpmcover.png")
+ os.execute(string.format("curl %d -o /tmp/gpmcover.png", gpm_now.cover_url))
- if followmouse then
- gpmdp_notification_preset.screen = mouse.screen
+ if followtag then
+ gpmdp_notification_preset.screen = focused()
gpmdp.id = naughty.notify({
-local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
-local async = require("lain.asyncshell")
+local helpers = require("lain.helpers")
+local async = require("lain.asyncshell")
+local focused = require("awful.screen").focused
local escape_f = require("awful.util").escape
local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
-local io = { popen = io.popen }
-local os = { execute = os.execute,
- getenv = os.getenv }
-local string = { format = string.format,
- gmatch = string.gmatch }
+local io = { popen = io.popen }
+local os = { execute = os.execute,
+ getenv = os.getenv }
+local string = { format = string.format,
+ gmatch = string.gmatch }
local setmetatable = setmetatable
local music_dir = args.music_dir or os.getenv("HOME") .. "/Music"
local cover_size = args.cover_size or 100
local default_art = args.default_art or ""
- local followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ local followtag = args.followtag or false
local settings = args.settings or function() end
local mpdcover = helpers.scripts_dir .. "mpdcover"
os.execute(string.format("%s %q %q %d %q", mpdcover, "",
moc_now.file, cover_size, default_art))
- if followmouse then
- moc_notification_preset.screen = mouse.screen
+ if followtag then
+ moc_notification_preset.screen = focused()
moc.id = naughty.notify({
local f, c_text, scrp
- if task.followmouse then
- scrp = mouse.screen
+ if task.followtag then
+ scrp = awful.screen.focused()
scrp = scr_pos or task.scr_pos
function task.prompt_add()
awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Add task: " },
- mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
+ mypromptbox[awful.screen.focused()].widget,
function (...)
local f = io.popen("task add " .. ...)
c_text = "\n<span font='"
function task.prompt_search()
awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Search task: " },
- mypromptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
+ mypromptbox[awful.screen.focused()].widget,
function (...)
local f = io.popen("task " .. ...)
c_text = f:read("*all"):gsub(" \n*$", "")
fg = task.fg,
bg = task.bg,
timeout = task.timeout,
- screen = mouse.screen
+ screen = awful.screen.focused()
task.position = args.position or "top_right"
task.timeout = args.timeout or 7
task.scr_pos = args.scr_pos or 1
- task.followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ task.followtag = args.followtag or false
task.cmdline = args.cmdline or "next"
task.notify_icon = icons_dir .. "/taskwarrior/task.png"
local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
-local mouse = mouse
local string = { format = string.format,
gsub = string.gsub }
local tonumber = tonumber
local port = args.port or 993
local timeout = args.timeout or 60
local is_plain = args.is_plain or false
- local followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ local followtag = args.followtag or false
local settings = args.settings or function() end
local head_command = "curl --connect-timeout 3 -fsm 3"
position = "top_left"
- if followmouse then
- mail_notification_preset.screen = mouse.screen
+ if followtag then
+ mail_notification_preset.screen = awful.screen.focused()
curl = string.format("%s --url imaps://%s:%s/INBOX -u %s:%q %s -k",
local os = { execute = os.execute,
getenv = os.getenv }
local math = { floor = math.floor }
-local mouse = mouse
local string = { format = string.format,
match = string.match,
gmatch = string.gmatch }
local cover_size = args.cover_size or 100
local default_art = args.default_art or ""
local notify = args.notify or "on"
- local followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ local followtag = args.followtag or false
local echo_cmd = args.echo_cmd or "echo"
local settings = args.settings or function() end
current_icon = default_art
- if followmouse then
- mpd_notification_preset.screen = mouse.screen
+ if followtag then
+ mpd_notification_preset.screen = awful.screen.focused()
mpd.id = naughty.notify({
notifications = {
font = beautiful.font:sub(beautiful.font:find(""), beautiful.font:find(" ")),
font_size = "11",
- color = beautiful.fg_normal,
- bar_size = 18,
- screen = 1
+ color = beautiful.fg_normal
_current_level = 0,
title = "",
text = "",
timeout = 5,
- screen = pulsebar.notifications.screen,
font = string.format("%s %s", alsabar.notifications.font,
fg = pulsebar.notifications.color
preset.title = string.format("%s - %s%%", pulsebar.sink, pulsebar._current_level)
- int = math.modf((pulsebar._current_level / 100) * pulsebar.notifications.bar_size)
+ int = math.modf((pulsebar._current_level / 100) * awful.screen.focused().mywibox.height)
preset.text = string.format("[%s%s]", string.rep("|", int),
- string.rep(" ", pulsebar.notifications.bar_size - int))
+ string.rep(" ", awful.screen.focused().mywibox.height - int))
- if pulsebar.followmouse then
- preset.screen = mouse.screen
+ if pulsebar.followtag then
+ preset.screen = awful.screen.focused()
if pulsebar._notify ~= nil then
pulsebar.notifications = args.notifications or pulsebar.notifications
pulsebar.sink = args.sink or 0
pulsebar.step = args.step or pulsebar.step
- pulsebar.followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ pulsebar.followtag = args.followtag or false
pulsebar.bar = wibox.widget {
forced_height = height,
pulsebar._muted = true
pulsebar.tooltip:set_text ("[Muted]")
- pulsebar.bar.color(pulsebar.colors.mute)
+ pulsebar.bar.color = pulsebar.colors.mute
pulsebar._muted = false
pulsebar.tooltip:set_text(string.format("%s: %s", pulsebar.sink, volu))
- pulsebar.bar.color(pulsebar.colors.unmute)
+ pulsebar.bar.color = pulsebar.colors.unmute
local json = require("lain.util").dkjson
local lain_icons = require("lain.helpers").icons_dir
+local focused = require("awful.screen").focused
local naughty = require("naughty")
local wibox = require("wibox")
return string.format("<b>%s</b>: %s, %d - %d ", day, desc, tmin, tmax)
local weather_na_markup = args.weather_na_markup or " N/A "
- local followmouse = args.followmouse or false
+ local followtag = args.followtag or false
local settings = args.settings or function() end
weather.widget = wibox.widget.textbox(weather_na_markup)
function weather.show(t_out)
- if followmouse then
- notification_preset.screen = mouse.screen
+ if followtag then
+ notification_preset.screen = focused()
if not weather.notification_text then
-Subproject commit bc5582fb3d3d7bf54f2848e9b58aa01c9c33d79e
+Subproject commit 6e439e9a28174909c4ab0dd23eaf93785cc170e7