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check in snipmate 0.83
authormartin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
Tue, 30 Oct 2012 07:57:34 +0000 (08:57 +0100)
committermartin f. krafft <madduck@madduck.net>
Tue, 30 Oct 2012 07:57:34 +0000 (08:57 +0100)
25 files changed:
.vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/autoload/snipMate.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/doc/snipMate.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/ftplugin/html_snip_helper.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/plugin/snipMate.vim [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/_.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/autoit.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/c.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/cpp.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/html.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/java.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/javascript.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/mako.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/objc.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/perl.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/php.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/python.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/ruby.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/sh.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/snippet.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/tcl.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/tex.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/vim.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/snippets/zsh.snippets [new file with mode: 0644]
.vim/syntax/snippet.vim [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/.vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim b/.vim/after/plugin/snipMate.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..03e79ae
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+" These are the mappings for snipMate.vim. Putting it here ensures that it
+" will be mapped after other plugins such as supertab.vim.
+if !exists('loaded_snips') || exists('s:did_snips_mappings')
+       finish
+let s:did_snips_mappings = 1
+ino <silent> <tab> <c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>
+snor <silent> <tab> <esc>i<right><c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>
+ino <silent> <s-tab> <c-r>=BackwardsSnippet()<cr>
+snor <silent> <s-tab> <esc>i<right><c-r>=BackwardsSnippet()<cr>
+ino <silent> <c-r><tab> <c-r>=ShowAvailableSnips()<cr>
+" The default mappings for these are annoying & sometimes break snipMate.
+" You can change them back if you want, I've put them here for convenience.
+snor <bs> b<bs>
+snor <right> <esc>a
+snor <left> <esc>bi
+snor ' b<bs>'
+snor ` b<bs>`
+snor % b<bs>%
+snor U b<bs>U
+snor ^ b<bs>^
+snor \ b<bs>\
+snor <c-x> b<bs><c-x>
+" By default load snippets in snippets_dir
+if empty(snippets_dir)
+       finish
+call GetSnippets(snippets_dir, '_') " Get global snippets
+au FileType * if &ft != 'help' | call GetSnippets(snippets_dir, &ft) | endif
+" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim
diff --git a/.vim/autoload/snipMate.vim b/.vim/autoload/snipMate.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dcd28f6
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+fun! Filename(...)
+       let filename = expand('%:t:r')
+       if filename == '' | return a:0 == 2 ? a:2 : '' | endif
+       return !a:0 || a:1 == '' ? filename : substitute(a:1, '$1', filename, 'g')
+fun s:RemoveSnippet()
+       unl! g:snipPos s:curPos s:snipLen s:endCol s:endLine s:prevLen
+            \ s:lastBuf s:oldWord
+       if exists('s:update')
+               unl s:startCol s:origWordLen s:update
+               if exists('s:oldVars') | unl s:oldVars s:oldEndCol | endif
+       endif
+       aug! snipMateAutocmds
+fun snipMate#expandSnip(snip, col)
+       let lnum = line('.') | let col = a:col
+       let snippet = s:ProcessSnippet(a:snip)
+       " Avoid error if eval evaluates to nothing
+       if snippet == '' | return '' | endif
+       " Expand snippet onto current position with the tab stops removed
+       let snipLines = split(substitute(snippet, '$\d\+\|${\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g'), "\n", 1)
+       let line = getline(lnum)
+       let afterCursor = strpart(line, col - 1)
+       " Keep text after the cursor
+       if afterCursor != "\t" && afterCursor != ' '
+               let line = strpart(line, 0, col - 1)
+               let snipLines[-1] .= afterCursor
+       else
+               let afterCursor = ''
+               " For some reason the cursor needs to move one right after this
+               if line != '' && col == 1 && &ve != 'all' && &ve != 'onemore'
+                       let col += 1
+               endif
+       endif
+       call setline(lnum, line.snipLines[0])
+       " Autoindent snippet according to previous indentation
+       let indent = matchend(line, '^.\{-}\ze\(\S\|$\)') + 1
+       call append(lnum, map(snipLines[1:], "'".strpart(line, 0, indent - 1)."'.v:val"))
+       " Open any folds snippet expands into
+       if &fen | sil! exe lnum.','.(lnum + len(snipLines) - 1).'foldopen' | endif
+       let [g:snipPos, s:snipLen] = s:BuildTabStops(snippet, lnum, col - indent, indent)
+       if s:snipLen
+               aug snipMateAutocmds
+                       au CursorMovedI * call s:UpdateChangedSnip(0)
+                       au InsertEnter * call s:UpdateChangedSnip(1)
+               aug END
+               let s:lastBuf = bufnr(0) " Only expand snippet while in current buffer
+               let s:curPos = 0
+               let s:endCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]
+               let s:endLine = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
+               call cursor(g:snipPos[s:curPos][0], g:snipPos[s:curPos][1])
+               let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')]
+               if g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1 | return s:SelectWord() | endif
+       else
+               unl g:snipPos s:snipLen
+               " Place cursor at end of snippet if no tab stop is given
+               let newlines = len(snipLines) - 1
+               call cursor(lnum + newlines, indent + len(snipLines[-1]) - len(afterCursor)
+                                       \ + (newlines ? 0: col - 1))
+       endif
+       return ''
+" Prepare snippet to be processed by s:BuildTabStops
+fun s:ProcessSnippet(snip)
+       let snippet = a:snip
+       " Evaluate eval (`...`) expressions.
+       " Using a loop here instead of a regex fixes a bug with nested "\=".
+       if stridx(snippet, '`') != -1
+               while match(snippet, '`.\{-}`') != -1
+                       let snippet = substitute(snippet, '`.\{-}`',
+                                               \ substitute(eval(matchstr(snippet, '`\zs.\{-}\ze`')),
+                                               \ "\n\\%$", '', ''), '')
+               endw
+               let snippet = substitute(snippet, "\r", "\n", 'g')
+       endif
+       " Place all text after a colon in a tab stop after the tab stop
+       " (e.g. "${#:foo}" becomes "${:foo}foo").
+       " This helps tell the position of the tab stops later.
+       let snippet = substitute(snippet, '${\d\+:\(.\{-}\)}', '&\1', 'g')
+       " Update the a:snip so that all the $# become the text after
+       " the colon in their associated ${#}.
+       " (e.g. "${1:foo}" turns all "$1"'s into "foo")
+       let i = 1
+       while stridx(snippet, '${'.i) != -1
+               let s = matchstr(snippet, '${'.i.':\zs.\{-}\ze}')
+               if s != ''
+                       let snippet = substitute(snippet, '$'.i, s.'&', 'g')
+               endif
+               let i += 1
+       endw
+       if &et " Expand tabs to spaces if 'expandtab' is set.
+               return substitute(snippet, '\t', repeat(' ', &sts ? &sts : &sw), 'g')
+       endif
+       return snippet
+" Counts occurences of haystack in needle
+fun s:Count(haystack, needle)
+       let counter = 0
+       let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle)
+       while index != -1
+               let index = stridx(a:haystack, a:needle, index+1)
+               let counter += 1
+       endw
+       return counter
+" Builds a list of a list of each tab stop in the snippet containing:
+" 1.) The tab stop's line number.
+" 2.) The tab stop's column number
+"     (by getting the length of the string between the last "\n" and the
+"     tab stop).
+" 3.) The length of the text after the colon for the current tab stop
+"     (e.g. "${1:foo}" would return 3). If there is no text, -1 is returned.
+" 4.) If the "${#:}" construct is given, another list containing all
+"     the matches of "$#", to be replaced with the placeholder. This list is
+"     composed the same way as the parent; the first item is the line number,
+"     and the second is the column.
+fun s:BuildTabStops(snip, lnum, col, indent)
+       let snipPos = []
+       let i = 1
+       let withoutVars = substitute(a:snip, '$\d\+', '', 'g')
+       while stridx(a:snip, '${'.i) != -1
+               let beforeTabStop = matchstr(withoutVars, '^.*\ze${'.i.'\D')
+               let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutVars, '${\('.i.'\D\)\@!\d\+.\{-}}', '', 'g')
+               let j = i - 1
+               call add(snipPos, [0, 0, -1])
+               let snipPos[j][0] = a:lnum + s:Count(beforeTabStop, "\n")
+               let snipPos[j][1] = a:indent + len(matchstr(withoutOthers, '.*\(\n\|^\)\zs.*\ze${'.i.'\D'))
+               if snipPos[j][0] == a:lnum | let snipPos[j][1] += a:col | endif
+               " Get all $# matches in another list, if ${#:name} is given
+               if stridx(withoutVars, '${'.i.':') != -1
+                       let snipPos[j][2] = len(matchstr(withoutVars, '${'.i.':\zs.\{-}\ze}'))
+                       let dots = repeat('.', snipPos[j][2])
+                       call add(snipPos[j], [])
+                       let withoutOthers = substitute(a:snip, '${\d\+.\{-}}\|$'.i.'\@!\d\+', '', 'g')
+                       while match(withoutOthers, '$'.i.'\(\D\|$\)') != -1
+                               let beforeMark = matchstr(withoutOthers, '^.\{-}\ze'.dots.'$'.i.'\(\D\|$\)')
+                               call add(snipPos[j][3], [0, 0])
+                               let snipPos[j][3][-1][0] = a:lnum + s:Count(beforeMark, "\n")
+                               let snipPos[j][3][-1][1] = a:indent + (snipPos[j][3][-1][0] > a:lnum
+                                                          \ ? len(matchstr(beforeMark, '.*\n\zs.*'))
+                                                          \ : a:col + len(beforeMark))
+                               let withoutOthers = substitute(withoutOthers, '$'.i.'\ze\(\D\|$\)', '', '')
+                       endw
+               endif
+               let i += 1
+       endw
+       return [snipPos, i - 1]
+fun snipMate#jumpTabStop(backwards)
+       let leftPlaceholder = exists('s:origWordLen')
+                             \ && s:origWordLen != g:snipPos[s:curPos][2]
+       if leftPlaceholder && exists('s:oldEndCol')
+               let startPlaceholder = s:oldEndCol + 1
+       endif
+       if exists('s:update')
+               call s:UpdatePlaceholderTabStops()
+       else
+               call s:UpdateTabStops()
+       endif
+       " Don't reselect placeholder if it has been modified
+       if leftPlaceholder && g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1
+               if exists('startPlaceholder')
+                       let g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] = startPlaceholder
+               else
+                       let g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] = col('.')
+                       let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = 0
+               endif
+       endif
+       let s:curPos += a:backwards ? -1 : 1
+       " Loop over the snippet when going backwards from the beginning
+       if s:curPos < 0 | let s:curPos = s:snipLen - 1 | endif
+       if s:curPos == s:snipLen
+               let sMode = s:endCol == g:snipPos[s:curPos-1][1]+g:snipPos[s:curPos-1][2]
+               call s:RemoveSnippet()
+               return sMode ? "\<tab>" : TriggerSnippet()
+       endif
+       call cursor(g:snipPos[s:curPos][0], g:snipPos[s:curPos][1])
+       let s:endLine = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
+       let s:endCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]
+       let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')]
+       return g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] == -1 ? '' : s:SelectWord()
+fun s:UpdatePlaceholderTabStops()
+       let changeLen = s:origWordLen - g:snipPos[s:curPos][2]
+       unl s:startCol s:origWordLen s:update
+       if !exists('s:oldVars') | return | endif
+       " Update tab stops in snippet if text has been added via "$#"
+       " (e.g., in "${1:foo}bar$1${2}").
