-@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", all_data_cases("py_311"))
-def test_python_311(filename: str) -> None:
- source, expected = read_data("py_311", filename)
- mode = black.Mode(target_versions={black.TargetVersion.PY311})
- assert_format(source, expected, mode, minimum_version=(3, 11))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", all_data_cases("py_312"))
-def test_python_312(filename: str) -> None:
- source, expected = read_data("py_312", filename)
- mode = black.Mode(target_versions={black.TargetVersion.PY312})
- assert_format(source, expected, mode, minimum_version=(3, 12))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("filename", all_data_cases("fast"))
-def test_fast_cases(filename: str) -> None:
- source, expected = read_data("fast", filename)
- assert_format(source, expected, fast=True)
-@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("ignore:invalid escape sequence.*:DeprecationWarning")
-def test_docstring_no_string_normalization() -> None:
- """Like test_docstring but with string normalization off."""
- source, expected = read_data("miscellaneous", "docstring_no_string_normalization")
- mode = replace(DEFAULT_MODE, string_normalization=False)
- assert_format(source, expected, mode)
-def test_docstring_line_length_6() -> None:
- """Like test_docstring but with line length set to 6."""
- source, expected = read_data("miscellaneous", "linelength6")
- mode = black.Mode(line_length=6)
- assert_format(source, expected, mode)
-def test_preview_docstring_no_string_normalization() -> None:
- """
- Like test_docstring but with string normalization off *and* the preview style
- enabled.
- """
- source, expected = read_data(
- "miscellaneous", "docstring_preview_no_string_normalization"
- )
- mode = replace(DEFAULT_MODE, string_normalization=False, preview=True)
- assert_format(source, expected, mode)
-def test_long_strings_flag_disabled() -> None:
- """Tests for turning off the string processing logic."""
- source, expected = read_data("miscellaneous", "long_strings_flag_disabled")
- mode = replace(DEFAULT_MODE, experimental_string_processing=False)
- assert_format(source, expected, mode)
-def test_stub() -> None:
- mode = replace(DEFAULT_MODE, is_pyi=True)
- source, expected = read_data("miscellaneous", "stub.pyi")
- assert_format(source, expected, mode)
-def test_nested_stub() -> None:
- mode = replace(DEFAULT_MODE, is_pyi=True, preview=True)
- source, expected = read_data("miscellaneous", "nested_stub.pyi")
- assert_format(source, expected, mode)
-def test_power_op_newline() -> None:
- # requires line_length=0
- source, expected = read_data("miscellaneous", "power_op_newline")
- assert_format(source, expected, mode=black.Mode(line_length=0))
-def test_type_comment_syntax_error() -> None:
- """Test that black is able to format python code with type comment syntax errors."""
- source, expected = read_data("type_comments", "type_comment_syntax_error")
- assert_format(source, expected)
- black.assert_equivalent(source, expected)