+++ /dev/null
-This file is used for tests which require there to be multiple headers in different relative positions to each other.
-Each header should have an unique text that identifies it.
-ATX tests.
-# h1 space
-#h1 nospace
-# h1 2 spaces
-# h1 trailing hash #
-## h2 space
-##h2 nospace
-## h2 trailing hash ##
-### h3 space
-###h3 nospace
-### h3 trailing hash ###
-#### h4
-##### h5
-###### h6
-Relative positions.
-# h1 before h2
-## h2 between h1s
-# h1 after h2
-Setex tests.
-setex h1
-setex h2
-setex h1 single punctuation
-setex h1 punctuation longer than header
-Prevent list vs Setex confusion:
-- not Setex
-- because list
-Mixed tests.
-setex h1 before atx
-## atx h2
-### atx h3
-# atx h1
-setex h2
-### atx h3 2
header 1
header 2
header 3
+Given markdown;
+ATX tests.
+# h1 space
+#h1 nospace
+# h1 2 spaces
+# h1 trailing hash #
+## h2 space
+##h2 nospace
+## h2 trailing hash ##
+### h3 space
+###h3 nospace
+### h3 trailing hash ###
+#### h4
+##### h5
+###### h6
+Relative positions.
+# h1 before h2
+## h2 between h1s
+# h1 after h2
+Setex tests.
+setex h1
+setex h2
+setex h1 single punctuation
+setex h1 punctuation longer than header
+Prevent list vs Setex confusion:
+- not Setex
+- because list
+Mixed tests.
+setex h1 before atx
+## atx h2
+### atx h3
+# atx h1
+setex h2
+### atx h3 2
+Execute (Toc multiple headers):
+ :Toc
+Expect (multiple headers):
+ h1 space
+ h1 nospace
+ h1 2 spaces
+ h1 trailing hash
+ h2 space
+ h2 nospace
+ h2 trailing hash
+ h3 space
+ h3 nospace
+ h3 trailing hash
+ h4
+ h5
+ h6
+ h1 before h2
+ h2 between h1s
+ h1 after h2
+ setex h1
+ setex h2
+ setex h1 single punctuation
+ setex h1 punctuation longer than header
+ setex h1 before atx
+ atx h2
+ atx h3
+ atx h1
+ setex h2
+ atx h3 2