+       if changeLen != 0
+               let curLine = line('.')
+               for pos in g:snipPos
+                       if pos == g:snipPos[s:curPos] | continue | endif
+                       let changed = pos[0] == curLine && pos[1] > s:oldEndCol
+                       let changedVars = 0
+                       let endPlaceholder = pos[2] - 1 + pos[1]
+                       " Subtract changeLen from each tab stop that was after any of
+                       " the current tab stop's placeholders.
+                       for [lnum, col] in s:oldVars
+                               if lnum > pos[0] | break | endif
+                               if pos[0] == lnum
+                                       if pos[1] > col || (pos[2] == -1 && pos[1] == col)
+                                               let changed += 1
+                                       elseif col < endPlaceholder
+                                               let changedVars += 1
+                                       endif
+                               endif
+                       endfor
+                       let pos[1] -= changeLen * changed
+                       let pos[2] -= changeLen * changedVars " Parse variables within placeholders
+                                                  " e.g., "${1:foo} ${2:$1bar}"
+                       if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif
+                       " Do the same to any placeholders in the other tab stops.
+                       for nPos in pos[3]
+                               let changed = nPos[0] == curLine && nPos[1] > s:oldEndCol
+                               for [lnum, col] in s:oldVars
+                                       if lnum > nPos[0] | break | endif
+                                       if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] > col
+                                               let changed += 1
+                                       endif
+                               endfor
+                               let nPos[1] -= changeLen * changed
+                       endfor
+               endfor
+       endif
+       unl s:endCol s:oldVars s:oldEndCol
+fun s:UpdateTabStops()
+       let changeLine = s:endLine - g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
+       let changeCol = s:endCol - g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]
+       if exists('s:origWordLen')
+               let changeCol -= s:origWordLen
+               unl s:origWordLen
+       endif
+       let lnum = g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
+       let col = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]
+       " Update the line number of all proceeding tab stops if <cr> has
+       " been inserted.
+       if changeLine != 0
+               let changeLine -= 1
+               for pos in g:snipPos
+                       if pos[0] >= lnum
+                               if pos[0] == lnum | let pos[1] += changeCol | endif
+                               let pos[0] += changeLine
+                       endif
+                       if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif
+                       for nPos in pos[3]
+                               if nPos[0] >= lnum
+                                       if nPos[0] == lnum | let nPos[1] += changeCol | endif
+                                       let nPos[0] += changeLine
+                               endif
+                       endfor
+               endfor
+       elseif changeCol != 0
+               " Update the column of all proceeding tab stops if text has
+               " been inserted/deleted in the current line.
+               for pos in g:snipPos
+                       if pos[1] >= col && pos[0] == lnum
+                               let pos[1] += changeCol
+                       endif
+                       if pos[2] == -1 | continue | endif
+                       for nPos in pos[3]
+                               if nPos[0] > lnum | break | endif
+                               if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] >= col
+                                       let nPos[1] += changeCol
+                               endif
+                       endfor
+               endfor
+       endif
+fun s:SelectWord()
+       let s:origWordLen = g:snipPos[s:curPos][2]
+       let s:oldWord = strpart(getline('.'), g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - 1,
+                               \ s:origWordLen)
+       let s:prevLen[1] -= s:origWordLen
+       if !empty(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3])
+               let s:update = 1
+               let s:endCol = -1
+               let s:startCol = g:snipPos[s:curPos][1] - 1
+       endif
+       if !s:origWordLen | return '' | endif
+       let l = col('.') != 1 ? 'l' : ''
+       if &sel == 'exclusive'
+               return "\<esc>".l.'v'.s:origWordLen."l\<c-g>"
+       endif
+       return s:origWordLen == 1 ? "\<esc>".l.'gh'
+                                                       \ : "\<esc>".l.'v'.(s:origWordLen - 1)."l\<c-g>"
+" This updates the snippet as you type when text needs to be inserted
+" into multiple places (e.g. in "${1:default text}foo$1bar$1",
+" "default text" would be highlighted, and if the user types something,
+" UpdateChangedSnip() would be called so that the text after "foo" & "bar"
+" are updated accordingly)
+" It also automatically quits the snippet if the cursor is moved out of it
+" while in insert mode.
+fun s:UpdateChangedSnip(entering)
+       if exists('g:snipPos') && bufnr(0) != s:lastBuf
+               call s:RemoveSnippet()
+       elseif exists('s:update') " If modifying a placeholder
+               if !exists('s:oldVars') && s:curPos + 1 < s:snipLen
+                       " Save the old snippet & word length before it's updated
+                       " s:startCol must be saved too, in case text is added
+                       " before the snippet (e.g. in "foo$1${2}bar${1:foo}").
+                       let s:oldEndCol = s:startCol
+                       let s:oldVars = deepcopy(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3])
+               endif
+               let col = col('.') - 1
+               if s:endCol != -1
+                       let changeLen = col('$') - s:prevLen[1]
+                       let s:endCol += changeLen
+               else " When being updated the first time, after leaving select mode
+                       if a:entering | return | endif
+                       let s:endCol = col - 1
+               endif
+               " If the cursor moves outside the snippet, quit it
+               if line('.') != g:snipPos[s:curPos][0] || col < s:startCol ||
+                                       \ col - 1 > s:endCol
+                       unl! s:startCol s:origWordLen s:oldVars s:update
+                       return s:RemoveSnippet()
+               endif
+               call s:UpdateVars()
+               let s:prevLen[1] = col('$')
+       elseif exists('g:snipPos')
+               if !a:entering && g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] != -1
+                       let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = -2
+               endif
+               let col = col('.')
+               let lnum = line('.')
+               let changeLine = line('$') - s:prevLen[0]
+               if lnum == s:endLine
+                       let s:endCol += col('$') - s:prevLen[1]
+                       let s:prevLen = [line('$'), col('$')]
+               endif
+               if changeLine != 0
+                       let s:endLine += changeLine
+                       let s:endCol = col
+               endif
+               " Delete snippet if cursor moves out of it in insert mode
+               if (lnum == s:endLine && (col > s:endCol || col < g:snipPos[s:curPos][1]))
+                       \ || lnum > s:endLine || lnum < g:snipPos[s:curPos][0]
+                       call s:RemoveSnippet()
+               endif
+       endif
+" This updates the variables in a snippet when a placeholder has been edited.
+" (e.g., each "$1" in "${1:foo} $1bar $1bar")
+fun s:UpdateVars()
+       let newWordLen = s:endCol - s:startCol + 1
+       let newWord = strpart(getline('.'), s:startCol, newWordLen)
+       if newWord == s:oldWord || empty(g:snipPos[s:curPos][3])
+               return
+       endif
+       let changeLen = g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] - newWordLen
+       let curLine = line('.')
+       let startCol = col('.')
+       let oldStartSnip = s:startCol
+       let updateTabStops = changeLen != 0
+       let i = 0
+       for [lnum, col] in g:snipPos[s:curPos][3]
+               if updateTabStops
+                       let start = s:startCol
+                       if lnum == curLine && col <= start
+                               let s:startCol -= changeLen
+                               let s:endCol -= changeLen
+                       endif
+                       for nPos in g:snipPos[s:curPos][3][(i):]
+                               " This list is in ascending order, so quit if we've gone too far.
+                               if nPos[0] > lnum | break | endif
+                               if nPos[0] == lnum && nPos[1] > col
+                                       let nPos[1] -= changeLen
+                               endif
+                       endfor
+                       if lnum == curLine && col > start
+                               let col -= changeLen
+                               let g:snipPos[s:curPos][3][i][1] = col
+                       endif
+                       let i += 1
+               endif
+               " "Very nomagic" is used here to allow special characters.
+               call setline(lnum, substitute(getline(lnum), '\%'.col.'c\V'.
+                                               \ escape(s:oldWord, '\'), escape(newWord, '\&'), ''))
+       endfor
+       if oldStartSnip != s:startCol
+               call cursor(0, startCol + s:startCol - oldStartSnip)
+       endif
+       let s:oldWord = newWord
+       let g:snipPos[s:curPos][2] = newWordLen
+" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim
diff --git a/.vim/doc/snipMate.txt b/.vim/doc/snipMate.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..704d44a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+*snipMate.txt*  Plugin for using TextMate-style snippets in Vim.
+snipMate                                       *snippet* *snippets* *snipMate*
+Last Change: July 13, 2009
+|snipMate-description|   Description
+|snipMate-syntax|        Snippet syntax
+|snipMate-usage|         Usage
+|snipMate-settings|      Settings
+|snipMate-features|      Features
+|snipMate-disadvantages| Disadvantages to TextMate
+|snipMate-contact|       Contact
+For Vim version 7.0 or later.
+This plugin only works if 'compatible' is not set.
+{Vi does not have any of these features.}
+DESCRIPTION                                             *snipMate-description*
+snipMate.vim implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim. A
+snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can insert into your
+document using a trigger word followed by a <tab>.
+For instance, in a C file using the default installation of snipMate.vim, if
+you type "for<tab>" in insert mode, it will expand a typical for loop in C: >
+ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ }
+To go to the next item in the loop, simply <tab> over to it; if there is
+repeated code, such as the "i" variable in this example, you can simply
+start typing once it's highlighted and all the matches specified in the
+snippet will be updated. To go in reverse, use <shift-tab>.
+SYNTAX                                                        *snippet-syntax*
+Snippets can be defined in two ways. They can be in their own file, named
+after their trigger in 'snippets/<filetype>/<trigger>.snippet', or they can be
+defined together in a 'snippets/<filetype>.snippets' file. Note that dotted
+'filetype' syntax is supported -- e.g., you can use >
+       :set ft=html.eruby
+to activate snippets for both HTML and eRuby for the current file.
+The syntax for snippets in *.snippets files is the following: >
+ snippet trigger
+       expanded text
+       more expanded text
+Note that the first hard tab after the snippet trigger is required, and not
+expanded in the actual snippet. The syntax for *.snippet files is the same,
+only without the trigger declaration and starting indentation.
+Also note that snippets must be defined using hard tabs. They can be expanded
+to spaces later if desired (see |snipMate-indenting|).
+"#" is used as a line-comment character in *.snippets files; however, they can
+only be used outside of a snippet declaration. E.g.: >
+ # this is a correct comment
+ snippet trigger
+       expanded text
+ snippet another_trigger
+       # this isn't a comment!
+       expanded text
+This should hopefully be obvious with the included syntax highlighting.
