+Creating Tasks
+To create a task, simply create a new ``Task`` object::
+ >>> new_task = Task(tw, description="throw out the trash")
+This task is not yet saved to TaskWarrior (same as in Django), not until
+you call ``.save()`` method::
+ >>> new_task.save()
+You can set any attribute as a keyword argument to the Task object::
+ >>> complex_task = Task(tw, description="finally fix the shower", due=datetime(2015,2,14,8,0,0), priority='H')
+or by setting the attributes one by one::
+ >>> complex_task = Task(tw)
+ >>> complex_task['description'] = "finally fix the shower"
+ >>> complex_task['due'] = datetime(2015,2,14,8,0,0)
+ >>> complex_task['priority'] = 'H'
+Modifying Task
+To modify a created or retrieved ``Task`` object, use dictionary-like access::
+ >>> homework = tw.tasks.get(tags=['chores'])
+ >>> homework['project'] = 'Home'
+The change is not propagated to the TaskWarrior until you run the ``save()`` method::
+ >>> homework.save()
+Attributes, which map to native Python objects are converted. See Task Attributes section.
+Task Attributes
+Attributes of task objects are accessible through indices, like so::
+ >>> task = tw.tasks.pending().get(tags__contain='work') # There is only one pending task with 'work' tag
+ >>> task['description']
+ 'Upgrade Ubuntu Server'
+ >>> task['id']
+ 15
+ >>> task['due']
+ datetime.datetime(2013, 12, 5, 0, 0)
+ >>> task['tags']
+ ['work', 'servers']
+The following fields are deserialized into Python objects:
+* ``due``, ``wait``, ``scheduled``, ``until``, ``entry``: deserialized to a ``datetime`` object
+* ``annotations``: deserialized to a list of ``TaskAnnotation`` objects
+* ``tags``: deserialized to a list of strings
+* ``depends``: deserialized to a set of ``Task`` objects
+Attributes should be set using the correct Python representation, which will be
+serialized into the correct format when the task is saved.
+Operations on Tasks
+After modifying one or more attributes, simple call ``save()`` to write those
+changes to the database::
+ >>> task = tw.tasks.pending().get(tags__contain='work')
+ >>> task['due'] = datetime(year=2014, month=1, day=5)
+ >>> task.save()
+To mark a task as complete, use ``done()``::
+ >>> task = tw.tasks.pending().get(tags__contain='work')
+ >>> task.done()
+ >>> len(tw.tasks.pending().filter(tags__contain='work'))
+ 0
+To delete a task, use ``delete()``::
+ >>> task = tw.tasks.get(description="task added by mistake")
+ >>> task.delete()
+To update a task object with values from TaskWarrior database, use ``refresh()``. Example::
+ >>> task = Task(tw, description="learn to cook")
+ >>> task.save()
+ >>> task['id']
+ 5
+ >>> task['tags']
+ []
+Now, suppose the we modify the task using the TaskWarrior interface in another terminal::
+ $ task 5 modify +someday
+ Task 5 modified.
+Switching back to the open python process::
+ >>> task['tags']
+ []
+ >>> task.refresh()
+ >>> task['tags']
+ ['someday']