- Add a lower bound for the `aiohttp-cors` dependency. Only 0.4.0 or higher is
supported. (#2231)
-### _Packaging_
+### Integrations
+- The official Black action now supports choosing what version to use, and supports the
+ major 3 OSes. (#1940)
+### Packaging
- Release self-contained x86_64 MacOS binaries as part of the GitHub release pipeline
- "Options passed to black. Use `black --help` to see available options. Default:
+ "Options passed to Black. Use `black --help` to see available options. Default:
required: false
default: "--check --diff"
- description: "Source to run black. Default: '.'"
+ description: "Source to run Black. Default: '.'"
required: false
default: "."
description: "[DEPRECATED] Black input arguments."
required: false
default: ""
+ deprecationMessage:
+ "Input `with.black_args` is deprecated. Use `with.options` and `with.src` instead."
+ version:
+ description: 'Python Version specifier (PEP440) - e.g. "21.5b1"'
+ required: false
+ default: ""
color: "black"
icon: "check-circle"
- using: "docker"
- image: "action/Dockerfile"
+ using: composite
+ steps:
+ - run: |
+ # Exists since using github.action_path + path to main script doesn't work because bash
+ # interprets the backslashes in github.action_path (which are used when the runner OS
+ # is Windows) destroying the path to the target file.
+ #
+ # Also semicolons are necessary because I can't get the newlines to work
+ entrypoint="import sys;
+ import subprocess;
+ from pathlib import Path;
+ MAIN_SCRIPT = Path(r'${{ github.action_path }}') / 'action' / 'main.py';
+ proc = subprocess.run([sys.executable, str(MAIN_SCRIPT)]);
+ sys.exit(proc.returncode)
+ "
+ if [ "$RUNNER_OS" == "Windows" ]; then
+ echo $entrypoint | python
+ else
+ echo $entrypoint | python3
+ fi
+ env:
+ # TODO: Remove once https://github.com/actions/runner/issues/665 is fixed.
+ INPUT_OPTIONS: ${{ inputs.options }}
+ INPUT_SRC: ${{ inputs.src }}
+ INPUT_BLACK_ARGS: ${{ inputs.black_args }}
+ INPUT_VERSION: ${{ inputs.version }}
+ pythonioencoding: utf-8
+ shell: bash
+++ /dev/null
-FROM python:3
-RUN pip install --upgrade --no-cache-dir black
-COPY entrypoint.sh /entrypoint.sh
-ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint.sh"]
+++ /dev/null
-#!/bin/bash -e
-if [ -n "$INPUT_BLACK_ARGS" ]; then
- echo '::warning::Input `with.black_args` is deprecated. Use `with.options` and `with.src` instead.'
- exit $?
--- /dev/null
+import os
+import shlex
+import sys
+from pathlib import Path
+from subprocess import run, PIPE, STDOUT
+ENV_PATH = ACTION_PATH / ".black-env"
+ENV_BIN = ENV_PATH / ("Scripts" if sys.platform == "win32" else "bin")
+OPTIONS = os.getenv("INPUT_OPTIONS", default="")
+SRC = os.getenv("INPUT_SRC", default="")
+BLACK_ARGS = os.getenv("INPUT_BLACK_ARGS", default="")
+VERSION = os.getenv("INPUT_VERSION", default="")
+run([sys.executable, "-m", "venv", str(ENV_PATH)], check=True)
+req = "black[colorama,python2]"
+ req += f"=={VERSION}"
+pip_proc = run(
+ [str(ENV_BIN / "python"), "-m", "pip", "install", req],
+ stdout=PIPE,
+ stderr=STDOUT,
+ encoding="utf-8",
+if pip_proc.returncode:
+ print(pip_proc.stdout)
+ print("::error::Failed to install Black.", flush=True)
+ sys.exit(pip_proc.returncode)
+base_cmd = [str(ENV_BIN / "black")]
+ # TODO: remove after a while since this is deprecated in favour of SRC + OPTIONS.
+ proc = run([*base_cmd, *shlex.split(BLACK_ARGS)])
+ proc = run([*base_cmd, *shlex.split(OPTIONS), *shlex.split(SRC)])
You can use _Black_ within a GitHub Actions workflow without setting your own Python
environment. Great for enforcing that your code matches the _Black_ code style.
+## Compatiblity
+This action is known to support all GitHub-hosted runner OSes. In addition, only
+published versions of _Black_ are supported (i.e. whatever is available on PyPI).
+Finally, this action installs _Black_ with both the `colorama` and `python2` extras so
+the `--color` flag and formatting Python 2 code are supported.
## Usage
Create a file named `.github/workflows/black.yml` inside your repository with:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- - uses: actions/setup-python@v2
- uses: psf/black@stable
We recommend the use of the `@stable` tag, but per version tags also exist if you prefer
+that. Note that the action's version you select is independent of the version of _Black_
+the action will use.
+The version of _Black_ the action will use can be configured via `version`. The action
+defaults to the latest release available on PyPI. Only versions available from PyPI are
+supported, so no commit SHAs or branch names.
+You can also configure the arguments passed to _Black_ via `options` (defaults to
+`'--check --diff'`) and `src` (default is `'.'`)
-You may use `options` (Default is `'--check --diff'`) and `src` (Default is `'.'`) as
+Here's an example configuration:
- uses: psf/black@stable
options: "--check --verbose"
src: "./src"
+ version: "21.5b1"