+                                                               *snipMate-${#}*
+Tab stops ~
+By default, the cursor is placed at the end of a snippet. To specify where the
+cursor is to be placed next, use "${#}", where the # is the number of the tab
+stop. E.g., to place the cursor first on the id of a <div> tag, and then allow
+the user to press <tab> to go to the middle of it:
+ >
+ snippet div
+       <div id="${1}">
+               ${2}
+       </div>
+                        *snipMate-placeholders* *snipMate-${#:}* *snipMate-$#*
+Placeholders ~
+Placeholder text can be supplied using "${#:text}", where # is the number of
+the tab stop. This text then can be copied throughout the snippet using "$#",
+given # is the same number as used before. So, to make a C for loop: >
+ snippet for
+       for (${2:i}; $2 < ${1:count}; $1++) {
+               ${4}
+       }
+This will cause "count" to first be selected and change if the user starts
+typing. When <tab> is pressed, the "i" in ${2}'s position will be selected;
+all $2 variables will default to "i" and automatically be updated if the user
+starts typing.
+NOTE: "$#" syntax is used only for variables, not for tab stops as in TextMate.
+Variables within variables are also possible. For instance: >
+ snippet opt
+       <option value="${1:option}">${2:$1}</option>
+Will, as usual, cause "option" to first be selected and update all the $1
+variables if the user starts typing. Since one of these variables is inside of
+${2}, this text will then be used as a placeholder for the next tab stop,
+allowing the user to change it if he wishes.
+To copy a value throughout a snippet without supplying default text, simply
+use the "${#:}" construct without the text; e.g.: >
+ snippet foo
+       ${1:}bar$1
+<                                                          *snipMate-commands*
+Interpolated Vim Script ~
+Snippets can also contain Vim script commands that are executed (via |eval()|)
+when the snippet is inserted. Commands are given inside backticks (`...`); for
+TextMates's functionality, use the |system()| function. E.g.: >
+ snippet date
+       `system("date +%Y-%m-%d")`
+will insert the current date, assuming you are on a Unix system. Note that you
+can also (and should) use |strftime()| for this example.
+Filename([{expr}] [, {defaultText}])             *snipMate-filename* *Filename()*
+Since the current filename is used often in snippets, a default function
+has been defined for it in snipMate.vim, appropriately called Filename().
+With no arguments, the default filename without an extension is returned;
+the first argument specifies what to place before or after the filename,
+and the second argument supplies the default text to be used if the file
+has not been named. "$1" in the first argument is replaced with the filename;
+if you only want the filename to be returned, the first argument can be left
+blank. Examples: >
+ snippet filename
+       `Filename()`
+ snippet filename_with_default
+       `Filename('', 'name')`
+ snippet filename_foo
+       `filename('$1_foo')`
+The first example returns the filename if it the file has been named, and an
+empty string if it hasn't. The second returns the filename if it's been named,
+and "name" if it hasn't. The third returns the filename followed by "_foo" if
+it has been named, and an empty string if it hasn't.
+                                                                   *multi_snip*
+To specify that a snippet can have multiple matches in a *.snippets file, use
+this syntax: >
+ snippet trigger A description of snippet #1
+       expand this text
+ snippet trigger A description of snippet #2
+       expand THIS text!
+In this example, when "trigger<tab>" is typed, a numbered menu containing all
+of the descriptions of the "trigger" will be shown; when the user presses the
+corresponding number, that snippet will then be expanded.
+To create a snippet with multiple matches using *.snippet files,
+simply place all the snippets in a subdirectory with the trigger name:
+USAGE                                                         *snipMate-usage*
+                                                 *'snippets'* *g:snippets_dir*
+Snippets are by default looked for any 'snippets' directory in your
+'runtimepath'. Typically, it is located at '~/.vim/snippets/' on *nix or
+'$HOME\vimfiles\snippets\' on Windows. To change that location or add another
+one, change the g:snippets_dir variable in your |.vimrc| to your preferred
+directory, or use the |ExtractSnips()|function. This will be used by the
+|globpath()| function, and so accepts the same syntax as it (e.g.,
+comma-separated paths).
+ExtractSnipsFile({directory}, {filetype})     *ExtractSnipsFile()* *.snippets*
+ExtractSnipsFile() extracts the specified *.snippets file for the given
+filetype. A .snippets file contains multiple snippet declarations for the
+filetype. It is further explained above, in |snippet-syntax|.
+ExtractSnips({directory}, {filetype})             *ExtractSnips()* *.snippet*
+ExtractSnips() extracts *.snippet files from the specified directory and
+defines them as snippets for the given filetype. The directory tree should
+look like this: 'snippets/<filetype>/<trigger>.snippet'. If the snippet has
+multiple matches, it should look like this:
+'snippets/<filetype>/<trigger>/<name>.snippet' (see |multi_snip|).
+                                                            *ResetSnippets()*
+The ResetSnippets() function removes all snippets from memory. This is useful
+to put at the top of a snippet setup file for if you would like to |:source|
+it multiple times.
+                                             *list-snippets* *i_CTRL-R_<Tab>*
+If you would like to see what snippets are available, simply type <c-r><tab>
+in the current buffer to show a list via |popupmenu-completion|.
+SETTINGS                                  *snipMate-settings* *g:snips_author*
+The g:snips_author string (similar to $TM_FULLNAME in TextMate) should be set
+to your name; it can then be used in snippets to automatically add it. E.g.: >
+ let g:snips_author = 'Hubert Farnsworth'
+ snippet name
+       `g:snips_author`
+                                     *snipMate-expandtab* *snipMate-indenting*
+If you would like your snippets to be expanded using spaces instead of tabs,
+just enable 'expandtab' and set 'softtabstop' to your preferred amount of
+spaces. If 'softtabstop' is not set, 'shiftwidth' is used instead.
+                                                              *snipMate-remap*
+snipMate does not come with a setting to customize the trigger key, but you
+can remap it easily in the two lines it's defined in the 'after' directory
+under 'plugin/snipMate.vim'. For instance, to change the trigger key
+to CTRL-J, just change this: >
+ ino <tab> <c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>
+ snor <tab> <esc>i<right><c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>
+to this: >
+ ino <c-j> <c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>
+ snor <c-j> <esc>i<right><c-r>=TriggerSnippet()<cr>
+FEATURES                                                   *snipMate-features*
+snipMate.vim has the following features among others:
+  - The syntax of snippets is very similar to TextMate's, allowing
+    easy conversion.
+  - The position of the snippet is kept transparently (i.e. it does not use
+    markers/placeholders written to the buffer), which allows you to escape
+    out of an incomplete snippet, something particularly useful in Vim.
+  - Variables in snippets are updated as-you-type.
+  - Snippets can have multiple matches.
+  - Snippets can be out of order. For instance, in a do...while loop, the
+    condition can be added before the code.
+  - [New] File-based snippets are supported.
+  - [New] Triggers after non-word delimiters are expanded, e.g. "foo"
+    in "bar.foo".
+  - [New] <shift-tab> can now be used to jump tab stops in reverse order.
+DISADVANTAGES                                         *snipMate-disadvantages*
+snipMate.vim currently has the following disadvantages to TextMate's snippets:
+    - There is no $0; the order of tab stops must be explicitly stated.
+    - Placeholders within placeholders are not possible. E.g.: >
+      '<div${1: id="${2:some_id}}">${3}</div>'
+      In TextMate this would first highlight ' id="some_id"', and if
+      you hit delete it would automatically skip ${2} and go to ${3}
+      on the next <tab>, but if you didn't delete it it would highlight
+      "some_id" first. You cannot do this in snipMate.vim.
+    - Regex cannot be performed on variables, such as "${1/.*/\U&}"
+    - Placeholders cannot span multiple lines.
+    - Activating snippets in different scopes of the same file is
+      not possible.
+Perhaps some of these features will be added in a later release.
+CONTACT                                   *snipMate-contact* *snipMate-author*
+To contact the author (Michael Sanders), please email:
+ msanders42+snipmate <at> gmail <dot> com
+I greatly appreciate any suggestions or improvements offered for the script.
diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/html_snip_helper.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/html_snip_helper.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2e54570
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+" Helper function for (x)html snippets
+if exists('s:did_snip_helper') || &cp || !exists('loaded_snips')
+       finish
+let s:did_snip_helper = 1
+" Automatically closes tag if in xhtml
+fun! Close()
+       return stridx(&ft, 'xhtml') == -1 ? '' : ' /'
diff --git a/.vim/plugin/snipMate.vim b/.vim/plugin/snipMate.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3efee2a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+" File:          snipMate.vim
+" Author:        Michael Sanders
+" Last Updated:  July 13, 2009
+" Version:       0.83
+" Description:   snipMate.vim implements some of TextMate's snippets features in
+"                Vim. A snippet is a piece of often-typed text that you can
+"                insert into your document using a trigger word followed by a "<tab>".
+"                For more help see snipMate.txt; you can do this by using:
+"                :helptags ~/.vim/doc
+"                :h snipMate.txt
+if exists('loaded_snips') || &cp || version < 700
+       finish
+let loaded_snips = 1
+if !exists('snips_author') | let snips_author = 'Me' | endif
+au BufRead,BufNewFile *.snippets\= set ft=snippet
+au FileType snippet setl noet fdm=indent
+let s:snippets = {} | let s:multi_snips = {}
+if !exists('snippets_dir')
+       let snippets_dir = substitute(globpath(&rtp, 'snippets/'), "\n", ',', 'g')
+fun! MakeSnip(scope, trigger, content, ...)
+       let multisnip = a:0 && a:1 != ''
+       let var = multisnip ? 's:multi_snips' : 's:snippets'
+       if !has_key({var}, a:scope) | let {var}[a:scope] = {} | endif
+       if !has_key({var}[a:scope], a:trigger)
+               let {var}[a:scope][a:trigger] = multisnip ? [[a:1, a:content]] : a:content
+       elseif multisnip | let {var}[a:scope][a:trigger] += [[a:1, a:content]]
+       else
+               echom 'Warning in snipMate.vim: Snippet '.a:trigger.' is already defined.'
+                               \ .' See :h multi_snip for help on snippets with multiple matches.'
+       endif
+fun! ExtractSnips(dir, ft)
+       for path in split(globpath(a:dir, '*'), "\n")
+               if isdirectory(path)
+                       let pathname = fnamemodify(path, ':t')
+                       for snipFile in split(globpath(path, '*.snippet'), "\n")
+                               call s:ProcessFile(snipFile, a:ft, pathname)
+                       endfor
+               elseif fnamemodify(path, ':e') == 'snippet'
+                       call s:ProcessFile(path, a:ft)
+               endif
+       endfor
+" Processes a single-snippet file; optionally add the name of the parent
+" directory for a snippet with multiple matches.
+fun s:ProcessFile(file, ft, ...)
+       let keyword = fnamemodify(a:file, ':t:r')
+       if keyword  == '' | return | endif
+       try
+               let text = join(readfile(a:file), "\n")
+       catch /E484/
+               echom "Error in snipMate.vim: couldn't read file: ".a:file
+       endtry
+       return a:0 ? MakeSnip(a:ft, a:1, text, keyword)
+                       \  : MakeSnip(a:ft, keyword, text)
+fun! ExtractSnipsFile(file, ft)
+       if !filereadable(a:file) | return | endif
+       let text = readfile(a:file)
+       let inSnip = 0
+       for line in text + ["\n"]
+               if inSnip && (line[0] == "\t" || line == '')
+                       let content .= strpart(line, 1)."\n"
+                       continue
+               elseif inSnip
+                       call MakeSnip(a:ft, trigger, content[:-2], name)
+                       let inSnip = 0
+               endif
+               if line[:6] == 'snippet'
+                       let inSnip = 1
+                       let trigger = strpart(line, 8)
+                       let name = ''
+                       let space = stridx(trigger, ' ') + 1
+                       if space " Process multi snip
+                               let name = strpart(trigger, space)
+                               let trigger = strpart(trigger, 0, space - 1)
+                       endif
+                       let content = ''
+               endif
+       endfor
+fun! ResetSnippets()
+       let s:snippets = {} | let s:multi_snips = {} | let g:did_ft = {}
+let g:did_ft = {}
+fun! GetSnippets(dir, filetypes)
+       for ft in split(a:filetypes, '\.')
+               if has_key(g:did_ft, ft) | continue | endif
+               call s:DefineSnips(a:dir, ft, ft)
+               if ft == 'objc' || ft == 'cpp' || ft == 'cs'
+                       call s:DefineSnips(a:dir, 'c', ft)
+               elseif ft == 'xhtml'
+                       call s:DefineSnips(a:dir, 'html', 'xhtml')
+               endif
+               let g:did_ft[ft] = 1
+       endfor
+" Define "aliasft" snippets for the filetype "realft".
+fun s:DefineSnips(dir, aliasft, realft)
+       for path in split(globpath(a:dir, a:aliasft.'/')."\n".
+                                       \ globpath(a:dir, a:aliasft.'-*/'), "\n")
+               call ExtractSnips(path, a:realft)
+       endfor
+       for path in split(globpath(a:dir, a:aliasft.'.snippets')."\n".
+                                       \ globpath(a:dir, a:aliasft.'-*.snippets'), "\n")
+               call ExtractSnipsFile(path, a:realft)
+       endfor
+fun! TriggerSnippet()
+       if exists('g:SuperTabMappingForward')
+               if g:SuperTabMappingForward == "<tab>"
+                       let SuperTabKey = "\<c-n>"
+               elseif g:SuperTabMappingBackward == "<tab>"
+                       let SuperTabKey = "\<c-p>"
+               endif
+       endif
+       if pumvisible() " Update snippet if completion is used, or deal with supertab
+               if exists('SuperTabKey')
+                       call feedkeys(SuperTabKey) | return ''
+               endif
+               call feedkeys("\<esc>a", 'n') " Close completion menu
+               call feedkeys("\<tab>") | return ''
+       endif
+       if exists('g:snipPos') | return snipMate#jumpTabStop(0) | endif
+       let word = matchstr(getline('.'), '\S\+\%'.col('.').'c')
+       for scope in [bufnr('%')] + split(&ft, '\.') + ['_']
+               let [trigger, snippet] = s:GetSnippet(word, scope)
+               " If word is a trigger for a snippet, delete the trigger & expand
+               " the snippet.
+               if snippet != ''
+                       let col = col('.') - len(trigger)
+                       sil exe 's/\V'.escape(trigger, '/.').'\%#//'
+                       return snipMate#expandSnip(snippet, col)
+               endif
+       endfor
+       if exists('SuperTabKey')
+               call feedkeys(SuperTabKey)
+               return ''
+       endif
+       return "\<tab>"
+fun! BackwardsSnippet()
+       if exists('g:snipPos') | return snipMate#jumpTabStop(1) | endif
+       if exists('g:SuperTabMappingForward')
+               if g:SuperTabMappingBackward == "<s-tab>"
+                       let SuperTabKey = "\<c-p>"
+               elseif g:SuperTabMappingForward == "<s-tab>"
+                       let SuperTabKey = "\<c-n>"
+               endif
+       endif
+       if exists('SuperTabKey')
+               call feedkeys(SuperTabKey)
+               return ''
+       endif
+       return "\<s-tab>"
+" Check if word under cursor is snippet trigger; if it isn't, try checking if
+" the text after non-word characters is (e.g. check for "foo" in "bar.foo")
+fun s:GetSnippet(word, scope)
+       let word = a:word | let snippet = ''
+       while snippet == ''
+               if exists('s:snippets["'.a:scope.'"]["'.escape(word, '\"').'"]')
+                       let snippet = s:snippets[a:scope][word]
+               elseif exists('s:multi_snips["'.a:scope.'"]["'.escape(word, '\"').'"]')
+                       let snippet = s:ChooseSnippet(a:scope, word)
+                       if snippet == '' | break | endif
+               else
+                       if match(word, '\W') == -1 | break | endif
+                       let word = substitute(word, '.\{-}\W', '', '')
+               endif
+       endw
+       if word == '' && a:word != '.' && stridx(a:word, '.') != -1
+               let [word, snippet] = s:GetSnippet('.', a:scope)
+       endif
+       return [word, snippet]
+fun s:ChooseSnippet(scope, trigger)
+       let snippet = []
+       let i = 1
+       for snip in s:multi_snips[a:scope][a:trigger]
+               let snippet += [i.'. '.snip[0]]
+               let i += 1
+       endfor
+       if i == 2 | return s:multi_snips[a:scope][a:trigger][0][1] | endif
+       let num = inputlist(snippet) - 1
+       return num == -1 ? '' : s:multi_snips[a:scope][a:trigger][num][1]
+fun! ShowAvailableSnips()
+       let line  = getline('.')
+       let col   = col('.')
+       let word  = matchstr(getline('.'), '\S\+\%'.col.'c')
+       let words = [word]
+       if stridx(word, '.')
+               let words += split(word, '\.', 1)
+       endif
+       let matchlen = 0
+       let matches = []
+       for scope in [bufnr('%')] + split(&ft, '\.') + ['_']
+               let triggers = has_key(s:snippets, scope) ? keys(s:snippets[scope]) : []
+               if has_key(s:multi_snips, scope)
+                       let triggers += keys(s:multi_snips[scope])
+               endif
+               for trigger in triggers
+                       for word in words
+                               if word == ''
+                                       let matches += [trigger] " Show all matches if word is empty
+                               elseif trigger =~ '^'.word
+                                       let matches += [trigger]
+                                       let len = len(word)
+                                       if len > matchlen | let matchlen = len | endif
+                               endif
+                       endfor
+               endfor
+       endfor
+       " This is to avoid a bug with Vim when using complete(col - matchlen, matches)
+       " (Issue#46 on the Google Code snipMate issue tracker).
+       call setline(line('.'), substitute(line, repeat('.', matchlen).'\%'.col.'c', '', ''))
+       call complete(col, matches)
+       return ''
+" vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:ft=vim
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/_.snippets b/.vim/snippets/_.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c3925a5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Global snippets
+# (c) holds no legal value ;)
+snippet c)
+       `&enc[:2] == "utf" ? "©" : "(c)"` Copyright `strftime("%Y")` ${1:`g:snips_author`}. All Rights Reserved.${2}
+snippet date
+       `strftime("%Y-%m-%d")`
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/autoit.snippets b/.vim/snippets/autoit.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..690018c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+snippet if
+       If ${1:condition} Then
+               ${2:; True code}
+       EndIf
+snippet el
+       Else
+               ${1}
+snippet elif
+       ElseIf ${1:condition} Then
+               ${2:; True code}
+# If/Else block
+snippet ifel
+       If ${1:condition} Then
+               ${2:; True code}
+       Else
+               ${3:; Else code}
+       EndIf
+# If/ElseIf/Else block
+snippet ifelif
+       If ${1:condition 1} Then
+               ${2:; True code}
+       ElseIf ${3:condition 2} Then
+               ${4:; True code}
+       Else
+               ${5:; Else code}
+       EndIf
+# Switch block
+snippet switch
+       Switch (${1:condition})
+       Case {$2:case1}:
+               {$3:; Case 1 code}
+       Case Else:
+               {$4:; Else code}
+       EndSwitch
+# Select block
+snippet select
+       Select (${1:condition})
+       Case {$2:case1}:
+               {$3:; Case 1 code}
+       Case Else:
+               {$4:; Else code}
+       EndSelect
+# While loop
+snippet while
+       While (${1:condition})
+               ${2:; code...}
+       WEnd
+# For loop
+snippet for
+       For ${1:n} = ${3:1} to ${2:count}
+               ${4:; code...}
+       Next
+# New Function
+snippet func
+       Func ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
+               ${4:Return}
+       EndFunc
+# Message box
+snippet msg
+       MsgBox(${3:MsgType}, ${1:"Title"}, ${2:"Message Text"})
+# Debug Message
+snippet debug
+       MsgBox(0, "Debug", ${1:"Debug Message"})
+# Show Variable Debug Message
+snippet showvar
+       MsgBox(0, "${1:VarName}", $1)
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/c.snippets b/.vim/snippets/c.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..89b81ba
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+# main()
+snippet main
+       int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
+       {
+               ${1}
+               return 0;
+       }
+# #include <...>
+snippet inc
+       #include <${1:stdio}.h>${2}
+# #include "..."
+snippet Inc
+       #include "${1:`Filename("$1.h")`}"${2}
+# #ifndef ... #define ... #endif
+snippet Def
+       #ifndef $1
+       #define ${1:SYMBOL} ${2:value}
+       #endif${3}
+snippet def
+       #define 
+snippet ifdef
+       #ifdef ${1:FOO}
+               ${2:#define }
+       #endif
+snippet #if
+       #if ${1:FOO}
+               ${2}
+       #endif
+# Header Include-Guard
+# (the randomizer code is taken directly from TextMate; it could probably be
+# cleaner, I don't know how to do it in vim script)
+snippet once
+       #ifndef ${1:`toupper(Filename('', 'UNTITLED').'_'.system("/usr/bin/ruby -e 'print (rand * 2821109907455).round.to_s(36)'"))`}
+       #define $1
+       ${2}
+       #endif /* end of include guard: $1 */
+# If Condition
+snippet if
+       if (${1:/* condition */}) {
+               ${2:/* code */}
+       }
+snippet el
+       else {
+               ${1}
+       }
+# Tertiary conditional
+snippet t
+       ${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:a} : ${3:b}
+# Do While Loop
+snippet do
+       do {
+               ${2:/* code */}
+       } while (${1:/* condition */});
+# While Loop
+snippet wh
+       while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+               ${2:/* code */}
+       }
+# For Loop
+snippet for
+       for (${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2${3:++}) {
+               ${4:/* code */}
+       }
+# Custom For Loop
+snippet forr
+       for (${1:i} = ${2:0}; ${3:$1 < 10}; $1${4:++}) {
+               ${5:/* code */}
+       }
+# Function
+snippet fun
+       ${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3})
+       {
+               ${4:/* code */}
+       }
+# Function Declaration
+snippet fund
+       ${1:void} ${2:function_name}(${3});${4}
+# Typedef
+snippet td
+       typedef ${1:int} ${2:MyCustomType};${3}
+# Struct
+snippet st
+       struct ${1:`Filename('$1_t', 'name')`} {
+               ${2:/* data */}
+       }${3: /* optional variable list */};${4}
+# Typedef struct
+snippet tds
+       typedef struct ${2:_$1 }{
+               ${3:/* data */}
+       } ${1:`Filename('$1_t', 'name')`};
+# Typdef enum
+snippet tde
+       typedef enum {
+               ${1:/* data */}
+       } ${2:foo};
+# printf
+# unfortunately version this isn't as nice as TextMates's, given the lack of a
+# dynamic `...`
+snippet pr
+       printf("${1:%s}\n"${2});${3}
+# fprintf (again, this isn't as nice as TextMate's version, but it works)
+snippet fpr
+       fprintf(${1:stderr}, "${2:%s}\n"${3});${4}
+snippet .
+       [${1}]${2}
+snippet un
+       unsigned
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/cpp.snippets b/.vim/snippets/cpp.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e4850cd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Read File Into Vector
+snippet readfile
+       std::vector<char> v;
+       if (FILE *${2:fp} = fopen(${1:"filename"}, "r")) {
+               char buf[1024];
+               while (size_t len = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), $2))
+                       v.insert(v.end(), buf, buf + len);
+               fclose($2);
+       }${3}
+# std::map
+snippet map
+       std::map<${1:key}, ${2:value}> map${3};
+# std::vector
+snippet vector
+       std::vector<${1:char}> v${2};
+# Namespace
+snippet ns
+       namespace ${1:`Filename('', 'my')`} {
+               ${2}
+       } /* $1 */
+# Class
+snippet cl
+       class ${1:`Filename('$1_t', 'name')`} {
+       public:
+               $1 (${2:arguments});
+               virtual ~$1 ();
+       private:
+               ${3:/* data */}
+       };
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/html.snippets b/.vim/snippets/html.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aefb9db
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+# Some useful Unicode entities
+# Non-Breaking Space
+snippet nbs
+       &nbsp;
+# ←
+snippet left
+       &#x2190;
+# →
+snippet right
+       &#x2192;
+# ↑
+snippet up
+       &#x2191;
+# ↓
+snippet down
+       &#x2193;
+# ↩
+snippet return
+       &#x21A9;
+# ⇤
+snippet backtab
+       &#x21E4;
+# ⇥
+snippet tab
+       &#x21E5;
+# ⇧
+snippet shift
+       &#x21E7;
+# ⌃
+snippet control
+       &#x2303;
+# ⌅
+snippet enter
+       &#x2305;
+# ⌘
+snippet command
+       &#x2318;
+# ⌥
+snippet option
+       &#x2325;
+# ⌦
+snippet delete
+       &#x2326;
+# ⌫
+snippet backspace
+       &#x232B;
+# ⎋
+snippet escape
+       &#x238B;
+# Generic Doctype
+snippet doctype HTML 4.01 Strict
+       <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN""
+       "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+snippet doctype HTML 4.01 Transitional
+       <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""
+       "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+snippet doctype HTML 5
+       <!DOCTYPE HTML>
+snippet doctype XHTML 1.0 Frameset
+       <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+       "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+snippet doctype XHTML 1.0 Strict
+       <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+       "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+snippet doctype XHTML 1.0 Transitional
+       <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
+       "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
+snippet doctype XHTML 1.1
+       <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+       "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
+# HTML Doctype 4.01 Strict
+snippet docts
+       <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN""
+       "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
+# HTML Doctype 4.01 Transitional
+snippet doct
+       <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""
+       "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
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+snippet mailto
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+snippet optt
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+snippet select
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+       </select>${5}
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index 0000000..fd705cb
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+snippet main
+       public static void main (String [] args)
+       {
+               ${1:/* code */}
+       }
+snippet pu
+       public
+snippet po
+       protected
+snippet pr
+       private
+snippet st
+       static
+snippet fi
+       final
+snippet ab
+       abstract
+snippet re
+       return
+snippet br
+       break;
+snippet de
+       default:
+               ${1}
+snippet ca
+       catch(${1:Exception} ${2:e}) ${3}
+snippet th
+       throw 
+snippet sy
+       synchronized
+snippet im
+       import
+snippet j.u
+       java.util
+snippet j.i
+       java.io.
+snippet j.b
+       java.beans.
+snippet j.n
+       java.net.
+snippet j.m
+       java.math.
+snippet if
+       if (${1}) ${2}
+snippet el
+       else 
+snippet elif
+       else if (${1}) ${2}
+snippet wh
+       while (${1}) ${2}
+snippet for
+       for (${1}; ${2}; ${3}) ${4}
+snippet fore
+       for (${1} : ${2}) ${3}
+snippet sw
+       switch (${1}) ${2}
+snippet cs
+       case ${1}:
+               ${2}
+       ${3}
+snippet tc
+       public class ${1:`Filename()`} extends ${2:TestCase}
+snippet t
+       public void test${1:Name}() throws Exception ${2}
+snippet cl
+       class ${1:`Filename("", "untitled")`} ${2}
+snippet in
+       interface ${1:`Filename("", "untitled")`} ${2:extends Parent}${3}
+snippet m
+       ${1:void} ${2:method}(${3}) ${4:throws }${5}
+snippet v
+       ${1:String} ${2:var}${3: = null}${4};${5}
+snippet co
+       static public final ${1:String} ${2:var} = ${3};${4}
+snippet cos
+       static public final String ${1:var} = "${2}";${3}
+snippet as
+       assert ${1:test} : "${2:Failure message}";${3}
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+# Prototype
+snippet proto
+       ${1:class_name}.prototype.${2:method_name} =
+       function(${3:first_argument}) {
+               ${4:// body...}
+       };
+# Function
+snippet fun
+       function ${1:function_name} (${2:argument}) {
+               ${3:// body...}
+       }
+# Anonymous Function
+snippet f
+       function(${1}) {${2}};
+# if
+snippet if
+       if (${1:true}) {${2}};
+# if ... else
+snippet ife
+       if (${1:true}) {${2}}
+       else{${3}};
+# tertiary conditional
+snippet t
+       ${1:/* condition */} ? ${2:a} : ${3:b}
+# switch
+snippet switch
+       switch(${1:expression}) {
+               case '${3:case}':
+                       ${4:// code}
+                       break;
+               ${5}
+               default:
+                       ${2:// code}
+       }
+# case
+snippet case
+       case '${1:case}':
+               ${2:// code}
+               break;
+       ${3}
+# for (...) {...}
+snippet for
+       for (var ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:Things}.length; $2${3:++}) {
+               ${4:$1[$2]}
+       };
+# for (...) {...} (Improved Native For-Loop)
+snippet forr
+       for (var ${2:i} = ${1:Things}.length - 1; $2 >= 0; $2${3:--}) {
+               ${4:$1[$2]}
+       };
+# while (...) {...}
+snippet wh
+       while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+               ${2:/* code */}
+       }
+# do...while
+snippet do
+       do {
+               ${2:/* code */}
+       } while (${1:/* condition */});
+# Object Method
+snippet :f
+       ${1:method_name}: function(${2:attribute}) {
+               ${4}
+       }${3:,}
+# setTimeout function
+snippet timeout
+       setTimeout(function() {${3}}${2}, ${1:10};
+# Get Elements
+snippet get
+       getElementsBy${1:TagName}('${2}')${3}
+# Get Element
+snippet gett
+       getElementBy${1:Id}('${2}')${3}
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2a0aef9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+snippet def
+       <%def name="${1:name}">
+               ${2:}
+       </%def>
+snippet call
+       <%call expr="${1:name}">
+               ${2:}
+       </%call>
+snippet doc
+       <%doc>
+               ${1:}
+       </%doc>
+snippet text
+       <%text>
+               ${1:}
+       </%text>
+snippet for
+       % for ${1:i} in ${2:iter}:
+               ${3:}
+       % endfor
+snippet if if
+       % if ${1:condition}:
+               ${2:}
+       % endif
+snippet if if/else
+       % if ${1:condition}:
+               ${2:}
+       % else:
+               ${3:}
+       % endif
+snippet try
+       % try:
+               ${1:}
+       % except${2:}:
+               ${3:pass}
+       % endtry
+snippet wh
+       % while ${1:}:
+               ${2:}
+       % endwhile
+snippet $
+       ${ ${1:} }
+snippet <%
+       <% ${1:} %>
+snippet <!%
+       <!% ${1:} %>
+snippet inherit
+       <%inherit file="${1:filename}" />
+snippet include
+       <%include file="${1:filename}" />
+snippet namespace
+       <%namespace file="${1:name}" />
+snippet page
+       <%page args="${1:}" />
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4749bb7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+# #import <...>
+snippet Imp
+       #import <${1:Cocoa/Cocoa.h}>${2}
+# #import "..."
+snippet imp
+       #import "${1:`Filename()`.h}"${2}
+# @selector(...)
+snippet sel
+       @selector(${1:method}:)${3}
+# @"..." string
+snippet s
+       @"${1}"${2}
+# Object
+snippet o
+       ${1:NSObject} *${2:foo} = [${3:$1 alloc}]${4};${5}
+# NSLog(...)
+snippet log
+       NSLog(@"${1:%@}"${2});${3}
+# Class
+snippet objc
+       @interface ${1:`Filename('', 'someClass')`} : ${2:NSObject}
+       {
+       }
+       @end
+       @implementation $1
+       ${3}
+       @end
+# Class Interface
+snippet int
+       @interface ${1:`Filename('', 'someClass')`} : ${2:NSObject}
+       {${3}
+       }
+       ${4}
+       @end
+# Class Implementation
+snippet impl
+       @implementation ${1:`Filename('', 'someClass')`}
+       ${2}
+       @end
+snippet init
+       - (id)init
+       {
+               [super init];
+               return self;
+       }
+snippet ifself
+       if (self = [super init]) {
+               ${1:/* code */}
+       }
+       return self;
+snippet ibo
+       IBOutlet ${1:NSSomeClass} *${2:$1};${3}
+# Category
+snippet cat
+       @interface ${1:NSObject} (${2:Category})
+       @end
+       @implementation $1 ($2)
+       ${3}
+       @end
+# Category Interface
+snippet cath
+       @interface ${1:NSObject} (${2:Category})
+       ${3}
+       @end
+# NSArray
+snippet array
+       NSMutableArray *${1:array} = [NSMutable array];${2}
+# NSDictionary
+snippet dict
+       NSMutableDictionary *${1:dict} = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];${2}
+# NSBezierPath
+snippet bez
+       NSBezierPath *${1:path} = [NSBezierPath bezierPath];${2}
+# Method
+snippet m
+       - (${1:id})${2:method}
+       {
+               ${3}
+       }
+# Method declaration
+snippet md
+       - (${1:id})${2:method};${3}
+# IBAction declaration
+snippet ibad
+       - (IBAction)${1:method}:(${2:id})sender;${3}
+# IBAction method
+snippet iba
+       - (IBAction)${1:method}:(${2:id})sender
+       {
+               ${3}
+       }
+# awakeFromNib method
+snippet wake
+       - (void)awakeFromNib
+       {
+               ${1}
+       }
+# Class Method
+snippet M
+       + (${1:id})${2:method}
+       {${3}
+               return nil;
+       }
+# Sub-method (Call super)
+snippet sm
+       - (${1:id})${2:method}
+       {
+               [super $2];${3}
+               return self;
+       }
+# Method: Initialize
+snippet I
+       + (void) initialize
+       {
+               [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] registerDefaults:[NSDictionary dictionaryWIthObjectsAndKeys:
+                       ${1}@"value", @"key",
+                       nil]];
+       }
+# Accessor Methods For:
+# Object
+snippet objacc
+       - (${1:id})${2:thing}
+       {
+               return $2;
+       }
+       - (void)set$2:($1)${3:new$2}
+       {
+               [$3 retain];
+               [$2 release];
+               $2 = $3;
+       }${4}
+# for (object in array)
+snippet forin
+       for (${1:Class} *${2:some$1} in ${3:array}) {
+               ${4}
+       }
+snippet forarray
+       unsigned int ${1:object}Count = [${2:array} count];
+       for (unsigned int index = 0; index < $1Count; index++) {
+               ${3:id} $1 = [$2 $1AtIndex:index];
+               ${4}
+       }
+# IBOutlet
+# @property (Objective-C 2.0)
+snippet prop
+       @property (${1:retain}) ${2:NSSomeClass} ${3:*$2};${4}
+# @synthesize (Objective-C 2.0)
+snippet syn
+       @synthesize ${1:property};${2}
+# [[ alloc] init]
+snippet alloc
+       [[${1:foo} alloc] init${2}];${3}
+# retain
+snippet ret
+       [${1:foo} retain];${2}
+# release
+snippet rel
+       [${1:foo} release];
+       ${2:$1 = nil;}
+# autorelease
+snippet arel
+       [${1:foo} autorelease];
+# autorelease pool
+snippet pool
+       NSAutoreleasePool *${1:pool} = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+       ${2:/* code */}
+       [$1 drain];
+# Throw an exception
+snippet except
+       NSException *${1:badness};
+       $1 = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"${2:$1Name}"
+                                    reason:@"${3}"
+                                  userInfo:nil];
+       [$1 raise];
+snippet prag
+       #pragma mark ${1:foo}
+snippet cl
+       @class ${1:Foo};${2}
+snippet color
+       [[NSColor ${1:blackColor}] set];
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new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..cf8f9fc
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+# #!/usr/bin/perl
+snippet #!
+       #!/usr/bin/perl
+# Hash Pointer
+snippet .
+        =>
+# Function
+snippet sub
+       sub ${1:function_name} {
+               ${2:#body ...}
+       }
+# Conditional
+snippet if
+       if (${1}) {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       }
+# Conditional if..else
+snippet ife
+       if (${1}) {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       } else {
+               ${3:# else...}
+       }
+# Conditional if..elsif..else
+snippet ifee
+       if (${1}) {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       } elsif (${3}) {
+               ${4:# elsif...}
+       } else {
+               ${5:# else...}
+       }
+# Conditional One-line
+snippet xif
+       ${1:expression} if ${2:condition};${3}
+# Unless conditional
+snippet unless
+       unless (${1}) {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       }
+# Unless conditional One-line
+snippet xunless
+       ${1:expression} unless ${2:condition};${3}
+# Try/Except
+snippet eval
+       eval {
+               ${1:# do something risky...}
+       };
+       if ($@) {
+               ${2:# handle failure...}
+       }
+# While Loop
+snippet wh
+       while (${1}) {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       }
+# While Loop One-line
+snippet xwh
+       ${1:expression} while ${2:condition};${3}
+# For Loop
+snippet for
+       for (my $${2:var} = 0; $$2 < ${1:count}; $$2${3:++}) {
+               ${4:# body...}
+       }
+# Foreach Loop
+snippet fore
+       foreach my $${1:x} (@${2:array}) {
+               ${3:# body...}
+       }
+# Foreach Loop One-line
+snippet xfore
+       ${1:expression} foreach @${2:array};${3}
+# Package
+snippet cl
+       package ${1:ClassName};
+       use base qw(${2:ParentClass});
+       sub new {
+               my $class = shift;
+               $class = ref $class if ref $class;
+               my $self = bless {}, $class;
+               $self;
+       }
+       1;${3}
+# Read File
+snippet slurp
+       my $${1:var};
+       { local $/ = undef; local *FILE; open FILE, "<${2:file}"; $$1 = <FILE>; close FILE }${3}
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+snippet php
+       <?php
+       ${1}
+       ?>
+snippet ec
+       echo "${1:string}"${2};
+snippet inc
+       include '${1:file}';${2}
+snippet inc1
+       include_once '${1:file}';${2}
+snippet req
+       require '${1:file}';${2}
+snippet req1
+       require_once '${1:file}';${2}
+# $GLOBALS['...']
+snippet globals
+       $GLOBALS['${1:variable}']${2: = }${3:something}${4:;}${5}
+snippet $_ COOKIE['...']
+       $_COOKIE['${1:variable}']${2}
+snippet $_ ENV['...']
+       $_ENV['${1:variable}']${2}
+snippet $_ FILES['...']
+       $_FILES['${1:variable}']${2}
+snippet $_ Get['...']
+       $_GET['${1:variable}']${2}
+snippet $_ POST['...']
+       $_POST['${1:variable}']${2}
+snippet $_ REQUEST['...']
+       $_REQUEST['${1:variable}']${2}
+snippet $_ SERVER['...']
+       $_SERVER['${1:variable}']${2}
+snippet $_ SESSION['...']
+       $_SESSION['${1:variable}']${2}
+# Start Docblock
+snippet /*
+       /**
+        * ${1}
+        **/
+# Class - post doc
+snippet doc_cp
+       /**
+        * ${1:undocumented class}
+        *
+        * @package ${2:default}
+        * @author ${3:`g:snips_author`}
+       **/${4}
+# Class Variable - post doc
+snippet doc_vp
+       /**
+        * ${1:undocumented class variable}
+        *
+        * @var ${2:string}
+        **/${3}
+# Class Variable
+snippet doc_v
+       /**
+        * ${3:undocumented class variable}
+        *
+        * @var ${4:string}
+        **/
+       ${1:var} $${2};${5}
+# Class
+snippet doc_c
+       /**
+        * ${3:undocumented class}
+        *
+        * @packaged ${4:default}
+        * @author ${5:`g:snips_author`}
+        **/
+       ${1:}class ${2:}
+       {${6}
+       } // END $1class $2
+# Constant Definition - post doc
+snippet doc_dp
+       /**
+        * ${1:undocumented constant}
+        **/${2}
+# Constant Definition
+snippet doc_d
+       /**
+        * ${3:undocumented constant}
+        **/
+       define(${1}, ${2});${4}
+# Function - post doc
+snippet doc_fp
+       /**
+        * ${1:undocumented function}
+        *
+        * @return ${2:void}
+        * @author ${3:`g:snips_author`}
+        **/${4}
+# Function signature
+snippet doc_s
+       /**
+        * ${4:undocumented function}
+        *
+        * @return ${5:void}
+        * @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
+        **/
+       ${1}function ${2}(${3});${7}
+# Function
+snippet doc_f
+       /**
+        * ${4:undocumented function}
+        *
+        * @return ${5:void}
+        * @author ${6:`g:snips_author`}
+        **/
+       ${1}function ${2}(${3})
+       {${7}
+       }
+# Header
+snippet doc_h
+       /**
+        * ${1}
+        *
+        * @author ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+        * @version ${3:$Id$}
+        * @copyright ${4:$2}, `strftime('%d %B, %Y')`
+        * @package ${5:default}
+        **/
+       /**
+        * Define DocBlock
+        *//
+# Interface
+snippet doc_i
+       /**
+        * ${2:undocumented class}
+        *
+        * @package ${3:default}
+        * @author ${4:`g:snips_author`}
+        **/
+       interface ${1:}
+       {${5}
+       } // END interface $1
+# class ...
+snippet class
+       /**
+        * ${1}
+        **/
+       class ${2:ClassName}
+       {
+               ${3}
+               function ${4:__construct}(${5:argument})
+               {
+                       ${6:// code...}
+               }
+       }
+# define(...)
+snippet def
+       define('${1}'${2});${3}
+# defined(...)
+snippet def?
+       ${1}defined('${2}')${3}
+snippet wh
+       while (${1:/* condition */}) {
+               ${2:// code...}
+       }
+# do ... while
+snippet do
+       do {
+               ${2:// code... }
+       } while (${1:/* condition */});
+snippet if
+       if (${1:/* condition */}) {
+               ${2:// code...}
+       }
+snippet ife
+       if (${1:/* condition */}) {
+               ${2:// code...}
+       } else {
+               ${3:// code...}
+       }
+       ${4}
+snippet else
+       else {
+               ${1:// code...}
+       }
+snippet elseif
+       elseif (${1:/* condition */}) {
+               ${2:// code...}
+       }
+# Tertiary conditional
+snippet t
+       $${1:retVal} = (${2:condition}) ? ${3:a} : ${4:b};${5}
+snippet switch
+       switch ($${1:variable}) {
+               case '${2:value}':
+                       ${3:// code...}
+                       break;
+               ${5}
+               default:
+                       ${4:// code...}
+                       break;
+       }
+snippet case
+       case '${1:value}':
+               ${2:// code...}
+               break;${3}
+snippet for
+       for ($${2:i} = 0; $$2 < ${1:count}; $$2${3:++}) {
+               ${4: // code...}
+       }
+snippet foreach
+       foreach ($${1:variable} as $${2:key}) {
+               ${3:// code...}
+       }
+snippet fun
+       ${1:public }function ${2:FunctionName}(${3})
+       {
+               ${4:// code...}
+       }
+# $... = array (...)
+snippet array
+       $${1:arrayName} = array('${2}' => ${3});${4}
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/python.snippets b/.vim/snippets/python.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..d511184
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+snippet #!
+       #!/usr/bin/python
+snippet imp
+       import ${1:module}
+# Module Docstring
+snippet docs
+       '''
+       File: ${1:`Filename('$1.py', 'foo.py')`}
+       Author: ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+       Description: ${3}
+       '''
+snippet wh
+       while ${1:condition}:
+               ${2:# code...}
+snippet for
+       for ${1:needle} in ${2:haystack}:
+               ${3:# code...}
+# New Class
+snippet cl
+       class ${1:ClassName}(${2:object}):
+               """${3:docstring for $1}"""
+               def __init__(self, ${4:arg}):
+                       ${5:super($1, self).__init__()}
+                       self.$4 = $4
+                       ${6}
+# New Function
+snippet def
+       def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
+               """${3:docstring for $1}"""
+               ${4:pass}
+snippet deff
+       def ${1:fname}(${2:`indent('.') ? 'self' : ''`}):
+               ${3}
+# New Method
+snippet defs
+       def ${1:mname}(self, ${2:arg}):
+               ${3:pass}
+# New Property
+snippet property
+       def ${1:foo}():
+               doc = "${2:The $1 property.}"
+               def fget(self):
+                       ${3:return self._$1}
+               def fset(self, value):
+                       ${4:self._$1 = value}
+# Lambda
+snippet ld
+       ${1:var} = lambda ${2:vars} : ${3:action}
+snippet .
+       self.
+snippet try Try/Except
+       try:
+               ${1:pass}
+       except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
+               ${4:raise $3}
+snippet try Try/Except/Else
+       try:
+               ${1:pass}
+       except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
+               ${4:raise $3}
+       else:
+               ${5:pass}
+snippet try Try/Except/Finally
+       try:
+               ${1:pass}
+       except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
+               ${4:raise $3}
+       finally:
+               ${5:pass}
+snippet try Try/Except/Else/Finally
+       try:
+               ${1:pass}
+       except ${2:Exception}, ${3:e}:
+               ${4:raise $3}
+       else:
+               ${5:pass}
+       finally:
+               ${6:pass}
+# if __name__ == '__main__':
+snippet ifmain
+       if __name__ == '__main__':
+               ${1:main()}
+# __magic__
+snippet _
+       __${1:init}__${2}
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/ruby.snippets b/.vim/snippets/ruby.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bf1d7f1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# #!/usr/bin/ruby
+snippet #!
+       #!/usr/bin/ruby
+# New Block
+snippet =b
+       =begin rdoc
+               ${1}
+       =end
+snippet y
+       :yields: ${1:arguments}
+snippet rb
+       #!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU
+snippet req
+       require "${1}"${2}
+snippet #
+       # =>
+snippet end
+       __END__
+snippet case
+       case ${1:object}
+       when ${2:condition}
+               ${3}
+       end
+snippet when
+       when ${1:condition}
+               ${2}
+snippet def
+       def ${1:method_name}
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet deft
+       def test_${1:case_name}
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet if
+       if ${1:condition}
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet ife
+       if ${1:condition}
+               ${2}
+       else
+               ${3}
+       end
+snippet elsif
+       elsif ${1:condition}
+               ${2}
+snippet unless
+       unless ${1:condition}
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet while
+       while ${1:condition}
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet until
+       until ${1:condition}
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet cla class .. end
+       class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', '\u&', '')`}
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet cla class .. initialize .. end
+       class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', '\u&', '')`}
+               def initialize(${2:args})
+                       ${3}
+               end
+       end
+snippet cla class .. < ParentClass .. initialize .. end
+       class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', '\u&', '')`} < ${2:ParentClass}
+               def initialize(${3:args})
+                       ${4}
+               end
+       end
+snippet cla ClassName = Struct .. do .. end
+       ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', '\u&', '')`} = Struct.new(:${2:attr_names}) do
+               def ${3:method_name}
+                       ${4}
+               end
+       end
+snippet cla class BlankSlate .. initialize .. end
+       class ${1:BlankSlate}
+               instance_methods.each { |meth| undef_method(meth) unless meth =~ /\A__/ }
+snippet cla class << self .. end
+       class << ${1:self}
+               ${2}
+       end
+# class .. < DelegateClass .. initialize .. end
+snippet cla-
+       class ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', '\u&', '')`} < DelegateClass(${2:ParentClass})
+               def initialize(${3:args})
+                       super(${4:del_obj})
+                       ${5}
+               end
+       end
+snippet mod module .. end
+       module ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', '\u&', '')`}
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet mod module .. module_function .. end
+       module ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', '\u&', '')`}
+               module_function
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet mod module .. ClassMethods .. end
+       module ${1:`substitute(Filename(), '^.', '\u&', '')`}
+               module ClassMethods
+                       ${2}
+               end
+               module InstanceMethods
+               end
+               def self.included(receiver)
+                       receiver.extend         ClassMethods
+                       receiver.send :include, InstanceMethods
+               end
+       end
+# attr_reader
+snippet r
+       attr_reader :${1:attr_names}
+# attr_writer
+snippet w
+       attr_writer :${1:attr_names}
+# attr_accessor
+snippet rw
+       attr_accessor :${1:attr_names}
+# include Enumerable
+snippet Enum
+       include Enumerable
+       def each(&block)
+               ${1}
+       end
+# include Comparable
+snippet Comp
+       include Comparable
+       def <=>(other)
+               ${1}
+       end
+# extend Forwardable
+snippet Forw-
+       extend Forwardable
+# def self
+snippet defs
+       def self.${1:class_method_name}
+               ${2}
+       end
+# def method_missing
+snippet defmm
+       def method_missing(meth, *args, &blk)
+               ${1}
+       end
+snippet defd
+       def_delegator :${1:@del_obj}, :${2:del_meth}, :${3:new_name}
+snippet defds
+       def_delegators :${1:@del_obj}, :${2:del_methods}
+snippet am
+       alias_method :${1:new_name}, :${2:old_name}
+snippet app
+       if __FILE__ == $PROGRAM_NAME
+               ${1}
+       end
+# usage_if()
+snippet usai
+       if ARGV.${1}
+               abort "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} ${2:ARGS_GO_HERE}"${3}
+       end
+# usage_unless()
+snippet usau
+       unless ARGV.${1}
+               abort "Usage: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} ${2:ARGS_GO_HERE}"${3}
+       end
+snippet array
+       Array.new(${1:10}) { |${2:i}| ${3} }
+snippet hash
+       Hash.new { |${1:hash}, ${2:key}| $1[$2] = ${3} }
+snippet file File.foreach() { |line| .. }
+       File.foreach(${1:"path/to/file"}) { |${2:line}| ${3} }
+snippet file File.read()
+       File.read(${1:"path/to/file"})${2}
+snippet Dir Dir.global() { |file| .. }
+       Dir.glob(${1:"dir/glob/*"}) { |${2:file}| ${3} }
+snippet Dir Dir[".."]
+       Dir[${1:"glob/**/*.rb"}]${2}
+snippet dir
+       Filename.dirname(__FILE__)
+snippet deli
+       delete_if { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet fil
+       fill(${1:range}) { |${2:i}| ${3} }
+# flatten_once()
+snippet flao
+       inject(Array.new) { |${1:arr}, ${2:a}| $1.push(*$2)}${3}
+snippet zip
+       zip(${1:enums}) { |${2:row}| ${3} }
+# downto(0) { |n| .. }
+snippet dow
+       downto(${1:0}) { |${2:n}| ${3} }
+snippet ste
+       step(${1:2}) { |${2:n}| ${3} }
+snippet tim
+       times { |${1:n}| ${2} }
+snippet upt
+       upto(${1:1.0/0.0}) { |${2:n}| ${3} }
+snippet loo
+       loop { ${1} }
+snippet ea
+       each { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet eab
+       each_byte { |${1:byte}| ${2} }
+snippet eac- each_char { |chr| .. }
+       each_char { |${1:chr}| ${2} }
+snippet eac- each_cons(..) { |group| .. }
+       each_cons(${1:2}) { |${2:group}| ${3} }
+snippet eai
+       each_index { |${1:i}| ${2} }
+snippet eak
+       each_key { |${1:key}| ${2} }
+snippet eal
+       each_line { |${1:line}| ${2} }
+snippet eap
+       each_pair { |${1:name}, ${2:val}| ${3} }
+snippet eas-
+       each_slice(${1:2}) { |${2:group}| ${3} }
+snippet eav
+       each_value { |${1:val}| ${2} }
+snippet eawi
+       each_with_index { |${1:e}, ${2:i}| ${3} }
+snippet reve
+       reverse_each { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet inj
+       inject(${1:init}) { |${2:mem}, ${3:var}| ${4} }
+snippet map
+       map { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet mapwi-
+       enum_with_index.map { |${1:e}, ${2:i}| ${3} }
+snippet sor
+       sort { |a, b| ${1} }
+snippet sorb
+       sort_by { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet ran
+       sort_by { rand }
+snippet all
+       all? { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet any
+       any? { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet cl
+       classify { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet col
+       collect { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet det
+       detect { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet fet
+       fetch(${1:name}) { |${2:key}| ${3} }
+snippet fin
+       find { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet fina
+       find_all { |${1:e}| ${2} }
+snippet gre
+       grep(${1:/pattern/}) { |${2:match}| ${3} }
+snippet sub
+       ${1:g}sub(${2:/pattern/}) { |${3:match}| ${4} }
+snippet sca
+       scan(${1:/pattern/}) { |${2:match}| ${3} }
+snippet max
+       max { |a, b|, ${1} }
+snippet min
+       min { |a, b|, ${1} }
+snippet par
+       partition { |${1:e}|, ${2} }
+snippet rej
+       reject { |${1:e}|, ${2} }
+snippet sel
+       select { |${1:e}|, ${2} }
+snippet lam
+       lambda { |${1:args}| ${2} }
+snippet do
+       do |${1:variable}|
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet :
+       :${1:key} => ${2:"value"}${3}
+snippet ope
+       open(${1:"path/or/url/or/pipe"}, "${2:w}") { |${3:io}| ${4} }
+# path_from_here()
+snippet patfh
+       File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%2[${1:rel path here}])${2}
+# unix_filter {}
+snippet unif
+       ARGF.each_line${1} do |${2:line}|
+               ${3}
+       end
+# option_parse {}
+snippet optp
+       require "optparse"
+       options = {${1:default => "args"}}
+       ARGV.options do |opts|
+               opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($PROGRAM_NAME)}
+snippet opt
+       opts.on( "-${1:o}", "--${2:long-option-name}", ${3:String},
+                "${4:Option description.}") do |${5:opt}|
+               ${6}
+       end
+snippet tc
+       require "test/unit"
+       require "${1:library_file_name}"
+       class Test${2:$1} < Test::Unit::TestCase
+               def test_${3:case_name}
+                       ${4}
+               end
+       end
+snippet ts
+       require "test/unit"
+       require "tc_${1:test_case_file}"
+       require "tc_${2:test_case_file}"${3}
+snippet as
+       assert(${1:test}, "${2:Failure message.}")${3}
+snippet ase
+       assert_equal(${1:expected}, ${2:actual})${3}
+snippet asne
+       assert_not_equal(${1:unexpected}, ${2:actual})${3}
+snippet asid
+       assert_in_delta(${1:expected_float}, ${2:actual_float}, ${3:2 ** -20})${4}
+snippet asio
+       assert_instance_of(${1:ExpectedClass}, ${2:actual_instance})${3}
+snippet asko
+       assert_kind_of(${1:ExpectedKind}, ${2:actual_instance})${3}
+snippet asn
+       assert_nil(${1:instance})${2}
+snippet asnn
+       assert_not_nil(${1:instance})${2}
+snippet asm
+       assert_match(/${1:expected_pattern}/, ${2:actual_string})${3}
+snippet asnm
+       assert_no_match(/${1:unexpected_pattern}/, ${2:actual_string})${3}
+snippet aso
+       assert_operator(${1:left}, :${2:operator}, ${3:right})${4}
+snippet asr
+       assert_raise(${1:Exception}) { ${2} }
+snippet asnr
+       assert_nothing_raised(${1:Exception}) { ${2} }
+snippet asrt
+       assert_respond_to(${1:object}, :${2:method})${3}
+snippet ass assert_same(..)
+       assert_same(${1:expected}, ${2:actual})${3}
+snippet ass assert_send(..)
+       assert_send([${1:object}, :${2:message}, ${3:args}])${4}
+snippet asns
+       assert_not_same(${1:unexpected}, ${2:actual})${3}
+snippet ast
+       assert_throws(:${1:expected}) { ${2} }
+snippet asnt
+       assert_nothing_thrown { ${1} }
+snippet fl
+       flunk("${1:Failure message.}")${2}
+# Benchmark.bmbm do .. end
+snippet bm-
+       TESTS = ${1:10_000}
+       Benchmark.bmbm do |results|
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet rep
+       results.report("${1:name}:") { TESTS.times { ${2} }}
+# Marshal.dump(.., file)
+snippet Md
+       File.open(${1:"path/to/file.dump"}, "wb") { |${2:file}| Marshal.dump(${3:obj}, $2) }${4}
+# Mashal.load(obj)
+snippet Ml
+       File.open(${1:"path/to/file.dump"}, "rb") { |${2:file}| Marshal.load($2) }${3}
+# deep_copy(..)
+snippet deec
+       Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(${1:obj_to_copy}))${2}
+snippet Pn-
+       PStore.new(${1:"file_name.pstore"})${2}
+snippet tra
+       transaction(${1:true}) { ${2} }
+# xmlread(..)
+snippet xml-
+       REXML::Document.new(File.read(${1:"path/to/file"}))${2}
+# xpath(..) { .. }
+snippet xpa
+       elements.each(${1:"//Xpath"}) do |${2:node}|
+               ${3}
+       end
+# class_from_name()
+snippet clafn
+       split("::").inject(Object) { |par, const| par.const_get(const) }
+# singleton_class()
+snippet sinc
+       class << self; self end
+snippet nam
+       namespace :${1:`Filename()`} do
+               ${2}
+       end
+snippet tas
+       desc "${1:Task description\}"
+       task :${2:task_name => [:dependent, :tasks]} do
+               ${3}
+       end
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/sh.snippets b/.vim/snippets/sh.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f035126
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# #!/bin/bash
+snippet #!
+       #!/bin/bash
+snippet if
+       if [[ ${1:condition} ]]; then
+               ${2:#statements}
+       fi
+snippet elif
+       elif [[ ${1:condition} ]]; then
+               ${2:#statements}
+snippet for
+       for (( ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2++ )); do
+               ${3:#statements}
+       done
+snippet wh
+       while [[ ${1:condition} ]]; do
+               ${2:#statements}
+       done
+snippet until
+       until [[ ${1:condition} ]]; do
+               ${2:#statements}
+       done
+snippet case
+       case ${1:word} in
+               ${2:pattern})
+                       ${3};;
+       esac
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/snippet.snippets b/.vim/snippets/snippet.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..854c058
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# snippets for making snippets :)
+snippet snip
+       snippet ${1:trigger}
+               ${2}
+snippet msnip
+       snippet ${1:trigger} ${2:description}
+               ${3}
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/tcl.snippets b/.vim/snippets/tcl.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bee2ef8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# #!/usr/bin/tclsh
+snippet #!
+       #!/usr/bin/tclsh
+# Process
+snippet pro
+       proc ${1:function_name} {${2:args}} {
+               ${3:#body ...}
+       }
+snippet xif
+       ${1:expr}? ${2:true} : ${3:false}
+# Conditional
+snippet if
+       if {${1}} {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       }
+# Conditional if..else
+snippet ife
+       if {${1}} {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       } else {
+               ${3:# else...}
+       }
+# Conditional if..elsif..else
+snippet ifee
+       if {${1}} {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       } elseif {${3}} {
+               ${4:# elsif...}
+       } else {
+               ${5:# else...}
+       }
+# If catch then
+snippet ifc
+       if { [catch {${1:#do something...}} ${2:err}] } {
+               ${3:# handle failure...}
+       }
+# Catch
+snippet catch
+       catch {${1}} ${2:err} ${3:options}
+# While Loop
+snippet wh
+       while {${1}} {
+               ${2:# body...}
+       }
+# For Loop
+snippet for
+       for {set ${2:var} 0} {$$2 < ${1:count}} {${3:incr} $2} {
+               ${4:# body...}
+       }
+# Foreach Loop
+snippet fore
+       foreach ${1:x} {${2:#list}} {
+               ${3:# body...}
+       }
+# after ms script...
+snippet af
+       after ${1:ms} ${2:#do something}
+# after cancel id
+snippet afc
+       after cancel ${1:id or script}
+# after idle
+snippet afi
+       after idle ${1:script}
+# after info id
+snippet afin
+       after info ${1:id}
+# Expr
+snippet exp
+       expr {${1:#expression here}}
+# Switch
+snippet sw
+       switch ${1:var} {
+               ${3:pattern 1} {
+                       ${4:#do something}
+               }
+               default {
+                       ${2:#do something}
+               }
+       }
+# Case
+snippet ca
+       ${1:pattern} {
+               ${2:#do something}
+       }${3}
+# Namespace eval
+snippet ns
+       namespace eval ${1:path} {${2:#script...}}
+# Namespace current
+snippet nsc
+       namespace current
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/tex.snippets b/.vim/snippets/tex.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..22f7316
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# \begin{}...\end{}
+snippet begin
+       \begin{${1:env}}
+               ${2}
+       \end{$1}
+# Tabular
+snippet tab
+       \begin{${1:tabular}}{${2:c}}
+       ${3}
+       \end{$1}
+# Align(ed)
+snippet ali
+       \begin{align${1:ed}}
+               ${2}
+       \end{align$1}
+# Gather(ed)
+snippet gat
+       \begin{gather${1:ed}}
+               ${2}
+       \end{gather$1}
+# Equation
+snippet eq
+       \begin{equation}
+               ${1}
+       \end{equation}
+# Unnumbered Equation
+snippet \
+       \\[
+               ${1}
+       \\]
+# Enumerate
+snippet enum
+       \begin{enumerate}
+               \item ${1}
+       \end{enumerate}
+# Itemize
+snippet item
+       \begin{itemize}
+               \item ${1}
+       \end{itemize}
+# Description
+snippet desc
+       \begin{description}
+               \item[${1}] ${2}
+       \end{description}
+# Matrix
+snippet mat
+       \begin{${1:p/b/v/V/B/small}matrix}
+               ${2}
+       \end{$1matrix}
+# Cases
+snippet cas
+       \begin{cases}
+               ${1:equation}, &\text{ if }${2:case}\\
+               ${3}
+       \end{cases}
+# Split
+snippet spl
+       \begin{split}
+               ${1}
+       \end{split}
+# Part
+snippet part
+       \part{${1:part name}} % (fold)
+       \label{prt:${2:$1}}
+       ${3}
+       % part $2 (end)
+# Chapter
+snippet cha
+       \chapter{${1:chapter name}} % (fold)
+       \label{cha:${2:$1}}
+       ${3}
+       % chapter $2 (end)
+# Section
+snippet sec
+       \section{${1:section name}} % (fold)
+       \label{sec:${2:$1}}
+       ${3}
+       % section $2 (end)
+# Sub Section
+snippet sub
+       \subsection{${1:subsection name}} % (fold)
+       \label{sub:${2:$1}}
+       ${3}
+       % subsection $2 (end)
+# Sub Sub Section
+snippet subs
+       \subsubsection{${1:subsubsection name}} % (fold)
+       \label{ssub:${2:$1}}
+       ${3}
+       % subsubsection $2 (end)
+# Paragraph
+snippet par
+       \paragraph{${1:paragraph name}} % (fold)
+       \label{par:${2:$1}}
+       ${3}
+       % paragraph $2 (end)
+# Sub Paragraph
+snippet subp
+       \subparagraph{${1:subparagraph name}} % (fold)
+       \label{subp:${2:$1}}
+       ${3}
+       % subparagraph $2 (end)
+snippet itd
+       \item[${1:description}] ${2:item}
+snippet figure
+       ${1:Figure}~\ref{${2:fig:}}${3}
+snippet table
+       ${1:Table}~\ref{${2:tab:}}${3}
+snippet listing
+       ${1:Listing}~\ref{${2:list}}${3}
+snippet section
+       ${1:Section}~\ref{${2:sec:}}${3}
+snippet page
+       ${1:page}~\pageref{${2}}${3}
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/vim.snippets b/.vim/snippets/vim.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..64e7807
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+snippet header
+       " File: ${1:`expand('%:t')`}
+       " Author: ${2:`g:snips_author`}
+       " Description: ${3}
+       ${4:" Last Modified: `strftime("%B %d, %Y")`}
+snippet guard
+       if exists('${1:did_`Filename()`}') || &cp${2: || version < 700}
+               finish
+       endif
+       let $1 = 1${3}
+snippet f
+       fun ${1:function_name}(${2})
+               ${3:" code}
+       endf
+snippet for
+       for ${1:needle} in ${2:haystack}
+               ${3:" code}
+       endfor
+snippet wh
+       while ${1:condition}
+               ${2:" code}
+       endw
+snippet if
+       if ${1:condition}
+               ${2:" code}
+       endif
+snippet ife
+       if ${1:condition}
+               ${2}
+       else
+               ${3}
+       endif
diff --git a/.vim/snippets/zsh.snippets b/.vim/snippets/zsh.snippets
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7aee05b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# #!/bin/zsh
+snippet #!
+       #!/bin/zsh
+snippet if
+       if ${1:condition}; then
+               ${2:# statements}
+       fi
+snippet ife
+       if ${1:condition}; then
+               ${2:# statements}
+       else
+               ${3:# statements}
+       fi
+snippet elif
+       elif ${1:condition} ; then
+               ${2:# statements}
+snippet for
+       for (( ${2:i} = 0; $2 < ${1:count}; $2++ )); do
+               ${3:# statements}
+       done
+snippet fore
+       for ${1:item} in ${2:list}; do
+               ${3:# statements}
+       done
+snippet wh
+       while ${1:condition}; do
+               ${2:# statements}
+       done
+snippet until
+       until ${1:condition}; do
+               ${2:# statements}
+       done
+snippet repeat
+       repeat ${1:integer}; do
+               ${2:# statements}
+       done
+snippet case
+       case ${1:word} in
+               ${2:pattern})
+                       ${3};;
+       esac
+snippet select
+       select ${1:answer} in ${2:choices}; do
+               ${3:# statements}
+       done
+snippet (
+       ( ${1:#statements} )
+snippet {
+       { ${1:#statements} }
+snippet [
+       [[ ${1:test} ]]
+snippet always
+       { ${1:try} } always { ${2:always} }
+snippet fun
+       function ${1:name} (${2:args}) {
+               ${3:# body}
+       }
diff --git a/.vim/syntax/snippet.vim b/.vim/syntax/snippet.vim
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..5e919e7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+" Syntax highlighting for snippet files (used for snipMate.vim)
+" Hopefully this should make snippets a bit nicer to write!
+syn match snipComment '^#.*'
+syn match placeHolder '\${\d\+\(:.\{-}\)\=}' contains=snipCommand
+syn match tabStop '\$\d\+'
+syn match snipCommand '`.\{-}`'
+syn match snippet '^snippet.*' transparent contains=multiSnipText,snipKeyword
+syn match multiSnipText '\S\+ \zs.*' contained
+syn match snipKeyword '^snippet'me=s+8 contained
+syn match snipError "^[^#s\t].*$"
+hi link snipComment   Comment
+hi link multiSnipText String
+hi link snipKeyword   Keyword
+hi link snipComment   Comment
+hi link placeHolder   Special
+hi link tabStop       Special
+hi link snipCommand   String
+hi link snipError     Error